(2012/04) Apr 2012

For mine, i dun think is really contraction. Cos when i did the ctg, doc never mention abt my contraction. Only talk abt bb movement. Although doc's assistant did show me the i have but i guess is too few contractions for doc to even mention. Maybe 30mins 1 or 2 only.... Haha

Thanks aprilbaby for sharing your experience, will ask gynea if I can come at night then, save more

Caydenmum,I've talked to hubby all I can. Got to wait see if he can come to term w it.

Reborn, I really feel you though only got 2 girls. How u cope w 3 girls without hubby help then? Somemore sure lots of untactful comments. You have my admirations!!
Last time when I hv blOcked ducts, massage at home didn't help. Have to go TMC Parentcraft.

Never try cold cabbage leaves then. Wondering if I shld try this time
blocked duct is to see parentcraft? i have given birth 2 weeks ago... now breast got red patch..don know which doc to see... headache
hi mummies, i have just given birth too. am a silent reader of this thread. can i chck if any1 of u have any lobang for printing you baby's hand and footprint?
Desperatemum> do not put cold cabbage. Cold cabbage will STOP your milk production immediately. To unblock u must do hot compress. Warm towel over breast and massage all the hard spot till it unblock.
Desperate mum
is 3 elder girl and now 1 more bb boy.....
I guess their age la... mine 8,6,4 and this newborn.
mostly afternoon only got my #2... now with extra #4.
my #1 in afternoon sch, #2 in k2 8am-12pm, #3 in child care n2 8am - 5pm ( i will fetch her early )
all my girls went to school ard 14-18mths age, they are more independent lo..... in school will teach them do things their own. But for me as long as bb start to learn sit properly, i will let them feed themselves. will be messy at 1st but couples of mths will know how to eat. i hardly feed any of my child unless they sick.
Worry about Bb jaundice. Hubby bring Bb to see doctor. Level more than 300. NOw got to stay hospital for 2 days under light. So heart pain.
Blur_sotong, don't worry baby will be fine soon ya

After resting at home today, felt so much better backache and tightness of tummy is gone. Think yesterday might be false alarm
Joke of the day
i was changing diaper for my bb, suddenly bb shit shoot on my thigh.... i was like so hmm
Quickly use wipe to clean my thigh. now wants to clean my bb butt... the shit shoot on my hand this time...
Im super surprise looking den my #2 ask me' mummy how come got curry?'
now bb on total breastmilk, his poo are so liquid and yellow... therefore my girl think is curry!
hi mommies,
just went to see gynae coz i couldn't get my fever to go down and baby movement not as much. everything is fine and baby is doing and growing well. will be induced on monday if i don't deliver by sunday. just hope i will get well asap so that i will be fully recovered by the time of delivery.

any mommy delivering today??
Hi mommies
Was being logged out for the past few days..

Hope that you are feeling better nowadays..
Your no.2 is very cute..
how much do u all pump for those already popped ? i now can pump 3oz for 2.5hrly.
My boy now 9 days old can drink abt 40-50ml 2-3hrly.
Due to tube feeding, my boy not very good at drinking bottles. cannot really latch on.... he will bite my nipples very hard when i latch on. his suction no good...
Possible to train him latch on? if not go out very troublesome... where to warm express breastmilk?...
Reborn - maybe you can bring the pigeon warmer (ION has so if you are going there, you can use theirs in nursing room), or what I did was to bring hot water n a cup bigger than the storage container for your bm. My 1st one refuse to latch on after I switched to bottle.
Hi mummies!This is Ms Tan here(winter hokkaido ,Wave wave :D) ,
I've just delivered on 16 April via C-sect.
My labour was a super long one 20 hours!

admitted in Mt A in midnight due to 'pink show' but no painful contraction..

Few hours later contraction starts.. but still bearable.. first 10 hours was doing fine..BB heartbeat and my contraction were ok but my cervix open rather slow, almost 17 hrs has passed only open till 7cm (stressed)and stop progressing,
then BB heartbeat also beginning to show irregular and dropped therefore my gynae suggested C-sect, may suspect cord coiling around her body or neck and as water bag has broke earlier so is best to proceed with C-sect..
so i ended up being 'cut up' :/ (super neavous when in operation theater!!)

True enouf, my BB neck was coiled by the cord! Maybe thats the reason why she was stuck at 7 cm! Cant pass through birth canal,
Luckily BB she is fine and very alert when carried out from my womb..Thank God!
Hubby and me are very relief and happy to see BB for the very first time! 3.07 kg and She is so cute!

Still waiting for milk to come, have try bb latch on.. Mt A nurses are all very friendly and helpful!! hope the following month will be able to provide breastmilk to BB.
Confinement going to start soon for me.
Good luck to those going to pop!
Mummies, good morning! I just weight myself and I suddenly lose 0.8kg.. Tml must tell my gynae le. Hopefully everything is fine.. Any mummies experience weight lose in last trimester ?
Blessed n Ms Tan: Congrats!!

Mrs Kang: yes i did, lose a little for 2 times. So long bb is moving well should be fine... of cos u can voice up if u r worried.

Ai yo mine baby never pop put but a piles popped out yesterday! urgh...
Silvery_gal, yeah will inform my gynae tml
) anyway will be doing ctg tml too. Me too! Have piles even before baby pop! Haiz -_-!
Silvery_gal, I just leave it alone. Coz after sometime it will shrink and disappear.. But when I have difficulty poo poo it come back again -_-! Now have to pray hard it will not get worse during those pushing at labour time
Ms. Tan,

morning mommies,
feeling a lot of pressure at my pelvic area since last night. very uncomfortable...
Silvery gal
i also have piles after my #1.... it seem common to have.... same as u, when body too heaty the pile will come out. sometime so uncomfortable den i use some nappy cream apply den feel better.
But after i got piles, each time i normal deliver it will come out. i guess push very hard ba ..... but after finish deliver the gynae will use their finger to push it back lo so dun worry.
Morning mommies

Mrs Kang
At the later stage of pregnancy, we tend to lose water hence the weight loss.. My weight was stagnant for 2 weeks so I did ask my gynae about this issue..
reborn: poke it back?! i feel sore when touching/washing it... now dun even feel like doing my squatting exercise.

OMG, inducing this sat then this thing just pop out. hopefully be sat will return back in. if not how to do enema?
Mrs kang
I didn't lose weight but at my last check, it remained the same as previous check

Silvery girl
Lol "congrats" on "popping"!! Don't worry, reborn is right, gynae will try to push it back in. When pushing, everything also will come out wan!

Miss tan
Congrats!!! Enjoy the early days of newborn baby smells and bonding!
Hi Mummies

Could you all let me know did anyone of you diagnose with GBS?

Anyone go thru induce and also with the drip for antibiotic. Cos this time round is my 3rd bb, but I did not request for the test for the previous time. Only this time round then I have this.. I was worried that I do not have enough time for the antibiotic if I induce at the same time.

For my previous time, I induced. BB out in 3hrs and I read up that the antibiotic needs at least 4hrs in our body. So afraid got not enough time for..

Could any mummy advice me pls.. I going to due soon and keep worrying about this issue and at the same time whether bb can discharge together with me anot?
hi mommies,
my boobs just started leaking! so quick this time. don't remember it happening with #1. i hope it does not mean i am gg to deliver real soon coz i still need to bring #1 to the PD for a follow up tomorrow morning!
Koalarie: although i do not hav extra to sell but i have tried both and think Huggies is good enough..

Moment: I'm GBS positive, doc said only need to have iV drip during labour but never say min how many hours.. Think it's min 4 hours.. They will observe bb for any infection after birth.. Dont worry too much.. GBS is actually quite common but not often tested for that's why it seems like only few women have it. Muz relax and enjoy the last few weeks of ur pregnancy..

Juz to ask, when u go for ML does ur company employ part timer or temp staff to replace u? Im the only secretary in e office & initially agreed upon going for 6mths ML & during the time I will work from home, yest juz officially let my boss sign the leave form & today he asked me if able to find a replacement during my absence. I can't help but worry dat he is getting a replacement to replace me. Hope I'm
Juz being paranoid. But if he really does, can I do anything to protect myself like going to MoM?? My boss is An Indian boss & calculative dat y I'm wondering cos maybe to him having 120 days of leave is too much!! Can someone advise me wat to do now? I'm 38wks & starting my ML on monday,now he tell me dis i can't help but think if I shd work till due. But im feeling so tired, doesnt seem to get enough rest,. How how how???
Mummy baby 2008 - I think your boss seemed to be understanding, finding a replacement for you during your absence. If he retench you during your maternity, he would have to pay you the 16weeks salary. Don't worry too much, we are protected by the law. During your maternity leave, you would need a lot of time on your baby, let me tell you, you simply have no time for work especially if you are fully bfing your baby. Every 2-3h per feed, you need to pump milk, sterile, by the time you get to bed, you are left with 1h of rest. Where do you find time to work. This will also make you more stress and if baby cries, it might just make it worst. If you are stressed, it will also affect the milk flow. Don't worry too much, I believe your boss just hope to help you in reliefing your job for the short period as it is also not right to work when you are on ML even though you are at home.
Mrs kang, me too lost 0.5kg during my last mth... While baby continues to gain weight. Initially gynae suspect it could be due to a drop in the amniotic fluid but after a check, fluid level remains high & baby is doing well...

Am half way thru 39 weeks, still no sign of baby popping... Sigh...

Btw mummies, can i ask if it is a norm to give angbao at the start & end of confinement? If yes, may i know what is the market rate?
Hi Caddymummy

Thanks for your reply.. Can you be able to discharge together with your bb? Are you natural birth?

I just afraid that if this time round bb v fast come out then the antiobiotic might not be enough to stay in my body for at least 4hrs...
Moment: yes natural birth.. Discharged with my baby. Actually GBS is common.. They will only ask u monitor if baby have fever etc and give u a letter stating your GBS status to show doctor if u need to bring bb to check up. Maybe ur next gynae appt u can check with him? Don't worry right now! Muz relax k..

Mrs Kang: wow .. Update us again!
Cayden mummy

Thanks... I already check with my gynae and he mentioned that he will put me on drip once I admitted. Now I only hope that my bb don't get any fever when she comes out.. cos from my fren experience, her boy got fever when he came out and ended he got to stay in hospital to do some tests.. her boy result is maybe he was allegic to the antibiotic that causes him fever.

That y I got worried.. Pray hard... I going to see my gyane nx monday.. he says most prob nx week will deliver.. so now no mood to work.. keke... hope I can see her soon too..

But will be more tiring with 3kids at home keke...
i also gbs positive. My previous 3 kk didn't check but this time at tmc my gynae check.....
Indeed once admitted i was giving thru the iv drip.
My bb didn't have fever but lung infection so stay extra 5days in nicu.... but this is not link to my gbs positive.
Dun worry too much.
Mummies, just seen my gynae.. He say ctg is fine, waterbag water level is good baby not fully engaged. So he shall see me again next week hehe.. So I am still in the waiting game
Moment: hee then dont need worry so much k! "Chuan tou dao an Zi ran Zhi".. Worry no use.. Enjoy ur pregnancy , eat all the good food before giving birth and starting confinement.. Hehe

Mrs Kang: ooh den u oso muz enjoy! Not like me, in confinement period everything oso cannot.. Wahaha..
Cayden's mummy
Me already 11 days no shower.... feel so sticky...
Tomorrow 12 days den can shower

no rinse shampoo from birth.com
i use twice liao. not bad.
it really can clean well for 1st but now going to be 2nd week of my confinement it still clean but not as clean as clean 1st week use.
I got long hair so a little hard to take care. for those short hair i think will love it. after pour the liquid on Ur scalp, lather it. wait for a while den use towel to absorbs it and blow dry.
Reborn: haha I day 3 already went to bathe.. I use Chinese herbs water to bathe n wash hair. Sg weather too hot liao..

My bb full month celebration tis sun.. Can't wait!
Hi Reborn

Is that truth that need to wait for 12 days then can shower and y is 12 days?

I have bought shampoo for confinement from little dreamer. First time buying dunno good anot and this time round I totally nv use the herbs..

Hi Mummies

Have you all try any post natal massage? Any good and cheaper one to recommend?

Preferably don't want to sign on package de cos first time doing dunno good anot and afraid got might be sensitive to the oil..
