(2012/04) Apr 2012

HI silvery gal, I stay in sengkang too, I think our baby born in the same day as 19 apr maybe we can meet one day

My baby no patient, refuse to latch, I got to pump every 3 or 4 hr, also low volum, around 40 to 50ml for both side in total, so only enough for his day time feeding, night time will feed FM.

I got rashes on both boobs, anyone had the same experience? Can we apply any medicine? As breast feeding now, dare not to apply anything, but very itchy, cannot tahan

Hi kexie,
Oh that sound scary! Looking at which, it should be the doctor who did not administrate the epi rightly. Mine was done by a beautiful 'chio' anesthetic doctor who is v comprehensive and bother to explain the little details to me.

Think dr Adrain will have to clean your womb up and clear all the clots out. Indeed, maybe will put to on sleep and perform a minor opt on it.

That's explain how come he is so anxious when we have blood clot flowing out.

Dr Adrian scolding, must be the nurses because your life could be at state, that's why he is angry and anxious.
During my stay at TMC, the nurses knew he was my doc, all were full of praise on him. Guess he must be well reputable at TMC.

My baby, 20 days old will wake up less than 3hrs for milk. I scare I am feeling too little milk that he cannot tolerate for a full 3 hrs nap, on the other hand... If I feel too much, scare he will Merlion. Currently he is drinking 100ml per feed and at times feed on demand again...
Ok reborn.

Hi Devilmom, hee i will only b here for confinement... Is my mum's place.. I think i did a typo. My daughter born on 20th. Using hp i always typing error... Sorry... U try using ur breast milk see can help a not.
Hi mummies, can I check with u for confinement, u all do 28, 30 or 40 days?

When I m placing orders for my son's full mth package, I felt so hungry n tempted to get those tartlets,ang ku kueh and cakes. Is it ok if during confinement period we still eat them?

Btw, any1 bring ur children to huaxia to make taimaobi? Am thinking of bringing my boy there but dunno if they ll b pushy to get parents to buy other items as well. Any advice here?
all my preivous 3 kids all do the huaxia taimaobi for their 1st b'day.. I do 3 item. Not cheap... I do the pen. pen box and the cord. Those 3 item add together cost ard $500. But is really depend on what types of material u chose so the price is base on the material.
They are not pushy, 2 kids done at kkh and 1 done at chinatown. If i'm not wrong this 2 branch close liao.
They have facebook... u can check it.
Hi reborn and lotusmum,

Thanks a lot for your advise.


That's great news that they r not pushy! Cos I intend to shave my boy's hair there and get a taimaobi done so can keep the hair properly. For no.1, my mil shaved off his hair and juz put in a red packet. Haha, now I do not even know where I placed the packet of hair. Yea, they shifted to Braddell Tech and got another branch opp TMC.
Hi mummies,

I have no one to share at home.. But I feel too happy that I have finally manage to pump 50 ml.. My usual output only 20 to 40ml despite my 3 hr pumping schedule....

Hope I can pump that much next time ;)
Hi blessed,

Huaxia taimaobi has Free service for them to go to your house and shave ur baby hair iirc. So u don't need to go down to their outlets. Add them on FB, they are also giving away free customized mug with ur baby photo FOC.. I intended to do just the cord stamp as I feel his cord can be easily misplaced although put in angpow already..

Confinement I did 30 days but traditionally it is done 40 days. Guess u can try to tahan esp if it's not even passed 30 days.. Some more those food u can eat alot next time le don't worry

Devilmum: isit due to never wash / clean properly due to confinement cannot bathe? must wash and clean your boobs one.. Dirty skin can also cause blocked pores for ur boobs, also cause oral thrush for baby if they latch on..
Lisa77, I can understand your happiness of pumping out 50ml
ur's is both size 50ml each or added together 50ml ? Mine is added together 50ml.. My left size still super low supple
my boobs tend to feel itchy too, think the sweating and growth of boobs doesn't help.

bot my #1 to Ben n Jerry's just now and i shared some milkshake with her. yummy!!!

r u also latching? maybe try both latching and pumping? and drink lots of fluids. =) don't give up!
Cayden's mummy: how much r they charging for cord stamp alone?

Lisa77: supply takes time to build up. Keep up with the pumping!

Think confinement can be up to 40 days. Better if can complete the 40 days. I stopped my at 30 plus days cos cannot tahan. Getting mild sore throat- dunno cos too heaty or infection. Plus the hot weather is not making it any more tolerable.
Hi Mrs Kang,
My 50 ml is from both side... My family is not supportive on my breastfeeding, esp I have very low supply for #1&2 so i only breastfeed for a short period. they think I also will not last long this time. But this will be my last time, so want to breastfeed as long as possible... Dunno how long I can last.

Did you ask someone to massage? I think it can help your engorgement. I know a massage lady who is good in clearing block duct & breast massage, if you are interested I can give you her contact.
Lisa77, mine is also 50ml borh size, let jiayou okay!can givE me the lady for massaging the breast? I felt my left side still got blocked dust that why the milk flow is not good.. My mil is not supportive with me breastfeeding too and keep commenting I have low supply, say her's last time keep dripping wan. I listen already damn Sianz!
Haru & SSP: Thanks for the encouragement. I also try to latch but my bb always nipple sucking... Mayb that's y my supply still so low. He has been bottle feed, so become lazy, don't want to open his mouth wide.

Mrs Kang: I will PMed her contact to you. You also Jia you k.
Mrs Kang: You do not accept PM. The massage lady is Kathy, her contact is 90479414. She does post natal massage but u can tell her to clear your block ducts. She will focus on breast massage to clear for u.
Cayden's mummy

Thank u for the info! Yea, I know they do home service but need $100 n above
. I do not intend to do the cord stamp so gotta bring bb down for hair cut else ll incur $40 surcharge.
Steady la, ben and jerrys already!

Sigh. Dunno how but already misplaced

I am also hovering around 40-50 but I only pump once at night when my girl is asleep. The rest of the time I latch on. Jiaayoou!!! Don't give up ok? Like what haru say, keep latching on!

I always unlatch and get her to re latch on if she is suckling wrongly!

Mrs kang
Wah your MIL is so not supportive and encouraging... Maybe you can say "wah so good! Tell me whatss your secret!"

Today just did red egg party part one for friends. Baby was passed around so much that she doesn't smell like herself! Smells like a mixture of everyone :S tomorrow is party for family. Tired!
Pinkbunny, ya super irritated by her comment .. Then if my girl cry after my feeding she will carry and say not full still hungry hor. Like hinting my milk nt enough. My girl only 1 weeks old and PD already say now give her 50-60ml each feed and I am feeding my girl ebm 50ml how can it be not enough. Baby sure cry and fuss de ma. But to her cry mean hungry Muz feed she thought baby stomach so big meh? Really don't understand her. Sorry for my ranting. I am not gg to give up breastfeeding even though I must up formula milk I also don't mind at least my girl is still drinking abit of breastmilk
Haru and silvery gal
Sorry to give u the wrong impression, mine actually is vaginal birth, the stitches is from my episiotomy wound. I heard pple recover in 2 weeks. But mine now is 4 weeks already still not fully recovered. So a bit worry. Some pple say do not squat down but I keep forgetting. Wonder if that's the cause.
My cl left yesterday, think less time to pump so milk supply will drop further. Not sure how much longer I can hang on.
Fortunately I am not a cow, or else I will be the first to get slaughtered!
Giffy: oh i see. I believe squatting is part/main reason. I heard woman after giving birth should not squat. Best also after 3 mths later. Do take care of urself.
hahah, sounds a lil like my baby last night. kept whining in the night. latched him and then he fell asleep. but i found that changing his diapers after latching one side and then let him wake him a lil before latching other side helps. last night my breasts did not feel engorged coz managed to somewhat let him latch both sides at each feed.

guess what? i had a tiny sip of coke and some fries today! pinched some from hubby's lunch at Carl's Jr after church. hee...
i agree. with the changing of pamper part.wat time was yr bb last feed.my bb woke up at 230am for feed then530a again.so tired man.
Lol on your slaughtered cow comment!!!

Yikes. Didn't know cannot squat. I've been doing it. And kneeling. And sitting on floor to play with my #1

I know wat u mean. I see my hubby down his coke zero I also super gian

Hi five sleepy mummies. Today I was seriously falling asleep in my lunch!! My girl sleeps about 10 (sometimes 9 plus), wakes at 3am for a feed then once more just before sunrise. So I pump at midnight usually

Yesterday night I felt like a little kid whining when I said "I'm sooooo tired. I don't feel like pumping!!!!". It's really so tiring. But I make hubby watch something on tv with me while I pump so at least got company

Realise that when latching on while lying down, we both tend to fall asleep. And I think she falls asleep before she's full. So I've taken to sitting up to feed at night. Suuuuper tired!!!

My little one ah! When she wants to sleep, she will just sleep! Change diaper, change clothes, burp her, tickle her, put wet towel on her face etc to get her to suckle, all no use one

Anyone's baby wants to latch on 25/7??? Hello tired boobies
my baby's timing similar to yours. tends to be between 2-3 hours interval.

how are you coping with your #1 and baby so far? i had 2 days so far on my own with 2 kids. no joke, especially when baby is crying and #1 needs attention. most challenging when trying to shower and put both to bed. been feeling a lil frustrated too coz #1 is such a light sleeper so she has been waking up super early before 7am (she normally sleeps till 730am) and its hard to get her to sleep when baby cries. end up she has been sleeping lesser. =( hope baby will continue to be a good sleeper so that jiejie won't be sleep deprived for too long!

my hubby normally watches tv or soccer (weekends) till late so i have company. and end up eating supper with him every night. =P but hubby says baby starting to use mama's boobies as pacifier coz sometimes nothing else makes him happier and calmer than latching on. hahah...
Today went Kkh to do follow up check.. Stitches and womb are all ok! But down there still pain.. Has anybody resumed sexy time with hubby? LOL! Gynae said its normal to feel some pain doing it for first time after labour..

SSP: the cord stamp costs $128 for zodiac design, the one using Liu Li material is more ex.. In the free Kkh diaper bag there is a $8 off voucher..

Need advice: my baby doesn't seem to like frozen milk (I smelt it and it really does smell fishy! Eeks!) and I already have a good supply in the freezer. Baby drinks BM from bottle in daytime except when going out or night time when he gets 2-3 times formula milk. Should I try to latch on instead of pumping out? Scared it will be even more tiring than feeding bottle + pumping + washing up & sterilizing..
Cayden's mummy,
I'm similar to you. Give BB EBM, but not juz day time, night time also. Have tried to let her latch on during day time b4, but end up really tired. She'll fall asleep when latching & wake up every hour. So she's not drinking a lot & end up i need to pump also.
This week i'm staying at my in-law's house in Msia for 1 week coz they have been complaining & making noise as they want to see BB longer. So tonite onwards i'll take care bb alone (hubby back to spore) & decided to latch bb directly for nite feeds. Hope can do it successfully. Else if she wake up every hour, sure i'll go crazy.
For my #1 i do latch on for 23/7 for couples of mths... this is old ppl style. Hmm actually not tired. coz nothing to wash, just keep the breast clean.
But when wants to convert to ebm bottles feed will be super hard.
I'm thinking of doing a 40 day confinement coz i'm getting more tired... really need to rest more. maybe too much thing needs to be done.

Anyone here doing 40 day confinement?
Cayden's mummy,
hubby and i are keen to resume but we are a lil afraid. hubby thinks i should let it heal a lil longer and also we only succeeded after a few months after my first delivery. maybe at least let it rest for a month or so..

any mommies still looking for electrical dual pump? i bot a brand new Ameda Dual pump, but somehow my breasts is so used to my Avent manual that i can pump faster and more with my manual pump. will give Ameda another few tries and if still doesn't work well for me, i would like to let it go. Let me know if you are still looking for a pump ya? i can let it go with some accessories for free which i got to fit the pump. (Avent bottle adapter, super shields plus, pumping' pal).

sigh, my #1 woke up super early again. Looks like i really have to stick to putting her to bed super early. else it seems like she is getting so lil sleep. wonder if its coz of the change in the household (new baby) that she wakes up damn early. even if baby is sound asleep she is up before sunrise already. its not baby that makes me wake up early, its my 3 year old that forces me to be up early!

Today is my 30th day n am thinking of breaking it at 30th day last time. However, same reason as u, still feel quite tired. So I ll ctd till day 40.
Morning mummies, with all the sleepless night, stress, breastfeeding within 1week plus I have lose 8kg . Taking care of baby is the best diet pills ..
Hi mummies,
can i check where do u all go to calculate your bb's chinese name?
can also share your experience and their prices?

mrs kang

wow envied u me only lose 5kg...sob

i also busy with my no1 and bb but nv slim down lei.maybe u are the slim kind
Caydenmum and haru
Think usually dr say To be safe, at least 6 weeks after delivery or vaginal birth.

Hi-5, my hubby stay late to watch football too. I kinda hope that they have it more often so i have accompany from him. Otherwise he can sleep like a log, baby cry also dont wake up. Man !! Their life is not the least affected bcos of baby
sometimes i so angry seeing him watching football or tivi when i busy with baby, but then i try to calm myself down thinking well at least he is doing it home than outside hmmm...

Re managing no 1, first week after delivery, i was so frustrated. I hv to take care of bb by myself, hv engorgement pain, vaginal wound, back pain, in addition, my no 1 getting more stubborn. My mum and hubby cant manage her, end up her routIne all go hay wired, sleep less, eat less, nv brush teeth. I scold her like no one business, think she wants my attention. End up my blood pressure shoot up
. So got to learn to relax and let go....

Rashes on boob, i used Neoderm cream, immediate relief. Cannot stand the itchy in such weather. Given by gynea during pregnancy so think should be ok, just dun over use.
Btw, i still eat pizza, fast food, all the normal foods as usual. Drink a lot of cold coconut, once or twice a day when i have high fever also to reduce the fever. Why cant we eat normal food?

I have the powder and the patch to clean the cord from TMC too, anyone wants can pm me
Kirsten, I think is becoz I am super stress that why lead to the weight lose.. But I think mostly should be water lost ba.. Jialat man my girl now only want to sleep in people arm. When put her down on the baby cot she wake up again
Desperatemum: my baby about 6 weeks le.. But down there still so pain. Sigh! I'm thinking if it's psychological? Anw when gynae did pap smear for me putting 2 fingers already hurt me like hell lor..

Haru: wow few months!! Sooo long.. And now we gotta think of preventive measures.. Condoms are only 75% safe! Omg..

Mrs Kang: my boy too! In day time once he fall asleep we wil put him down.. Den after awhile he will auto wake up and fuss! Argh..

About pumping:
My entertainment is to surf Facebook and the net on my iPhone during pumping.. Hubby is not as entertaining leh. Haha! I can search for gd deals, or see if there is any upcoming fairs or offers.. Ntuc app is the best! Lolz..
Cayden mummy:

Hi 5! I also surf the net or watch drama on youtube to keep myself entertained while pumping. Time flies else v boring. Hehe, dint know theres a NTUC app.Shall check it out! During nite time when I pump, I always got the feeling I m like a bat/vampire lurking in the dark.

Mrs Kang

Yes, bb likes to be cuddled. Now my boy also likes to zzz in people's arm but we try not to spoil him. So far, we train him to zzz alone at night, and when he cries loudly, we ll take turns to attend to him.


So envious of u! u can slim down so fast!! Any secret besides breastfeeding? I m currently bf-ing my boy now and hope can regain my pre-preg figure fast!
Mummies, how u all surf net while pumping? I am using PISA. My both hand need to hold the pump and all I can do is watch tv. Night time I cant pump at all coz nobody help me take care of my girl and she is very fussy at night
Mrs Kang

B4 pump I ll set the drama going. Now I got C sect wound, cant do much. Last time for no 1, I can use PISA, use my legs to prop the bottles and surf. A bit hard to explain here.
