(2012/04) Apr 2012

Hi silver gal, our story silimar. I went fir induction on 17 apr, 44 hours later, only dilate 6cm, end up E C section on 19 Apr, my son same birthday as your baby

Hi mummies, I face culture shock here, my dad forbidden me blow any fan or open up windows, but my in law say must open window to let the air flow, how? Any suggestion?
Sorry, another question, this is the 4th day after my delivery, my BM is still little and watery, but breast is swollen n pain, I get my son latch before his each feeding, and Plummed a few times, the milk is still not flow in yet, did massage, but really very pain, any suggestion to help?
i didn't intend to start pumping so soon and just latch for initial month or so. but my breasts getting really full and baby doesn't empty my them enough (coz he tends to fall asleep or stop on his own). I think i may start to pump after latching soon if this continues as i dun want to get any engorgement/ blocked ducts. Ouch!
Mummy_baby2008, you are still waiting? Me too..everyday thinking when she will be out.. We left with one more week
Thks lotusmum.. Shall check wit my doc during tml's check up..

Mummy_baby2008 & mrs kang : We're in the same shoe.. But today I keep havin the Braxton hicks tt tightness feelin which is mkin mi Extremely uncomfortable to even walk..
Now dunno whether to go hospital anot.. Afraid go hospital already then false alarm. I keep like wanted to poo.. Already poo twice but now keep sitting at my toilet bowl but nothing.. Can feel contraction is like when bb is moving inside... Haiz dunno whether to go now or monitor...
Just went to toilet and find a round wet patch on my underwear.. And when I wipe myself after urine there is abit of transparent discharge.. Mm wonder is it coming? Mummies, waterbag burst will be obvious de hor??
Mrs Kang
Yes, when water bag burst, it's quite obvious.. Warm gush of water and no smell..when mine burst, it came out like urine, I thought that I'm having incontinence and kept changing my bottom..
Lotusmum, thanks! I hope when the time comes the sign will be more obvious, coz i am afraid i will thought it is urine le! Nervous now.. Hee
Mrs Kang: water bag can also leak! If it continues muz go see gynae k? It should be odourless..

Lilcactus: ya I also scared that's why I pump out n feed frm bottle.. My boy latch also very long. But it's really v tiring cos have to feed, pump, wash and sterilize..

Does any mummy know how to make baby drink breastmilk that has been frozen? He will cry and scream.. Think he prefers refridgerated milk.
Mrs Kang, it depends. Can be difficult to tell if it is due to Water bag or urine. For my no 1, I had a small leak which was due to rupture of waterbag high up the uterus, what they called hind leak. So may just get small leak rather than a big gush. If not sure, best to go to labour ward and they can confirm on the spot.
Mrs Kang: I'm still waiting
I oso noticed lots of discharge recently. Esp after i pee.. Think it's normal.. Anybody here still do facial? I have facial appt dis tue but I dunno if I can lie flat for too long.. Haha..
According to my Fren if water bag burst its really alot of water..
is so tiring.have to pump every three hrs.mummy does yr bb have preference on the side of the breast.mine refuse to latch to latch on one side cos e flow is slower.wat Shld i do
Devilmom- do u have blocked ducts? Feels like painful breast lumps which persists after feeding or pumping. Apply warm pack or towel before pumping or latching. Massage the lumps. If all else fails, ask LC or the post natal massagelady , if u have one, for help. Good luck
i am in agony now. woke up coz my breasts are too engorged and i can't sleep.. tried to pump just now but i think i have blocked ducts. and baby is still sleeping soundly. gonna attempt to pump again w my old manual pump to see if i can clear some of the milk..so painful!!!

good luck!!
Thanks haru.. I can try to pump. Y u don wanna pump.

Now waiting for nurse to check. The last check was 2am till now din check on me le. Wonder still got dilate anot, I keep sleeping on side way and my legs are totally numb I can't even move. So scare later no strength to push..
If don't pump and wait for baby to suck, will it reduce the the supply due to the blocked ducts and supply equals to demand...in addition, I believe the baby is unable to empty both the breast..must be hard on you.. Be kind to yourself, express when the breast is engorged..

Cayden's mommy
I used to mix the thawed frozen milk to the chilled breast milk for my no.1.. Starting with more chilled milk as frozen milk has a stronger metal taste which I believe put them off..

Any of you reducing pump now? As I'm doing my confinement at my in laws' place, and my bm is taking up too much space in the freezer till my fil made a comment that so much milk how is the baby going to finish.. I told him that shall throw away if really too much..

I'm reducing my pump from every 3hrly to 5hrly.. But I'm worried that by reducing the no. of pump so early may lead to not enough supply for the lo when he grows..
i been also. my this #4 bb milk come in ard 6-7days after deliver.
TMC didn't let me latch on immediately after deliver so my milk delay.
I also keep on pump every 3 hrly, only few drop of milk.
U got to hang in there... keep on pumping. Each time try to pump abt 15 min for per breast. Drink plenty of water.
Now I'm on day 15 after deliver, I can pump ard 3-4oz of milk every 3 hrly.
Jia You!
Is it because too hard?? Try hot compress to soften the lumps, massage (need to bear with the pain), then pump.. Hope it works..
all mummies jia you to bf! i also keep pumping, now milk supply got abit more (although sometimes still insufficient to give my boy a full feed). then i been latching these couple of days, find that supply got increase too...

btw, mummies, my boy is most of the time hungry when he is awake. is this normal? he turns his head left and right and opens his mouth, searching for food. i scared to overfeed him, but so far he has no signs of over-eating such as throwing up.
Is ok and normal. Nv stop bb from drinking.... Give him as and when he once... Now I still pump 3hrly.
My bb drink about 2oz per 2 to 2 1/2 hrly. In between the feed sometime he will demand to latch on too...
If I'm not wrong bb should gain tripe before 1yrs or when 6th mths old.
thanks mommies! i will keep trying to pump after latching. jamu lady coming tomorrow morning, looking forward even tho i know it will hurt like mad!!

ya think its too hard. should have started pumping sooner. =Z
Mummy_baby2008, both of us will see when our waiting game will end
) .. Wes going for my gynae check up. Really can't wait to see my girl but in the same time scare of labour hehe.. Just brought my Medela pump in style advance. Mummies let Jiayou in our bf journey!! We will make it!!!
haru and silvergal, congrats, 3 of our babies shared same bday!!!

my first nite, bb wake up every hour, either poo or ask for milk, tiring!

2nd nite, got breast engorgement, same like haru. breast feel hard like stone, so pain. i tried to massage and pump out but only can pump a bit. asked hubby to massage instead, more strength but then super painful, can cry
i also put chilled cabbage (advised by ms wong boi boi) but only ease a bit pain, the hard lump still there.

breast feeding really not easy. i thought i can avoid by frequent latching and pump from no 1 experience but now still have to go through the engorgement pain again, i cried at middle of the night when feel so pain

haru, i started pump on 3rd day but still got engorgement, so not bcos u didn't pump early. it's our body veins in the breast preparing for the mature milk to come so it happened very fast

lilcactus, the class at TMC said during 1 month, shouldn't give bottle. if infant fall asleep while latching, tried to burp, take out clothes, tickle feet to wake up. after 1 month can pump and give bottle.
Congrats mummies!!!

JTS: I have a really sleepy baby. Really cannot wake her to latch if she wants to sleep. I've tried tickling feet, taking her clothes off, getting my #1 to sing or play with noisy toys around her, changing diaper, playing with her ears/hands, and even tiaking soles of her feet. Also using cold towel to wipe her face or burping. If she wants to sleep, she will sleep! But when she's hungry she'll tell me. It's just worrying cos she can sleep 5 hours at night! So I just wake up to pump

Amount is miserable so I'm wondering if it's the pump or what. Cos baby is peeing very well so it's not like she doesn't drink :S
desperatemum: i dont have enough milk so have to supplement with FM. so have to use bottle feed. i'm ok with giving bottle, cos my #1 also not much milk, so i'm quite prepared to give FM. luckily this round got more BM, so try to give #2 as much as i can loh. for me, if he fell asleep, i put him down to let him sleep. if he did not have enough, he will wake up again.

Haha.. hmm.. so far im dealing ok with the C-sec pain as compared to the contractions pain, i was turning white upon every contractions.

And for BF, Im using pillow and lying by the side method to let her latch on, so far so good, no problems with the pain.
Bbliss - I read from baby magazine, it will take 6 weeks for uterus to shrink back to original

Chalis - I pump most of the time and sometime latch on. My nipples were sore so I use bottles.

Pinkbunny - my 1st baby sleeps through the night after 2weeks. She sleeps for 6h or more. So I was very happy then. Now this one wakes me throughout the night. Every 2-3h. I prefer she follows my 1st, and sleeps throughout.
Bb night sleep
So far so good... Bb will keep thru the night. Ard 7-8am he will wake up. During the night time (sleep) I will latch him on while we both continue to sleep. For the past 3 night he didn't poo while sleep on pee so I dun really need to change his diaper at night. I will change in the morning.
Reborn : ur bb is angel. My bb just refuse to sleep at night. But sleep throughout day time. I try to keep her awake as much as I can during daytime. But still she awake most of the time at night. Help!!

I'm updating this post at the labour ward.. Have a strong urge of poo poo at ard 11+ pm, ignored & went to bed & at about 3.30am suddenly I feel water leaking out.. Rushed down to TMC confirm waterbag burst & 3.5cm dilated. Now juz waiting for bb to arrive
B@by: hope my bb also starts to sleep through the night.. Today he is exactly one month old! Wow how time flies..

Haha! Mine always says the "neh", like saying I wan neh neh (milk) lol! My Fren finds it so useful, now she knows what her baby wants..

Mummy_baby2008: omg! Jiayou!! Push push push! Very soon u will be able to see your precious one le..
Mummy_baby2008, Jiayou wor! Argh, I am still waiting.. No sign at all Haiz.. So tired of waiting Liao tml gg to see gynae..
i think my baby has my hubby's sleeping genes. haha..he can sleep a lot and very well compared to my #1. i am not complaining! he can go for 4 hours w/o a feed both in the day and night. so far, he mostly wakes up only twice at night to feed. i remember my #1 was sleeping thru e night by the time she was about 1 month old. and i woke up in e morning w a tshirt soaked with milk.

jamu lady came today and the massage was shiok! she did help to massage breasts which was damn painful but my boobs are definitely softer now! i also try to make it a point to pump after latching if baby didn't really empty breasts or pump if baby seems to sleep longer. somehow baby not a milk guzzler so i end up having to pump (i don't care how much e amount is, as long as i can try to empty breasts) either in between or after latching.

all e best!!! looking forward to ur good news!

you may try to latch more often to stimulate milk supply, and i am sure slowly you can fully bf. =) dun give up!
Hi mummies here, can I ask if e abdomen binder is to make e uterus shrink bk in size as well as to hold e uterus in place ?

Coz after completing my jamu sessions, I stop using e binder liao. As understd fr baby, uterus takes 6 weeks to shrink bk original so if I din use e binder, wat wld be e impact huh ?
Mummy_baby2008,congrats! Your labour seem fast
TMC seems to be always out of room.. I will be giving birth in TMC too le.. Btw you opt for how many bedded room? I will be opting for 1 bedded or premier single..
i believe so...=) i only use the binder for e 5 days of massage. my baby not using yaolan, didn't use it for #1 too.

Today great acheivement..pump 70ml ..
I most of the time will stay in aircon room but believe me I still sweat alot.. Hai...when my baby likes it she can latch on for 20 mins if not she will get fussy n I hav to giv fm in between.

Sometimes C sect wounds still abit painful.. Hope to recover fast!

My CL prepare ginger skin water hot hot for me to bath on the 7th day . Still cannot wash hair yet. I m ok.. If wait till 40days... I tink body sure got rashes liao n person hygiene we mus take care ya..
Bbliss- think binder helps tighten abdo wall, I think. The physio and massage lady advised me to keep using cos I have bad divarication of recti.
Breastfeeding helps uterus to contract. To keep uterus up, should do kegels. Was advised by physio to do 6 sets of 10 daily.

LilCactus- I think latching helps stimulate supply cos baby can remove more milk than pump. If u supplement with fm, try to pump for every time u supplement.

Anyone with babies who sleep during day and r awake at night? I tried but can't keep my baby awake during the day despite what I do. And he feeds every 1 to 1 and half hrs at night. I hope it is growth spurt and temporary. So exhausted!

Congrat mummy_baby2008

Pinkbunny now my baby also like yours, latch for 5 mins then sleep. Should i pump out to give her bottle? She is only 5 days old so i scared got nipple confusion.

Haru, is your massage lady good? Can i hv her contact and how is the charge like? Can she speak english?

Mummies if hv contact of massage lady pls pass to me, i didnt book any , but now feel very frequent back pain and uterus also didnt contract much, think should hv one now, can save $ elsewhere...
