(2012/04) Apr 2012

Just curious, they dont inject painkiller for the baby during circumcision? i knw they maybe too young for it but the surgery sounds very very painful for the baby to take.

so ke lian! just by reading esther's post i also heart pain.

yinggg, nope. There is no painkiller for infants. When my boy had to do the lumbar puncture/extract bone marrow, there was no painkiller given too. It's just like us taking epidural without the anaesthetic. I felt the pain for him and could not bear to watch. I left. So i decided not to consider circumcision. Was still thinking about it while preggy. Shudders!
Yen - I am also doin this, at home / on stroller, I am super lazy... The pd is so expert! Hope your girl is getting better
poor girl
Hi mummies, for those of u who express bm outside i.e. in nursing room, can I check if u use a nursing cover? currently, when i express bm at home, I will just take off everything so that clothes will not be dirtied, but i realize if i need to express outside, its not possible for me to do so. any1 got any tips?
I have a apron but i tend nt to use it...but i do try not to wear dresses when I know I'm going to express bm outside .. Wearing nursing tops or nursing dresses helps.
Angela and Kathy: Thanks! However, wont the nursing cover or tops be dirtied when the milk accidentally drip?Btw, do u use electric pump i.e. PISA? so far most nursing rms cant b locked right? any1 can access?
@lovexuan, omg! so poor thing! but aren't circumcision considered as a surgery since u need to cut and etc.. aiyo.. the thoughts of it shudders me. poor boys! but i think circumcision is good for them too.. dilemma. lucky mine is girl.. dun have to make choices now. :p

that is y i dont dare to take epidural. LOL~
I think is very common that ppl dun take epi. In the past there is no such thing as epi.
I think as a mother must go thru the pain then will know the pain is worth it!
Yeah I din take epi. The thought of the needle poking into the spine area jus Scares me off the first place. So I thought unless I really really cannot take it then I'll ask for it. In the end, I think the whole process is still within my limits. I'm quite surprise I can take it too..

I did take the painkiller injection though.. The gas n the pain killer helps alot already

Most of the nursing rooms I've been to usually can lock, sometimes with curtain n hook, except hor the one at centrepoint.


I did not take epi too cos I'm super scared of needles.. Like Yinggg, luckily e thigh injection n laughing gas helped me to endure..
Nestle is cheaper, but frisocream taste nicer. Nestle the only flavor i found not bad is the brown rice w milk. The other flavors funny taste.
Friso already has milk, Nestle u can chose the one without milk n add in breast milk.
My baby used to drink about 85ml every 2 hourly, except 3 hourly at night. But, starting yesterday, he refused to drink from bottle. When I latch him on, he drank only a bit. So, he drank about half of what he used to drink. Today, he drink slight more compared to yesterday but not at regular interval.

Anyone has similiar problem. I am so concerned.
my boy whos 3 mths 1 wk is drinking 120-150 ml per feed now, ard 6-7 feeds a day.

Ruhee: did your bb take injection? my boy took slightly less for a few days after 5 in 1 n rotavirus vacc.
Ruhee, I had this problem for 3 weeks and was worried till death when this will end! Saw various pds and advices from several mummies here... Read my earlier post.

Guess it was the injections but things seemed to have gotten better now. *keep fingers crossed*.
I ll bring hot water in a thermo flask and a cup to warm up EBM. Some times if I forget to bring hot water, I will generally bring the cup and bottle of EBM and ask drink stall if they can give me some hot water. Most r really kind and will give me 1/2 cup FOC. However, when I was at Concord Hotel Food court (last time meridien), I was charged 30 cents for 1/2 cup of hot water.
Thx mummies
ruhee how's ur bb now?

My BN three mth now. Last dr checking, when dr attempt to pull her up by holding her hand. She can't lift her head up. The neck muscle no strength. Can urs Bb do it?
Dr say need to review again. I m worry. Sob sob
Thanks blessedmummie and elite_yen for advice. Yes, he had 6 in 1 and rotavirus vacc. about 1 week ago.

Today, his feeding almost return to normal. Hope it will be the same tomorrow.

But, i have another problem. He could not sleep for the whole nite. He was wide awake from 10pm till 4.30am. Crying and napping in between. Anyone has same problem.

My boy has strong neck since he likes us to carry him upright. u can try to carry her upright when burping.
Hi Wai Ling,

How about lying on tummy? Can your BB lift up her head?

My boy is not able to lift up his head when doctor pull him up by holding his hand during the 3 month assessment and he commented his neck muscle is weak.

I told the doctor he is able to lift up his head high when lying on tummy and after the doctor tried him in this position, he changed his comment to his neck muscle is strong.. *roll eye*
Clarina: yup she able to do it when lying on tummy. That's a great reassurance. Thx

Ruhee: my gal will sleep through the nit. May be this is his habbit. Try to do Sth make him sleep. Carry him, feed him ... Hope u will find ur way
Hi mummies, sorry to disturb ur chats here but I need some help. Is hoping to get some recommendation for good massage lady. The previous massage ladies whom helped me for my previous pregnancies are fully engaged on my edd. Pls let me have the contacts if you have a good massage lady to recommend. Thanks in advance n wish everyone a happy motherhood : )
I come into the forum to read from time to time since my edd was april but bb came in march... now my freezer is kinda too full with frozen bm.. was wondering if anyone wants them since sayang to throw and my 2 year old not interested
... im willing to exchange it with milk bags.. pm me if you or if you know anyone that is interested... currently freezer keep about 20+ bags then full full already
Hi Mummies,

i am from June mummy. Just want to seek some advise here, anyone has bought FP jumperoo or bright start bounce-a-bout? can you shall your experience of using it? I am thinking of getting something similar and is researching on what's available. Are they effective or is just another expensive white elephant with good marketing.

for me rocker was useless, but mobile and play gym was rather useful for my boy.

Thanks in advance!
Hi jusus,

Have you tried mixing the bm with fm for your 2yo to drink? My 3.5 yo girl also said she doesnt want to drink mommy's milk, but i mix it secretly and she just drinks it without hesitation. Sometimes I even give her pure bm :p
Hi ladies, hasn't been active here as most of us are in the FB group.

Jusus, probably you can use it to do milk spa for your baby, add 1-2pkt of FBM to a whole tub of water.

I'm not using as fast as I can freeze daily!!! I have already gave 30pkt x 90ml away 2 weeks ago and arranging for my colleague to pick up another 20pkt from me this week.

I'll mix 60-80ml of fresh BM to my no.1 milk, cannot do more as she can taste the difference.
Clarina - no worries, my #1 cant lift her head up during 3mths assessment, now also actively running about. Coz i dont do tummy time for her.

#2 loves to sleep on tummy so she can lift her head long time ago. Put your son more on tummy time everyday

Driftingcloud - same same, i started mixing then slowly give pure. Use toys to distract her when she dont drink, it works and slowly will finish up all bm.

Sjbaby - bring hot water in vacuum flask, a container to put ebm n hot water, a lid (some shopping centres have hot water no need to bring flask.

Here seemed to be more inactive... Everyone has migrated
Dear mummies

I'm currently looking for a confinement lady . If you have employed a confinement lady and feels she is good, could you kindly share with me your contact and reason why she is good ? Thank you very much

[email protected]
