(2012/04) Apr 2012

I also prefer to use sling/carrier with my babies in the first few months. Good thing is hands are free and can get up and down public transport easily. For breastfeeding, sling is also convenient cos it gives privacy.

Smoke - KKH should still be cheaper for twins than TMC even if you go as a private patient. Particularly if your babies need any extra care after birth. You can check the estimated hospital bill size of KK vs other hospitals (including TMC) at the MOH website.
Coraine: CTG is to scan for contractions! So gynae can tell when u gg into labour. hehe.

I gg for my visit to chk my oscar result later. Think will get them to explain the package to me again. I think my super costly package includes the CTG also.

Do not underestimate the power of a little bb! hahahahaha... I think sometimes we feel more, cos the bb moving on some of our organs lor! More sensitive mah! And some of us are also more sensitive compared to others.
I definitely not a sensitive person lar! I didn't knew what contractions felt like, until i was in the labour room. My gynae say i got good tolerance. =P To me, they all just felt like bb moving, ticklish feeling, but no pain.
RE: baby kicks
wow! so fast cant feel the baby kicking? i dunno if its baby kicking, i can feel bubbles popping inside my tummy. like popping popcorns! haha.

14 weeks today! 3 more days is gynae visit! cant wait
Cheekie duckie, thanks..i will go check it out..hee.. I also buy alot of bra extension.. Because some of my bra cup still can fit. Bra extension is v useful. But I m not sure later months when breast gets bigger might need to buy more bras.. Haiz. Do u all experience pain on the breast too? Is like,off n on..pulling kind of pain .. Urggg!

Mel, I feel the same as you too! Do u eat supper every night too? Sometimes, jus feel like eating prima deli peanut waffle after dinner..hehe..so grab 1 :p
Ms Tan: Yes. Boobs will feel sore on and off. Cos growing. Will reach a point when it starts itching! Just like tummy. Pouts.
Will most likely need to get new bras later cos cup size most likely will increase. Just how much.
For me, cup size don't really go up, at most little bit only. But the underwires make me feel like dying, very suffocating. So I go for wireless.
Those who attend mrs wong classes, will also hear that underwired bras might cause block ducts and not so good growth of ducts. So better to go for wireless.
Anyway, after #1, I have been hooked on wireless bras! Have been on wireless most of the time since then. =D
Smoke: I'm having twins too, seeing gynae dr Khoo
Chong kiat at kkh. He's very patient and friendly. From what I understood about having twins in kkh is, upon your 5th month, you'll be reviewed by a team of doctors specializing in multiples( there's a clinic at kkh for mothers expecting multiples, from what I heard on my first visit) depending on your kind of twin pregnancy(identical or non-identical, sharing one placenta or not? etc), you may be required to
Go for a scan every two weeks from the 5th month onwards at kkh to determine how the babies are doing.
Was initially hesitant about kkh until I found out I was expecting twins as I understand the complications and costs that are involved with twins, most importantly, should the babies be delivered early or what, kkh has all the ready facilities to help them

Hope this helps
Coraine - Wah u only 12 weeks and can feel kicking already? is this your 2nd pregnancy? It's my first so I dont knw if theres kicks gng on but Im in my 15th week and when we went to meet my gynae on my 14th week he said unlikely to feel kicks yet, have to wait till 17th-18th week. Any earlier than that is probably gas he says. But I did read some ppl experience flutters as early as 12 weeks.

CheekyDuckie - I agree with u, actually my hub was saying also that first 3 months sure we will carry the baby and doesn't use the stroller. But I scared now said carry, later tired already, said need a stroller. Like go dinner or anything. But we already have a Baby Bjorn, I bought it last time haha...
True abt bringing elderly together when buying prams, cos I bring my parents and I have to get inputs from my mum. See if she can open and close the stroller, too heavy for her or not etc.
She already tell me to get her a baby carrier, I said dnt worry, I have already haha..
hey pebblestones, thanks a lot..i am still vexing over which gynae i should go.

Now i am at my 15 weeks but i already paid for the 20wk detailed scan at TMC. so will have to wait that scan to be over before i can switch over. But i guess, meanwhile i will book an appt with kkh gynae.

Oh pebblestones, btw how much do you pay for visit? and got package charges? issit more expensive when you have twins?
Smoke> is your twins conceieve naturally? As I would give you different dr advise from KKH if not.

Stroller> I agree with cheekyduckie abt the bb carrier definately more mobile to bring bb out but as bb grows then sling or bb carrier will be ... I am a bb carrier user also and I am in favour of the brand Beco. So ppl likes ergo but its not so easy to transfer between ppl. I like beco butterfly model I can tranfer bb like a haversack to my hubby or any one easily. go you tube and watch and you will understand what i mean.
Wow lots of twin bb in Apr so envious.

My this pregnancy symptoms is really very different from 1st so far. 2nd trimester liao and still nauseous. Some ppl say that if different high chance will be different gender but so far dr don't want to affirm as not very clear yet. Anyone still nauseous?

Are we having a April mummies get together soon?
hi Leo, yup mine is conceive naturally and its identical twins with 1 placenta and 2 sacs.

i still have vomitting on and off but slightly better than 1st trim.

oh btw, yest i suddenly have numbness on my left hand and it lasted for like 3 hrs. i was so worried. my hubby say it is because of the ice teh i drink. Anyone got such experience?
Andreanie: No need to be worried that you will get tired carrying bb lar! Cos hor, small bb will need to be fed very often one. So u will get to sit down lar. Otherwise, it will be to change diapers. =P

Leo_Baby: I got both Bjorn and Ergo. Definitely Ergo better, and more comfy. Wanted to get Beco, but can't remember whether it was out of stock, or difficult to find, or the model i wanted was no longer available. So settled for Ergo instead.

This time round, I am going to try to use the SLING! I bought like 2 slings and 1 pouch last time lar! But hardly use! ARGGGGGGG... This time must really try!

Oscar: OMG! Gonna chk my results later. So gan jiong lar! Totally no mood to work the entire morning. So gan jiong that I am LS-ing now. ARGGGG... Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Yes, we should do Apr mummies meet up. Can we meet up at Orchard for lunch tomorrow?
leobaby, i also like beco carrier. i borrowed a beco carrier from my fren to go hk with my #1 when he was 1 year old. so much more convenient than stroller! this time i am gg to get a new Beco!

i thought i am free from MS, but i puked out my macdonald supper last weekend. Think its the food. This baby #2 dun like ice milo. anything milo sure puke out!

i am on for a gathering, am sooooo sorry to have forgotten about the lunch date!
Totally agree! Have both bjorn and ergo and heart heart heart my ergo! Bjorn I only tahan for about 6 months. Then my shoulders buey tahan liao!

Leo baby
Me lor. This morn still puked out my breakfast

April mummy gathering
How nice! With #1 I met fellow expectant mummies and we all lined up with our 30+ weeks bellies to take a picture
Ms tan
Oh yes bra extensions are a life saver! I remember using two at 30+ weeks last time! Where do you get yours? I need more but can't remember where to get liao.

I've also found that if bra too tight, I also will feel like puking!!

Ohhhh would love to lunch at orchard. But tomoro cannot
Pinkbunny: Bra Extension can get from most lingerie shops lar. E20, Triumph, should have. Else kiddy palace or other places that sells maternity clothes (spring maternity) shd have also.

And yes... The bjorn was killing my back and shoulders when #1 was about 6 months old. That's why i decided to invest in an Ergo. Think i need to go buy the infant insert later for the Ergo when the bb comes out. Else I will try to figure out the sling. hahaha
Smoke> Wow naturally conceieve and some more identical. your hand numbness maybe carpal tunnel symdrome which can occur to some mummies at pregnancy must tell your gynae. Seem like so far happen on a few of my mummy friends who have twins. You can see which gynae you like on this site. http://www.kkh.com.sg/Services/Women/GeneralObstetricsAndGynaecology/Pages/Home.aspx
My KKH gynae going private and I also delimma now as I pro KKH because of facilities.

Perhaps we should meet on separate occasion as I stay at West. You can private msg me your no. and we tie up to meet. (Click on my blue name on the left to Private msg me) your private msg not on leh.
cheeky: any particular model for ergo? my friends kept telling me bjorn better. sorry, i very noob!

best of luck for oscars results later! dun fret, everything will be fine!

mummies, sorry i MIA again. still restless to do anything. i read but i seldom post. week 14 le but still ms at night. getting more and more pimples along my hairline too.
Smoke: we have the same kind of twins, conceived naturally also, one placenta, two sacs. So in kkh, it's considered a high-risk pregnancy, and I don't pay double because they are twins, but mine is classified as private patient, on avg, consultation costs bout $100 plus each visit.
high five! me too. have absolutely no idea how to work the sling. tried when #1 was very small, just to bring her to PD for checkup. in the end both of us so sweaty and frustrated! haha.

i suppose to each his own. bjorn is very lightweight and easy to bring around, and is great for small babies but because the shoulder straps are very thin, when baby gets heavier, your shoulders pay the price. personally i prefer ergo because the shoulder pads are cushioned, and there is weight distribution on parent's hips as well, and baby 'sits' as opposed to being supported by his/her groin area. my ergo is the sport version i think. the cheapest one
the drawback is that it's very bulky. apparently it can take up to 40kg (!!) and can also carry a child via backpack style but i never tried.

leo baby
did your gynae give you advice on how to feel better re carpal tunnel syndrome? i remember telling mine session after session and him shrugging and saying "fingers pain ah? chop off lor". i didn't appreciate that kind of humour (that's why i'm not with him now!). i only found out thru internet that the sprinkling finger movement helps. a little.

wrist guards also helped to a certain extent. some mummies go for a jab after birth (unfortunately it usually continues till after birth) but i hear it affects BFing. so just got ot tahan .... like mummies always do
pinkbunny: thanks for the review! i like that for ergo, baby 'sits' instead of resting on the groin area. friends say if boy don't use these carriers cos will affect their penis development hahaha! so ergo sounds good.

i think i let hubby choose. i told him he will do all the carrying hahaha.
Leo: how do i on the private msg?

Pebblestone: oh tts cheap still. My consultation every time is about 200 plus.

Anyway, i hate to eat fish and vege now (vege was like my favourite when i was not preggy). Now, as long as i eat green leafy vege, i will sure vomit.
Pinkbunny, I got mine from amk heartland mall.. Those shop that sell hairpins ..is it call sinma? Paisey I cant rembr :p ..keke.. The bra extensions are quite cheap..2 for $3.90 oni. I mean we probably just use for few mths..n may change to nursing bra (spend $ again
) so no need spend so much now ya.. I once bought 1 from truimp.. So much expensive
but of cos gd quality.
Last week I also bought a wireless bra from Walco.. Because Robinson having sale so I buy 1 to try.. Will start sourcing for more wireless bra soon after hear mummies here advice
BB carrier Bjorn can only last till 6mth old for bb so not worth the money. Ergo and Beco both have the sit type and ok for infant till toddler but ergo must buy infant insert and more bulky. Beco has new model call gemini can face front and back but face front will support on the groin so may not be good for boys. (I don't have this model this one cannot transfer like harver sack) you can all chk out the demo in this link:- http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=beco+butterfly+2&aq=0&oq=beco+butter
Birdnest and coconut start in 3rd trimester good for cooling down as bb are more heated up in 3rd trimester and also purifying them so they become fairer just before birth.
smoke> go right to top of web page and click edit profile. then click preference and you can uncheck the private msg thing.
Elim, I think can take birdnest now already. I taking off n on now , tmr I m in my 14 weeks
Are u in 2nd tremister now? My doc always will say take all things moderately..
Pink bunny> I chk with y gal friend who had the tinggling hands issue and she say dr says its because of homones level that causes the ache in the wrist joint. no medication needed just massage and her ache only goes away after 6 mths after delivering her twins.
the numbness is quite scary..i was like worried for 3 hrs.

i ask my gynae too, he say nothing to worry and just brush me away.

sometimes the side of my face will have such tingling feeling too.
tangerinz> i also still restless and very pukey worst then 1st trimester. but wanting to chat with you all badly so come in today.

Cheekieduckie and gal who ok for lunch tmr> we can do earlier lunch say abt 11am so can beat the lunch crowd mah. Ion area good for most right?

Pebblestones> meeting us for luch too?
leo_baby: hai, when will this improve? where is the honeymoon period??

re birdnest: can start from 2nd trimester but so expensive, i think in moderation? then 3rd trimester then eat more? i'm skipping birdnest (in-laws says not good) and replacing with white fungus with red dates instead.

other tonics: such as dong cong cao can start le. also expensive so maybe not so frequently ba. i find it helps to improve overall weakness, less breathlessness.
sure i can make it for lunch tmlo, and 11am is fine with me. i got meeting at 2pm also. so early lunch is good!

yes i heard that bjorn is not really recommended for bb boys, as it may affect penis development, so i sold away my bjorn when my #1 turns 8 months. I am gg get a beco, asking frenz to send over from USA, heard its cheaper.
weather is scorching hot! and i went to tabao lunch on an empty stomach, i nearly fainted! came back with a pale face and spinning head. Cant imagine if i really fainted in the heart of Raffles Place!
Ms tan: nah.. I dun take supper.. Now tryin not to snack too much.. Coz im aldy overweight! Haha N definately put on more later on.. So now can control den control loh.. Hee! But yesterday keep wantin to drink sweet drinks! N with ice! Doc onli advise no chinese herbs now.. Did not say anythin abt cold drinks.. So i drink whenever im super cravin for it.. If not its juz room temp plain water..
hi mummies
Just read thru all the posts... So the topic is on stroller and carriers now ;p

I had both a combi and a quinny zapp. Just wanted to share my experience with both... I like the weight of the combi but the smoothness of the quinny zapp. I got a Miracle turn for combi but did not like it as I find the wheels too small and always got stuck whenever the road is bumpy (esp outdoors). It's also difficult to pry the stroller backwards to go up steps when the baby gets bigger and heavier coz i think the wheels are too small. As for the zapp, it is heavy but smooth to push around. However, it's hard to move around in crowded shopping malls as the wheels are really wide apart and cannot go down narrow corridors. Also, as it's 3 wheeler, it tends to be a bit unstable if you hang things on the stroller. A couple of times, my stroller fell backwards as i hang my diaper bag and shopping bags there ;p So pl take note not to do that... Also the seat backing is not adjustable, so uncomfy for the kid when they fell asleep. I like the zapp coz it takes the weight of my 3 yr old who's abt 15kg. Combi usually has a max weight of 11-12kg i think. For those who like light weight, I wld recommend Aprica. My sis had that and left it with my parents now that her kids have outgrown. Used it whenever i go overseas and it's really good to use, lightweight and stable.

Re baby carrier, i used the baby bjorn and sarong sling for both kids. Bjorn is good for small babies and it's very easy to use. However once the bb reaches almost 8 kg, it gets kinda tiring for the shoulders. Am considering getting an Ergo or a beco now. Any mummies who had used both? Wld like to know which is better.
Me, I still get nausea all the time. Yesterday was worse, had acidic stomach since morn and can hardly eat anything. Went to bed with a gastric pain. I'm already 12 weeks, not sure how long more I have to suffer ms.

Strollers, I intend to take over my sister's stroller so not going to buy.

Carriers: I use a sling until abt 8 months den he is too heavy to use on 1 shoulder. Bad thing abt sling, my hubby won't use it so Im the one carrying him until I gets tired.

Bra extenders: I bought some from a website that they post here. I think it is call allaboutzu or smthing lidat
Hi leobaby/ni/cheekyduckie/,
can't meet up for lunch so early, cos my office has strict lunch hours.

Sms me where you're meeting for lunch. Preferably Ion and I'll meet you there? Hv Pmed you my hp no.
I saw bra extenders at the lingerie section of H&M too. Not expensive. $2.90 or $3.90 per pair.

On carriers, I have an Ergo and a Patapum. Didn't buy Beco as my Ergo works well for me but i heard that Ergo may be better for taller parents because it is longer?
hi mommies!
i just had half a packet of nasi padang, so shiok! already had fish noodles for lunch but hungry again..what a glutton!! i am always hungry around this time despite how much i eat for lunch. coz by dinner time i have not much appetite le...

just went to buy my Bella Band yesterday coz can hardly wear any of my bottoms...also bought a pair of elastic pants from TopShop, =)
