(2012/04) Apr 2012

Now u are making me tempted to drive to tiong bahru for lunch!!

I like cheww kuay but hates the burping afterwards.. so no more for me.

I got toe cramps!! hahaha.

Pinkbunny - U have BUTT CRAMPS?? I also!!!! Mine started during week 8-9 like that until today. Why does this happen? Mine on right butt right up to the thigh. Hubby said its cos hip is expanding, is that right??

Ms Tan - I walk very fast, like pinkbunny, sometimes I forget im preggie haha.. but now at week 14 can feel tummy became heavier so I will slow down a bit cos if walk too fast, can feel my tummy jiggling ard! Regarding weight, I didn't gain any weight as yet, but I lost 8kgs during first trimester. Since then no weight gain yet.
Cramps: I have that when I sneeze too. It feels more the stomach stiffen up and slow relax back. Other times, I have mild cramps becoz baby is pressing on the pelvic. Sometimes on the side of the womb. I think they r normal so long as no spotting. I got all these when I had #1.

Anyone gone for the Oscar test in kkh? Do they allow hubby to go in n can video? I'm going for my scan next wed. R they detailed in their scan?

Oh btw, I request to change gynae to dr John tee already. I think that's a right choice since he is a senior consultant n his appt dates are faster compare to the previous gynae that they assign to me. Her appt are always full n have to wait more than 4 weeks for next appt becoz she is so bz at the ivf side.

I feel that my ms is getting worse after my gastric problem is getting better. Sigh, nausea haunts me everyday esp at night.
Yesterday night I only ate Toast Box's thick toast - 2 slices. One is Garlic Tom Yum, the other Peanut Butter.
Don't know why but my tummy felt bloated after that, want to sleep also uncomfortable So much gas!!!!
Mossie - The Oscar test at KKH comprises detailed scan where the sonographer and/or blood test. Apparently you can opt out of blood test in a cheaper and less accurate test.

The detailed scan measures more than the thickness of the neck. Sonographer also looks out for any abnormalities e.g. heart, spine, skull, brain etc. My detailed scan was quite long - ard 20 min.

Andreanie - Think it must be the butter on the toast that you found difficult to digest. I got indigestion too after having chicken rice for lunch yesterday. The rice was probably too oily.
Eliz: i feel like making my hubby drive down this evening to buy me porridge for dinner! it's really yummy! *drools*
And yes, the aftermath burping of chwee kuey is quite gross. haha
Eliz: Heart burn got many reasons leh. Could be indigestion, eat too much, eat too much before bedtime, etc.
Cutting down on caffeine, reducing fried and oily foods, eating small meals, eat lesser chocolates, no alcohol, try not to eat 2 to 3 hrs before bedtime, will help to reduce heartburn.
As the baby starts moving upwards, the stomach will get compressed and lifted, so expect more heartburn in the later parts of pregnancy.
Mine for #1 got so bad at times, I had to sleep sitting upright.

So craving for yummmmy porridge now... WAILSSSS
Oh!! I did ate some chocolates after dinner.

Yes, me too. esp with this weather.. I don't even mind plain porridge with those can food. haha.. Too bad am in office and has limited choice.
Thanks EL, so do they allow hubby in? My son is also asking to go with us but I scare they won't let them in. I sign up for package b so got blood test n scan.

It seems that most of u got ur appetite back. Good for u! I'm still taking lots of carbo like bread n noodles. I can't stand rice n porridge! I love spicy food but no guts to eat. I can't imagine the aftermath
Mossie - Hubby can go in. However, I think that they don't allow videoing. We forgot to ask this time but for my #2 I remember that we asked and we were turned down.
Pinkbunny, I think cannot footmassage la. But frm 2nd trimester onwards can go fo Pre natal massage, which I m yearning for. Will be engaging home massage service. Lazy to travel out for massages. And yes too! I get butt and pelvic cramps when I walk too much or too fast!

Mossie, good choice to change to dr John tee. I have many frens under him. Heard gd reviews! Hang on there! 1st tri is ending soon! Hope ur appetite will regain soonest!!!

And regarding oscars, I did mine at tmc, they allow my hubby and son to come in and see.
Pinkbunny: Myths have it that preggers should not go foot massage, cos bb might get jealous. Seriously, I have no idea why! Anyway, the foot does connect to every single part of our body, so do let the masseuse know that you are expecting, in case press wrong place.

Mossie: I am also soooooooo looking forward to massage! Currently considering my gynae's in house masseuse.
El, I will ask the sonographer coz I really dun Wana bring my son.

Ni, im also happier with the change. Imagine dr tee appt is 1 week plus earlier than my previous appt. Now my next aim is to get his email contact so I can contact him when I feel uneasy. I'm such a pervert.

Cheekyduckie, I dun want massage. I can't imagine lying there for 1 hr. I scare ms will hit me n I puke on the spot. But ur gynae got their own in house massage? That good!
CheekyDuckie & Pinkbunny - I agree with Cheekyduckie on the foot massage. I googled abt it when in the first trimester abt gng for massage and they said leg area need to be avoided cos some nerves can cause clots in legs during pregnancy. So better to avoid. Especially when our foot are connected to almost all organs of our body, masseuse must know where can and cannot be pressed/touched.

El - I think its the garlic and the butter.

Must sleep sitting down yesterday night, like take very long for me to digest my food.
recently i started taking iron n calcium supplement nm found that my stools r very dark. normal? suspect the 2 supplements as they r brown in colour...

ahNah: my scan also done in NUH. Called them for result, they also replied normal... short n sweet ans from them...
Wow your monday makan sounds super yums! Ikea meatballs and chicken wings. Mmmmmmmm.

I HAD butt cramps with #1. Nothing now. Yet. Not sure why but one possible explanation could be that we are pumping more blood now? Um I don't know what's the connection haha.

You lost 8kg in first tri? Wow that serious ah?

Poor you. I hold hands with you, my MS friend.

I think Cheekyduckie's house massage is the massage lady go to her house, not at gynae clinic la! Hehe.

Foot massage cannot? *wehhhhh!!!!!!* my previous massage lady was fantastic but she injured her elbow so stopped going for sessions liao. Boohoo

Yeah I also had the same thought, that everything is connected to the foot right? But it's soooooo shiok la. And I am going to thailand with friends some more (3 mums, sans kids! Bliss). I will be so jealous if everyone else is getting a massage! Weh!!!

Maybe my gynae will say ok no prob :D actually hor, it's very strange. It's the top of my feet, the bony part, that's aching. Not the soles!

And hor, a lot of angmoh pregnancy articles say "hubbies should massage wife's feet to make her feel more comfortable" right? Kekekek
Pinkybunny: My gynae has an in-house massage lady. Go clinic for massage. But not there everyday lar. She's there on some days only. Must make appt. I think can arrange to go to our own house also. Prob rates would be different.

Feet massage yes. My hubby also did it for me when we had #1. But more like leg massage to reduce the swelling. Not those foot reflexology kinda massage where they put all the pressure and concentration at the soles! I made sure he didn't poke my sole lor!

Mossie: Massage will really be very comfortable lar! But of course u do later when u are free from MS. A lot of massage parlours outside does only for women in 3rd tri. By then, most shd have stopped MS-ing.

Silvery_gal: yes, the dark stools are prob due to the iron. Must take more veg ok. Iron will cause constipation. Take more water, more fiber.
CheekyDuckie & Pinkbunny - Was reading CheekyDuckie's comment on making sure her hub didn't poke her sole, I was imagining if my hub did that I think my feet auto will fly at him hahaha...
I also asked my hubby to massage my legs but plain massage, no more pressing2 kind. But not so shioklah, miss the intense massage I always get from Kenko and my hub! Hehehe...

Pinkbunny - Yeah i lost 8kgs without even trying and I do not have MS at all. But goodlah, cos I plus size (UK18) so to lost 8kgs in first trim means my weight will not overshot in the 3rd trimester. Hehehe...
Butt cramps, every night I now ask my hub to masssage my right butt. Painful lah especially when lying on the bed.
ahNah: initially, they say result will be faxed to my gynae at RH but after 2 days wait, i receive no ans. so called up NUH to checked, n they say result is out on the same day incl the blood test result. then over phone we asked for the result.

CheekyDuckie: noted. thanxs
BEHOLD! I put on 10 freakin' kgs in the first trimester!!! I am officially 57kgs at only 1.6m. This is depressing...

Went for Oscar yesterday, glad to know baby is at low risk. Now waiting for blood test results.

Eliz.. you can take Gaviscone for heartburns.. my gynae gave me this for mine. It is caused by acid reflux.
Wah..looks like more scan n test to be taken..
> pinkbunny..whakakaka....!~ "Ms Tan " is so common hor? I wanted to put "hokkaido" as nick but don knw why it turn out to Ms Tan first name. Haiz... I stared to hav leg cramp at the calf area at nite.. So painful.. But last for awhile..mus remain motionless.. If my hubby around he can help me massage the calf area when it happens..if he is on business trips n I am home alone.. I will b jia lak..the muscle pulling pain can make me scream
mummies, i love meats in my this 2nd preg, as compared to my 1st preg which i love carbo (and i had a girl in my 1st preg). anyone heard of myths that like meats most prob is having a boy? hehe
lilcactus - I think its kinda true, well, at least for most people who tell me that. When I was preg last time which end up in ectopic pregnancy, I loveeeee meat! I also sense that my baby could be a boy then.

Then now I love carbo! Give me french fries anytime! Ok maybe today later i want to buy mcdonald's fries without salt lah.. hahaha.. hungry already tea time! Me and hub hope its gng to be a gal!
LittleDd, I m also waiting for blood test. I quite worry ley though Oscar scan shows ok. By the way, are u all working mummies too ? Have ur colleagues start asking already when tey see ur dressing /or little belly ?
LittleDd: Wow! 10kg in 1st tri? WOW! But don't worry... you are still lighter than my pre-preg weight! haha... And I am not a lot taller than u! Smaller frame ppl got more reason to put on more weight. So that you have strength to carry the bb to term. But make sure you eat healthy and balance diet lar. Else the weight will be very hard to lose.

Lilcactus: Protein is vital in the 2nd tri. So more meats is good. I had always like meats! Even for #1 who is a girl. Though I prefer fish and potato a lot more for #1, and chicken makes me sick for #1. This time round, not really into veg, very onz about potatoes, not into any other foods.
And yes, myths have it that more veg likely ger, and more meat likely boy. =)
There's another one about sweet tooth = ger and salty foods = boy. Something liddat.

Ms Tan: if you are alone, try and your leg cramp try these:
1) While lying in back, on your back, knees bent with feet on the bed, take a towel and wrap it around your right foot. Slowly stretch your right leg, using the towel to help you achieve the fullest stretch of your knee. Hold the stretch, concentrating on relaxing your neck (you can rest it on a pillow if need be), on dropping your tailbone, and keeping your foot flexed. Try to relax and elongate the entire back of your leg, from the heel to the tailbone. Repeat on the left side.

2) If you do yoga, you will know what is the downward facing dog pose. This will work well for 2nd tri. Don't do when you are in 3rd tri.

(3) Sit on the floor, grab a hold of your foot with both hands, and straighten your leg as much as you can. Don’t worry if you can’t stretch your leg very much at all; the objective here is to keep pulling the foot (without pain or discomfort) in a flexed position so as to stretch the calf muscles. If you have problems, u can use the towel wrapping at in (1) also, to give yourself a better stretch.

I do (1)/(3) every other night before I sleep when i was in 2nd tri with #1. Hardly get cramps in leg. But do start gently. (2) i do at the yoga sessions i attend.
Don't chiong all the way, else confirm cramp even worse.
MsTan - Yes im working too. Just this morning a colleague asked if I'm preggy cos he said I look different. Anyway I think many people at my workplc knows I am cos I was on hospital leave thruout the first trimester but either they want to kepo ask me personally or not. I prefer they dont ask me haha..
Wow cheekyduckie on the many ways to beat the cramp! Luckily my hubby doesn't need to travel so my method is : if wake up got cramp, slap hubby wherever my hand can reach and shout "cramp! Cramp!" Till he wakes up haha

Oops paisay re ur massage lady!

Aiyoh just now I went for facial and it was so much more painful than usual. Cos of hormones I think. Anyone notice different skin? Mine is so bumpy now and the facial therapist said I got many whiteheads. Boohoohoo

But I remember thinking "aiyah so hungry, sure won't sleep one" and the nezt thing I know, I was waking up! Then on the way home quickly dash to TB market for (I feel like I'm betraying cheekyduckie by saying this) chwee kuey hehe

Usually I only eat 2 but today I happily whacked 4. Sigh. My tummy is really mixed up!

Oh yes my #1 was a girl and I took lots of veg. Now I just want junk food like nuggets and fries and LJS and luncheon meat. We'll see if it's a boy and the myth holds true :D
Pinkbunny: Pouts! I just called my hubby ask him go dabao Tiong Bahru porridge for me for dinner. He went... "HUH AH!!!" pouts. No yummy porridge. no chwee kuey. =(
Try to do the exercises every night. Prevention is better than cure! I think the stretching will help reduce stretch marks and the varicose veins too! =D So many incentives for doing exercises!
At least your hb will wake up lar! I whack whack whack whack... he will just... huh? orh... *SNORES* just like when #1 wakes up and wants milk, i can slap him upside down... he will just drift back to sleep. So i still need to do all the work....

ms tan: So far I am save from colleagues asking abt me. Not sure if it's really not that obvious, or because my clothes do not give myself away. Anyway good that they are not asking! I am intending to start telling nx week after i get my oscar results on monday.
Now contemplating if I wanna tell my boss this week, give them some advanced warning first.
come to think of it, its quite true for my #1. i love vege that time!

this time round, i like luncheon meat too! but my mom ask me to cut down on that, sob.. i'm really not eating gd healthy foods this preg, partly due to no appetite. hope it improves very soon. i will be week 13 in 2 days.
wow many of u here love food from TB market. me staying so close to the market have no food craving from there...

i am also eating alot of unhealthy food n meat!
wow u mus hav read up alot.. Thanks cheekieduckie! Will try that when it happens . My hubby travel often but oni on certain mths when he will b most bz. When he not travelling..when my leg cramp ..i also will slap him ..hahaha. All hubby so poor ting hor :p
Wow! Didn't know so many of you are staying near TB.
Me too (temporarily) but I'll move to my in-laws' place when I'm near delivery.
Ladies, just to share! I bought my 1st maternity pants frm spring maternity! It's made of bamboo fibre! So comfortable and soft. Only $33! After discount, I m spring member. Any one needs discount let me know ;)
Dear mummies & mummies to be, sorry to interrupt your thread.

My mum makes red rice wine at home for confinement cooking. I have tasted her recent batch and it is indeed fragrant and sweet. Pls pm or email me at [email protected] if you are keen. She will need 1.5 month to ready the wine. Thanks.
Pinkbunny : Im currently in perth, australia, will only be returning to singapore dec next year..

Talking about cramps... Ive been getting lots of pins and needles type of pain on my hands... wondering if its relating to the sleeping postures as Im always sleeping on my sides..
hey ni, i bought 1 too last week but is shorts like "裤裙“..kekek but how come mine is sold at $39?!
Indeed is very comfy. The waist part can be wear either fold down or pull all the way cover up the belly
Silvery gal
Hey I stay near the mkt too! Maybe we are neighbours!

Ms tan
Hubbies poor thing? Compared to us preggie mums? Hahahahahhahahhahhahahahahhha. What's a few slaps in the middle of the night compared to us carrying 10-20kg of extra weight, being breathless, constantly throwing up etc? Hahah

Was just talking to another mum today. After having baby, mum's life changes 180 degrees. Dad's life not that much. Mum's body is no longer hers, her boobs are on call 24/7, going out also mum prepare baby+baby's bag+take care of baby when out. Dad may be helpful but ultimately it's still mum who holds the fort

Mums with older kids: true or not?

Ok will take u up on that if I need! That's a good price

Oh, posted there for job stint ah? That's why coming back next year? I studied in perth! Love love love it. Omg suddenly I'm craving the famous apple strudel from ... Is it James St? Argh!!!

Pins and needles could be the start of carpel tunnel syndrome. It's cos of water retention giving ur veins less space to move/flow freely. I had that toward end of preg until few months after birth (it's made worse by the way we carry our babies). Try putting ur hands up and doing "sprinkling action" regularly

I'm looking for maternity shorts. Anyone knows where can get cheap ones? I can't believe I don't have any! I'm starting to unbutton my shorts now.Super glam. Glam beyond belief
Ooo... I also have Spring Maternity membercard! Mothercare I also have! Let me know if u mummies need it ok!

Ni, Ms Tan: I also have pants from Spring. They are very comfy. But what i don't like is that the pair i have, dun have the adjustable elastic band inside. When the pants was new and unstretched, i could wear. But it gets looser with more wear and tear, end up was very loose even when i was full term.
After that 1 lesson, I only buy pants and skirts, and tube tops with the adjustable elastic band inside. To make sure i get a good fit throughout the 9 months.
pinkbunny: u can try modern maternity. They have outlets at habourfront centre and united square. I got pants, jeans and shorts from them! hehe...
howdy neighbours! wow TB folks are all around this thread! i also don't have any cravings from the market hehe. just the talk of the ji bo chwee kuey got me curious

oh thanks! i was just looking at the labels of my old maternity clothes and saw some familiar brands, in case anyone is keen: perfect mum (can't remember where's the shop) and mothers en vogue (forgot the name of the bldg, it's opp forum)

i agree that hubbies do not have any major change is their lives.

Though this is my first pregnancy, my hubby was very excited initially but now, he can't be bothered liao. He has this mentality that I can take care of any issues arising. He's super engrossed in his gaming habits - PS3, PSP....!

He never spare a thought for people around him especially me whenever he is unhappy. I thought preggie women have the rights to throw tantrums now due to hormonal changes. How come is the man???

Anyway, I can't be bothered with him. I already have a tough time coping with MS. Where got energy to quarrel with him? For the sake of my BB, I just do not want to affect the little one with such crap.

Oh, I have EGG Maternity discount card. If any of you is interested, can get from me.
