(2012/05) May 2012

Hi girls...

i experienced my first contraction last night at 12am... coming on and off.. on and off... till now its abt 5-7 mins interval.. should i be waiting for the waterbag to burst or to go to the hospital now? Checked last thur still not dilated at all.. never notice any mucus plug too.. but the comtraction is getting more and more painful.

Or is there a department in the hospital to call to ask? I will be delivering at Gleaneagle.

Sasha: where r u staying ? Wow you are really great

Can manage on your own
MagL: maybe you wana call your doctor? But with contractions so close maybe you shld go in. Check with your doc will be best!
Magl.. Have a smooth delivery.

Thanks tilsa

Ya I heard that but was too late le she got to admit. Today her jaurdice level drop to 12.7. Hope tomoro will be lower than 10 then can discharge..
Moment: Remember that each child is different and of course, it's a;ways easy for people to talk esp since they are not in your shoes and even worst, when they don't have kids. Don't let their words get to you. You are the mother of your children and you do the best you can for them and you know that. To be honest, my patient level is also not that high and I get annoyed quite easily too, which is why my kids have a routine which helps both me and them.

My kids are abt 1.5years apart: eldest will be 9 nxt month, #2 & #3 (twins) turned 7 in Jan and #4 will be 6 this Sep. How old are your boys? Feeling of jealousy is not uncommon. I had that with my eldest too, at some point. I make it a point now to spend individual time with each kid, half a day each so that they don't feel left out etc. Perhaps you can try that.

Sardonyx: If bleeding persist, you should head to hospital.

Tilsa: My twin boys were born weighing an average of 1.35kg each but they were 29 weeks premature. Therefore, they had to stay in the NICU and Special Care for quite some time. In your case, baby's organs are well developed? How far along are you?

MagL: Definitely go to the hospital. I had no show for all my kids and my water bag broke only for #4. Hope to hear good news from you soon!

Snowy: I was staying at Toa Payoh/Bishan before but we migrated now and am having the current baby here in Germany. A bit anxious...
Hi Sasha

Are u a full time mummy. At least u can handle urself and one person is not easy. For me even I got helper I also can't handle. I am working and don have time to co them. Come bk after dinner then teach my elder boy home work. He always wan to bargain for sweet when ask him to do home work.

My 2nd boy more adapt to helper instead of me. So sometimes will get jealous but no choice cos from bb helper take care of him. My boys are 4, 2 and newborn. 2 yrs apart
Moment: I was a SAHM until #4 went to full-day childcare. Initially, the elder 3 children were in only half-day childcare but they love it so much and asked to be in child care full time. I started working again when #4 also enrolled in childcare. I stopped working now that am pregnant with #5. But I understand how hectic the day can be and that there is not enough time as I also cooked dinner everyday after work so you can only imagine.

What kind of homework does your eldest boy do as my kids never had homework at that age.

We have kids of e same age
4, 2 n then now #3. Yah how come he has homework? 4 yrs old still in N2 so shdnt have any heavy going stuff in sch. He is in full day childcare?
Dont worry ok, yr girl will be back soon.
I cant imagine how u coped w 4 alone when their age gap is so close. U r quite amazing. Now tt they r all bigger, does it get better or worse?
Which part of germany r u at? My hb studied in munich so we go there once every other yr to visit. Brought both kids last july. Now w 3 air tix alone is a killer. Just curious, was it tough for yr 4 kids to adapt to e env there? N yrself? Now tt u r miles away fr yr own family
MagL: have a smooth delivery! Take care and update us oki!

Tmr is a PH again! Today feels like a friday! Woo hoo..

Btw, just to check, my boss has been asking me to plan my ML, but I'm intending to ask for 5 days mc before starting my ML, how should I go abt doing it? Hmm...
ak: that depends on your gynae..mine doesnt really give mc so I already took ML from Wed onwards since labour can be anytime now..

wowww sasha, I really salute you! 5 kids nowadays is no joke!
My gynae is nice, always ask if I need mc but not sure If he will give me that much nearer to my delivery. Shall try my luck then ;)

Sasha, you are really gd. Think I will go mad If I have 5, imagine the effort and patience..
MagL and sardonyx: Hope u have a smooth delivery!

Going to see PD later, trying to sun bath her, hopefully jaundice level is ok.

Sasha: That's a great routine, now my boy is still following our timing, and sometimes he even watch TV himself and switch it off
Hi Mummies, my edd is 15 may. Many have been asking me to drink coconut juice. Do you know if drinking daily is ok?
Also, I bought the one with brown husk in fair price. But heard I should be getting the green fresh ones instead. Do you know if there's a diff?
Hello.. Dont drink too much coconut.. Cos its very cooling.. Think once a week ok.. They say young coconut is gd
Runningmuff: Personally, for me, it definitely got easier as they get older. I found that they are also more independent and also responsible like making their own snacks or doing their beds etc. Of course, they also have days when they drive me crazy with their squabbling and such but better that than a quiet household. And the only other downside is that if 1 falls sick, then it's a domino effect.

Btw, we are in the North(Hamburg). I heard it's beautiful and warmer in the South. I think it's nice you still come back to visit yearly and yes, air tickets are a killer but every now and then there are offers from Lufthansa/SQ. The kids seem to have adjusted well, but sometimes complain about the weather and how they miss friends and eating at the food court(of all things!). Things seem to work well here, even though it is a different especially with the language but I guess we'll manage with that somehow. And yes, do miss my family but it's not too bad as I found quite a few S'poreans who live here too.
Good evening all mummies , wow I'm feeling anxious and excited . These few weeks I've baby showers coming up. Can't wait to see mine too.
Dolly: don't worry too much, your girl will be going back with you soon

By the way any gathering / outing ?
Hi mummies

Just want to check if any mummies here experiencing yellowish discharge? I'm 36 weeks now, and sometimes the discharge is watery and sometimes it's slimy.
Read on the internet that it could be my mucus plug coming out.
No smell and always alot in the morning.
Anyone with similar experience?
Hi Kris, I am in my 39 weeks..no regular discharge for me, just sometimes clear slimy discharge too..maybe you monitor and observe if there is blood? Otherwise shouldnt be a prob..

snowy, I am excited too! every other day I am wondering if baby will be coming out..now it is the waiting game and I am just thinking too much I guess!
All mummies due in the first week of May, jiayou!
MagL: How is it? You delivered?

Kris: sorry I do not have that experience. Always had some discharge. In my previous pregnancy my water bagbroke.
Kris, yes, I do experienced the yellowish discharge at my 34 weeks. No smell or itchiness. As long as no blood should be fine. My gynae also say is ok, monitor baby movements etc will do. Take care oki!
hi all,

i have read thru the thread and admire everyone here for the courage, sharing, support and caring given to one another.

my EDD is 10May but my gynae said he likely to induce on 2May cos baby very small and growing rate not high so it will be more risk in keeping my DD till EDD. Anyone in this situation before?

Moment, hope your girl back with you and recovered.

Kris, good to hear that, my gynae have been also asking me to monitoring baby movements.

ak, i will be at TMC too, here are things TMC provides:
- A baby bag
- Mittens
- Baby vests
- Disposable diapers
- Toiletries
- Wrapping blanket
- A box of tissue paper
- Wet wipes
- Diaper protective cream
- Sterile cotton balls
- Cord spirit.
- Basic toiletries throughout your stay.

I dont think they provide cool bag and hope they give so too
I went to the toilet this morning and when I wiped, there is blood! And as I go to the toilet subsequently, there is still brown, diluted color kind of stain..Not alot but I put a pantyliner on now and just observe..Abit nervous but there isnt frequent contractions yet..
littledotty: Wow, 39 weeks, good time to deliver
update us yeah! Which hospital will u be staying?

My gal and I still at Mt A now, jaundice level went down a bit. And Dr order less lights to shine on her. ytd it was 2 lights on top and one below, now 1 on top, 1 below.
Hi mummies, I am also due in May and have booked a confinement lady. While checking on the need to apply for a temp work permit for her on MOM website, read that it's optional for CL to undergo medical exam.

Do mummies who have booked a CL required her to go for checkup for infectious diseases like HIV, hep A and B? How to go about doing that since most CL are from Malaysia?
littledotty, it might be good to give your doctor a call. Jiayou!

Dolly2009, good news, hope yr girl recover soon.

maine, i dont have cl but what i heard that they(cl form malaysia) just come as a visitor pass but need to restamp at custom for extension after 14days...if you go agencies then they will do work permit...anyway, talking abot HIV, hep A and hep b then might be a good idea to check if cl dont mind though...
thanks dolly! thanks maymama!

Now I am still monitoring..experiencing cramps at the lower tummy which feels like menstrual cramps when I used to have it..

My appt is on Thurs, I will call the clinic tmrw and ask if I shd go down tomorrow for a check or wait til Thurs..
Hi mums,

I have bloody show for the last 2 days and today. Do I need to wait for contractions first b4 going to hospital? My edd is 3rd may. Tks!
Hi maymama, dolly, thanks. Wd check with CL. Wd be good if she is medically cleared.

Btw, any mummies hv to pay a premium to gynae for choice of date/time for c-sect? My gynae is charging $1600 for a friday 11am-1pm slot. Non refundable if I go into labour earlier. Thought it's too exp but what to do... :S
maine: Wow, u mean Friday more expensive? My gynae never told me so though, did the clinic also check whether there's OT slots for Friday?
Don't know about OT slots but my gynae only operates on tues and thurs. Hence Friday op requires special booking. I've heard of $300-$500 surcharge for choice of date/time. Quite surprised when told of my gynae's surcharge actually.
littledotty, have a smooth delivery. Jiayou
. I might be there tomorrow too...i was stil wondering about how to manage carpark...

maine, it will be surprised for me too if my gynae have additional charge for friday...wonder is it a normal practice or just indivual doctor? i will be seeing my gynae tomorrow, i'd better check this out with him but again if he said yes, i just have to pay right...huh! ;(

ann, i would recommend to you to call your doctor for advise...
Hi all mummies! I delivered already, had a c sect coz in observation ward, bb heart beat is flunctuating n dipped every time I contract so my gynae decided to op
Everything is well! Phew! Jiayou all of you!
Anyone know, for CL, if from friend recommendation and not agency, can still ask for health records? Mine's a Singaporean. My dad's friend from CDC say shld get a certification of health or something cos there were cases of babies being infected.
Congrats littledotty! Take care and have plenty of rest oki.
All single beds taken? So you got upgraded to the premier single?
chocolateteddy, it's good to ask cl for med record but depend on whether yr cl will take it well. to be honest i pesonally dont know how to ask too...if you do perhaps good to be prepared for hers reaction...may be you can check with yr friend for her records....good luck!
Does anyone experience BH with cramps frequently at night? I get it min 4-5 times during the time I'm sleeping and it's disturbing causing me to wake up fm the cramp. Been like that since I crossed 37w.

I jumped down from a chair and my back hurts terribly now.

Congrats littledotty! I'm here at TMC also, on the 5th floor. . I Csection on April 30, very close! My baby end up smaller than expected. 3.37kg. Csection is quite painful yah. ESP day 1 and 2. Hang in there. Day 3 much better . Rest well!
