(2012/04) Apr 2012

ya! wake up from afternoon nap still got headache is the worst! whole day sian!

man... i was so greedy that i had LUNCH at 10.30am today! not hungry, just so tempted by the smell of my lunch that i just started eating and eating, and couldn't stop :S terrible!!!

and now falling asleeep on my keyboard but still got work to do :S

Coraine Lim: for me, initially i started taking plum (just like yingoinkoink). however i stopped after 10 over plums as i got tired of it. but i will help. now i am taking orange occasionally. cannot tahan if did not managed to clear my bowel after 3 days as i will feel discomfort in my stomach affecting my sleep.
Yes i do. I dont like the taste of water so sub with different kind of fruit juice! hahaha.

I gets it bad after i puke

That's what i was told to eat after my wisdom tooth extraction.
Dear mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.
I've got Clarins anti stretch mark oil to sell at $60 include normal postage. I think retail price is $0 plus. Let me know if anyone keen
Hi mommies,

Very weird, i seem to have very loose stools and i can go to the toilet twice a day. I find it weird because i tot preggy suppose to have constipation
Smoke, Smallpea, i also having loose stools. A little bit of veg sends me running to toilet. Gynae says its ok. Better than constipation.

Oscar: did my oscar n blood tests this morning. 4 tubes of blood! Arggg... But managed to finsh the scan in 1 try! A long 1 try! Hah. waiting for nx monday to go back to gynae to c results! Nervous!
oh..thanks CheekyDukie and Smallpea, i was still very worried because before preggy, i have very bad constipation. I am so worried that my babies are not getting enuff nutrients

haha yea, I also took 4 tubes of blood, almost fainted than.
I also not sure why so many tubes. The nurse took a high syringe of blood then she divided them into 4 smaller tubes.

My oscar plus blood test plus 20 weeks scan cost me $600..is this the norm?
1 tube + oscar at NUH is $280
Detail scan is week 20++ which price is unknown yet.

Smoke : maybe drew more blood can charge more $$$. 1 for Lab test and 3 for On Job Trainee Doctor to test... but the price .. still charge to cosumer/patient.

Ginger : which clinic you went ?
we went to block 2, level 3.
Re: Down Syndrom scan...
I paid $300+ at KKH blood test + scan.

Re: Sticky slibings.
My #1 is ok.. maybe she had experience before.. But its my #2 who is ultra sticky and jealous...

Keep wanting to sleep between my and Hubby at night..

But my 2 gals can't decide that they want a younger bro or sis? intially they say Bro.. now they say Sis.. haha ..
me having loose stools too. in fact, i have to clear my bowels every morning now.

my #1 is not clingy but she is very vocal and talks a lot so she like to yak with me. Feel so bad coz i am always too tired to entertain her nowadays.

last night went out for a quick dinner but was feeling nauseas throughout. hubby said i looked weak...so sad. can't wait for this phase to be over. I am normally super active so gg through this phase where I am tired and nauseous all the time is tough.
hello mummies,I am new here. My EDD is 19 April.
Currently i m seeing gynea at Fong's Clinic at Paragon. Going to sign package soon. And also in the mist of deciding which hospital to go. How do you all get started comparing prices and hospitals? can share share? Have not look for confinement lady too..I am a new mother-to-be.. abit blur :p
Pinkbunny, thanks for the tip. will try the cocoa butter. really starting to itch like crazy.

Mossie, i juz heard from my fren who is a mom of two that the only brand of calcium pill that does not make her have bloody anus is obical as it contains dietary fibre. Not sure what's ur brand, i so happen to be taking obical since week12 and not much problem with stools so far even when i am the type of person who do not eat veg n drink lots of water. probably can check with gynae on that.
Haha... The Oscar and blood test alone is $280. It's correct. My gynae made me do some other blood tests. Hep B, HIV, immunity against some diesases, etc. That's why there's another $240+, Yawnz....

I like the Sonagrapher @ TMC this morning! Got to listen to the heart beat many times. And she also gave very clear explanation on the various items we could see on screen. Blood flow from placenta to cord to bb heart, the skull, the 2 parts of the brain, etc. Love it!
Oh, and the sonographer did mention that my gynae was very particular about how the measurements for the scan was done. so she spent extra time to make sure that all measurements were done accurately. No wonder took so long.

Ms Tan: U gotta check with the gynae which hospital she can deliver your baby. Most gynaes only have license to deliver at 2 hospitals. After that, then go do the research on which one u want. No need to compare every single hospital in singapore unless you want to change gynae.
Thanks CheekyDuckie. I actually checked ler, there are only 3 particular hospitals he goes..Mt A, Mt E and TMC. erm..Do you call up to check or can get info from internet? Or will Gynea tell you all these..i think no right, they are bz ppl :/
Hi summer, I stop taking my calcium pills since I was hospitalize 3 weeks ago. I only resume my dha. I'm pretty sure I'm dehydrated now but no choice, I can't take in much liquid, or food. I think I will have to endure until ms gets better and resume my normal intake
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Hi mossie, are u feeling better? What is the gynae's advice? Will porridge help? Hope u get well and resume ur normal appetite soon.
miss tan
you can check up the hospitals websites. look out for the price packages and ask other mummies on their experiences
i delivered at Mt A and intend to do so again cos i love the warm feeling i got there. the nurses are really nice but i hear they only have 1-2 lactation consultants and i wished the one who had attended to me was more patient. i had some trouble breastfeeding at first and could not get in touch with Mt A's breastfeeding team after i got discharged so ended up going to TMC's team (wong boi boi is an EXCELLENT lactation consultant!) for help to get advice and help me clear my blocked ducts

yikes that sucks! how are you feeling now?

even before i knew i was pregnant, my little one started telling everyone that she was going to have a meimei! then recently she was asked to draw a family portrait in school and i saw that the teacher had labelled (as dictated by my daughter i suppose) mama, papa, my daughter and didi :S

same same... i feel so tired just thinking about what i want to do with my #1.

wow didn't get to zzz today cos had so many things to do and i was literally falling asleep on the pavement. then when finally got chance to lie down, couldn't sleep! but when had to get up, felt woozy. argh, make up your mind, pinkbunny's body!
Doc nv say much except the same old ones. Drink more water, eat more fruits n vege. It won't affect the baby, only mother. Now I'm depending on the sodium chloride pump thingy every 4-5 days to relieve my constipation. I can only wait till ms gets better.

My son was also very sure it is meimei initially, now he wasn't so sure anymore. He still prefer sister coz he have younger male cousins to play with. He is ready to be a big brother now. Only thing is, he got worried abt my ms and he came telling me that he dun want mummy to be sick - with tears in his eyes summore. He kinda telling me he regret asking us to have a baby, as he din know mummy will get sick. I see liao so heart pain.
Mossie: hope u get well soon and can return to ur normal food intake.. =)

Pinkbunny: exact same thoughts! Im sooo tired at school but when i have my half hr rest, i cant sleep! N when i finally reach home n finally touch the bed, cant sleep! Worse is if i need to wake up in the middle of the nite to pee.. After that i wun b able to sleep for the next one hr! =( lik just now.. Woke up at 2am to pee.. Couldnt sleep till 3+.. n when i finally fell into deep sleep, alarm rang at 530am for me to go to work! Doing opening shift for childcare at 7am today..
Get well soon.

I'm so tired... kept dreaming all night all.. angry dreams somemore... so weird..

Raining again.. sigh... makes me all the more wanna stay in bed.

When will babymoon stage starts?
MsTan: Yeaps. You can chk up the websites of the hospitals for info first. If you need more info, you can also check with the nurses @ the gynae's clinic. Do go check out the hospital tours at the various hospitals too. The internet has a lot of information. But a lot of it is personal, so nothing beats a visit there by yourself. Mt E is definitely the most costly, while Mt A and TMC are comparable. Do you need to decide on the hospital so early? I would advice not to. Cos your option of whether c/sec or natural birth might also be impt in the selection of hospital. Other considerations would be if there's any complications in pregnancy etc, that's the reason why a lot of ladies choose KKH cos they have the best suite of A&amp;E services for bb and mother. TMC isn't too bad also.

Mossie: Hope you get well soon!
mossie, u have such a sensible son! envy u! my #1 is still throwing tantrums and only wants me to carry. sighz! u get well soon! 1st trimester will be over soon!

i am still so tired easily that i will have to concuss in bed by 9pm. leaving everything for the hub to do. *so guilty*
hi mummies
how long is the oscar test? this is the 1st time i do it though i am a 3rd time mum.

i am 12th weeks, still feeling nausea and at times, will puke, too. hope it goes away completely soon. I find that taking dark bitter chocolate helps to ease nausea but can't take too much 'cos heaty.

anyone has a good massage lady in mind?
ahNah &amp; Ginger - Fetal Care at NUH is at Kent Ridge Wing, level 3. Just beside Emerald &amp; Ruby Women's clinic.

Yesterday went for my 14 weeks checkup, only get to hear baby's heartbeat via doppler. So loud and clear then dissapear, from a distance can hear again and then come nearer and nearer. Baby must be very active moving here and there. Hehe.. Next checkup is detail scan in December. Very long hor!!

Then also found out the first trimester screening blood test results. Baby has no risk of down syndrome, thank God. But we found out that I had mild Thalassemia. Gynae said not to worry cos its very very mild, and I do not have any symptoms and is very well. He said I must have Chinese blood in me, which I do, and that explains why.

Gynae said I can continue with my liquid multivitamins but he gave me extra calcium and iron tabs. But since I cannot swallow tabs, I already checked out that my organic store which I always go to, they have chewable iron tabs! So I'm gonna get that today!

yes.. that is the one.
Our sonographer is a chinese lady .. the whole process only 5 mins.

But the waiting time is 1 hour
this is my 2nd pregnancy and i still don't know words like sonographer!

aww your son is such a sweetie! mine too, will come sayang me when i vomit. then say 'mama, i don't like you to vomit'. but will ask me to wipe my mouth if i want to kiss her after hahah

what's on everyone's lunch plate today?

this is because I'm curious abt their system. Wonder our PC can do it or not.

and also .. my #1 when do OSCAR, it took us 4-5 hours because he doesn't wan to lie down to take the thickness of the neck.

But this #2 is very co-operative, 5 mins and all done. Hopefully is a gal and not so noti like #1.
Thanks all! Most pple will get MS, but only me can't handle it very well. My #1 was worst so I thought I can do it better this time, but guess I'm still not strong enough. Hope this won't last as long as my #1 (7months)!

Ni, my son is 5yo already so his thinking is more mature. Yours is still young.I stop doing hsework too. Throw everything to hubby too. Let him suffer abit first since he won't be around on my last trimester. Hope he can come back on time for my delivery else this time I will have to ask my mum in.

Sunny, Oscar test will depend on how cooperative is the baby. Some finish in 5min, some hours if baby is too active. My #1 took few hrs coz he can't stay still.

Andreanie, congrats on the Oscar result. How come u din do ultrasound yesterday?
My son will come sayang me last time too. But nowadays he just shout from outside. " r u ok mummy?" and continue with whatever he is doing. -_-"
Ni - Are we meeting up for lunch today at Orchard? No one replied to my query on FB Group leh...
hopefully, mine is co-operative later.

my 2 kids are quite well behaved. when i am resting, they will lower their voice and do their own stuff. luckily, they are not cranky due to my pregnancy. i guess they are quite happy that i am quite disabled now 'cos less disciplines from me for the past few weeks. :p
i also stop doing housework, too. all my energy is reserved for making food for myself. other than that, most of the time, i am sitting or lying down.

my #1 is also 5yo. though she's still not very excited to have another sibling soon, she's a good helper, helping me to handle her bro e.g. changing clothes.
so hungry but the aircon man is still here so i can't go out for lunch ..... should i ask him to hurry? "uncle, wa dua ba tor leh.... ba tor yeow leh..."
mossie - gynae said no need to scan cos already scanned during 12 weeks, so just listen to heartbeat. prolly also he want to save on $ lah maybe, cos every scan is 70-80 bucks?
the next scan will be 20 weeks scan, he said might as well wait for that cos then we can communicate with baby more cos baby can hear us by then and we can also know whether its a boy and girl.
Can't wait for 1st December!!

For the meantime, my hub asked me to keep on playing the 12 weeks video and yesterday's video if I/we miss baby hehehehe....
omg El, i forgotten about the lunch date! did u gals meet up too? i think next time must exchange hp nos to meet up. i m terribly sorry about this!
AhNah: Only 5 mins for oscar? And only take measurement for the thickness of liquid behind neck? I was inside for like 30 mins. Got like a million kinds of measurements taken. Baby's length, head size, heart beat rate, blood flow, blah blah blah. Take so long lor. At least make my money worth. Haha...

Complicated blood tests: Oh I remember liao. Think the blood test will also measure plalettes count, red blood cell, white blood cell, and a lo to other stuff. I think my gynae is the really really kiasu type. Everything must know. I remember for #1, I had to take xray @ 37weeks to measure my hip size, see if the bb can be delivered naturally.

Andreanie: Your next visit so long away ah? I go gynae every month. Zzzz...

Lunch date: Arggg... I also forgot... =S
cheekyduckie, yah ..5 mins .. the #2 is lie down in position.. each pics she only took 2-3 secs to snapshot.

Dun wan to wait for too long, NUG carpark is not cheap
Hmm, my scan also took at least 20 mins.. the wait was good too coz maybe i was the 1st appointment so fast.. downside is too early for me. haha.

next gynae visit nov 2nd. By then would be 17 weeks. hopefully can confirm gender. My gal even asked gynae meimei or didi. haha..

i guess being older, they are more understanding. My gal is 4 this year.. she's really sweet.. even reminds and help me put my stretch mark cream every night and when i'm vomiting, she will come pat my back and say to baby to be good, don't make mummy vomit..
ahNah: WAH! NUH really fast. I see everyone in TMC, go in take like at least 15 to 20 mins. Really is different hospitals different styles. Same as gynae. haha...

#1: Seems like everyone has quite cooperative #1. I don't think my #1 understand what's going on yet. Maybe will prep her once tummy grows bigger.

no lah, it depends on individual baby co-operative or not.

i guess my #1 is doesn't know he is going to have younger sibling. All along he only cling to our maid or to me.
Ah Nah - Huh? 5 mins only? My sonographer for oscar was an indian lady, I was in there for abt half an hour also. She check all kinds of things, then after all is done she asked us if we want to video our baby while she re-do the scans again and at the same time explain what is what. She also gave us 2 photos of baby.

CheekyDuckie - Yalah, so long right? How come u have to visit every month? In Dec will be my 5 mths mark. So 4th month totally not going to meet/hear baby. So sad!

Ah Nah - NUH cpark not cheap? How long did u stay there for normally? We parked yesterday from 3pm to 515pm only have to pay $1.60.
