(2012/04) Apr 2012

Reborn, ya first child. The thing is very funny they ownself say don't keep carry.. But they are the one who keep carry.. And when my baby girl cry or what I carry.. The grandma will come and say come I carry then ask me go make milk.. I mean I also want to bond with my girl ma. Then I tell my mil she go make milk I will carry and feed my girl. Then she not happy. I can't latch my baby on cox I got engorge breast

Mrs Kang: wahaha! Super agree.. They r the ones who always say don't carry but keep carrying bb themselves! LOL.. Muz ren.. And get ur hubby to tell them.. U know, ytd my hubby said his mum told him she fed him amulet water by mixing it in his milk! Omg pissed!

Reborn: ahh I heard fridge is max 1 day only! I have been keeping in for Max one day, if extra then I freeze it..

Mrs Kang: u can also refer to babycenter.com to find the info you need about baby.. I find it very informative.. Alot of details such as sleep patterns, milk issues can be found..
i am starting to feel a tired with e night feeds. i was still very energetic the first few days when i came home. haha...have been eating my fav vinegar pig trotters daily and i think thats why feeling damn warm all e time! but its so yummy i can't stop eating it! =P

for my #1, i had the challenge of trying to express enough milk too. actually i find that pumping after latching or just latching lots helps tremendously. now if i happen to pump and baby wakes up to feed, i just let baby latch to completely empty the breasts. if baby doesn't have enough, you can always give EBM or feed again soon. the breasts will still have milk (can hear baby swallowing). thats coz baby is a more efficient "pump". either pump/latch or latch/pump will signal to body to produce more milk. the idea is to try to empty breasts as much as possible. but i am also lazy la, even if breasts are not emptied after night feeds, i don't pump until early morning. too sleepy!!

i am still having bleeding now too..very sian, can't wait for the bleeding to stop.
Mrs Kang
Are you looking after your girl at night? If so, then no worries.. You can rest during day time, ils will take care, and you get to bond with daughter at night..
Mummies, I manage to pump out 50ml from my left engorge breast! Din notice until hubby tell me.. Next pumping session 1230..
I really can't stand red dates and longan tea..very sweet and heaty.. I kena sore throat the following day.. That's why for this confinement, I didn't take much of that.. Had black bean with brown rice drink instead.
Hi mummies think I'm last one to deliver today.. I had unplanned c-sec as bb stress out when induce.. I'm very lost on things to take care for c-sec recovery.. Can u all enlighten me? Thanks
Thank you mummies for ur advice
Just now latch baby @ 9pm, but he seems no satisfied at all. In the end Cl gave 20ml, n I was pumping while she fed. I could still pump out 30ml. Means baby couldn't empty the breast? He 11pm cry again... I saw him sucking my breasts, my right side is flat, so I use breast shield . I'm wondering y he couldn't empty my breast.

About lochia, jus now went toilet and saw jelly like blood clot. Yucks! Quite a big piece, like fish maw
I can also pump until seems like no more le, then my bb fuss, went to latch, still got alot of milk lor -_-"

Monica: congrats! I did not do c-sect but what I heard is to wear the binder, it helps with your wound and also slimming. No seafood like prawns or chicken as u have wound. Muz tc not to strain ur wound..

Sjbaby: my baby also latch on won't be satisfied, suck awhile will keep moving, releasing the nipple or fall asleep. Den very fast cry for milk. What I do is to pump out and feed from bottle. I'm not sure if this is correct way to do it but at least he can finish the bottle and I know how much he is drinking. And latching on can take forever as always suck and stop, suck and stop..

Lochia: my massage lady help me massage and after session, got one pad full of jelly like blood clot too lor! Like tau huay! Omg. I find massage v useful as after that it became lighter and lighter.. Now like going to finish le..
Hi Mummies,
I would like to seek your advice.

My DS is 14 days today but my supply is low .. Can pump 20-40 ml each time 3 hour interval so most of the time, my boy will drink FM or my ebm. However, from the post, it seems like frequent latching and pumping will improve my supply. So if I have just latch and it's time to pump, should I delay my pump session?

Monica: For csection, pls use your binder for at least 1 mth. It helps to lessen the pain and provide support. It will be good if u wear compression socks if u have jus done csect. It help prevent deep vein thrombosis.
Lisa77: I would reccomend pumping after latching is ok, it helps to build supply by telling ur brain ur bb needs more milk.

Btw mummies, need help.. I found some white dots inside bb's mouth.. Tried to rUb it off but cannot.. Is it oral thrush?
Cayden's mummy: when u pump do u realize one side more than the other? My baby prefer to suck left, but when I pump I realize left side lesser than right.. Even after 5 hrs...
cayden's mommy,
i think try not to clean the inside of baby's mouth as too much rigorous cleaning can cause baby to have ulcers. my baby does the same too, like to suddenly pull away after latching awhile. sometimes i try to change his diapers and then latch again. he hardly empties my breasts so i always end up pumping after latching or in between feeds. normally can pump between 60 -120ml. my mom gave him EBM this morning but he only drank like 50ml (and I pumped 125ml). after half hour, i latched him again and he still drink. also good, then i don't have to pump so soon. =P

i find that i am able to pump more milk from my left breast too even tho my right breast may feel fuller..i try to latch more often on my right breast too as it seems to have blocked ducts easily. that is prob why right side feels harder very quick.

congrats! do rest lots ya!
Haru, your milk supply is so good!!! Now my right side can pump 50ml right size very hard but only manage to pump out less then 5ml.. Hope my milk supply can come in faster today is my 6th day
Cayden's mummy, are the spots on the tongue? If so, don't touch them, was told by pd they r taste buds and should be left alone.

Got my confinement extended by another 12days after my mom noticed that I tolerating confinement foods quite well. She aiming for 40 days. Sigh... I was so looking fwd to eating normal, non-ginger foods again. Says better for my health so I will be putting up with it for a little longer.
Mrs kang, u gave birth 27? We very close,, today my 7 day. Think ur right side and my left side has block ducts.. Ur yield is not bad leh..
Then you can bu all back..
For me, I can't wait for confinement to end.. Find that confinement is the toughest period to go through..maybe I am being greedy, always wanting to take unhealthy food and cold drinks..
My confinement suck big time. The confinement lady don't seem to know how to cook confinement food like tt. Not automatic also. Now counting dwn to next thu where I can say bye bye to her.

Then my nightmare will start. Home alone with my 17th mth boy n my one mth old baby.
I gave birth on 26th April.. Only yesterday then I manage to get 50ml from my left side.. I was shocked also, coz normally I only get less then 5ml. Before yesterday i super depress.. Keep crying.. Coz can't pump out any milk .. And my breast is engorged .. I wonder when my right size blocked dust clear le
Mrs Kang, don't be depress n stress. Heard it will affect the production of milk. Just relax. 50ml is a good improvement .Jia you!!! I still trying to get 20ml after 3 weeks.
I found the code for 15% off Neo garden. Just quote "EGG-STRA JOY"

Mrs Kang
50ml from one side is really really good at less than a week! That's really fantastic

wow! you are a super mummy.

Latching to increase milk supply,
I agree! I somehow felt (with #1) that supply will increase when I diligently latch at night. I fully latch when on maternity and extended leave. As soon as I start work and started pumping my supply went down - quite drastically.
Pump definitely not as efficient as our babes!
Mummies, Thanks for the encouragement! Breastfeeding is not easy really.. Let all endure on this breastfeeding journey..
Lotus mum: very difficult to stick to confinement when I see others eat yummy foods.
Celebrated baby' s first month already. Food looked good and I broke my confinement to sample some of the foods.. By the way, for those looking for caterer, can consider meihao99. Tried it based on one mummy's recommendations here and the food was reasonably priced and not too bad. Only thing is not to order the deep fried stuff which do not retain their crispiness at all. The champagne pork ribs, tofu with mushroom and sea cucumber duck were tasty.
Breastfeeding is indeed not easy. I think it takes a lot of tenacity and hard work to make it work. But after u overcome the initial difficulties, it gets easier.
I m under the bo bian act. Have to bear with it first until my #1 can enter the childcare when he turn 18mths. Wonder is it bcos of all the stress that I have problem breast feeding.

Mrs Kang,
Ya.. Breast feeding indeed is not easy. Every time when I latch my boy, I keep thinking did he manage to drink some of my breast milk cos every time I pump I cn't even get 20ml.
yup, the constant latching/pumping/ engorgement makes it tiring but the best motivation is that we are giving the best milk to our precious baby. went for my gynae check up earlier and i still have a little blood so bleeding will prob take another week or so. baby was very guai and slept all e way except to wake up for milk and surprisingly he latched on well outside (compared to at home where he always pull away a few times, ouch!). Was feeling a lil hungry and bought 2 Mr Bean pancakes and i saw another auntie looking at me. then when i went to throw something away she asked hubby if we were locals. haha..think she must be thinking why i am eating junk food!
Try to see more open on the confinement lady.. Will be over very soon..
Actually I also don't know how am I going to manage my no.1, 26 months and the newborn.. Try bah, 1 step at a time..do you have a helper? I don't, so could be quite draining.
Lotusmum and mummies,
Just sharing, I was having high fever these few days, until 39.5 due to breast engorgement and swollen. My baby doesn't drink much around 40-50ml each time only and though I pump every 4 hours, somehow I still got block ducts and infection
fever was lasting and keep increasing so yesterday hv to go A&E to get antibiotic then only today subside. Costs me $220. So if your bb can't empty ur breast, try to pump out every 3 hour, in order not to be like me. Bcos of the high fever I have to dump all the rules, use cold water to cool down. Really feeling like a cow now.

I dintt know cannot eat Mr Bean pancake during confinement. During my confinement, my mum bought me the pancake as well and I ate as well. Hope everything is fine! Bte, when did u give birth to your child? Sigh, I still got bleeding on and off, though not v heavy kind. Called my gyn clinic and nurse said not necessary to see the gyn cos bleeding should stop abt in 1 mth time. Am approaching 4th wk, but the bleeding still go on n off.

The best thing now is for u not to worry so much and focus on getting well! Thank God ur fever had subsided. Be strong for your lil one ok?


I can totally empathize with how u feel. Though my mum is doing confinement for me, sigh, its quite a disaster. It had been a disaster for me during my no 1 and for no 2 we decided not to ask my mum for help and engage a CL. But sigh, she insisted to give her a second chance and now I totally regret and just hope my confinement can end soon. During this confinement, I m v emo stressed but thank God my hubby try to take leave to attend to my bb and help out. If u need some1 to rant or talk to, u can pm me and we can whatsapp or pm.
Oh dear.. This sounds bad.. Hope you are feeling better today.. Must be a terrible feeling to not feel well during confinement especially must take all the heaty stuff..
Haiz, from no. 1's experience, knowing that the children can't empty the breast, I express and only latch when lo needs soothing and comfort. Also very scared will get mastitis when I drag pump to reduce flow..
I thought it's ok to have own mother to do confinement, can demand for things, afterall, own mother..
My ils did for me for both no.1 and no. 2.. During no. 1 confinement, I fell into post natal blue for 6 months and actually decided to engage cl but don't really trust outsider so came to my ils again..Thank God my hormones is not as haywire as the previous confinement..
Mrs kang, our babies same birthday

To mummies with number 1, 2 n beyond, really must salute you ladies. My no 1 22 mths old, if my hubby not ard I also headache...
Thanks blessed and lotusmum, what dIscouraged me is my girl drink so little and every time I can pump out 130-150ml even after she latched. And I dont even want to store the milk cos don't think she will need it, just like my no 1 I hv to throw them away. So, keep pumping and throw the milk, so sayang and tiring, only can put some in my no 1 drink. I thought by dragging the pump interval to 4 hours, its a signal to body not produce so much milk. But end up have fever. so now back to 3 hours again...
Lotusmum, just went thru the posts I missed and wow, you can produce so much. For me if I empty both sides every 3-4 hr can get abt 200ml. Everytime you pump do you empty the breast or just pump out some to the comfort level?

Pinkbunny, i used to feel good abt having good supply but not anymore cos I feel too much suffering and quite wasted as baby didn't drink much. Anyway, I think what helped me was during my stay at TMC, I drank a lot of hot Milo when trying to feed baby, and when go home I drink 2 little of red date tea everyday, replacing plain water. Maybe you can try see if I works?
oh dear! hope you are feeling better. I only had mastitis once but when my #1 was 1 year+. it was horrible, felt so sick yet had to keep latching to clear. take care ya!!

not that cannot eat pancakes but i guess the more strict ones would say no no to any outside food. =P regarding the bleeding, my gynae said that bleeding could go on up to 6 weeks but normally for second child it would stop faster. i delivered on 19 April. =)

i wanna ask if you guys experience clog and lumpy discharge after birth. Mine initally was just browish dischargebut these 2 days i start to have lumpy and solid clog.do i need to see a gyn for this condition or i jus ignore.thx
Thanks, my fever has subsided. But still need to take antibiotic and massage the lump everyday. Dont scare me le, i thought mastitis only during first 3-4 weeks when the supply not yet stable, how come you got it after 1 year?

Think to be safe better ask gynea. During my post natal check 1 week aft delivery my gynea did ask me if i just got blood coming out or clog.
It is getting very active here. Binder is good as last time I used it, really flatten a lot after 1 month, this time never use due to the hot weather,my tummy is super flabby.

For b milk, keeping in fridge is 1 day, freezer is 1 month, depending on temperature.
Desperate mum
I emptied the breast and pressed hard on any lump.. If I only express till comfort level, they got full quickly and subsequently very lumpy..
oh yes, hot milo, I also drank alot in sgh..

Mine is only blood.. I also did ask the nurse who called to follow up cos I always thought lochia should be clog but was told that it's good not to have clogs because the gynae had pushed it out..

I think u can call up your gynae clinic and ask the nurses first. They shld b able to provide u with the adv if u shld go in to c gynae. Which week are u in? u may wanna read this website.



For collagen, I did ask the Fancl staff last time if preg and bfin can drink. They told me np but I m still skeptical. My gynae is on the conservative side. He ll say better not. Even preg, go mani/pedi he also highly discourage.
daily catering
anyone here know any good catering for after confinement? I think i will need it till my this bb turn abt 6 mths old. So busy... where got time to cook for family after confinement no help...
total 4 kids, 1 dog and 2 adult..
Need to catering for lunch and dinner...

My first bb also E c sect and I was super stressed n v upset then as I had always wanted a natural. Most impt is to wear your binder. I realize though wearing the binder is hot, it helps to flatten tummy, in fact, for me, it flatten tummy to flatter than pre-preg. Heehee, so thats a motivation. Also, try not to get cough or flu. Else the wound will really hurts. If in the event u need to cough, press your tummy hard, so that the pressure ll not b so great and wont b so painful.

My 2 c sect is so much better cos I m mentally prepared for it and the key is relax, and dont worry, the wound will heal beautifully by itself. Focus on the fact that your lil bundle of joy is so cute n healthy and everything will be worth it! Yea, for chicken n DOM, eat n drink only 12 days after c sec so as not to affect wound. So far, I have not taken DOM yet though i m approaching 4th wk, as my gynae say drinking alcohol may cause lochia to linger a lil longer.

V impt is dont carry heavy things and get lots of rest. Dont worry, after 5 - 7 days, the wound will recover by leaps and bounds! Take care ya!

I think another way is to call up your gynae clinic and ask the nurse if can drink. Haha, ask the nurses FOC, but if ask gynae is another $50 consultation charges. Yea,collagen drink v exp. I think if they r mainly made up of fruits, shld b ok, but if too much chemical, bb ll take in the chemical too.

For daily catering, yest I just saw Melrose confinement meals, dunno if u 1 the normal food or confinement ones. Their prices quite reasonable for confinement food. I ve ordered their full mth cake packages for my no 1 and though the packaging is so-so, the cakes n pastry r yummmy! Food wise, I havent try yet. Wow, u r so blessed to have 4 chn! Heehee, if ur eldest is in pri sch, maybe can get him/her to pack food fr sch canteen, afterall sch canteen food is v healthy.
