(2012/04) Apr 2012

cayden's mummy,
i have been staying away from milk tea coz i am concerned about caffeine. but looks like there is a good reason to drink Gongcha!! hahah...

oh! just wanted to share that hubby got us tickets to Jason Mraz at Gardens by the Bay this friday! what a surprise! looking forward but am cracking my head on how to pump and rush to the concert and tahan w/o my boobs getting all rock hard! gonna leave baby at parents place for the evening and let my #1 spend the night at my SIL place. hope baby will give my parents an easy time!
I was thinking over that, but it seems too big just to store EBM..

Ms Tan
I can't add you..

Cayden's mummy
I'm also staying away from gongcha bcos of the caffeine, Been craving for milk tea...
Haru: haha must try and test first! It doesn't affect cayden so I just drink whenever got chance to pass by. Hehe!

Ooh wow that's great! A well deserved break for u! Hope u will enjoy it to the max!!
Jason mraz is good!
ya lor, i ordered choc milk w pearls at GongCha and hubby laughed at me. =(

cayden's mummy,
so far i tried durians (lots!!), decaf coffee and curry all ok. hopefully the milk tea will be ok too! oh, i did try the new toffee milk tea tho! hahah..

i wanna reach e gardens early on friday but i think i gotta do a quick pump at MBS and then dump the pump in the car before walking over. such a mad rush coz i need to drop #1 off at SIL place and also baby at parents' place before that. so much preparation and logistics just for a few hours of couple time!
April baby, u wanna meet next mon? 11am at amk hub if convenient for u..

Haru u can join too?
Any other mummies interested to come?

So nice ur hubby got u Jason mraz tickets! I went to lady gaga few weeks back, pumped, then go n then came home to pump but was stuck at the indoor stadium carpark for half hour plus! In the end after 6 hrs then managed to pump the milk n I took 30mins to try clear all... Was really like rock in the making!
Haru, does your pump have a rechargeable battery? If yes, you can pump in the car with a bursting cover. I have done it before.
i would love to but its a lil far for me and i have to rush back to pick my girl after school. maybe the next round!6 hours, wow!! i can imagine! i also thinking of just pumping at home and then tahan till i come home, else very troublesome to pump at MBS..

i am using ameda pump which has no rechargeable battery...=(
Best to plan ur pumping properly so tt u won't become over engorge till u get fever, which was what happened to me. End up my supply dropped..
ya lor, but so hard when the concert is way out in the gardens...and we gotta go early to get a good spot..want to enjoy also headache!
Hi Mummies,

I also have problem to view the FB group. Anyway, I have added some mummies on my personal FB too.

I'm a FTWM and have 2 boys - 4 years old and 9 weeks old.

Any mummies in the east?

Hope to chat with all more often.

Add me - my email is [email protected]
I drive, so AMK Hub is relatively OK for me...prolly the furthest east I'll go....
Yeah, Monday lunch is fine.
Maybe I go ask FB group whether any other mums want to join?

WOW!!! such a lovely gesture from your hubs!

I wanted to follow hubs to Korea with #1 for his conference end July before I start work, but the thought of leaving the little one behind for a whole week and worrying about my supply dipping (eventhough I was mentally prepared to pump and throw for a week) kinda put me off....so sad

No hols without the bubs just yet...guess got to wait until I stop breastfeeding!

Cayden's mummy,
Yeah! I have been having my winter melon milk tea with pudding drink from gongcha even during confinement when my mum or MIL's not looking!

I still drink 1 cup of coffee (the coffee machine kind) and a cup of tea during teatime EVERYDAY! my little man still doing fine...haha.
No choice have to bear with it if really engorge.

Ms Tan
I've send you a friend request.

Bring ur little one along.. I went to hkg for 12 days a few days after my confinement.. Bb was fine on the plane..
Bbliss, my name is Kelly Yong.
Serene, I saw my Neighbour Joyce's wedding photo on your fb. Her hubby is my hubby's army mate also.
Aiyo I'm still quite lost with who is who on fb. Thanks to Minmin for creating the mummy's group so I just send an invite to everyone.
Haru, i think it will be a hassle to pump at MBS. The nursing room is not very comfy and i think i didn't see any powerpoint? Think you can pump in the car or just express by hand in the toilet to ease the engorgement.

Agree with Cayden's mummy! Gongcha earl grey milk tea works for me too. I love it with herbal or aiyu jelly! That day i paired it up with salmon sashimi for dinner and omg! Oversupply and badly engorged for next 3 days plus leaking onto bed at night. I got to be careful with it! And yup, for me the caffiene didn't affect baby too.
desperatemum, i am getting the hang of things and enjoying my kids now. Yup, still going out everyday! The only way to keep myself sane. Being a lonely sahm is not easy. Plus hubby not around. Haha.. My boy is still sticky... But i can read him like a book now plus he's on routine. Phew! He will be 3 months old next week! Let's jiayou together.
ya no powerpoint! hence i am really thinking of just feeding baby before leaving home, go drop off #1 at SIL place then go to concert and tahan until i come home! but really scared of boobs getting rock hard..=Z i think ill bring my manual pump and pump quickly in the car if need to before heading to the concert.

wow! GongCha works for you too? are you mommies drinking it everyday? hahah..what a good excuse!! i have never tried aiyu jelly, is it like the white pearls?

i have been alone this week too coz hubby has been working long hours and my parents are away on holiday. but good "training" for me la. hahah...
Did the pd say ur boy need it?
My hb did say it too but that was before he was born. My hb got circumcised at young so think of that too.
My supply has dropped.. so upset! already quite relax while pumping and even fenugreek doesnt help. It seems like an impossible task right now to stock up before i return to work.. sigh.

Add me too ladies.. My email is [email protected]
Last week my baby hasd an infection cause there was urine trapped in his foreskin so my hubby thinks we should circumcised baby to prevent future problems. He was also circumcised when he was young so he thinks it is good to do it. I'm afraid it would be so painful for baby.
Haru, what a great excuse! :p But honestly i don't really abstain from many food. Probably seafood and those super spicy chilli only. Aiyu jelly is like ice jelly! Transparent and very Q. In pudding/herbal jelly form. Really can destress by drinking gongcha. Hope i don't get fat from it!! I drink earl grey twice a week and golden ovaltine thrice a week! Gosh!! Fat fat fat... :p
Thanks Minmin for creating the FB group.

Hi Maymei

We can arrange for a small meetup in th east in future.

Hi Kelly

What a small world. Joyce is my sec friend and she just delivered her gal last month.
Morning mummies the group is not the original fb group. Is the group for my mummy friends in fb. Haha. So we won't forget who's who.
me me! hubby and i have been thinking about it!

is golden ovaltine from GongCha too?? sounds yum!
U can try this method to pump if currently not. Pump about 3 sessions which is equivalent to 3 letdowns. Each session is abt 15mins or until u feel that no bm is coming out. Take a short break of abt 5-10mins in between, eg toilet or water break. U shld be able to pump out more milk, it works for me..
is this place for all the April 2012 mummies? i new here and i wan to join the group

btw i want to ask whether u mummies intend or already shave ur baby's head?
y wait till 4mths? now hair not long enough?

urs girl or boy? i heard after shaving hair will take very long to grow.. I dont knw whether to shave my girl's head.. abit 'she bu de' coz her hair very nice and soft now..
must do it quick if we want to do cause once baby learn how to flip, it will be more difficult to take care of the wound so I got dilemma now. I will ask his PD at his 3 mths visit coming this Jul 12.
I attended Joyce's baby shower at her parents' home but I went during lunch.

Coz need more hair... And their head will be more stable... Not so easy to get frighten by the shaver vibration too... Mine is boy boy...
