(2012/04) Apr 2012

Anyone having diarrear or loose stool very freq like immed after meal? I'm having it quite freq these few days. Had stop taking fenugreek tablet for the past few days as suspect as its one of the cause. My discharge seem to hv lesser the day before but today seem to hv more again with some thick blood clots. Wonder if it's normal.

Lovexuan, for the gripe water I should feed baby after milk or before milk? I suspect my baby girl stomach got wind too, she always don't burp but she does fart a lot hehe
but I still want to try feeding her gripe water to see if she will felt better..
Mummies, how do u make ur bb sleep at night? Mine will fuss till 4am then finally off to her dreamland. Currently 23 days old. Or how long will it takefor bb to get adjusted.
Okie.. I thot there is a 'standard' time for bathing i would bathe him in the evening cuz day time i wont on the aircon and latching on can be a mini war wif him sometimes cuz he wld sometimes refuse to latch on on one side den end up we both are in sweat.. den quite yucky to last thru the day like tat rite? But do u mommies clean ur bb mouth wif washcloth? Cuz i read somewhere tat bm ald has anti bac and all tat so no nd to clean..

My fren taught me to psycho the bb during the last nite feed: bb it's nite time aft this it's time to sleep all the way till mrn.. be a good bb and mummy will see you in the mrn k? I say this to my bb everynite that he seems to understand.. tho my last feed is ard 3-4am and the nxt feed is 6-7.. haha! Hey at least i'm positive!
Thanks mummies for your advice. I bought the gripe water this afternoon but the prescription said 1 month onwards never mention infant. Anyone given to your baby before 1 mOnth?

I usually feed baby lying down esp at nite. Day time will try to sit up and burp but nite is too tired.

Bath time, my bb is bath at nite ard 8pm. No choice has to wait for daddy to come back fr work I can't manage on my own still feel very weak
Hi mums, would like to check can we store ebm at room temperature and for how long? The books and websites seems to have different answers. Tks
Thanks Haru and silverygal! I do hope this would be the last ordeal. I still have one last obstacle to go: baby's heart murmur issue. Waiting for appointment with cardiac centre. Hope the hole has closed!

Gripewater: i also bought at 2 weeks old but saw that it's for 1 month old so i started giving only after 1 month old. I will add a teaspoon of warm water and half teaspoon of gripewater and feed with an infant spoon. I give after milk at around 5pm in the evening.

Sleep: i started a bedtime routine for baby when he was 3 weeks old. Between 8 to 9pm, i will wipe him with warm water, change pjs, turn on aircon, dim lights, no more play and lower my voice. I will tell him it's bedtime and we will all go lala land and have sweet dreams. I will also sing him lullabies while latching on. Then 10pm lights out and zzz.. After a few days, he started sleeping longer and most of the time only wakes up once a night at 3am then zzz all the way and wakes up at 8am together with my girl. He is getting better at it! Only occasionally haywire..
Belleryn: u r indeed positive. But at least ur bb is not crying the whole night good enough. Mine usually cry till 4am then these 2 nights till 5am. Feeding her fm at night n she still can drink at interval 2hrs. Drink already still dun wan slp!

Lovexuan: will start ur.method from tonight! Hopefully can see improvement a few days later.
Mummies!! Let me rant here please! My mil go n feed my bb formula while I am asleep. I just don't understand wht she don't want to feed the ebm whereby I have pump. N she is not following the feeding time, from the last feed is only 2 n half hour. She say baby cry so she give milk. Why she got the logic cry mean hungry! I m giving up hope my confinement end quickly n I can get out of the house to get fresh air!
Mrs kang
my baby drink every 1-2hours intervals. in between feed still want me to latch on... so sometimes baby cried really is hungry .
Mrs Kang
You mil just like mine, you not alone, mind give more strange things, what to do? Tried tell hubby but he does really want to side me anymore, said he tired sandwitch in between...

How you can feed bb for half sm hour? Mine longest is 15 mins but usually 5-8 mins she will doze off at my breast. Then she will wake up every hour to ask for milk only to latch on for 5 mins. I don't know how to train her and I'm exhausted. If I tried to wake her and make her latch for 10-15 mins then very likely later will merlion out. So depressed. Then mil will say ur milk not nice la not enough nutrition

Hw many of u freeze ur BM? I wanna check with u how u store ur BM? I'm not sure if mine spoil.. I pump, freeze, at times I will accumulate if insufficient. Usually put in fridge until enough den I pour into milk bag n freeze.(max in fridge for 1 day)
For thaw, I put in fridge the night before & by next morning usually the frozen milk will melt. But I juz checked my milk there r small white particles in between the milk. Initially a layer seems more diluted, I gave it a shake & it's all the same color. Juz those white particles I dunno if the milk is still fresh anot.

Can somebody advise if u face the same thing, the white particles in between the thawed milk
how do u coax yr bb to slp beside theroutine.u carry the bb or the bb lie on the coax.when
normally bb last feed.feed ebm or?hope can get advice from you.thx
i noticed recently baby sweats lots when sleeping. so since 2 nights ago, i stopped swaddling him. so trying to get him to learn to sleep w/o being swaddled. if not i think its way too warm for him (even w aircon)!

wow!! ur baby very guai! mine still wakes up at least twice to feed at night. very tiring...yawn! but good thing is he falls back asleep easily at night. hee...

i have been freezing my excess BM. but freezer getting full hence i am cutting down pumping sessions if not my breast keeps getting full very quickly! its tough when i have to go out and boobs are engorged even after latching. seems like u are doing the right thing w ur EBM....can other mommies advise too?
Silverygal, good luck!
But do keep in mind that babies at this age do not stick to a routine strictly until around 12 weeks old. They are still rather unpredictable sometimes. So don't be despair if it doesn't work, just keep trying. Like mine, he decided to wake up at 1am last night and finally slept at 8am! No idea why! Haha.. My #1 started sleeping through the night only from 2.5 months old.
desperatemum, i think its cos i don't latch on in a very comfy position. My baby is not a champ at sucking yet plus i still get sore nipples so i will sit on a chair with him seated on my lap, not lying down. This helps prevent reflux too cos his body is slanted. When he stops sucking, i will tickle his ears or palms and he will continue. Slowly the suction will be less powerful and i know he's had enough then i will cradle him. Ya! I am exhausted too! Waiting for him to perfect latching on before i move to lying down position.
kirsten, i will latch on baby as he does not like bottle. When he is done feeding(doing the non-nutritive suckle), i will lay him on his cot and pat his bum for a minute until his eyes look drowsy. Then i will turn off the lights and he will doze off.
haru, we are still working on it! Not everytime good boy de. But as long as 4 out of 7 days, i am satisfied le. Cos he doesn't really sleep during the day. At most 30 minutes to 1 hour each nap. Latching on every 1.5 to 2 hours then wants to carry, play or go out for a walk. Haha.. Every baby is really different.
Mummy baby 2008: my frozen milk has particles too.. Think it's normal. But my frozen milk has this smell! Like gone bad.. So what I do is to mix it with fresh ebm so the smell / taste is not so bad.. My baby doesn't like frozen milk lor..

Mrs Kang: don't be stressed!! Talk to ur hubby.. Old people always think formula is much better than BM.. How about hiding the tin of formula? Wahaha.. Jk.. Such things u really need ur hubby to support and help u, if not u will really be emotionally wrecked..
my boy sleep longlong.... sometimes morning wake up for few hour or after bath. in between when hungry will cry loud once give milk sleep again... evening time will wake up awhile to play. so daily he only wake up abt 4-5hour at most.
Well i should count myself lucky. all my 4 baby no problem with night sleeping. they seem to know the different between day and night...
yawn!!! morning mommies! kinda sleepy coz baby was quite whiney last night and i was up early. think coz never swaddle him so he tends to have his hands "flying" everywhere which makes it hard for him to sleep..haha...hubby sleeping with him now while i cleared some work emails.

hope everyone had a lovely mothers' day yesterday!!
hi mummies, those mummies who had difficulty with babies bedtime, did you try to feed baby under dimmed lights and dont talk to baby etc?

mummies with more than 1 kid, do you find a problem establishing a bedtime routine for baby? for me, my #1 is always disturbing when i'm latching baby for the last feed before bedtime. so end up i cant have a proper routine for baby.
reborn: #1 needs us to stay with her until she falls asleep. daddy is co-sleeping with her now.

really pei fu you, reborn! how did you handle so many kids on your own? with my 6 weeks old newborn and a 2.5 yo, i have thought many times that it seems difficult to split my time and myself! is your hubby helping out alot?
reborn, you are so lucky! All your babies dote on mummy.

kirsten, i think every baby is different. My girl was not like my boy at all. She needed to be carried until soundly asleep before i can put down. People say don't always carry baby and make it a habit but imo, babies are for cuddling. How long do they stay that age? So i carry my boy a lot but when it's time to sleep, he will still zzz on his own. Haha
lilcactus, maybe cos my elder girl is already 5 years old this year so she is more independent. She can play and do her own stuff by herself. She will only come to help me when she hears didi crying and i need to bathe/cook. She does everthing on her own and only needs me to bathe her or clean her after poo. The 4 of us co-sleep in the same room. After i settled down baby to sleep around 10pm, i will read her bedtime stories and sleep with her.
My baby is 6 weeks old today and he has started to flip himself around the cot! He also loves to blabble to me a lot and laughs at his cot mobile. How time flies! He's growing so fast. I am so excited!
my hb only help me bath baby for weekend and maybe help me feed baby twice a week. now still doing my confinement so he will bath baby on weekend.
All other stuff i do myself or my girl will help me. the 2 elder jia jia will help mei mei bath.
Lovexuan: understand. Sure to have gd n bad days. Yesterday night was alright except waking up interval of 3 hrs to have her milk. At least she did not fuss.

Regarding storing of bm. I do not have much supply hence i only store it in milk bottles. N will use it within the day except the last 2 pumps will use it next day. Question id thr milk bottle is wet cos after sterilising, i will just assemble them together. Cos understand no need to dry them. So will it spoil the bm?
I m figuring out y my bb's poo is greenish. Sometimes back to normal yellowish. Can have these 2 types of poo within the day.
silverygal, my baby also has greenish frothy poo and i realised it's due to foremilk hindmilk imbalance. Check this out: http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/foremilk-hindmilk-imbalance.html

Mummies, my baby started to reject milk bottle! He refuses to open his mouth and cry cry cry when i put it on his lips for past few days. He was ok with it previously. No idea why he just wants to latch on. I am ok with latching on but sometimes i want to give my sore nipples a break! He is like drinking 12 to 15 times a day. Now i cannot express and give ebm??
Posted on Monday, May 14, 2012 - 11:58 am:       
I feel sad… My EDD is today 14 May and I received a called from my CL last night 10pm. She said she can’t do the confinement for me as she is sick. She is suck as last minutes informed. She able to get a replacement for me. After closed the called she directly gave me another called, she said ‘How? How about your friend?’ with very clear and healthy voice as compare with the sick voice she talked to me. From here I knew that she is lie to me as she is sick but actually she is not… I hope other mummy won’t get into same situation as me, hope other mummy alert of her as not responsible behavior. Her name is Candy, stay at Yishun, her phone number is 9139 8191.
Hopefully the replacement she got for me will be no problem.. hope everything is fine after this. I need to be cheer up for my bb who is waiting to be join my family. lol….
hi mommies,
feel like a zombie today. been up since early morning and was busy ironing, doing laundry, bathing the kids, etc...wish there was a clone of me sometimes. being a mom is really the toughest and most under appreciated job. actually i think hubby being on leave makes no difference except an extra helping hand in certain things. end up i still do everything myself. maybe i should ask him to just go back to work. he is mostly just home surfing the net and at night doesn't wake up and gets to sleep in every morning. sigh...and i thought i was e one on confinement. +.+
hi mommies,
ytd was suckle and swallow day all day long!!
he was practically on my breast throughout the day! there was one feed that he latched on for one hour on EACH breast k? total 2 hours! omigod i thot he was overfed but he woke up 3 hours later to feed again! izzit normal? but aft that feed i told him: bb mummy is reali tired today aft this you sleep all the way till mrn alrite? and he did! last feed was 4am and he woke up at 9am this mrn! phew.. finally i got my 3 straight hours sleep..

but now i'm really worried abt overfeeding him.. today i noticed his stomach seems abit bloated but he still feed quite well.. did a research online.. breastfed babies seldom will be overfed.. but still.. i'm quite paranoid..
Do you have a problem with huge nipples that caused problem when expressing? All along I have been using size m shield then till recently, my nipples are so sore from the expressing, called the lactation nurse and was advised to rest the nipples and to do manual express, this is very bad, I took 1.5hr to squeeze out the milk and my thumbs are like dislocated.. I bought the bigger size shield, hopefully things will get better..

Men are like that.. I think they also feel helpless and don't know how to help.. when my hb is at home, he'll sleep when my no.1 is awake and wake up to watch tv when my no.1 is asleep..or will be in the restroom sitting on his throne for a long long time..
Hi Mummies

I am from DEC 2012 thread

Any recommended confinement nanny? DID anyone use PEM confinement agency?

Pls pm me to share.. thanks a lot
take care. me too always lack of sleep. try to sleep during the day when bb sleep ya

i agree with lotusmum. men are like that. mine has a more serious prob. this time is still a girl so he very ignorant cos he desperately wants a boy, make me also very stressed up. my no 1 he was very caring and help me a lot. this time other than bath baby he doesn't care for me and bb at all, even when i have high fever due to mastitis he is still sound asleep when i stay awake take care of bb. very sad but what to do. at times i feel very angry and depressed, but pick up a fight doesn't help. i tried to talk to him and now if i ask him to do sth specific like buy sth for me he will do, otherwise he will not. so must give specific order, can't expect initiative...

your link abt oversupply and milk imbalance v useful, thanks!! reject bottles, my no 1 got the same prob cos i only give her bottle once during 4-5 week then until 2.5 months when i back to work she totally reject, starve herself so my MIL gave up and spoon feed her. now lesson learnt is from 4-5 weeks i will give bottle once a day to no 2 so hopefully she will be used to it. and they say NUK latex teats is less confused for baby.
desperatemum, lovexuan
I been using NUK latex for all my baby, no problem and they never reject bottle at all.
Well when they reject bottle is it the flow of the milk is too fast or too slow?
my boy now using NUK latex size 1 but M size. Now 6 week old.
sounds like all men are really from the same planet..haha..

wow!! that is a luxury!!! haha..not sure if baby going thru a growth spurt or what, woke up every hr last night. yikes...

ur post reminds me, i have not given baby EMB for the past week! should keep giving at least once a day if not like you said reject bottle (like my #1!)..

its another hot hot day!! sweating like mad just sitting at home...=Z
Mummies I have fever and mastitis again today. Another dose of antibiotic and painful breast

I still pump at 3-4 hr interval but I didn't empty the breasts hoping that thebody will adjust and produce less. So instead of pump out the whole 150ml each side i only pump 70 ml. End up got fever again.
So stress, how to reduce supply ah
desperatemum, oh no! Hugs to you. GWS! I heard putting cabbage leaves help. I didn't try but i did cut down on food that increases supply. For me i cannot even miss a feeding else will be super engorged. How about latching on more often than pumping? Cos baby's suckle is much more powerful. Ya, the website helped me a lot. I followed what they said and feed one side for 4 hours before switching. I will also hand express out about 5 minutes before feeding baby cos i really have lots of foremilk. Now no more green poo!

reborn, my #1 rejected NUK so i didn't buy this time. I am using MAM. Funny leh. Today i added gripe water to the formula and he actually drank all! But i think i will get a NUK to try then. Maybe cos i stopped bottle since 2 weeks ago(never pump) so now when i re-intro, he hates it? Or is it the formula? He is taking similac at first then i switched to similac total comfort and he totally refused. Now back to similac.
Thanks for your advice, i want to increase latching but prob is she only latched 5 mins then sleep, or if latch longer will vomit later. But she asked for it every hour. Should i lengthen to 2 hr so she hungry and latch more?

Can i ask why u hv oversupply but still give ur boy fomula?
cannot cut down so much at one go. still keep to the intervals but pump each side about 120ml. keep this to couples of day then slowly reduce again if u need.
Or cut down on urn fluid in taken to half plus pump lesser amt . this will work naturally.

cannot just totally change milk, need at least few day of slow mixing. if not most of the baby or even the toddler will reject.

for me i introduce bottle once baby discharge so i got no problem. during my afternoon nap for that 2hrs and night sleep i will latch on. other timing will bottle feed.
According to the old ppl say before bb full mths is more easy to change their habit but once after full mths is super hard and stubborn.

speaking of which, i thought of giving baby EBM just now coz he woke up right after i pump. i let him latch awhile to help me clear some blocked ducts, in e end he didn't even bother with the bottled EBM. plus side is that i really got to empty breasts. shall try to remember to let him have a bottle a day or every other day!
