(2012/04) Apr 2012

mossie, I'm 13 weeks plus. The cvs test maps out the chromosomes so at the same time can tell the gender gene accurately. You rest well!

El n eliz, thanks! Am so overjoyed baby is okay! 1:20 is really very high risk leh!! The bonus is finding out gender
Congrats Gina on clearing the tests and getting a princess!

Mossie, so early can get Braxton hicks?! That's new to me. I only start getting BH in the 3rd trimester!
Hi Gina! I'm so happy for u!!! =) is it painful for you after the CVS procedure? Now u can enjoy your pregnancy!!

Hi Mossie, please rest well..! contractions at such an early stage must be scary for u..it's good that all are fine now..
Congrats Gina! Really a relieve! By d way .. How tey come out w the ratio 1:20 ? is it oscar scan alone to get the result? or is include blood test to give u the ratio 1:20? Sorry I m first time mummy n I am very confuse w these .
Gina: so happy and relieved for u! N congrats that Baby is a princess!

Mossie: hope u r feelin better.. Do rest more! Hope the doc gave u mc to rest at home!
Hi ms tan, I think if u hv this down's syndrome screening test done at KK, they call it the triple screening or smthg? Basically this test in the first tri (wh is optional) takes into account 3 things: mother's age, scan of baby (neck area) n blood test. The result is a combi of these 3 to produce a final result in the form of a ratio. So my age n scan ratios were ok but blood one not so gd so it pulled overall ratio to high risk. Hope that helps?

Try googling babycentre. I got a lot of info there (n still do) as a first time mummy
Yay! Congrats to Gina and Amiang!

Wow so nice! So you can really enjoy your pregnancy! Will your family fly over when baby is born?

You're having CONTRACTIONS? Oh my gosh! Like Ni, I also thought we only get BH in 3rd tri. Must be a super advanced baby you have there! And womb!

Wow so many of you have done your triple test already. Mine will be in 3 weeks.

Sidenote: wondering if next time I see a preggie lady at the chwee kuey stall at TB mkt, should I go up and say hi? Hehe
Ms Tan: If i remember correctly, for the oscar i did for #1.
There will be several sets of results, 1 base on background (age, habits, etc), 1 base on measurements (Thickness of liquid @ back of bb's neck, whether bb has an obvious bridge at nose, etc) taken off baby, 1 base on the blood test. Each will have it's own risk ratio. There are some who don't do well for certain combi of the ratios, so need to do the amionic test, where they extract the water from the waterbag to test. But this test got high risk, so most gynaes won't recommend as first option.
Attention PLUS Size mummies/MTBS - Dorothy Perkins having sale and if you want to get your tops, bottoms now is the time to go! I went to get my stash of stuff today after my course..hehe.. Got myself dresses which is expandable and tops that can accommodate the tumtum when it gets bigger.

Mossie - You having contractions? Ok how does that feel like? I had a pricking sensation earlier for a few times and I instantly went "OUCH". Until my sis say I'm exaggerating but I'm not kidding. Dunno what is that pain, but when I rest and sit for a while, it went away. Hope its just gas. Im now 14 weeks.
Coraine, thankfully procedure n post-procedure not painful. There was pain equivalent to injection when the local anesthetic was given, after that, some discomfort as a catether/outer needle went in. Was told to expect twitching/cramps/spotting in next few days but I was fine. Thank God for safe n painless experience. Only my heart pain during waiting period for results!!
The contractions feels like normal cramps but more uncomfortable. I din know it is contractions until the scan. I just googled it and it is not uncommon. Just that sometimes we don't feel it. I felt it that night when I was feeling super sick. Common trigger could be dehydration and it make sense coz I was feeling super dry due to my sore throat. Only thing I should do now is to drink more fluids, which is difficult for me but I'm trying.

My worry now is that everytime I scan, I don't see the baby move. It's kinda weird coz my #1 was super active in my tummy. Everytime I scan, the doc will only detect hb and say baby is fine. I think I'm just scaring myself I hope to see that baby dance next week on my Oscar scan.
mossie, i had BH contractions in my 2nd trim, i went home and think think about it, and thought it might be the result of my diet? maybe something abit "liang", so i decide to totally give up tea. and it worked for me. no more BH after that. until i reached full term, then i went back to my 1 cup of tea a day and end up my delivery was considered fast. drip at 8am, fully dilated at 12nn and bb out at 1pm.

maybe u can see if there is anything in your diet which might have trigger it? might not be the same for everyone la.
Coraine,Gina..i done my Oscar alrdy ..as mentioned before, tey called me to say the result is ok..bb normal but I m still waiting for blood test result to be out . I tink if I don rescieve any call means my gynea will let me knw my blood test result on my appointment date lor. Now in my 13 weeks too .
Ms Tan~ which hospital are u with? i think sometimes no call is good news..haha..just now when they called me i thought something happened or what..
I ask my hubby to video dwn my oscar test :D though he did not video the whole process but manage to video our baby open n close fingers
..body fliping n turning actions hehehe.. I can see baby outer feature more like a baby compared to last rount normal scans at gynea clinic. My oscar is done at another plc but same building as my gynea clinic in paragon.
Coraine, I hav not find info on hospital yet..some mummies say no need to b in hurry yet hehe.. But I will consider my gynea usual hositals..Mt A and TMC .
wah ms tan..so good can take video! u must be loving the video now!!
in tmc..video is not allowed =( so sad...it's a moment that i wanna record down...
Wow that was super fast! Good for you! Hope this one will be chop chop curry pok too!

I remember I used to take coconut jelly in my final weeks of pregnancy. Not sure why either but it was yummy so I didn't really ask :D
But huh the,person who perform the Oscar is not local n she didnt talk much or make me feel relax at all.. I did ask some question n she always give 1 word ans
I read from other mummies experience.. Much better.. After the scan she also never giv me tissue to wipe n I have to go take myself.. Nor she help me up.. I feel she is like not friendly ley. Or is it hormone changes causes me to feel sensitive?
Pinkbunny, my sis who jus gav birth tis yr in Aug , drank coconut juice during last term of pregnancy. It helps to cleanse the bb Inside the womb when tey delivered..will b very clean . . And add helps to delivery too. Thats wat I heard lo..not sure true ;) I saw my nephew really quite clean when born ley..no much whitish stuff on his body.
oh ya, does anyone know if we can take cordyceps when we are pregnant now? i want to take my chicken essence but it has cordyceps in it..
Miss tan..but i heard some sonographers are in fact not friendly..and wont explain much~~ so have to see luck!!

lilcactus..some pple are taking..but i dont dare to take too~~~~~how ah??
coraine, i googled it, and it seems they discourage pregnant ladies from taking too leh.. then to be safe, better not take first bah..
Yeah lilcactus..better be safe than sorry ya~
i have friend who took herbal soups during the first trimester! but her baby is still ok so far..sometimes it's the luck too!
but chicken essence without cordyceps are not recommended to be taken too right..
wonder when we can start to 进补? My in law start to boil birdnest for me to drink already, so far 2 times like that.. n black chicken soup. Ok right?
coraine, just normal chicken essence in 1st trim is ok!

ms tan, i do take home boiled herbal chicken soup too.. as long as not so excessive bah..

for bird's nest, someone told me that drinking too much during pregnancy will give bb sensitive airway later on. i did drink alot when i preg my girl, now she is 2 yo, in fact did have sensitive airway, although it does run in the family too, cos daddy has it. so up to you to believe. this time round, i'm still too sick of bird's nest that i told daddy no more for me! haha
Oh ya coconut juice was supposed to be for "clean baby". Dunno why that is good also cos they'll be cleaned up anyways right? But ya I think my #1 did come out quite clean.
Lilcatus, n I also heard eat birdnest will giv bb rosy cheeks. Not sure..jus too many recommendation frm ppl haha. . Actually birdnest is a form of nourish ..should not b any prob. we also cant affort to take too often ..too exp .
I just had a bottle of chicken essence (plain) this morning because I thought it could help me wean off coffee. It didn't help! Still had a cup in the end.

As for bird's nest, I had a lot when having #1. His skin ended up very nice - fair and smooth. For #2, we were less bothered and she turned out pretty dark skinned. But #1 has more allergies than #2.
Both allergies and fair/dark skin runs in the family, so not sure if there is any relation with bird's nest at all. But I still found it yummy!
ms tan
haha i agree with you. cannot afford to take too often! i think those medical halls like fuhua will have promos occasionally

don't be so hard on yourself ok? an occasional kopi should be ok la
hihi..mummies with TMC..i wonder the 400+ that i've paid ytd is only for Oscar or Oscar+detailed scan? Please advice if you know it..thank u! =)
Went to medical stall at bugis area to buy dangshen, red dates, ye shan pao shen and birdnest with mum and aunt. Started my weekly birdnest with ye shan pao shen portion for 2 weeks now, I am coming to week 16 next week.

According to the medical stall person, she say dangshen with red dates drink help to "bu qi". The amazing thing is I felt alot less giddy after this drink. It can be drank about twice a week.

For those interested can try. =)
gina: congrats!!! you must be overjoyed!!

last night was horrid. was terrible headache since afternoon, finally at night i couldn't take it, skipped dinner. went to bed at 8pm, only to wake up to puke, urgh...headache only subsided early this morning. hope that was just a one off...

happy weekend everyone!
Morning all, I guess it will be quiet here on weekends as no one is in office to turn in comp. Just when I thought ms is subsiding yesterday, I start to feel nausea at once last night. Me and my silly thoughts. I tried not to take my anti vomitting pills but I can't stand the ms at all. Im a sucker at that. Sigh... I switch to a milder med call metachlopromide under doc advise. Anyone taking this?

Gina, congras, hope i got a girl too
*wink wink*

Mossie, yes i heard of it Braxton hicks, i got it for my first preg, i tot is some complication but apparently might be due to walking too much or too tense up ... u must rest well ah

For bird nest, i have been drinkin over the past 2 weeks, bit by bit, my mum brew then i keep inside frideg, alternate night i drink abit

Else can drink white fungus, is good for bb & urself too ...
Summer, u can try red dates, dangshen + gou ju zi, a small portion which then put into thermol flask, pour hot water into it & keep overnight, the next day take it as water to drink
Hi mummies out there, just checking do you all feel emotional unbalanced at times? Is like, tends to feel upset and cry easily or one moment you feel happy but another moment you are like in a roller coaster ride..another kind of feeling kicked in.. ?

Is it due to hormones change? I have been observing myself i think my temper is not the same as before..Am i normal?
Hi mummies! Wkend is finally here! I can rest as much as i want! Anyway i felt terrible after eatin an apple yest.. Mayb due to indigestion.. Caused me to feel so nauseous and moody.. Thankful that im better today so far.. Goin for oscars in a wk's time! Cant wait to see bb! Enjoy ur wkend mummies!

Ms tan: yup i feel lik im more emotional n tend to cry more easily now.. I tink its juz the hormones in us that cause us to feel this way..

Thanjs Dolphin. Forgot the wolfberries.
my mum used s slow cooker to cook for 3hrs instead of ur mtd. but yup, drink like normal water. love the sweet taste. hehe.

Ms tan, yes, i cry more n laugh more too when i watch korean series these days.

Btw, i can already feel the baby's weight on me when i sleep facing up straight. Getting heavier n uncomfortable. how do u all cope with that?
