(2012/04) Apr 2012

Summer - it's normal to have strange dreams during pregnancy. Feels so real but a great relief once we wake up. I too hv weird dreams sometimes.

Gina. Pray and talk to ur baby. Oscars are not 100% accurate. So maybe false results. I have a few friends so fail oscars but did amnio, results is alright and baby is out perfect! So all the best to u!

Ohh! 2nd trimester starts from14th week. Awww I m still in my 1st trimester only! NO wonder I still feel nausea today!

My bump is very obvious already!!! Maybe I am not skinny bones to begin with and this is 2nd pregnancy...
i have been having lots of dreams too! plus e fact that i wake up average of 3x a night to pee, and each time i go back to sleep i have a different dream! my dreams have always been strange..hahha...

i am also taking obimin and DHA.

sigh, only had 3 siew mai and a cup of yami yogurt. wondering if i should eat sometime else to prevent myself from gg to bed hungry later...appetite sucks and nausea is not helping. =(
I just started on gynae's multivitamins (also contain iron, thank goodness no need to take iron tablets!!!), and calcium tabs. I still have left over folic so just continue taking too.

For those of u who haven't heard of it, www.iherb.com is a great place to buy ur vitamins and pills. And kids snacks. I buy my fish oils from there, just waiting for them to arrive. Next time when our babies are eating cereal, can also buy healthy times cereal from there (it's a very popular organic 1st food cereal)

Me too! So many dreams! And some are really strange.

Argh. My super dog nose picked up my husband's pasta smell, and the cheese he used smells like.... Puke! Argh!!
Same here. the dreams are strange n horrific sometimes. thought i watch too much tv. haha.

Lets hope all our ms end soon by 14weeks to 16weeks. Still sick with soy milk and oily smell. And i am not the only one craving after chwee kuay here. hehe.

Tummy is showing and getting itchy. cant wait to see babe on 20oct by time shd b 16weeks for me.

Maybe you can try to do the scan a 2nd time instead.

My colleague's manicurist is also now pregnant and failed the Oscar test. Hers was more serious, gynae told her to abort instead of going for cvs or amnio.

Luckily, she didn't heed this gynae's advice and seek to do a 2nd tests with another gynae and the tests turn out well.
Dragon Mummy, tx for the suggestion. My scan results were fine but it's the blood test that raised final result to high risk. Hv opted for cvs next week.
Hope everything turns well for you.

I went for check up this morning n gynae was asking if we want to know gender. And so he tried to scan. It din take him long before we spotted something in between the legs... He said pretty sure it's a boy. I was still hoping that it will be a girl. Well doesn't matter now so long as bb is healthy. My son is very happy coz he wanted a 弟弟 as he has a 妹妹already ;p
I guess everything in moderation is fine. I take sardines like once In a while.

I was asking my gynae abt fish oil natural sources and he says at least 2 portion of fish a week. So that's the guide line.
Gina, I have opt for amino test instead of cvs. My blood test show the ratio of my bb having trisomy 13 was 1:152.

Amino test is more accurate and much safer than cvs. I hope it help you w the information. All the best to you.

I am v worried of the amino test. Will do it on 27.10.2011 which on week 17. Heard from gynae they will draw 20cc of the fluid. And cannot/avoid carry heavy object.
Tweety: I also still continue with cosmetics. Can't leave house without it.

andreanie: DHA is best found in fish and fish oil products.
oily fish, like mackerel, herring, sardines, anchovies, salmon, and pilchards
Omega 3 fish oil supplements
fresh or frozen tuna

Non fish alternatives.
fortified foods, like eggs, bread, and juice
dark green vegetables
canola, sunflower, and flaxseed oils

You refer to http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrient&dbid=84
There is a chart towards the end of the page that shows the amount of DHA per serving size.
Was so bloated that my whole tummy could b seen from under my t shirt which was quite loose.. N im onli in 10+ weeks.. I look lik im in middle of 2nd tri liao.. Haha.. N im big sized but its my first pregnancy.. Not eatin alot but tummy is big! Anyone has same tummy bloatedness as me? I know bloatedness is normal.. But its gettin soooo big.. Haha!
Hello Mummies,
How is everyone dealing with the ms? i am 13/14 weeks & still having nauseous, no vomit so far, but still feeling easily tired.
So any1 confirm baby gender yet? Went for checkup this mrg. Was hoping that gender able to be seen. But gynae didnt mention anything, only next mth then can confirm. Me & hb hoping for a girl =)
mel.. ya i had that & having it too. hvnt reach 2nd trimester alr so bloated. now in 2nd trimester bloatedness a bit better cos able to burp / fart more often. ahahah!
ooh.. one more thing any1 had weird dreams lately? i m having those weird dreams, well can be said to be nightmares abt people dying! i know ryt... terrible! arrghh..
Guns and pinkyxu: hope your tests go well. I'm in high risk for downs too after the blood test although detailed scan was ok. Hubby and I decided not to do anything further but just to trust God. We would never contemplate termination.I had a worse result in oscars for my #2 and she turned out perfectly normal. We didn't do anything further then either.
Imie: even though I am 15 weeks I still get bloatedness too. I try to drink ginger tea and I find that stretching helps too. End up burping a lot afterwards.
Hi mummies,

Have the follwing items to let go as im clearing space:

1. Preloved Tommee Tippee Maunal Breast Pump
2. Mustela Stretch Mark Double Action cream
3. Milk Storage btls (7medela, 4evenflo & 3farlin)
4. Milk btl carrier (those that can keeps water warm for bringing outdoor)
5. Chicco Carrier (Blue Color)
6. Blue TIMEX watch
7. Baby cot bumper
8. Lucky Baby Milk Btl Drying Rack (RESERVED)
9. Baby's changing Mat
10. Some preloved 0-3mths baby clothes

Kindly pm me if interested.

Good luck Gina. Keep fingers crossed for you

I heard cocoa butter is good for preventing stretch marks and to sooth the itch but the smell is quite strong.

Me too! But I dreamt of my late grandparents instead.

It's scary. When I was about 8 weeks I already looked 4 months preg, and my tummy was hard! But strangely, my tummy size hasn't increased much since then and seems to have "softened". Supposedly when having 2nd child, women tend to show earlier cos, in my friend's words, "the body is lousier"!

Argh. Pregnancy insomnia!!!!
Imie and pink bunny: so im not alone abt the bloatedness! =).. most of my colleagues at childcare do not know abt me being pregnant yet.. Waitin for bb to enter 2nd tri b4 tellin them..
Hi mummies,

i've a few items to let go.

1)Lamaze gardenbug foot finder & wrist rattle set ($10)
2)Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym ($15)
3)3 tins of Similac Mum, expiring Oct 2013 ($12 each)

Kindly PM me if you're keen.

Thank you!
Mel, pinkbunny and imie, I am also so bloated. ESP if I eat oily stuff. Super indigested the whole day! And I realize my tummy is quite about 3 months preggie at the start of the day. But it becomes 5 months preggie towards the later noon part! Big and hard!

I'm from Sep 2011 thread and I have a good CL that I will like to recommend to all mummies. Siew Ling jie was the CL for my 2 SILs and they sang praises of her which was the reason why I decided to engage her.

On the first day she arrived, she revamp my kitchen and create a very neat system for keeping the milk bottles and my breast pump equipment. She is also very encouraging and supportive of breastfeeding. The first 4 days, my breast milk has not kick in yet and I was feeling very stressed and down. She boiled papaya soups and always remind me to drink lots of red dates tea to help with the milk production. During that period, she gave me alot of encouragement on breastfeeding. She is very alert especially for night duty of taking care of baby. The moment my baby starts to go eh eh, she is already up and heating up ebm to feed him.

After being discharged from hospital and that 1st week of back home and trying to adjust to be a mum, Siew Ling jie is really a godsend helper and teaching me alot of things about taking care of baby, learning how to differentiate the various tones of my baby's cries which means different needs of my baby.

She is also a very good cook and takes care of me very well. She always whip up interesting dishes cooked in different ways. Check out some of the dishes she has cooked for me so far.



She is very hardworking and even cleans those hard to reach corners in my kitchen and does the household chores fast and efficient.

Overall, she is really a good CL and I will highly recommend her to all mummies. I will definitely engage her again when I have my 2nd child.

Her contact is:
Singapore HP - 81195431 (contactable when she is working in SG)
Malaysia HP - +60137067061 / +60127609538 (contactable when she is in Malaysia). Do tell her you are recommended by Meiyu. She usually will give higher priority to those who are recommended by mummies who engaged her before. Do book her early for your confinement as she get booked pretty fast!
Hihi Mummies! I'm 2 days to 12 weeks..and doing my Oscar on coming thursday~ i have high blood sugar..so hope everything will be fine..!

Anyway is anyone having constipation like me?? Sometimes i only go to the toilet like once a week for big business =( my stomach is filled with rubbish~Please share your experience with me =)
Ni: I can't digest oily food too, esp at night.just puked out some pot stickers I ate for dinner. Sigh.
Coraine: have you tried taking prune juice? It helps for mist pp.
Morning ladies! wet wet monday.. makes the blues worst!

I'm still having MS at week 13. Still eating the puke medicine to get me through the day
Coraine - Im also having constipation. 1 week only shit once or twice. BUT tat day I bought black plum to eat! everyday eat 1... and I can shit everyday. maybe u can try... =)
Morning mummies
Sigh #1 super clingy and pleaded me to stay with her at playsch. "Why must you work mummy?" And I wondered the same too

Re constipation
Gynae was explaining that the vitamins we take might cause that so take lots of fruit and veg. Only thing is that I'm quite turned off veg for now. Strange cos with #1 I was consciously telling myself to eat more veg. And voila, now she loves veg.

You know, people say the same re sleep too. Mummies who sleep lots durin preg tend to have babies who sleep well. So sleep away mummies!
morning mummies!

yes pinkbunny, i have a super glue #1 too! he is like a broken tape recorder, keep repeating and keeping mummy-ing. can go crazy! haha.

coraine, i have constipation too. eating lotsa fruits and veg dun really help me too.

i m in week 13 today! no more ms, but still v sleepy...
Morning everyone,
turns out last night may not have just been MS because my hubby felt uncomfortable later and puked too. We suspect that the pot stickers we ate may not have been cooked properly.

The two of us suffered till nearly 1 am with bloating and vomitting, so super tired at the office today. Having coffee now!
Surprisingly, i go to the toilet more after i got preggie. Maybe all the fruit juice helps.

I can't a good position to sleep though... backache.. how ah??
Ni - Im in my 14 weeks and still sleepy too. Sometimes just left house to go out with hub, as he drove off, I start to yawn already. Wear my shades and automatically fell into deep sleep hahaha.. poor hubby, he must have thot im too tired to go out hahaha...
oh no hope you and hubby get well soon!

how old is your #1? mine is 3 and oh man, she is driving me crazy too with her "mumma? mumma? MUMMA?". the minute i am away from her.... "mumma? mumma? mumma? what's this? why is this like that? where are you mama? help me, mama!" alamak. it's my favourite word but sometimes i really need to brush my teeth/wash my face/sit on the toilet without hearing it!
pinkbunny, my #1 is turning 3 in coming Jan. Cant really speaks v well yet, but bugs me with mama, i want this, mama i want buy toys... ARGH! haha, so sometimes if his daddy is in, i push all his qns to daddy to ans. haha...

EL, see a doc if need be, food poisoning is no joke esp preggy.
Thanks mummies for your concern. Already felt a lot better after emptying my stomach last night! This morning have had breakfast and everything feels ok, just very tired from not enough sleep.

My only concern this morning was whether my two kids would get hit by the food poisoning too as they had a bit of the pot stickers. My boy went to school as usual today and I told my maid to pay attention to my girl in case.
Hi El.. =) I've went to look for prune juice but all are high in sugar, so i didn't buy in the end...it will cause my sugar to rise..
sad right..

yingoinkoink..whoah so good!! so u will continue to eat 1 plum per day? hehehe

Pinkbunny~ yeah the prenatal supplements made it worse! b4 that is already abit bad..
whoah..i think im the same as u now..i get turned off by veg! Hmm..so.means we have to eat veg for our kids to like veg next time?

ni..so any solutions to your constipation problem?

Eliz..u drink a cup of fruit juice everyday?

Anyway my gynae gave me a kind of syrup medication to help the intestines move..but like not working? hahaha
coraine, actually its not really true la. maybe case by case. cos when i was preg with my girl, i super love vege (i used to eat vege for the sake of eating it only) and fruits but end up she suddenly turned a picky eater one day and now she cannot see anything green in her bowl of food!
Hi Mummies, congrats on ur pregnancy

I have BNIB milk bottles let go because i stocked up too much.

AVENT 125ml x 2 bottles (1 Set)
AVENT 260ml x 2 bottles (1 Set)
Comes with Size 1 teats.
Get both sets for $35.

NUK classic bottles 110ml x 2 - $18 for 2
Comes with Size 1 M latex teats
NUK quality bottle 250ml x 1 - $8
Comes with Size 1 M silicone teat

Brand new Avent pacifier 0-3mths - $10.

Pls PM me to deal.
I had very bad constipation too. Sometimes stuck in the toilet for more than 1hr. U know the feeling, business done halfway cannot come out. Disgusting man! I always end up bleeding alot from the anus.

Anyway, my mum bought sodium chloride in pump form from Chinese medicine hall. U pump in, wait 10 min and it will come out easily. Like what we have to do before deliver babies. It helps when u have the ultimate constipation.

LittleDD: I tahan till cannot tahan then will pop the actifast panadol, but try to avoid taking too frequent... Nowadays tend to have headache even after wake up from afternoon sleep,

Now at 15 weeks and last nite suddenly had bad gastric & heartburn till puke everything's out... Terrible heartburn made me can't sleep at nite... Juz came back from GP and he told me not to eat too much acidic food like fruits and yogurts... But find it's a bit contradict as yogurt are high calcium & good for constipation...
