(2012/04) Apr 2012

Littledd, i was kpo and eager to know gender (so that i can start shopping!!!) haha. so i asked. But since i did my oscars pretty early, the sonographer wasnt really able to see properly. But she did say something in between the legs, but cannot confirm yet. Till the next scan!

mossie, no worries, we are all here to rant and speak up! will help if i know the answer..
mossie, u may want to try calling a GP clinic nearby to ask if they stock the anti-nausea med u hv? Then save yourself the trip to gynae? I went to GP first for the med then found they weren't effective. My gynae was gg to offer me the same till I told her those didn't work on me. So she gave me suppository type called Primperan. Worked at times but made me feel super drowsy n lousy! So I only took on really bad days.

Poor thing la eliz n sunsweet! Hope u feel better after some rest. Hang in there n hope the gd days get more n more!
littledd: i didn't do oscar, but during my 12 week routine scan, gynae was eliminating obvious signs of deformities. so she started saying at week 12 cannot tell gender, then 1 min later she suddenly blurted out "did you see that? looks like boy!!"

she's so funny. we all saw something. but choosing to take it with a pinch of salt for the time being.
Gals, do u think i can see the baby's gender this Monday? I will be 14 weeks 3 days then! So itchy to start baby shopping already lah!!!
You are a childcare teacher? I kowtow to you. Whenever I see the teachers at my daughter's playschool I always give them a pat on the back. It's such a tough job!!!

Now you make me crave chwee kueh! But which is THE famous one? Near the lift is it?

Whoever is at TB market can also try the porridge from stall 163 (that's the name, not unit number), it's deeeeeelicious. The fish porridge is my all time fav.

V strange but I've seen my gynae 3 times and no V scan at all. Not that I'm complaining. But he's not changed edd either; he seems very certain about it, based on baby's length.

Don't bother about all those kaypohs ok? Happy mummy equals happy baby!
or if they kaypoh and ask you "mossie you pregnant ah?" You can ask them back "why, are you?". Yes, even to 50 year old aunties :p
andreanie u try again ok. The others could find me leh. but i really cannot find u. i have tried different combi of your name, also cannot. =S
i PM u my email add again
Pinkbunny: The TB mkt one that i like is called Jian Bo Chwee Kuey!
The porridge i like is the one that sells the porridge steamboat. Dunno what is the stall name lar. There is a chee cheong fun stall next to it. The Chee Cheong Fun is very yummy too. Long time no go there eat already.

Bb gender: Boys tend to develop their parts slower than gers. So if you scan for ger early in pregnancy, do hang on for a few weeks. But if very early scan is boy, den can go shopping liao. My friend 1st scan, was ger, until 20th week become boy. Lucky never buy anything yet. Else cry lar.

v-scan: usu v-scan only done if the tummy scan dun work. I only got 1 v-scan @ 6 weeks. Subsequently at 9 weeks is tummy scan liao.
I woke up at 3plus feeling so hungry. Drove out to buy dou Hua, you tiao and ba chor Mee. Now satisfy, but still can't slp.
Wow mossie. Blk 85 bak chor me? Ooooooooooo...... Driven by the chwee kuey craze, I'm at TB mkt now! Hehe. Cheekyduckie want me to tapao for you too?
hi mommies,
looks like most of you have done ur test. i am doing my triple test on late oct/ early nov. that was the clinic's recommended timing. i though my nausea was waning off but last night i felt so horrible!! kept gagging and was about to puke so many times...>.<

hahaa, you are just like me!! except that I'm too lazy to drive out at 3am. previous night i drove out at night only to find the carrot cake stall i want to eat from was closed!!! *sob*

oooh, TB porridge sounds good....maybe i'll head there for bkfast tom morning!!
Pinkbunny: 730am i still zzzing lar! hahahaha... So nice to have TB chwee kuey for breakfast. *DROOOLSSS*

Mossie: u r good. Drive out at 3am to get food. I will just sleep my hunger away. too tired to move lar.
I think cannot skip my puke medication. Also maybe due to the calcium pills i ate?? Hmm.. anyway, today i skip my calcium pills and took my puke medication. Tonight then eat all my pills. So far so good. *finger crossed*

Hubby saw something btw bb's legs during the oscar scan. Gynae also say something going on but will confirm the next visit which i shd be abt 17 weeks.

Ladies, i was told not to buy stuff so early.. babies can be sensitive (pantang) Buy too early like treasure bb too much. Old wives tales is to buy after 20 weeks or even later.. Best to use hand me downs, they say bb easier to look after. I did that for #1 and she was a good bb. So shall do the same for #2.
mummies, i did my oscars yesterday! bb was not that cooperative, resting on the bag, so end up difficult to measure the neck thickness. had me turn left and right to wake bb up. hee.. but luckily bb decided to cooperate after awhile. everything normal.. although blood test result will be out only today.

as for gender, i asked but the sonographer says can't tell for my case.
Odiey: Yup yup this is my 1st pregnancy..It really came as a surprise.

Btw can someone tell me for the FBI for TMC, it is for first born pregnancy regardless of whether it is twins or single pregnancy? Abit blur about this.
Smoke: You might want to check with TMC. Go to the counter and ask. They shd be able to advise. Or you can call them up. They are very friendly one.

Eliz: I went all out for new stuff for #1. She is the 1st baby in the family on both sides. And, I am like one of the 1st few in my group of friends who had a baby. Only got like a few pcs of hand me downs from a friend who got the items from another of his friend. Cos he had a boy and i had a ger. So he gave me the "unwanted" ger stuff.
Luckily with all the new stuff, she is still quite a good baby lar. Don't really have big problems with her.

Shopping: I also only started after 20 weeks. I did a lot of research and stuff on where to get cheaper stuff, but in the end we just walked into mothercare and bought all the big items, and bb clothes. Definitely not cheap lar, but, really save a lot of time.
Milk bottles, sterilizer, other feeding stuff, we got from Robinsons cos we had a lot of vouchers.
So all the buying was very very fast for us.
It's like, 1 week we had nothing at home, the next week we had everything at home and all ready for bb.

The food you ladies are mentioning makes my mouth waters!!! And I can't eat them!!! Sob Sob Sob!!!

My BB is so picky on food till I don't even know what to eat!!!
How nice to have twins for 1st pregnancy, best is to have 1 boy 1 girl then can close shop hahaa...
FBI is for first pregnancy. So shld not matter whether twins or single pregnancy.

Oh, I miss Bedok BCM and the Chx Wings! Used to stay at bedok and frequent that place for supper. Now I'm in the west, nothing fantastic for supper. So sad. Prob go there and grab some supper tmrw nite after visiting my MIL in the east.

Seeing gynae tmrw. Hopefully can tell gender...
Ladies, do u sometimes forget that u're preggy?
Although im now 14 weeks, I still forget sometimes that theres a lil one inside me. :S
Maybe still now showing yet thats why. I hope i will start showing soon so those men at work will feel more sympathies for me.

Have u guys start to show?
Pinkbunny: yup im a childcare teacher.. Its gettin more n more tiring for me now.. Esp tat i take the k1s n k2s.. They have lots of classroom activities etc.. Hopefully when 2nd tri comes i will feel better!

Anyway when did u gals start takin vitamins n calcium tablets? Im now into 10th wk but do onli advise folic acid.. N i dun take milk coz will have diarrhoea.. So whenever i c soya bean stall will try n get a cup, if i dun feel nauseous.. No appetite man.. Zzzz
Mel- I'm still only taking folic acid but i drink 2 cups of milk a day though. I'm not lactose intolerant and I prefer the taste over soya milk. You can wait till 2nd tri before taking other supplements esp since you still have MS. No point taking supplements and then puking it out.
Mel - Im still taking folic acid twice a day only in my 2nd trimester. Gynae said its not necessary to take additional vits during first trim as it may cause u to become more sick or constipated.

I am lactose intolerant, so I only drink soya bean and also goat's milk from Hay Dairies.
El: hm.. Ya i guess doc will wait till 2nd tri den start on all these vitamins.. Cant wait to see baby during oscar scan on the 24th! Hopefully everythin goes well!
El: you can manage to drink 2 cups of milk a day... i only drink occassionally...

andreanie: my tummy is showing already... maybe because i m not a skinny mum... haha
ahNah - 2nd trimester starts from 14 weeks onwards..

Silvery_gal - how far along are u babe? Mine can see lah but i just feel fat haha (im not skinny also!), so I sometimes forgot im preggy. I like to walk too fast then when I get dizzy then I realized im preggy! Gosh..
andreanie, me too, sometimes i forgot i'm preg. esp when i'm sleeping, cos i'm so tired that i will curl up tightly with my bolster. then sometimes i will suddenly remember about the lil one in me and think, oops, hope mummy didnt crush you. haha

i'm aledy showing even though i have no weight gain at all.. but its more like tummy.
ahNah - nope, not 13 weeks. 2nd Trimester only starts from 14 weeks onwards

lilcactus - me too when Im sleeping! When i wake up I will stretch and then realize alamak, got baby hor.. lol! Me too have not gain any weight yet.
Odiey: yup, intend to close shop. But i think mine will be same gender because it is identical. but there is still like 10% chance that they could be 1 boy 1 gal (my hubby is hoping for that 10%)

I have been eating calcium &amp; multi vitamins start of week 7 (not sure is it because it is a twin pregnancy)
I took fish oil when i was 11 weeks.
silvery_gal - b4 I got pregnant I already had the habit of drinking a cup of milk in the morning. Now I just have another cup before bed as I get hungry at night.

I bought the fish oil supplements and calcium but have been lazy to take them! Should probably start since already 2nd tri.
andreanie: i am in my 13th wk! for me, sometimes i will sleep w tummy downwards... of cos not very comfortable... but for awhile only...

El: i also get hungry at night so b4 i sleep i usually drink half cup milo with 1tbsp cereal in it. tried drinking a cup of milk but not as fulfilling. my hubby say i have many reasons to avoid milk. hope my baby can still grow healthy w/o sufficient supply of milk!
Silvery_Gal: If you not getting calcium from milk, you might need to eat more calcium or calcium rich foods. Let your gynae know.
I can't take milk due to lactose intolerance. So i have to swallow big fat calcium pills.

Smoke: Yes. Twin preggers start their supplements earlier. Cos it's highly unlikely u will be able to eat get sufficient nutrients for yourself and the bbs just with ur meals.
Silvery_gal - i still sleep on my tummy although will change position after a while. thats the only position that can help me sleep. trying to get use to sleeping on my side but not comfy. feel like tummy cramp on one side and need to change position more often.
i feel as though i am taking too much calcium. gynae gives me calcium pills and i still drink 2 glasses of milk a day. no wonder the fattyness.
Milk is not the only way to get calcium. My gyane ever said that the amt of calcium in milk is actually not the highest but definitely very fattening. In fact, he recommended taking stuff like ikan bilis &amp; whitebaits (double the amt of calcium in milk), sardines, toufu and of coz cheese, yoghurt, nuts and eggs.

I'm not a pill person, so I get my calcium through all the natural food sources, Anyway my gynae is also pro-natural for everything and he's supportive of me doing that.
Bad news from the clinic today. My Oscar results r not good so tmrw hubby and I are mtg with gynae to discuss options: cvs or amnio. Anyone knows if both offer equal accuracy? I'm leaning towards the cvs cos it can be done earlier. But I hear risks of miscarriage are twice that of amnio?

Hoping for the best and praying.
odiey: so we can eat sardines? cos i am thinking of the mercury level... eating the food u mentioned is so much easier than drinking milk...
Tweety- why would we want to stop wearing and using cosmetics? We, at least for me, will look horrendous without makeup! Lol! There's no saying that u shld stop using them dear hehehe.. Use all u want!

Odiey - I too thinking of not getting any pills from my gynae. Not that I'm anti pills but cos I can't swallow pills hehe.. Now thinking what can I substitute for fish oil? Any suggestions?

Hi Gina, i heard cvs is for 1 in 150 risk while amnio is for 1 in 250. The later u do the lesser risk of miscarriage. but best to hear what ur gynae have to say. some people even decided not to go for these tests after negative results in oscar n had healthy babies. depends on individual choice. stay positive though.

Tweety, i am still using foundation on weekdays and special occassions.

Still having ms plus strange dreams these days. anyone ekse have lots of dreams?
