(2012/04) Apr 2012

Mummies, thanks for all your advise.. As my mil is taking care of my baby girl for me. She is always feeding FM although I have ebm in the fridge. Like this morning i was pumping and when I go out I saw her feeding my girl FM. Damn sick! I mean I try so hard to pump etc then she go feed FM. Told her FM is in the night she don't understand. Don't understand why all this elderly so not keen on breastfeeding. She keep saying my hubby also grow up by feeding formula milk.

Desperate mum
That's what the nurses taught in the hospital.. There is enzymes in the cabbage which will soothe the breast and if cover the nipples, the flow well reduce, that's why was cautioned not to cover nipple for soothing engorgement, else no milk.. You need to place it in your bra... My friend did try and said that it made her boobs soft..
Mrs Kang
Hugs.. I totally understand how you are feeling...I have been through that for my no.1..
Did you try getting your hb to explain your mil that bm is better than fm? Co's the older generation has a weird thinking that only the poor take bm..
I got my hb to prevent my ils from making remarks about my bm not enough and to give fm before I gave birth to no. 1 but turned out my parents are the ones who nagged for more than 6 months that I should give fm and when am I going to do so, and also always gave me a dirty look when I said I'm giving bm as long as I can provide.. At the end of the day, I gave them a book to read about the difference between bm and fm to shut them..
i guess it will be condoms for now. hubby can't wait to get back into action but we are a lil apprehensive from first experience. took us so many months to resume after my delivery with #1. guess was too scared of the wound below. he is thinking seriously of getting snipped snipped in a few years time to be safe. condoms not 100%..

mrs kang,
i see..well, like lotusmum said it will get easier as time goes by. after a while, it will seem like second nature and there will be less pumping/ latching.

i also had excess since day 5 but whenever i can't pump the excess (i.e. alone at home with baby and #1), i get a lil concerned ss will dip. but so far so good. last night even though only one breasts felt full, i managed to pump 70ml from the "empty" breast. guess just relax and don't think too much. the great thing is now my breasts don't feel so engorged at night even if baby latches only on one side. so i don't feel the need to pump. guess our body will learn to adjust accordingly.
I started giving bb fm since day 1 in hospital. Then my fil said her daughter last time so much milk, u dun have. I hear already also sian. Maybe he only remember the later stage where she got enough to provide for bb. Cos my sil also c-sect, i doubt after giving birth she have a lot of bm immediately. Bullshit.
I just hate my pils. But no choice my bb will soon be in their hands. And now i m doing confinement, my mil expect my hubby to attend the mothers' day dinner with them. How selfish she is. I also a mother now n doing confinement at my parents place. Hubby seldom with me. Only 1 yr never eat together also cannot. She told my hubby already 1 mth cannot see her grandchild, now wanna have dinner with swn son also cannot. Anyway me n my hubby dun wan let my pils come to my parents place as there is always unhappiness whenever they meet. So best is dun meet!
Sorry for ranting out here. No 1 to tell.
Hi for mummies who have flu
can i check with u if u take flu medication when u r bf-ing your bb? i m so tempted to take flu medication but scared the medication ll go into the milk

Silvery gal
ard 3 mths can stop wearing mittens alr
my 3 girls stop wearing once full mths coz cut their nail short short liao. but i will let him wear awhile 1st coz his hand and feet always cold if not wearing.

Silvery gal
i can understand how u feel. me same..... my hb nv celebrate any occasion with my side too only for once a year reunion dinner which is not on the actual day but in adv like 1-2week.
So can say i bad or what, my hb side ask abt this coming Sunday mother day dinner where to eat and bring baby go out.... i say i doing 40 day confinement so cannot... haha
my parent in law very selfish too. is not like we never have dinner with them but so insist....someone his mother die die every Sunday night must bring her go out eat dinner without fail. if we cannot make it den she will come our house make noise and stay till 10-11pm.
my girl normal sleep at 9pm.... next day got school....
I really hate to see them.... some more i got to let my hb stupid brother live with us for so many years still dun wants to move out.... I got to do all his job. wash his clothes, clean this clean that. if not done will back stab me to his mother den his mother will scold me why i so lazy !
If god will to give me 3 wishes , 1 st sure to make them disappear from my eyes forever!
reborn: have to say ur tolerance limit very high. Still have to service his brother. Have to say ur pils are worst than mine. Every sun have to acc them. U also need to have ur OWN family day mah...
What i hate most abt my fil is his MOUTH. Everytime he talks, his 口头禅 (foul) will b out. My dad lesser education then him is much more gentleman than him. Cannot imagine if my bb always listening to it.
Envy tat u can b a SAHM. Lookibg after own children is the beat. As u wont spoilt them. My SiL son under their care is now a spoilt brat 2yrs 4mths, like to beat ppl, try to use saliva to spit at ppl, cannot tahan ppl scold n beat him. I m worried tat ur bb will grow up like him
will try to avoid for the moment, unless I cannot take it anymore. I refused to use pacifier for no 1 and she ended up sucking her thumb. Still cannot kick the habit but good thing she only does it which tryingto sleep. My mom now insists my no 2 gets pacifier cos don't want him to repeat no 1's habit.

B@by: hope your baby is better now. Poor thing, fall sick when so young...

My bm supply dropped a little during the recent period of illness. Now trying to increase supply again

Blessed: the GP suggested prospan for cough. Not sure what to take for other symptoms cos did not have other problems. Tink the pharmacists or doctors can advise.
Hello Mummies,

My 4 weeks old kiddo is having pimples and red patch on her face, understand that it is normal at this point of time but her baby shower is coming this sat.. Any ways to cure or to reduce it?

Also, does ur baby suddenly woke up and cry in a very pitiful way?? Is this normal??

Shuhui: yes my bb will suddenly wake up n cry. I also dunno y. N recently my bb poo is greenish ocassionally... Dunno is she frighten by sth eg thunder storm, my dog sudden barking
The nurse at TCM said after 6 weeks need to take out mitten so bb canlearn how to grasp things. I plan to do it aft 1 month. But hv to cut fingernail wait they scratch their faces

PILs, same here. My bb will be in their care when I back to work. No choice. My no 1 is so stubborn bcos of them, spoilt her like no one business. Also always like to feed my no 1 with medicine dun know fr where cos she fussy eater, secretly without telling me. When she didn't drink milk, feed her prawn cracker so she thirsty then will drink
I hv many things which I hv to close my eyes . Also like to talk bad abt me w hubby then we will fight. Super sian but hubby wants them to take care of bb when I work. Hope I can bcome Sam for a while too but I can't be dependent on husband for many reasons. So no choice.
Blessed I took paracetamol when hv high fever, flu medicine think can but better check w GP or gynea

Baby woke up cry loudly is normal, due to their reflex, sth like hv bad dreams. In air con room can swaddle them , if not use bean bag to fix their hands then they won't get scared easily
Lotus mum thanks for the advice, I did put inside bra but didn't cover niPple maybe that's why.
How I wished I don't hv to pump at night yet no engorgEment
Lotusmum, very stressful when those elderly keep asking us to feed formula right
i will try to breastfeed as long as I can lor.

Piggy mum, I also hope I can wake up without engorgement even I din pump at night but I can't also. If I skip my night pump the next day my breast will be hard as a stone and is so painful
my baby has quite a bit of "pimples" and red patches too! thought it could be my milk coz he always kena sprayed when he suddenly pulls away from the breast. but after reading reborn's advice, i guess its not. =P

my MIL is also having a mothers day dinner this sat. I will join if she allows me to go out and have some outside food. i consider myself blessed as I get along with my entire IL family great. i can imagine it is definitely not easy when you have ILs that you cannot get along with...
I think most importantly we need our hubby to stand by us. If hubby side their parents then is difficult to communicate w hubby. I let my hubby attend the mothers' day dinner to avoid unhappiness, haha then today his boss say they need to work this sun. I m so happy.
If money is not the issue, would like to b a sahm or find a office hr job or a part time. Currently self-employed, working at retail hrs. 1 man show. Told my hubby yesterday, i wanna give up our shop. 母爱泛滥。dare not think abt not able to see my daughter everyday.
My bb also got pimples on her face. My mil went to buy some cream from guadian pharmacy to apply. Is slightly better but new ones keep appearing. She will also suddenly cry loudly during sleep.
I wish I will have engorgement haha.

I feel that my bb is starting to be colicky. Any idea how to diagnose, prevent and cure?
My baby who is total BF has not pooed for 3 days. He otherwise does not appears to show signs of insufficient milk intake ie appears satisfied after feeds, passing urine well. His bowel movement very erratic. Anyone with similar experience?
Think when someone else looks after your kid, have to close one eye. My mother looks after my older one and there r practices which I disapprove of but have to tolerate cos even though I speak out, she coninues doing it. And grandparents are usu more lax with grNdhildren than their own children ie us. My no1 was introduced to ice-cream and gelato - not the cheap type - by my otherwise thrifty and advocate of healthy eating mother.
I m lucky in a sense that I do not have issues with my ILs cos I suspect they think hubby with side with me should there be conflict. Haha...
desperatemum n SSP,

Thanks! Yea for cough, my gyn ll recommend Prospan and fever paracetamol. For flu i m currently take chloropreamine (dunno if correct spelling). After taking feel so much better.

For ils, yes its SUPER impt that hubby stand on our side! Initially my r.s with ils is quite bad cos my mil tend to shoot her mouth off like nobody biz. i.e. when i had c sec and cannot bath bb, she ll tell my bb while bathing him that mummy is useless la, cannot bath u etc. After which, i kept complaining to my hb until he cannot tahan. That time, with my no 1, I even contemplated divorce as I cannot tahan my ils anymore. Thank God my hubby is finally enlightened after a series of events and he talked to my ils v seriously abt the issue. For abt 6 mths, I dint go back to my ils place as I cannot take it emotionally when I faced them. Gradually, when I began to meet up with them, my mil changed a lot, in terms of her piercing words, and I also decide to let go n forgive since she alr turn quite nice. Come n past, it has been ard 3 yr liao, now our r/s is quite good and we can even go on trip together happily. I guess many hbs hate confrontation. However, when things r ironed out, at first theres discomfort, but soon, each party will know whats happening. Hope this helps!

Kids letting pple take care
Yes, indeed have to close 1 eye, better still close both eyes. Even my own mum, I felt kinda uncomfortable during this confinement period when I saw how she handles my boys. When she is frustrated, she ll curse and swear and threaten to throw my child out, sell him away etc. When my bb needs feeding, she ll kept scolding him y keep drinking. He is on bm, hence tend to get hungry easily. When i m working and dont c whats happening, still ok. But now when i see v clearly what has been gg on, and my no 1 kept telling me he doesnt like waipo to take care of him anymore, makes me think many times if I shld be a SAHM totally for their sake.
Just to share with all mummies ......
I let my kids attend child care so no issue on who will be ill treat them. in fact is heartache at first but think of long run. they learn things from childcare and become more independent. why pay the money to let other ppl take care when they cannot learn anything but just get wrong information and being spoilt?
Mrs Kang n Lotusmum - my mil is the same. Claiming that she also gave her children fm, they grew up to be very smart. They have the concept that fm is better than bm. Haix.
Thanks for your replies mummies!
I guess i will try to wipe her with breastmilk for now. If it doesnt work then i shall go find the cream in pharmacy..

But wont it be sticky after wiping wih breastmilk??
No... Will not be sticky.
Or u have those thermal water spray? I use that to clean my bb face every night and myself. I'm using avene brand. Use for long time... It handle to get one at home for stand by.
Can use on mosquito bite, will reduce the itch. Use on diaper change, use as a toner for myself, weather hot use to cool down our body temperature, eczema.... Many use la.
Reborn, need to wait 18 mths then can go childcare rite. Unless u suggest infant care? It's the initial 18 mths that is headache for me
B@by and pinkbunny - thanks for the reassurances. My baby just pooed so rather relieved now.

Blessed - my mum also says things like ' popo does not want you' etc to my no 1. I do not like that but what to do? I know my mum will not change even if I tell her. I know that she loves my kid but what drives her to say such thing, I cannot understand. I make sure my kid know that at least her mama loves and wants her - hope no lasting impact on her self esteem.

Reborn: my kid goes to childcare but my parents help before and after childcare cos my working hours can be long.
Aiyo, my MIL also like to say things as if she is always right.. "must be becos bb tummy ache lah! Muz be this! Muz be that!" SSP, my baby also poop very 3 days I think, I checked with PD today at Kkh, she says its normal some babies don't even poop for a week. Just that must take note whether they look angry or uncomfortable or if stools are hard anot. My MIL refuse to believe lidat, say no leh people say must poop everyday!! Then what, what u wan me to do leh? Zzz.

That time baby keep crying also. U know what she did. Have him amulet water mixed in his milk to drink! Omg.. Without asking me or hubby some more! Buay tahan! Super pissed...

How I wish every mummy can be sahm. Not possible cos we need the $$!! Haiz.. But really now I feel better to put bb in childcare although always easily get sick. At least they learn things (old people dunno how to teach those ABC etc) and learn how to be social.. Not everyday stay at home do nothing.. And learn their bad habits..
Can I know how long u latch yr bb each side? I start with 15 mins to 20 mins but bb seem like still
Not satisfy. Bb is born quite big, 3.7kg- hence cl keep saying he fun hv enug. Want to gv fm. But I actually wan to daytime latch, nite gv ebm. If no ebm- then gv fm. But sometimes immed after I latch bb, bb seem not enug, cl will feed bb with fm. Then for the next 2-3 hrs, he will sleep. Then my daytime latch become less. How long u pump as well? I oni pump ard 15 mins-20 mins dual pump. Was told not to pump too long as will sore or bleed. But I really wonder how I can increase the supply. Bb is 1.5 wks old and can drink 100-120ml.
Baby tots: hmm about latching, I dont really time the duration.. When baby is full he will auto let go bah. From the start I give evm but baby is ok with latching but he doesn't drink enough and will fall asleep at my boob.. Haha. Maybe u try giving ebm instead of fm in the daytime?

And yes cannot pump too long! U will also be engorged if u do. 15-20mins is just nice. To increase supply u just have to pump every 3 hours esp at 2-5am time, drink more liquids and green papaya fish soup helps. If still haven increase, u may like to try drinking sacred tea or fenugreek.
Babytots how much can u pump each time? Can based on that to decide if ur bb have enough? Like after latching, pump again to c how much left.

Cayden's mommy
Y is 2-5am the golden period? Any reason for that?

I guess my short period of bfeeding is coming to an end soon . Put in much effort but milk supply still so low. Last night too tired nv wake up to pump. After 11 hours only get total of 50mls.

How much ur bb drink now and what is the interval? Mine is only drinking 90mls at 5weeks+ every 3hours(fm) and 2.5hours(BM) I keep having the feeling is too little. But my mil is reluctant to feed more saying that my hb and her sister drink much lesser 30 years ago!
Hi cayden mummy, so latch can be any timing? Like 30 mins each side?
Pump out will be ard 60-70 ml in total each time for 15-20 mins. Each time my bb latch, so pain! Only like after 1 min then no pain. Think he doesn't open his mouth too big initially. Amy way to overcome this? I'm having milk ducts now, hopefully will recover by itself in few days. This result in lesser milk on that side when I pump out. Based on the vol of milk tat my bb drink, hope that I dun need to gv out bf again like #1. #1 oso drinks alot n my pumping n latching wrong results in bleeding n sore nipple. In the end- I gv up bf in a month.
Giffy: have u tried to take fenugreek? My baby boy is 6weeks and he is taking about 90-100ml about every 2.5 to 3 hours too. I just asked the PD on this and she says that amount is ok. If I feel is time to increase his feeds, I will add about 10ml to see if he is able to finish. Actually some feeds he don't even finish up lor. Haha.

2-5am I read it somewhere which I forgot also le. But it boosts up your milk production especially if u pump during this period. Before baby was a month old, I make sure I do pump every 3 hours le. After a month, try to drag longer like 4 and above to prepare for my return to work (which is the following week! Omg time flies! Taking 2 months maternity leave first and working 3 days a week to clear the remainder).

Baby tots: oh yes! Some babies take up to one hour in total to finish! Let baby decide after all they know their tummies best! Once they are full they will auto let go. If they feed on one side and let go, always offer the other side. Is ok if they don't want though. Perhaps u can try use a finger assist to open baby mouth bigger? Mine first suck kinda pain also but after that ok le. Muz make sure baby's mouth is like a fish- bottom lip is protruding outwards and whole mouth is covering your areola. When u pump or latch, keep massaging your breasts to clear the milk duct.
Mummies having bf problems, I had engorged breast initially too but after u empty ur breast it will b back to normal..

How do u all store ur breastmilk? For storage bags do we have to store in individual feeding(eg, 100ml per bag)??
Btw how many of u here have started giving baby pacifier? My baby seems to be asking me for it, mouth always open wide & when my hubby tried giving she happily sucking last night. I removed once she asleep & today same thing, if no pacifier she will b screaming, it's my very last resort to give pacifier cos my #2 had a hard time to stop..
MUMMY_Bb 2008
When I store bm using milkbags, though they indicate i.e. max 200ml,I ll try to cheat a little n put in more. However, sometimes if not careful, the bag will leak. I use glass bottles as well. Milkbag save space, glass bottles is more convenient, no need to trf.

Mummies, where do u all bring your bb for vaccination? So far, the cheapest I chk is polyclinic. Hep B 2nd dose at 1st mth is $22. 6 in 1 is $360/3 shots

Any1 got cheaper lobang?
Silvery gal
Next time bring my #2 to your shop do spect....
So far I know all fees charge in polyclinic can use the cda. I think hospital also can. Those private pd need to apply thru forms.
Childcare also can use...
I have already started my #2 on pacifier when he was a little more than 3 weeks old.
But he doesn't seem to like it, soothes him for a while and he will spit it out.

My #1 also had pacifier introduce when she was 3 months and she gave up the pacifier herself when she turned 12 months.
Milk storage
At first I use milk bottle so no need to trf but too much milk now so use a lot milk bag.
I'm getting directly milk bag from supplier but need a MOQ 80boxes. The brand is perfection. I wanna the nano series, now trying sample. Not bad... Any mummies wan? When free I will organize a bp to post... I will be selling it cheap since I'm using it too. So far I have complete using 120ps per box for the normal type, no leaking no problem. Just start using the nano type...
Cayden Mummy,

I also deliver later than you, 2 weeks after delivery no more pain!
Plus, when baby turned 1 month, no need pad liaoz! woo hoo! No need to wear disposable panties anymore!

Cayden's mummy i am taking fenugreek one everyday. ok i will try to pump during the golden period from now on.

Baby tots Do not let ur bb latch too long if not ur nipples will crack if they are the sensitive type. That happened to me on the first night out from hospital, i let my bb latch 1 hour on each side, becos she nv stop sucking so i just keep latching, after which my nipples bleed and super painful, cannot latch for a week. i guess that's y my milk supply did not built up.

I am gg to read up more on vaccination. Most likely gg to sgh to do it.
