(2012/04) Apr 2012

My mil and i get along well as we do not stay together! hahaha. When u stay together, there's bound to be conflicts.

hee... i won't be asking my in-laws to do my confinement. will move back to my mum's place for a mth.

To close eyes n for me EARS also if got to stay with them... cos my FIL talk a lot n also very LOUD! luckily my hubby also cannot tahan his dad's nagging too!
hee... i won't be asking my in-laws to do my confinement. will move back to my mum's place for a mth.

To close eyes n for me EARS also if got to stay with them... cos my FIL talk a lot n also very LOUD! luckily my hubby also cannot tahan his dad's nagging too!
Do you get along with your in-laws? Not everyone can do it. I won't be able to tahan living with mine. I need my privacy too much! Got to think lor, they will want to do things their way, which may not be the way you are comfortable and familiar with. Can you tahan that? I have a friend who just got a house with her in-laws but each family takes one floor so not so bad. For me, house so small, sure kena friction wan. And to have that in my own house? Er don't want!

Which part of TB are you at? I'm nearer the condo side
i only see them once/twice weekly. So no conflicts yet. ya i do agree they have their way of doing things cos looking at the way their taking care o of SIL's son I cannot tahan already. One thing good is my hubby do agree to my views for most of the things eg don't always feed cold jelly & ice-cream to toddler. Now he is telling them bit by bit what he doesn't wan them to do irregardless of whether we r staying with them a not.

me staying Jalan Membina the newer flats (abt 3yrs+)after Zhang De pri school.
haiz, i have no choice but to have my MIL to do confinement for me because she is a full time housewife and the house now got no space for a confinement lady. The only good thing is my mum will be cooking for me.
Silvery, yes.. I understand your worries.
Agree to mummies that you have to close one eye sometimes when you see the mess around your house.
There is always bounds to clonflicts when stay together as different habits and also diffrent way of handling the baby...

I encountered this problem and I am planning to engage confinement lady. Have asked hubby to hint them to stay at my sis in law house.

Is not that I am cruel but I just want to have a good rest and peace in mind during my confinement. This is also help my hubby so wont put him in difficult position.

Anyway, just speak up your mind and share with your hubby then let him talk to his parents.
Please please and please dun talk to them personally as it will turn out different meaning of your intention...
hi ladies! been a few days since i logged in here!
Congratulations Pinkbunny and Smoke for having pricesses!!! SO fun!

And tomorrow is THE DAY for me!!!! Gonna go for my detailed scan and hopefully this lil one will open his/her legs big big for us to see which team we are in! Will update u ladies soon!
Smoke- at least your mum is cooking for you. I'm thinking of ordering natal essentials. My mum doesn't work but she is too busy with her own activities. MIL would have helped but she unfortunately passed away. Not booking confinement lady. Anyone ordered confinement caterer yet?
El: I'll be ordering confinement catering as well but for 1 meal.. Am looking at Natal Essential too. Might try their trial meal 1st.

In the bulk purchase corner, there is another caterer called Aunty Li confinement. Not sure if it will be good.

Eliz: Congrats on clearing ur detailed scan
Congrats smoke on your twin princesses! It'll be so fun to dress them up! Seems like quite a handful of us are having 小龙女!

Andreanie, enjoy your detailed scan! Must be wry happy to see lil beanie again! Hope beanie cooperates!
hi mummies, i cleared the detailed scan yesterday too. in 20mins all measurements taken! its faster than my girl's time. and we are having a boy this time! my hubby is super thrilled! hehe

btw, those mummies who've gone thru the detailed scan, can share the est weight of the bb? mine is 306g at 20weeks exactly.
Yes, I see a lot of princesses!!!! hmmm that makes our limited supply prince HOT CAKE!!!!

Eliz, I went to IMM Cotton On, I think I've controlled real HARD, only sucked up matching shoes and sleepset for them!!!! Jie Jie wants same same as bb. The girl stuff are melting me away, sooo tempted to buy!!!
Smoke: good that ur mum is cooking for u. At least u can voice up wat u like to have.

Jojay: good point, leave talking to hubby.

Lilcactus: congrats for clearing ur scan n baby very cooperative. Good boy!

Can't wait for my scan on the 5th. Dunno can wake up that early a not... 850am appt. Counting down.

BTW, will u gals be using baby powder on babies? Read talc is not good. Will u gals be avoiding it?
I better stay away.. i bought alot sleepsuits from carters ah. hahaha.

I used baby powder. Why u wanna use talc?

My beanie is 353g i think. Must confirm again.
Silver gal, I will get the Pureen Cornstarch Powder or J&J Cornstarch Powder (if I can find in Singapore) if I need to use. For baby, I only apply body lotion, desitin (nappy area), olive oil on head.
congrats lilcatus on having a boy! one boy one gal, can close shop! my baby is about 293grams at the detailed scan, i did my detailed at 19w 3days, thats why lighter.

meinme, i am always shopping for the lil princess. poor kor kor! haha. but kor kor, is 3YO, he has already 4YO clothes stock up liao. so now is meimei turn!

anyone wants to go GMIL sale? they have cheap caters and baby wear i think.
Silvery_Gal: I use Kodomo liquid powder. I think talc will cause asthma or something if inhaled. So i went for the liquid powder. Sure won't inhale lar.
congrats andreanie on a boy! your first child?

gingerbreadger, i am skipping the suntec one. but i am gg for this one! i been to it 3 years ago when i was expecting my boy, really very cheap clothes! quite gd quality too! they have brands like carters, osh kosh, my first year, etc!
I also wanna go! hahaha.
I used to go when my gal was younger. The carters sundresses are such great buys!

thanxs for the recommendations. At least can narrow down on what to look for.

Liquid powder, Haha sth new to me. N I believe it won't spill cos I see my nephew always trying to spill his powder when changing diaper/clothes. Kids just have all kinds of nonsense!

What is this GMIL sale? Hopefully baby will let me know his/her gender. So I can grab some clothings.
hmmmmm you people are bad influences!!!!

ni, what is the price range? Noted that is CASH ONLY, any ATM machine nearby? I like my first year sleeping rompers!!!!

Yes, I've stocked up shoes for jie jie and clothing too as I know I won't have those leisure retail therapy time when the little one is out for 4 mths.
liquid powder
this is new to me too. interesting!

Gmil sale is on this 8-10th @ tampines. Very good sales based on past records.
ni, knowing myself, I scare not enough!!! Always go with an empty agenda, comes back booth load!!! I have never go to such sale before, dont know what to expect. I always do online shopping as previous office not retail therapy friendly, now I in Suntec, sooooooo friendly!!!!
Whatttt... I want to go for the GMIL sale too but I'll be in HK for work

Carter's has really adorable stuff especially for baby girls. Mommies may want to stand by loads of cash!

Anyone care to share a pic of their bump? Mine still B shape leh!!!
LitteDd, PM Cheekyduckie your email to join the FB private group to see us. kekeke
I went to Plaza Sing Cotton On!!!!! I need to tie my legs and throw away my cards!!!

Do you buy newborn, 0-3 or 3-6?
Thanks ladies.

Yes, my girl was big, all the new born is like did she wear them?

Yes, I go for 0-3months and 3-6mths too. I scare too big then nothing to wear when new born!!! In the end, I got a few new borns too!!!
meinme, #2 is a boy or gal?

i can understand the shopping urge! esp now is year end sale! i dun even dare to step into cotton on! hahaha
meinme, #2 is boy or gal?
i can understand the shopping urge! esp now! its all the year end sale!
i dun even dare to step into cotton on!
ni, it's a boy. All the boring colors and designs, no pattern!!!

Here's my loots from cotton on, keep looking at the girl range!!!!
new born - 2 for $20

0-3, 3-6 - 2 for $15

Eliz, precisely, blue, green, grey, brown, orange, red, grey. Pattern is either strips or checked, what else is there for us, we can't do flower or cutie print, got to be rough, rugged print.
Blur me when to the suntec fair and realise its tmr then open.

I was disappointed so ask hubby you have 3 choice, bring me to bendemeer, takashimaya or back to office. My lovely deary bought me to bendemeer and we bought a few stuff there.

Some of the stroller are cheap. Cot should also be cheap but too big for me liao. I am hunting for a small one so that can put both bb in our room.
Yah, boys stuff is so dull compared to the girls stuff. I've been looking at shoes for my #1 and #2 and the girls' sandals are so much nicer!
hehe... experience says better to buy closer to EDD, cos by then, will roughly know what weight, height bb is. most newborn sizes can fit up to 3.5kg. So unless you are expecting a super big baby, can stock up on some newborn sizes.

For first 6 months, bb will grow at abt 0.5 to 1kg and abt 2cm taller a month.
If really need to buy now, I will say buy for 0-3 and 3-6. Cos most babies will grow into the clothes.
If closer to EDD, you discover that bb is going to be on the smaller side, then buy a few newborn sizes.
My #1 was born 2.7kg. 0-3months is confirmed too baggy for her. She can almost slip out of her clothes without much effort. PJs are also so long, that she seemed like she might get tangled up in them.

And don't forget, GSS is some time in June, we will have another chance @ crazy shopping after our confinement! That's when i stocked up on more clothes. Every time i buy, i try to buy for 6 months down the road. So i have 2 crazy shopping periods a year, june and dec. No point buy an entire year worth, cos kids grow fast, and at different rates.
hmmmm, no wonder, I was wondering how come you come this side. Come again tomorrow. I won't go during lunch time, must be jam packed.

What about Bendemeer? I dont know there.
Ya lor meinme you should had stop me from going but my hubby was going to MBS to collect his marathon kit too that's y I never chk and just assume. You should had ask me go Plaza sing just now. Bendemeer only hase cot, strollers, and some munckin stuff that has broken packaging that is selling at few $ only.

You gals taking abt shopping and I cannot shop as same gender...:{ But hor I found ways to convince my hb to let me shop. If I find clothes that my #1 and #2 can wear the same kind, he will let me buy. Otherwise I very deprive. He knows I shop a lot and I had stop shopping for myself because anything that I buy can only wear for this short period.

Very very deprive so much so that I only buy pampers, milk powder such stuff for now.
Taka having additional

Ni, Eliz, Ms Tan - Thank you! Hehe..and yes Ni, its my first child! Dont know why I have the instinct that im carrying a gal but everytime i look at girls clothes, I feel hesitant to buy them. Then yesterday I dreamt I scanned and found out its a girl. So when I woke up, I feel like its a boy cos dreams are normally the opposite.

And I started to shop already just now! hahaha.. bought 3 Carter rompers for 3 months cos I guess babies will grow very fast right, so might as well buy for 3 months. For newborns clothes, I'll buy the plain white clothes since first month also cannot come out during confinement.
Can't wait to dress alike like daddy hahahaha....

Detail scan story - I need to get out of scanning room twice cos first baby turned heads down, so can't scan heart and sonographer asked me to pee and see if baby turns. End up baby didn't turn, and still in the same position.
So she send me out for breakfast cos she said maybe baby hungry hahaha.. True enough after I ate, baby turned and sleeps on the back. And she scanned the heart and then the gender. Voila, the bebird so distinct that no need to tell me 90% confirmed, Look at it once and I myself confirmed that im having a boy! hahahaha... hub told me dont be disapointed cos he knows i tot im having a gal since all his siblings first child is a girl, my cousins maternal paternal all first child is a girl and i only have a sister. So like confirm girl, but it was a shock, Im having a boy! Hehehee... I'm okay with having a boy, means he can look after his younger siblings next time and i can dress him up like Gwen Stefanie's sons hahaha...

Can see my hub happy hehe.. he said no barbie dolls for u dear, but it'll be cranes, cars and aeroplanes instead!

Anyway baby is healthy, everything looks great and growth is perfect for 21 weeks 5 days, and is now 425grams! And i can proudly now say - I'M HAVING A BOY! YEY!
