(2012/04) Apr 2012

Hi mummies, on blood clot... Me too that day had so many clots flooding out and immediately called my gynae on a sat night. Very promptly he answers the call and ask me down to TMC clinic.

When I was there, he is already there. Came to examine me and warded me a night there for observation.

Oh he also asked me what herbal soup have I taken and these herbs in the soup make have caused my blood clot.

So I stopped all wine, DOM, herbal soup for almost a week. Clot has stopped too.

Now I have tons of herbs lying in my fridge..

You shall not give up, you cant be pumping jus 50 ml aday.. as long you try pump every 3 or 4 hrs.. you will get more.
I pump about 3 to 4 times aday.. now milk supply gets more than before, each time 80 ml..sometimes 60 ml..and 1 day about 200 to 300 ml milk for my bb, is good enouf! As she latch on afew times aday too. She is on partial, my CL still give fm in between feed.
CL told me during confinement is the best time for breast feeding as we mother eating all the nutritious and good food. after that we tends to eat other stuffs.. so our breast milk not as good as the first month. Remember, you mus EAT..if you are hungry you wont supply much milk. So you mus jia you.. you must tell yourself , you have milk... it will come!
Weigh lose
Yet... Dun intend to control my diet since I'm TBF... But once finish confinement and no helper ard, I think will slim down automatic ba.... My pre- Peggy weigh is 48-50kg. Few days ago weigh 57kg... But my very 1st #1pre-peggy is 44kg... Haha... So many kg to go.
#1 gain abt 9kg so weigh 53kg, once deliver weight 46kg.
My #2 pregnancy gain 30kg so is ard 78kg and after deliver
for 2mths I lose 24kg so become 54kg.
#3 gain 7kg weigh 61kg after deliver for couples of mths become 53kg.
So rest for 4yrs before my #4 came and I got twice misscarriage and ill due to gastric pain then I became 48kg.
Now #4 full term weigh 62kg... Still got another 10-14kg to loss to be back my 44kg....
What a long way to go....
Thanks mummies who have help give advise for me
reborn u very capable.. Must b very busy mum so can lose weight easily.. It's my #1 n pre preggy 48 but preggy add weight to 65 which is more than ur #4 weight gain.. Btw heard my sis in law says she dun use pump only massage n manual pump out milk n she can really pump a lot w/o using milk pump.. Of coz she latch bb to keep flow going too..,
Now the topic has come to weight loss.. Breastfeeding helps in losing weight..for my no.1, pre-preggie, 52kg, preggie 62 kg, 2 months after delivery 42 kg.. Erm, I was suffering from post natal blues then, lost 1 kg with every missed meal..
Now, pre-preggie 45 kg, preggie 60kg, now 47 kg..(exactly 1month tomorrow)
Hi Lotusmum,
Yes, I have a maid to help me out but my #1stick to me like super glue after I gave birth to #2. Your 2 years plus toddle also not easy to take care. Ni xin ku le!!! But as mummy we sure can overcome it, jia you!!

Hi blessed,
For my no1 my MIL is the one who cook for me. It turns out to be a disaster.I have to take care of my newborn day & nite & I don't have enough rest n stress over the milk supply
.Same as lotusmum, I fall into depression. Abit of things I will cry, it came to the extend that when my bb cry, I totally don't want to care n just want to hide under my pillow n cry. Lucky
hubby took leave n he take over.

Now tot no 2 I can "bu" back. Same thing. My this CL is a replacement. The one whom I requested for last min cannot
make it &she found this lady to replace her. Her cooking suck lor. Whatever I eat she also eat. First week only fall sick, then
I have to take care of my bb. So if u ask me what is
confinement food, I can tell u I don't really know. Plus she super free one only cook 2 meals a day.

Your gynea sound like Dr Adrian Woodworth to me. I also
have tons of herbs in my fridge. My CL say no point cooking for me since my lochia yet to clear.
Hi Ms Tan,

I did try to pump every 4hrs. But really empty bottles leh. I wonder is it bcos at nite I never latch and pump that is y no milk supply . Or it is the food I take not nutritious enough.??
talking about losing weight, i am eating so much that i can't really think about losing weight! seem to be hungry often!! =P pre-preggie weight 42kg, current weight 47kg. seems like long way to go..hahah...
Kexie, ya don't give up on breastfeeding. Me too the first few day when I pump there is no milk at all looking at the empty bottle make me very depress moreover my mil
Keep comment that I don't have milk for my girl when I am only in my 4th or 5th day. Luckily my own mum keep encouring me that just keep pump or latch I will get more milk. My both breast is engorged for few days my left size have clear but right side still abit engorged .. I did thinking of giving up breastfeeding but my hubby keep encourage me and say i just give baby how much i can and that is good enough! So now I am mixing formula and ebm. And my supply is around 50ml at my left side and right not even 5ml coz is still engorged and the nipples is short.. But just don't give up okay!
Hi kexie, u are superb!
Correct! He's my gynae. How do you know that?
You are with him too?

He told me to stop first but I don't know when to consume it again.
Haha, he said that the certain herbs will caused the clot.

Plus I catered for confinement food, what soup they deliver, I drink. Can't even answer him what have I drank as he asked me... Haha!
SSP and haru: thanks for ur advice.. But just now went to see doc at polyclinic, confirmed is oral thrush. Mummies please rmb to keep ur boobs clean before and after BF! Have to apply gel for baby now.. Sobs. But good thing is his jaundice drop to 61 le!


My right side is bigger than my left so got more milk also.. It's very normal to have different supply as boobs may not be both of the same size.


All of u mummies must jiayou!! Pump and latch will increase supply de! And rmb to drink more water. 1st month during confinement produces the best milk. Cos after confinement anyhow eat and drink le.. Wahaha! Supply may be low for first few days, but As long as bb still wet about 6 diapers a day and gaining weight, it's ok..
Weight gain:

Originally I was 41kg, gain till approx 58kg, now slim down back to 46kg liao.. Taking care of baby, breastfeeding, not enough sleep, no time to eat and post natal massage all contribute to slimming down.. Im skipping breakfast due to sleeping more and lunch sometimes eat little bit at a late timing.. When u tc of baby, really not enough time..

Sorry to hear that! Indeed having a good CL is v impt. As for my case, pple find it hard to believe as it is my own mum. During my no. 1, my mum enthusiastically offered to do confinement for me. However, my boy fell sick 2 weeks later and had to be sent to KK. V heartpain then cos he got fever, and medication got to be adminstered thru his skull. Somemore, the kk doc took liquid fr his bladder and spine to ensure he is ok. I was so pissed with my mum then cos my dad was sick (we dint know abt it) but she still placed bb next to him.

Then subsequently, during the 3rd wk of my confinement, my mum threw a tantrum, ran out of the house and refused to help me and bb. that time i was pumping milk n bb was crying frantically in cot. My hubby gotta call her n begged her to come back as he cannot leave his workplace like that. Subsequently, she refused to help us look after night and my poor hubby gotta take over. Somemore, she is a cleanliness addict, every little drop of rice or dust, she cannot stand it. Once my no 1 merlioned out all his milk, she was shouting hysterically and told me to bend down to clean the milk. As a result, my C sec wound kanna infected and I gotta take a jab.

So 4th wks ended, she simply walked out on me and since my wound was infected, we had no choice but to stay with my ils for a while. My mil is nice i would say, but her mouth is v "sharp". As a result, I lapsed into post natal depression too n cried too. When I wanna bring my son back home, my mil would b unhappy n scold me, soememore her neighbour also come n scold me, say i ungrateful, need help then ask mil, no need help bring bb back. So for my no1, it was a double blow fr my mum n mil.

For my no 2, I m v determined to engage a CL. However, as our new house is on the way, I had to stay with my mum. At first, she told me to give away my dog then I can engage a helper (but the helper is her friend which I m ok with it). I did. Then, after I gave away my dog, she broke her promise and said she cannot stand another lady in her home as she scared her friend v dirty etc. When she told me this, it was super last min and my hands r tied to get a gd CL. So we took the risk. For No 2, things r slightly better and I can relax a bit more, but sometimes v frustrated. Being a cleanliness addict, she will not rest when bb is sleeping. She will clean and clean the house non stop and made herself v tired. At night, she will b so exhausted and cannot take care of bb. We did advise her to rest and she began to go hysterical and said she did the cleaning for us! After that, she ll want my hb to take E leave to help her. When my mil 12 come over n help, she said cannot, outsiders r v dirty and when my ils just came over to visit, they sat on the sofa. Next day, my mum santized the whole living rm and scrubbed the sofa, then left bb crying. When my bb wants milk, she ll scold him why he has to drink so much etc etc. See liao also heart break. When bb interrupt her cleaning schedule, she ll cane my no. 1 to vent her anger. As a result, my frens and cousins who 12 visit, I told them not to else the cleaning will start. Sometimes when I m v tired n need to rest, the shouting in the background makes it so hard n tough. The only time I can zzz peacefully would b night time, a few hr, then need to pump milk again. But thankfully my emotions r in check now, and it is so much better. So it doesnt mean own mum do confinement is def better.
Hi mummies
Tired mummy checking in. I only had some quiet time in the early evening when both my girls were sleeping. Can you believe it- baby was up from 9plus this morning and only napped at 4pm!!! Whole day just latched on and on and on then dozed, put down, wake up,cry, repeat repeat repeat. Even gave FM cos she cried so hard at one point. I latched on sooooo much today but the moment I detach, she wake up. But can tell she's so sleepy. Finally at 4pm, I could breathe a sigh of relief with both girls asleep and I could rest

Jiayou BF mummies!!!
Is it just me or...
- does anyone else also enjoy picking out fuzz from between their baby's fingers (from the mittens)

- does anyone else also feel gross putting a fresh clean baby onto not so fresh and clean (and even sweaty and yucky) boob for latching on? Baby doesn't seem to mind but I feel so yuck sometimes
My gynae is dr woody too

I'm glad that I've got a gd CL, she did my no. 1 too.. Indeed having a gd helper is really impt..

Pink bunny, I like to pick frays in between baby fingers too
I will clean my boobs with clean cloth when I feel they are yucky.. Makes me feel better too...
reading your post really going to bring tears to my eyes especially the part on caning no. 1 to vent anger.. :'(
Now then I realized that not exactly all own mothers can be tolerant when it comes to daughters' confinement... I really thank God that my ils are willing to help and are patient with no. 1...
Hi sjbaby, hi 5...
Gotta to miss visiting his clinic after tomorrow when he remove my plaster on my wound.

Indeed a good gynae of few words with cold jokes... Haha!!W
wt loss
so envied of those mummy with fast wt loss.r u all slim by nature .i m.not the fat kind just those just nice kind but i find that wt loss is so tough.i do tbf but wt is still there sob.

do u all find that bb are more difficult to slp at nite.mine settle well in e day but nite time always want to be carry.headache man.any one encounter e same thing as Mr
dont have a weighing scale at home, everyone are talking about weight loss, i should weigh myself too...

Dont worry that you will not slim down if you are on tbf. As long as you keep a heathy diet, its jus a matter of time to return to original weight.
Need some advise frm u ladies on breastfeeding ..

I juz delivered on 30th Apr.. And until yesterday my supply came.. Nw my breast feels engorge .. Wat shld i do ? I've been pumping & latching though the supply is not much .. Pumping will bring about 5ml total frm both sides ..

I need advise on hw to relief the engorgement & i alsO feels lumpyness at my armpits .. Is this normal ? Hw to clear tat ?
sounds like a really tiring day for you yesterday! i was on my own yesterday too and baby was a lil jumpy. kept waking up when i put him in his cot. finally he slept for 3 hours on the couch. hahah..

and yes, i do feel gross sometimes when i have not showered (sweaty) and gotta feed baby.

this time i skipped giving baby the mittens coz he likes to gnaw on them making all the lint stick to his lips. so i let him go mittens free.

Cayden's mommy,
i didn't know that we can cause baby to get oral thrush if our boobs are not cleaned! oh dear.. hope your baby will be all better real soon!

same here, i am really thankful for my parents who are very supportive of my confinement. They cook my meals and are ready to help anytime. love it that my mom is very open minded and share the same view that i should shower daily for hygiene reason and she never nags at me for going out during confinement coz she understands with another child, its tough to be stuck at home.

Mrs Ho,
congrats! you may wish to get the help of a jamu massage lady. its painful but it really helps to clear the blocked ducts from the engorgement. pump every 2 hours and also after the massage session. =)

oh ya, mommies who are needing to pump after latching...how long do you think we will need to keep pumping after latching? i am wondering coz if I am outside, i can't (or rather don't want) to pump after latching baby outside. too much trouble! am hoping either baby is able to feed more (both breasts) soon...
Mrs Ho
Milk is definitely coming in.. I also got lump under armpit, I tried to massage it away co's this is blocked milk duct.. Is it is very hard and stubborn? If so, you may either apply hote compress then massage or massage while taking a bath.
Lotusmum >> it's soft but juz a piece of flesh like which u can pinch up .. So it's normal .. Phew .. I'm so scared ..
Hw often do ur pump ? Cuz supply is low, bb dun really like to latch .. And bb is taking 75ml FM nw isit normal for a 5 days old ?
Von Von, kexie,
Are yours natural? Me csec, half body.. And Adrian didn't let my hubby cut the cord. He practiced the night before .. Haiz.. Hubby didn't get to cut the ribbon for both my boys... The first one csec last min, gynae din even let him go in the OT
Haru and blessed
I also ate the mr bean pancake. To me is not junk food is comfort food.

Mrs kang and mummies who got post natal blues.
I also have the same prob the first few days after delivery. I will just cry for no reason especially at night, for a few nights I cried myself to sleep.

It's my first bb, I am quite worried if I can take care of her by myself at night when the cl leaves tml and my hb is gg to be out of town. I admire those who is having 2nd or 3rd bb. U all r super mummies, so hang in there! We all know it's not easy.

My milk supply seems to drop now 3-4hrs only 30mls le. Not sure y even though I increase my fluid consumption. Today will be my last day of confinement food.

Just visit the gynae yesterday(4weeks after delivery) He say one of my stitches has not heal yet, wants to give me another stitch! But after i gave him the very scared and pathetic look, he say ok c me 2 weeks later, if still not heal then, then will have to stitch. I think it's gg to be very painful, any mummy have this prob b4? Cos my mom and mil say they nv heard of anyone like that. Anything I can do or dun do to make it heal faster?

I understand your fears. Last time for my first bb, I m also v scared to be left alone with him,even for 15 minutes. However, I gradually got the hang of it i.e. I tell myself that bb is the most impt and I shld put aside all things and focus on bb. In this case, we will not be stressed over other stuff n attending to bb. i.e. house is messy, bowls havent wash yet, its ok,all these can wait, but bb need attention. Do u drive? I realize one v effective method to put bb to sleep naturally without using gripe water is to drive bb round n round until he falls zzz. Another alternative I tried out with my no 2 is to go to youtube, search "womb sound" and let bb hear cos they ll feel as though they r in the womb n felt secure. However, this works only for the first few days and after that bb become smart and wont fall for the trick.

For milk supply, dont worry, for no. 1 bb, usually not a lot, but as long as u continue pumping n latch, the supply ll come in until u ve no more space to store them. I always drink a cup of warm water b4 pumping and it helps with the letdown. Drinking green papaya with fish really helps to increase milk ss, though it tastes not v nice. (THis is taught by my gynae's nurses and it increase my milk ss for no. 1).

For C section, I underwent C sect too. Is there pus in your wound? Cos if there is pus, what my gynaw did last time was to just give me an antibiotic jab and then ask me to go back within 3 days and see if effective. If effective, then can leave it. This was my past exp. For these 2 wks, v impt for u to wear the binder so as not to stretch the wound. What I did for no 2 is when I m told to apply cream over the wound, I put sterile gauze to prevent friction between the binder and the wound so will not get abrasion. Eat fish and the c sec wound ll heal faster. Hope this helps!
it is normal to feel nervous about being left along with baby. don't worry, everything will slowly fall into place. now with #2, i am still learning new things everyday. there will be days when everything is going smooth and days where everything seems to go wrong (cranky kid + cranky baby, etc)...
Help! My bb unbilical cord droped a few days back. But the inside still looks wet. Have yellow jelly like which i think is pus. Anyone encounter b4?
Giffy: i also went thr c-sect. Mine was bleeding so hubby helped me clean up n changed the dressing twice. N i removed my binder as it is the culprit which is applying force onto my wound leadind to blood coming out. 2 days ago, i went to visit my gynae. N according to my gynae, a small part of my wound is still raw. So after cleaning, he used a sterile tape to tape over it b4 covering w a waterproof dressing. But gynae have asked my hubby to remove the dressing 5 days later. No need review.
For that few days when blood is oozing out, my mum dun allowed me to carry bb as it will exert force. So maybe u should refrain urself from carrying bb too much. N remember not to use too much force on ur tummy. Btw today is my 15th day.
silvery_gal, its like that. will be wet after drop off. u need to buy this powder to dry it up. i just gave mine away cos didnt use finish. if not i can give it to you. its called baneocin powder. not sure where can buy, got mine from pd. u can try pharmacies?
Giffy, I am feeling better now.. During the stay in hospital I am still feeling alright .. But once I discharge and reach home the first night I started crying in the time.. Coz baby not sleeping and my milk still not yet come in. At the start I am too obsessed with TBF that make me even more stress.. Then slowly I tell myself I give how much I can give my girl. So now I mixed with formula while waiting for more supply.. At least not so stress, and also letting my mil take care of baby in the day so i can rest
i have the powder, u want? i live at woodlands....
I think is better to see pd coz mine all 4 didn't have the yellow color as what u say. my this current bb cord drop off ard 10 day.... i think due to in nicu and they use those light to keep him warm plus 5days didn't bath...
Sjbaby, mine was a epi half body c-sect, hubby was in with me in the OT but didn't not cut the cord too. I need you would need to highlight to dr Adrain on that. If not, the nurse will cut it and clean up the baby ASAP.

My wound was covered by this big waterproof plaster then was clean up and changed to a smaller waterproof plaster on day 2. All the way till today (2weeks), went back to his clinic and got it removed. Was given a cream to apply daily.
Stitches was good, refine and good artwork. ;)

My boy's cord dropped too on day 7, was given the powder to apply too by PD. we have been applying since the day till now.
We could see the dried blood on it.
Hi vonvon & Sjbaby
Yup, Dr Adrian is my gynea. Mine is natural birth. My #2 not as smooth sailing as my #1. I think the doctor that inject the epidural did not do a gd job. Thru out the whole delivery my right leg was totally numb. I cn't feel anything and can't move at all. The nurse have to adjust me to lie on my left to let the medicine flow evenly. When my contraction came, I can feel the pain, then I dilated from 5cm to 10cm within 10mins and the nurse have to rush out to call Dr Adrian in. My bb is pushing his way out & I m not in position yet. I have to be on oxygen mask as the pain is too intense. After that I sort of drifted in & out of conscious. All I heard is Dr Adrian scolding someone then bb cry then I K.O liao.

I went to see him just now. Bad news, the clot is still in there & I have to go for washing tomorrow..A bit scare cos don't know what to expect.=(
Today is my last day of confinement..finally came home.. But a mess is waiting to clear.. The last confinement, I was cleaning the house on the last day till late night is due to my ils left me an oily kitchen to clear.. For this confinement though not done at my place, also must clean because hb tried to clean the house, but the more he cleaned, the messier it gets..and everything is out of place..haiz..越帮越忙..
I was feeling like you a few days back..now, still feeling ok, think if worse comes to worse, will take chicken essence..
Thanxs, lilcactus, reborn n vonvon.
My hubby called up the pd n he told us will dry in another 2wks. Just moniter bb. Make sure bb is eating n slping well. Never told me anything that i can apply.
Reborn: thanxs for offering. Heeheee... A bit too far for me cos me at sengkang.
Any idea where to get the powder?
Kexie: have u tried expressing with ur hands? actually i got a avent electric pump passed dwn from my sil. Tried using it but could not pump out anything. I tried a few times n gave up. Eventually i hand expressed for a few days. Can squeeze out only 20-30ml. Oh, i m also low yield tat is y the pump never manage to pump out my milk. N i think avent motor is not strong. Anyway recently i took out the pump again. But uding it manually. Slowly my output is 40-50ml for every 3-4 hrs. I think the amt of fluid we take in also important. I never drink alot.
care to share how many times. bb wake up in e nite for feed .i was wonder wat would be e feeding intervals then bb one to two mths .care to share experience mummy
Silvery gal
maybe can try pharmacy? unity, Watson and guardian?
Try search their contact number 1st... call and check...

For the feeding really hard to say... all my 4 kids got different time interval.. my this current bb drink every 90min to 120min. feed on demand
