(2012/05) May 2012

Hi liang2,

I am experiencing the same problem as you. My boy used to sleep through to around 6am for milk after his last feed ard 11.30pm. However, the last week he has been waking up and crying around 2am which i manage to pat him back to sleep but he will wake up again ard 4am for milk. If i feed him, then he will sleep till morning ard 9am for feed.

Yesterday was worse. After his last feed at 11pm, he woke up ard 2am and 6am for milk. I really dnt know what happen.

He is born on 3rd May and i am feeding him 150ml for 7 feeds/day. Yesterday, he took 8 feeds. He is on FM for 2 feeds.

He also used to poo a few times a day when i was TBF him during my ML. After i started working, my supply dropped and i am feeding him with Enfalac A+ and now he either poo once a day or sometimes 2 days then once. Dont know if its due the FM?

And nowadays my boy is really tire and want to sleep but he doesnt take the pacifier and will cry really really loud and hard. Sometimes i can pacify him but sometimes i cant and have to feed him to let him sleep.

I am leaving him with my mil during the day but her way of taking care of baby is different from me. Many many woes and sometimes i feel like putting him in infant care. Any mum left their baby at infant care and care to share if it's ok?

Hope some experienced mummy can advise. Thanks

Liang2 and shin_mummy: your baby very good already! Mine never sleep thru since birth. If I'm lucky, she be asleep by midnight, then wake at least once for feed before waking again at 6 or 7 am. Managed to pat her back to sleep once over weekend cos I was not so tired then. Sometimes she dun sleep even after latching repeatedly before midnight and got to carry and rock her to sleep

Rabbitz: For the straw drinking, we din train him, we had this mag mag cup w a 3 different heads. He refused the step 1 teat, tried step 2 also cannot, so we tried the step 3 straw and he just suck from it loh
Dolly, my gal also same. Also wake up once in the night abt 3-4am for feed then at 7am feed again.

For 2 weekends now I don't pump but latch her and I noticed her diapers not really heavy. Sometimes she rugs and pull my nipple like struggling. Why is this so?
FAAA: my gal diaper is wet overnight though. Did she drink a lot at night? Is her diaper wet during day time?

My gal now recognized people! She cried when I bath even when my hubby is carrying her. She also "stretch" her little arm when I clap my hands and open my palm to carry her. So cute!
So cute!! I think my gal is slowly recognising people too. At night if my helper carry her she will keep crying. But once i carry her she will stop crying. When she see me she will kick her feet and make noise and smile. She like 'talking' to me also.

Btw sometimes she tugs and pulls at my nipple like she's struggling. Why is this so? And last time u mention the med lecithin. What is it for? Occasionally I feel sharp pain in my breasts, sometimes abit warm also. But no engorgement or blocked ducts
Liang2: No hurry to introduce solids. If baby still taking milk shd wait till 6 months. Anyway it's only a couple of weeks more.
Hi shin_mummy,

I finally found someone who is experiencing the same thing as me. I was so happy and relieve that he was doing so well, I'm sure u felt the same but now he kinda of losing it. I find it very tiring if I give him the pacifier instead of his milk cos that means I have to probably get up again and again very soon to either soothe him back to sleep or surrender with the bottle. But i also want to training him to go back to his usual routine again. Btw what do you intend to do?

Your boy's milk consumption is very good. I'm also supplementing with Enfalac. It is ok for babies not to poo every day as long as they are not cranky and poo is similar to peanut butter.
Dolly: My gal will have her bath at abt 5:30pm then I only change her diaper in the middle of the night when she wake for milk. Sometimes the diaper is heavy but most of the times quite light throughout the day
Dolly: hee hee... i used to be lucky but now not so already. Maybe your gal likes the closeness when u nurse her at night. I'm trying the Gina Ford sleeping routine, I tweet it a little but not the feeding routine. Sleeps at 7pm and watches up at 7am.

Your gal so cute, so fast can stretch out her arms for you to carry her. Mine still can't.
FAAA: how's your milk flow now? Could it be your milk flow is too slow for her?

Yar I might just wait a little long to introduce solids.
Liang2: I'm not sure abt my milk flow. Most times no problem when she latch but there are times when she just tugs and pull.
Liang2, I guess there is nothing I can do n just pray that he gets better.
I realise tat he is naughtier nw n very impatient. Like very grouchy if he can't slp even though we carry him. He doesn't seem to understand even though I told him it's wrong haiz.

I'm tire... sometimes feel so demoralised n feel tat there is no Pt in working n end up my boy becomes so naughty n Dnt even recognise his mum.
My baby also been waking up at night for milk, usually he wakes abt 7am. In morning during times he slept thru, even though I latch him he doesn't really want milk, jus suckle 1-2min then want to play. Until he's sleepy then will want milk. Strange as I thought after entire night no milk shld be v hungry.
Shin_mummy, then I have to pray very hard, I don't have helper so everything is on my own. I'm on day and night shift... Lol. Don't feel so demoralise, i believe most of the mummies here are all tired but its just a momentary thing. You are not alone. Whenever I have those 'down' moment, I will keep telling myself that my baby is the best thing in my life and I shall not have any negative feelings and thoughts.

Nowadays my boy have those wailing session in the evening too, it's pretty stressful when I'm alone. During those sessions, I even have to carry him with one hand and prepare his other stuff with the other, like warming up milk n preparing his evening bath. It hurts my back cos I have to do the balancing act. But we will get pass all of these very soon, mummies are the best!
Is it normal for baby to keep waking up at night after her.5 in 1 Jab? My gal seems to have difficulty remain asleep usage.keeps waking up. She dont have fever but I fed her the parandol syrup once last night.
liang2: Can you share the Gina Ford method? My gal used to sleep at abt 7-8pm at one point but now she sleeps much later. I am trying to train her to sleep before 8 so i can spend some time with my elder son.
FAAA, Gina Ford advocates that babies should sleep for 12 hours from 7pm to 7am. Some find Gina Ford method a bit rigid and you will need time to set your baby into that routine. Every baby is different so thats why I only use it as a guide.

Feed Times Nap times 7am and 7 pm
7am 9-9.45am
11am. 12noon-2pm
Max daily nap sleep: 3hr
Sorry the format turned out abit off

Nap times 7am and 7 pm
Max daily nap sleep: 3hr

Feed Times
This was what I did, I will wipe his body followed by a feed no later than 6.30pm. I did all these in a dim room and minimum talking. 6.30pm to 7pm is wind down time. I will just leave him in his cot and let him settle down. I only pat him when he cries. I tried many times before it really works for him.
Sometimes my gal does sleep between 6:30-7:30 but could be for half hour to 45mins max. Wat I hope is for her to sleep thru till maybe midnight then I can give her a feed till next morning
Shin and liang2:
R your bb going through growth spurt, hence increased milk requirement? Just feed on demand during this time. The growth spurt usu lasts for days tho my bb's can last up to almost a week.

Btw, need to re-introduce myself. Was a may- mtb and previously on this forum. Been mia since returning to work cos too busy.
FAAA: is yr girl sleeping too much during the day? Can u open up the curtain at 7am and let her wake up naturally. Slowly she might sleep earlier.
Actually my girl sleeps from 9+ to abt 9am. But she latches on to sleep. She normally takes abt 3-4 naps in the day but for short period of time like 30-40mins.

Today she went for her 4th month jab, 6in1 and Rotavirus. She's now 64cm and 6.9kg
FAAA: my gal turn 5 mth ytd, so she one mth ahead of yours!
Lecithin is for lowering cholesterol. But it helps w block duct as well. From ur desc u might hv block duct at the warm part, start eating lecithn n let ur baby latch/ pump while massaging that part. Push it firmly towards the nipple.
In fact I found my milk duct a bit blocked too,so I've been pressing duct by duct till they disappear!
Dolly, my girl is actually born on 28 May. So she will be 4th months old this Friday.

My breasts feel warm sometimes but no lumps leh so I keep massaging when latch/pump?
FAAA, sounds like yr gals is on 9am-9pm kind of 12hr sleeping routine. Your gal is pretty tall. How is she after her jab? My boy had slight fever when he had his. I'm bring my boy for his second 5in1 jab coming friday, hopefully no fever.
In a few more weeks, we need to start introducing solids to our baby. Can share how you all prepare for it? N any books to recommend?

I'm afraid that I'm not capable enough to plan a complete nutritious meal for my baby and ended up depriving him of certain nutrients.
Liang2: I started out with organic brown rice cereal mixed with milk. Then followed by purée pumpkin/sweet potato, apples. U can also give bottled baby food. But I only give those when we go out as it is more nutritious to make your own purée. Make abt 3 servings so can freeze the rest
Check out this ahh bra, got sale now only $2.9 inclusive of postage


I bought one non-padded one earlier and use it at nursing bra at night, very comfortable

FAAA: feels warm that not so right leh, really no lump at all? Did you try to press and feel if got tiny lump? I didn't realized I had quite a few lumps too until I went for medical checkup last Thursday after I pumped at home. The Dr press press and say they are lumpy (not a concern cos I am breastfeeding) then I suddenly remembered I didn't press hard enough to feel them.
Dolly: My breasts don't feel warm anymore. Suddenly the milk flow is better during pumping though I still pump abt half hour. This week I din pump at regular timings cos of work issues. But can still manage 2 bottles 120ml for my gal's next day feeding.

Do u give your gal frozen milk or milk u pump the day before? I still have abt 20 portions of milk from last month. Dunno if I shd start to use those and re-freeze fresh ones though personally I prefer to give milk I pump the day before cos fresher.
FAAA: The bra come w sizes, with padding will be more than double the price though.

I'm wearing XL, usual cup size ard 85C. Take it a bit larger cos I want to wear to sleep.

I give frozen milk most of the time cos easier to transport between office n home, no need to adhere to strict timimg, can accumulate in batches of 6 bottles. If I got to pump at home, then I'll inform nanny not to defrost so many bottles and pass her the fresh one
Ok. How much is your gal drinking now? Can start her on solids in 1 month's time then u can prob drop one pump?

Maybe I will give one fresh bottle and one frozen and one bottle FM. My gal is taking lesser FM now. Been 3 weeks since I opened my tin and still left half tin.

Can't believe time pass so fast. My gal is coming 4 months and soon she will start solids and grow teeth. Still miss the times when they are still little babies
she still drink ard the same amt, 3 to 4 bottles of 100ml a day at nanny place. She started rice cereal 2 weeks ago (2 weeks after rotavirus). Didn't give her on weekends though.
BTW, start with rice cereal first, then brown rice, cos brown rice harder to digest.

Looks like your minor block duct is fine now
I still maintain 2 pumps per day, cos only yield around 3.5 bottles, still a bit short of her daily intake. But I didn't bother, just let it be
I think could be growth spurt. These 2 nites he did nt wake up for feed at 2am. Hopefully same for tonite.
Btw, I tried to give rice cereal wif spoon feeding bt my boy is too impatient to eat slowly hence keep crying after a while.

How do u all feed them? Any advices?
Hi mummies, just wondering if you are still bathing your babies like how the hospital taught us, i.e. with soapy water and not rinsing after that, or do you apply the soap directly to their skin and rinse? I'm still doing the former with two pumps of pigeon 2 in 1 body wash, not sure if it's clean enough when to start bathing like normal.
I only have nine bottles frozen and can pump two a day. Daughter latches in I'm morning and at night and drinks three in infant care. She now refuses formula. She drank at two months old when doc advised to stop breastfeeding for One week cos jaundiced. Now headache. Still possible to up supply now?
Shin_mummy: good for you!
Esteelin: I anyhow bath liao, her hair easy to get smelly so wash it first before bathing. Din rinse if using the small bath tub. Sometimes use face bucket, sit her in the sink n wash

Berrynag: try increase one pump regularly, supply shld increase after few days. Update us huh!
Esteelin: I also use Pigeon.. i apply directly & rinse off quite some time ago.. cos i read the instruction to rinse off..

liang2: ^5 i am also bringing my boy for his 5-in-1 jab on fri.. hope he no fever too.. last time round he had fever for a day..
My gal hasn't poo for past 2 days after her 2nd doseof 5 in 1. She was okay, no fever, just that no poo. She Used to poo alot everyday, is on total breastmilk. Should I be concern for this?
FAAA: may i know what brand organic brown rice cereal u bought? And how to mixed with milk? My boy will be 4th months 2weeks old this Friday.I will be start introduce cereal / solid food for him on next week.
Esteelin - I bathe my gal twice a day. I normally bath her in the tub (apply soap direct) and i have another pail of clean water to rinse off. Wash the hair first.

My gal's hair also smelly cos she sweats alot when feeding
mei80: I bought Earth Best (from organic shops) or you can try Healthy Times from supermarket. Dolly mention we should start with rice cereal as its easier to digest.

Dolly: what brand rice cereal you recommend?
FAAA, thanks for the website. I also hv a tin of FM which I only ultised half and I need to discharge it in a week. It is a waste but guess no choice.

Esteelin, I'm still using the Avent no-rinse body wash. I plan to change only when baby can sit well without any support.

Shin: happy for u, my boy also din cry for milk at 2am anymore but he did stirred abit which can be soothe with pacifier. I'm keeping my fingers cross.

Oh I din know that rice cereal is much easier to digest, I already bought Healthy Times brown rice cereal. Probably I need to go and buy another packet of rice cereal.
