(2012/04) Apr 2012

andreanie, normally ??? nope .. i only went 2-3 times. I saw the notice board say 30 mins for $1 ?

I so kaisi and top up $40 on my cashcard ..

Yah. 5 mins. The chinese sonographer didn't ask me wan to video or not .. by right . we can't .. maybe for detail scan then I bring a video cam go down.

andreanie: Dunno leh. I usu visit her every month! haha. anyway, I gonna ask her if i can go package after my next monday's visit to chk on Oscar results. Last time she let me start early.
tink my sonographer is same as andreanie, an indian lady from nuh. aso took bout 30 mins. explain quite some tings.. we aso took a video using our iphone and got 2 photo scans from her.
she dint ask us wana video or not, we ask her whether can video or not.. haha. so say can.
ahNah - you cannot video while they are doing the oscar test, but after they have done all the tests, they can rescan for you and show u again, this time with explainations. Mine, while she checks she keeps queit but when finish, she immediately said ok now i can tell u what's what, where etc, u want to video? hehe.. of cos immediately my hub took out his iphone and video haha...

oh i have to go down nuh twice a week for first trimester support jab, so was most of the time there. Parking normally doesn't exceed $3 if we stay for lunch etc. So far quite cheap. Sometimes only a few cents and I'm shock haha..

CheekyDuckie - i tot package starts from 20 weeks right? I saw mine already, will be $700.
how come the sonographer you mummies met can allow you to video? mine can't, even after we asked.

my package also starts from 20 weeks. $600.
Wah! All your packages so cheap compared to mineeeee.... i paid like more than 1K for mine for #1. I think with the price hike in the scan, it's gonna be a lot of ex this time. sighz.

Andreanie/lilcatus: when the package starts varies from gynae to gynae. Usu mine starts at 20 weeks. But for #1, she let me start at 16 weeks instead. Next week i will be 14weeks. Think can ask liao, cos the next visit will be about 18 weeks. =)

AhNah: Parking at TMC is by far the worse i know. Followed by Mt A. Very limited parking plus ridiculous parking charges. =S First hour already $3... Usually i just use the valet service. Service charge $1.50, $0.50 per half hour.

Lilcactus: TMC scanning room got a super huge no camera no video sign inside lar! I dun even dare to ask! haha... Nevermind lar. Remember in head can already. =P
so good you all get to video.. if only i can.. i'm sure #1 would love to see!

my package also starts at 20 weeks.. ard $800 too.
Hi Mummies

I'm into 15 weeks now... seems like i'm the only one who managed to know gender? Anyone else? My next visit will be for the detailed scan in 5 weeks' time. Such a long wait in btwn. Hope the little one will be guai guai.

My gynae went thru the blood test results with me and commented that I have very good red blood cell count. hahaa.. not sure what contributed to it thou'.

Am feeling super sleepy after lunch today. Almost nod off at my pc. Luckily boss not ard in the afternoon... Must be the rainy weather.
oh, but my package price does not include any of the consultation that i paid prior to week 20. which means so far i have paid $600 from start to week 12, and at week 20 then i pay additional $600. So total is more than $1k. does it work this way for other gynaes?

cheekyduckie, ya loh, tmc got this no camera sign! i tot it will interfere with their scanning so we cooperate loh. the sonographer took snapshots and say after that will give me a copy, but no leh! even after i went down to my gynae there for 12 week check, also no give me! end up i come home with no info on my bb length and no pic! so sad!
My gynae doesn't have package but his charges are reasonable: Scan $50, Consultation $60. And he will ask whether you wish to scan. So up to you.
His delivery charges are $1000 - $1500 thou'. Does package usu inclu gynae delivery fees or is it separate? can't recall how my #1 gynae works.
Lilcactus: Yes. It's correct. Whatever is spent is spent. The package don't cover.
The report that they give u should have the pictures. But it will be very small. Last time i had. This time not sure yet. Update again next monday after i see my gynae.

Odiey: So fast know gender ah. I very scared to know leh! But at the same time very gan jiong. Think i ask again in 5/6 weeks time lar, after i come back from HK. Else i will start my crazy shopping spree!
Odiey: Delivery charges are separate i think. Not in package. But diff gynae might do differently again. Mine was separate. going to POK GAI liao ah. Everything so expensive. Arggg...
wow odiey, u are so advanced! 15 weeks already! can u feel the lil one's movement already??? i m still at week 13. So are u expecting a prince or princess???

cheekyduckie, ur package is really quite expensive wor!
Odiey!!! So envious u know the gender already. I have to wait till 1st December to find out during 5th mth detail scan!
Most likely I'm expecting a boy (thou I wld def prefer ano gal!). Gynae managed to scan from the baby's bottom and straight away we saw sthg in between the legs. I was like asking him many times "Are you sure you didn't see wrongly?" " Sure it's not the his hands?" haha and he was like "I don't know why the hands wld be doing down there." Anyway he scanned another time just to make sure and it was pretty obvious la. First time I managed to detect gendet at 14 weeks. Prev 2 pregnancies only managed to confirm at 20 weeks. Usually boys can detect earlier i guess. And yes, since last week, i started to feel light flutterings in the stomach already.

Did your gynae try to scan for gender in your last visit?

Am quite lucky to not have horrible MS. Only feeling of fatigue and constant hunger. Now the fatigue has eased and hunger pangs are not as frequent as well.

Jia you everyone. Tri 2 is approaching!
Ah Nah: Valet at TMC is not free ah! I just chked out the website! I used to think it's free lor! There's service charge of $1.50. haha. but ok lar, better than parking in TMC lor. Ex until die.

Eliz: Most ppl will recover from MS after 12/13. But not all. I know ppl who were MS-ing all the way also. And some, MS only starts later. All the best ya! hehe

Lilcactus: Yah. The delivery charges shd be ard there lar. Think as long as you go PTE, all expensive. Difference a few hundred dollars lor.

Ni: For #1 i compared package price with my other friends. Really quite ex. But seems like i got slightly more visits than the others. I got the clinic assistance to list out the number of visits I get as part of the package. Sighz, expensive also no choice. Dun want to change liao.

Gynae packages: Remember to get a clear listing of what is part of the package ok. Medications, urine tests, the dunno what machine used to measure contractions (usu done in last tri), ultrasound scan, etc.
Wow that's cheap!

Gynae packages
Mine is quite reasonable I think. $695 for all visits from 2nd visit onward. I think my #1's package was $650 but diff gynae. Incl all "normal" consultations and scans, done at clinic. Incl vitamins and for 1st gynae incl iron tabs. For 2nd gynae he said iron is incl in the vitamins so I also get calcium tabs. Both don't incl fish oils.

Think it's very reasonable. But my gynae clinic's opening hours are quite limited so peak hours can get VERY crowded, wait for 2 hours kind.

Anyone experiencing cramping? I got it yesterday and today. Both times when I was sitting. Maybe tummy fats pressing on baby? Feels like an overstretched bladder that is in bad need for a pee :S
Hi every1,

any1 had headaches? Mine seems to be haunting me non-stop.

Looking at all the package prices, makes me re-consider if I shld head back to Singapore to deliver...
My gynae going privatized... Alamak!!!
He'll be going to TMC in Jan.
I guess I'll 'follow' him, don't want to change to another one.
oscar scan
i was in tmc for 3 hours. can't believe it. in/out the room for 4 times.

gynae packages
mine is close to $600 from 1st visit onwards. include normal scan and consultations, vitamins.
Thank you cheekyeduckie n pinkbunny for ur info. Yah lo I tink no need to decide on hospital so soon. I jus receive call from gynea say the OSCAR test shows bb is normal but my blood test is not out yet so I m still worried. Check with u all..how much weigh hav u all put on ? I m in my 12weeks + .. Jus gain oni 2 kg I tink.. I m medium build.
Tokkie, I hav headache sometimes too. I tink is normal..thats what my sis told me.
I have backache very often. I hav already try to watch my posture while standing n add support pillow on my chair while sitting.. But sometimes still get backache lei.. Not sure why
Ms Tan : Ive also been getting tons of backache.. was wondering if its the posture...yah I also have a back support now in the car.. and when at home I try to lie down as much as possible..
Which country are you in?

Ms tan
Boo hoo I'm getting backaches on and off too. I love cracking my back and wonder when I should stop :S

Wow that is cheap! And hehe on you going in and out the cherry window!

Hey mummies
Foot massages: anyone still going for them? I am yearning for a good thai foot rub!
Odiey - My last visit was yesterday for 14 weeks checkup. But gynae didn't scan yesterday, only hear heartbeat via doppler. Have to wait for 20 weeks then we will know gender. December come quick pls!!!!
Tokkie, I get headaches attacks too! My fren was telling me it's bcos of the gas we have. I try to sleep it off. Only once I cannot tahan I pop a panadol. If cannot tahan take panadols, just the normal ones cannot take extra strong one

Pinkbunny, me me me!!! I m waiting to turn 14 weeks! So that I can go Pre natal massages! So yearn for a good rub! My osim "tian Wang" chair is tempting me at home everyday!!!! Boo!
Anyone going to yoga now? Can PM me detailsso perhaps can join u. Had fallen sick twice in this pregnancy and guess really must strenghten myself with yoga. Thank gals
mrs tan> i'm in wk 13, i've gained about 1kg plus as well. i tink shld be quite normal. cause some ppl even lost weight after the first trimester.

leo baby> i havent started, but intend to start soon with http://www.updogstudio.com/. i havent try before thou.. but intend to go for their trial n see how. i chose there cause the location is convenient for me, its at east coast park. if u stay around east area can consider.
mrs tan: i put on like 300g at week 9, then, after falling sick and all, no MS puking, i lost 2 kg at week 12. even though i dun look like i lost weight. haha...

leo_baby: i am going to start yoga some time next week or after that @ forum. need to do some stretching.
Hi gingerbreadger- Where exactly is updogstudio? I went to the webpage and realised that it is quite badly designed. Doesn't even tell you their address?!
Those of you interested in yoga, I went to a pretty good one when preggie with #1. It's called como shambalah at forum. My then instructor Samantha was really good. But I won't be going back cos I'm really not the yoga sort. I figure walking 20 min back from my daughter's school and climbinmg up 4 storeys to my house will count as my exercise la!

MS, MS, go away! I had to throw up in my daugter's school toilet today! And I didn't even have a heavy breakfast
so I make myself feel better with my beloved tiong bahru porride :D

Oh anyone experiencing sharp pains in tummy area when sneeze? Quite worrying!

Only week 14 onward then can go for foot massage? I want to go to thailand for the real deal!!!

Wow last night I was so tired that after dinner I put my head down on the table (at home la!) And I think I fell asleep!!!
Mrs Tan
I lost almost 3kgs from all the puking and lost of appetite which is good since i piled on 23kgs when i had my #1
The last checkup, i put back 1kg. Hope to go slow this time..

I also get them on and off.

Oh my, you are making me hungry..

Finally confirmed my malacca short trip for next month. Hopefully MS will end by then!
Oh I see.. so it depends hor..for the weight thing. I m curious how come some of you can hav detailed scan at the same time while doing OSCAR test..is it u all special request? Because mine is jus measure bb neck..check the size n indicate where is the body parts from ultrasound only..plus 4tubes of blood taken..my scan is not those detailed scans .. Is detailed scan like those 3D kind? Pls correct me if I m wrong :p
Ms Tan
Not 3D ones

Mine was also pretty detailed..
I had 3 tubes of blood which was for oscar and the other test my gynae requested like HIV, hep A/B etc.
Pinkbunny..ytd while I was walking hor I first time experience abit Muscle pulling feeling at my right bottom corner or belly.. I tink sometime I tends to walk too fast..must slow dwn bah..cos we still tends to forget we are pregnant n walk like last time ..mus constant remind ourself to slow dwn .
Eliz..ur result is out? I m waiting for my blood test result. Tink gynea want to wait till nex appointment then tell me cos they till now haven call ley .. My Oscar they call to say ok only. Tot tey will let us know both result together..
Pinkbunny: I go to Samantha too! I really like her! Shall start going maybe from next week.

Ms Tan: no no. Not detailed scan now. Detailed scan will be at 20weeks. Some sonographers spend more time to scan for blood flow, brain/skull development etc. Mine did that. 3D scans @ TMC is charged separately. I do know some gynaes have better machines that can do 3D scans, mine doesn't.
Ms Tan: i did my oscar and the blood tests on monday. Oscar results usu out in 1 or 2 days, but the blood tests will take about 4 days @ TMC. I will be going back to gynae on monday again to chk on the results, and to pick up my DHA and other supplements.
Ms Tan
My results are out. All ok

I think you don't have to worry. if anything, i'm sure gynae will call you. No calls means normal. haha.
yay for the good news! hehe my tiong bahru porridge gave you cravings ha?

i like how she always says "you are pregnant, not sick!" then force us to do all the moves hehe. did you manage to deliver sans epi for your first, while practicing all her breathing steps? i forgot all once in the delivery suite haha

ms tan (i am also ms tan!)
ya sometimes i walk so fast that i forget i'm preggie. but other times when feeling a bit uncomfy then waddle like duck hehe

oh now i suddenly remember. when preg with #1 i often had BUTT CRAMPS! walk walk walk then suddenly DNG! <sound>, cramp. then got to limp limp limp :S

Pinkbunny: i tried very very hard! But i gave in to Epi just 45mins before delivery. That's the part where I wasn't very happy about. The anesthetician was LATE! And the midwifes didn't tell me that bb is on the way out! I would have just beared with it lar! I thot still got long way to go so ask for epi. ARGGGGGGGGGGG
Yes! I love samantha! she keeps nagging at me cos i "vibrate" non stop everytime we had to do the plank pose!

Eliz: I got my hb to drive me down to Tiong Bahru on monday to buy the porridge and Chwee Kuay! Super happy lar! That's after IKEA's meatballs for lunch, depot road claypot laksa (@ Alexandra mkt) for tea and 1x IKEA chicken wing for snack. Super happy on monday i tell u.
