(2012/04) Apr 2012

Yes yen. I'm Jong's wife. You are??

Im still in a dilemma whether to shave her too. Her hair is so nice and soft now

Reborn, hw can we be sure the hair tat is used to make e tai Mao bi is our own bb hair ? They got some many biz, will they mix up e hair ?

Initally I wanna do a umbilical cord stamp but scare they mix up e cord.....

Hmm.... Or m I thinking too much ?!!
I have also considered about it when my boy was born and my gynae does not recommend it till the boy is older cos after circumcised, the leftover skin may be too tight and hinder the growth..
Hi Mummies, I'm new here and want to join the group. Kindly add me to the FB
. My email: [email protected]

I have a 3 yrs old gal and a April bb boy.

Serene, I am staying at Simei too.
My bb is drinking lesser and lesser EBM. Every time we burp her after she stops she'll refuse to take the bottle again. We thot initially that she needs a change of teats, it worked a while but then the problem comes back again. She'll cry till she perspires and push the bottle away forcefully or she'll fall asleep. Anyone experiencing this? My bb was only latched on at Night previously, so cannot be refusing becos of newly intro bottle.
Any one experience this?

Any advice?

Cheryl, I was jongchen's schoolmate.
he's in my FB and I can see his bb's fotos.
Yen, u wanna google on nursing strike to noe more? Prev my gal oso refused to drink n keep crying whenever wanna feed her. Den aft tat realised tat is time to change teats.
My goodness, this time she did not even finish her first half, just cry till perspire and screaming... I changed the teats from Avent to NUk. Worked a while and problem comes back... Very bad.. My ml ending in 2 weeks
welcome! my girl is also 3 (turning 4 this nov) and have also my april baby.

hey mommies,
are your babies starting to sleep thru e night? my boy still wakes up every 2-3 hours and its so tiring...especially sometimes he can't seem to fall back asleep after a feed. +.+
Haru, thanks
my girl is turning 3 tis Sept. She is born in 2009.

My boy also wake up every 2-4 hrs and YES very tiring. During the day, he will drink from EBM and I will latch him at nite (after 7pm till morn). Is sort of a routine for him so that it is more easy for him to adapt when my mum take care of him in the day time when i am working.
Cld it be e EBM? Cos I heard from my friend tt her girl is not very receptive of her EBM tt are a month old.. There was a time where my boy refuse to drink a certain batch of my EBM too.. U try letting ur boy drink EBM tt are freshly pump n see if he's drinking..

Cool, you also sat in Simei. I have added you.


Are you using Nuk premium latex teat? My no 1 also reject bottle b4 I went back to work. If your baby is well, just have to keep trying and change teat. Nuk latex is closer to mummy's breast so baby will find it easier to accept. You may want to ask someone else to feed baby cos they can smell mummy around. Jia you!!
I didn't think so much la... All my baby shave their hair at 4mths old and do the cord stamp + hair+ pen holder ard 11mths. On the actual day of their 1st b'day will give them as their present! Not cheap lo... Every time do abt 400+, we will let the bb chose which type they prefer... By the time 11mths already know what is like or dun lo...

For the shaver part we shave ourself...
The only one she's sucking now is the NUk classic latex. I gave her fresh EBM she also rejecting. I've check her, she's well. Let me go find some other teats... So stressful if bb is not drinking. Sign
Serene, have added you as well

Yen, agreed with Serene. My mum is the one who feed my boy during the day time, so far so good. He will cry very loud only when he cannot get the right position to suck the milk. Sometime i change his wet diaper half way during feeding and continue after tht.
I also havent shave off my gal's hair. Dun feel like shaving off, but my hubby say weather so hot shave it off! Cos my gal's hair is long n thick!
So I xin tong tong also will shave off when she is 4 mth old...

oh my mum also tell me to shave off eyebrow! OMG!
Yen, is your girl just rejecting bottle? How about when she latch? Few weeks ago, my girl only drink 30-40ml each feed and will cry during feeding. My friend told me her baby has the same problem and pd diagnose that it is sorethroat. I went to the pd and my baby has reflex, pd says she will have heartburn when she drink. Maybe that why she keep crying. Maybe If problem persist, you should go to the pd.

Haru, my hubby keep stressing me to train our baby not to wake up at night. So I start the cold turkey method on Monday. I give her pacifier when she ask for milk. After 2 nights, she can skip one feed. But her body clock is a little screw up. Now she sleep from 8 pm to 3am. Haiz I still have to wake up in the middle of the night. Mummies, any idea how to change that?
My bb is turning 3 months next week and will be going for his 3rd month injection. If things not improving may go to pd this week instead.
I have circumsized my boy. Should do it as young as possible (the kid surgeon who did for my boy said should do it on the first day when born as bb doesnt know what is pain yet). Anyway i did it for my boy before he turn one month. Bb cried till tears dropped! Screamed very loudly! Very heartpain! I cried with him! I have heard of some bb who won't cry/fuss but I really doubt so! They have to hold him down and that alone caused him to cry and when the skin was cut.... Argh... Bb may fuss after that as he may feel discomfort when peeing or when diaper touch the area.

Not to scare you off but to mentally prepare you. My mum said I am so cruel to let bb go through this (she was with us during the surgery and had seen the crying and the blood).
Oh anyway after a few days.. My boy behaved like nothing has happened before.

I heard if do it after certain age/weight.. Bb have to go through general anesthetic and not local anesthetic.. Check with your pd to confirm ba..
My boy dun really have a fixed time cos I fully latch him at home.. During e night will stretch longer hrs cos I latch him again b4 I slp
Yah yah... Esther please share where you did it. I will be so heart pain if my baby cry. The GA part sounds scary leh... Baby so small need to go under GA for this ah.
Esther n Jellio

my hb n I have tot of circumcison too but after I read ur post, I dont have the heart to do so! Even both of my boys take jab, they cried, my heart felt super painful too! However, for their own good, better to do it for them when they have no memory rather than they did it when old. My hb did it when he was ard 18 or 19 yo and he said its v pain! Can u recommend ur doc as well?
i wanna cry just reading about it!!! sob.....sounds so painful for baby!!! but still i wanna find out options coz i really thinking of doing it before he is a year old..
Hello mummies there..I am searching around for one more freezer to store my breast milk since my current techno brand upright freezer is full and I dun wanna spend so much on freezer again..you all have any recommendation,
I didn't expect that bb will so upset during the surgery!!! First time seeing tears flowing down his eyes while he screamed was like killing me! I read a lot of forum before doing it and no one seems to say it will be this bad.. Or unless its my bb's luck (such a poor thing!). Yes i was in the room with bb.. Suppose to comfort him while the surgery was in place but instead i cried with him. I can see the procedure with those blood!

I did it at children & babies surgery at gleneagles which is recommended by my gynae and also by bb's pd. quite ex as compared to crescent clinic which is recommended by many forum. When i checked the last time, crescent charged me 130 before 1st mth (price seems to change if your bb is older) while the gleneagles clinic charged me 500. I went ahead with gleneagles as my mum was worried at such a price diff and somehow if done at hospital clinic put her mind at ease more than a normal clinic... Although she scolded me being cruel for a few days!!

I did it now also becuz my hb said bb wont rem the pain once over. Hb did it during primary school due to medical reason and he can still rem how pain it was for him. Thus we decide to do it now.
Probably the combination of being naked from waist down, being pinned down unwillingly and the feel of being touch and cut (by right the procedure is not painful after the injection) makes him cry like mad.

He cried even after we went off, cried when we gave milk, cried when we reached downstairs from lift, cried when on cab and totally knocked out when reached home cuz too tired from all the crying.

As it was done using plastibell method, bb may fuss again when the ring dropped (lucky he didnt).

Also expect to see blood stains on his diaper as the wound will have some blood and you will need to remove the bloody glaze yourself (my hb dont dare to do it cuz so heart pain). Imagine me calling the surgeon 4 times for 2 days to ask how come got blood how come swollen and so on in the middle of the night...
Sounds really scary but I worry that my boy keeps getting infection because the foreskin traps urine. My hubby also had to do it when he was in primary school cos they check and found the foreskin to be too thick. Eventually baby might still have to do it after the check up in primary school if they find issues.
Do it now better than when they are older.. It sounds bad but after a few days bb will b ok.. Painkiller was prescribed in case bb feels unwell. Dont b put off by what i have shared... Hahahaa
Esther, my heartache for your baby. You are really brave!! I dont even dare to clean my baby umbilical cord. Lucky I have confinement nanny. Thank god that everything is over.

Jelio, is there no other way to clean the Baby bottoms better?? For me, I always clean baby bottoms with wet cotton balls. I find wipes not very clean.
It seems that we can increase the milk qty but decrease the no of feeds? I read from many sources but never try.

I stay in the north, think I can try bringing bb out already. She seemed to enjoy looking around.

Was so angry with my mil yd! She says bb recognises her house and doesn't like her, only like mummy. So I've to go fetch my bb back at 11pm at night only to find that bb is hungry and screaming. The this morning bb was coughing and got sore throat. C, every sat we 'deposit' bb at mil's place overnight so that we can run errands on Sunday morning. Now my mil say like this how can I go back to work wo worrying? I thot it's the effort and time spent with bb so that bb gets familiar with u. Then I offer to go over to mil's house the whole of next week with bb she also don't want.

Went to c pd. Pd said poor indigestion and gave some probiotics to improve gut function...
Jellio, Cheryl, I wash my Bb backside with water n soap at the sink Everytime during diaper change. At least once every 3 hours. If outside, will use wipes then come home wash again. so far so good. Only night time will not cuz Bb sleeps longer.

Yen, do u wanna meet at amk hub Tmr 1130? Some
Of us north mummies will be meeting. Can u come? Other mummies interested too?
Yen, I share your sorrow. My mil said that everyday. For her is because she has knee problem so she can't carry her and walk around, then she will complain that we carry her and walk around too much. I don't blame her. But frankly, My baby is in her curious stage now, i find it good that she wants to be walked around. So bored to be lying still whole day, even I can't do that.
Actually I don't use wipes at all at home, only water and cotton wool that we buy in rolls and cut ourself. Baby has more foreskin at the tip of his little one. Last time we didn't know must pull it down to clean so he got an infection at the tip making it painful for him to wee wee. We brought him to see a GP who happens to be a PD also cause it was a Sun. He gave us a medicine for washing and cream to apply. He also taught us how to push back the skin and clean. He say we can ask baby's PD about circumcision. So now I'm just waiting to till we next see baby's PD to ask him.
Jello.. After circumcision u still have to pull back the remaining foreskin.. They dont fully cut all the foreskin nowadays afraid of complication when bb grows up... So will still hve foreskin left which i think will b pulled back itself when bb grows older ba...

Y most of the mil i heard are not so nice? Dont know consider lucky or not that i dont stay with ils nor need them to take care of bb... But if wanna go out at times also cannot as no one in the house to look after bb
Where at amk hub? I try to go! I went bb spa yd. one bb was drinking his own milk via bottle in his stroller. His mummy has supported the bottle with blanket or something and bb was drinking so fast by himself! What a contrast to mine...
Esther, my mil is quite nice most of the time. Im thankful that she is willing to help us take care of bb. Just that old folks generally likes to complain and they are really proud of the way they bring up their kids so they want us to listen to them.
My mil is ok also, just that I think she wants to enjoy her own activities instead of being tied down by bb. Thou she agreed to take care of bb when I return to work, I'm sceptical...
Don't really blame her, if next time when my children ask me to take care of their children, I'll feel the same.
Some more my bb really quite attitude.

I'll go down if bb is not showing attitude. It happens...
