(2012/04) Apr 2012

Hi mummies! Wow what a busy day thread-wise! We went to the zoo today. Wow rained all morning!! So tired!

Congrats lilcactus on clearing scan and on having a little boy! My baby was 326g at 20 weeks

Lol on prince hot cake! Haha. I have not been to cotton on since finding out gender! I will be hard to control too!!

Baby clothes: I've not bought anything for meimei yet! But if I buy, won't get NB or 0-3 months.

Silvery gal
Nope no powder. Didn't use for my #1 either. Cos hub read about it possibly causing respitory problems for baby. We just used diaper cream for her

Don't worry, the anticipation of seeing your baby will wake you up!!

Argh won't be around for GMIL sale!

Yay congrats on a little boy!! Steady la, already started to shop!! Hehe can tell you are super excited

Tomorrow, BKK here I come!!!

Just back from infantino sale at bendemeer... Bought evenflo high chair on display @99, car booster seat @ 119 n some (spoilt packaging) munchkin bath toys at $5.. Nicely packed munchkin stuff (the usual ones in dept stores) going for 30% off though..
But it was rather hot n stuffy for me in the warehouse, thus started to feel giddy n nauseous...
My instincts tells me ( or I'm hoping for it) that it's a ger this round.. Can't resist ordering some girl stuff during black fri sale...Alas, gynae scan and saw something obviously between the legs...could it be the fingers instead?
Anyone encountered diff gender during gynae scan n detailed scan?
ethan_ethel - cannot be fingers, if its between the thighs?? cos just now i can only see the 2 thighs and the bebird! lol! no fingers and fingers will be more than 1 'stick' lol!
Hi mommies! Finally did the long-awaited detailed scan today! And our twinnies are so different in terms of character! We have one who is so ever co-operative, allowing the sonographer to measure all the vital figures with great ease. But when it came to the other twin, we were having so much difficulties trying to get the measurements for her heart and all. She faced downwards and was determined not to turn despite all the coughing, turning, probing and leaving the clinic twice to walk around. I was thinking to myself, "OH DEAR!" She's such a stubborn little girl. Hahas! It was with much coercing that she decided to listen to mommy and daddy. And the sonographer and us were like "ok ok, hurry measure before she flips!" Quite a funny sight in there. Cutest part is, one twin decided to sit on the other twin, *imagine a buttock on your neck. Goodness, these twinnies sure know how to tickle us with their antics

So, it has been confirmed plus chop with warranty that we are expecting two little princesses!
One of the girls are slightly smaller than the other one in terms of growth, even though the doctor assured me that she would catch up soon, I am still praying that she would grow well, Fast! :p
And it doesn't help that I am a hardcore shopping addict myself, I've already bought so many girls stuff that the whole drawer is packed to the brim with their clothes! More shopping to come! hahahahas
Any mummies here experiencing swollen feet? I am only in my 20weeks n i could feel my leg veins "pulling"... Which make walking slightly difficult.....

Any mummy with similar experience?
Wow pebblestones! I can feel your excitement just by reading your posting! I'm already gg nuts shopping when I have one beanie! You have 2 cute princesses inside you! Wow! Shop more!
larson: My feet do swell up abit and my covered shoes seems tight. However, did not feel any leg veins pulling. Not sure if it is due to water retention as my #1, I only experience water retention ard my 3rd trimester.
Ni: yup totally! Oops, I think my post was too long! Couldn't contain my excitement. Hahas. Am absolutely going crazy buying all the pink stuff! So much that I've been abstaining shops and online shopping for a week. Very scary leh. Hahas
just a quick one because i'm flying off tomorrow and still haven't packed and still have a bit of work to do! argh!

congrats pebblestones! sounds like you had a really fun detailed scan

aches and pains
i went for a pre natal massage earlier this week and it was absolute bliss. it even got rid of my persistent butt cramp... for a while. mummies who are already in 5th month, please do go for a pre natal massage - it really relaxes you!

(and of course i'm not getting a commission for this advertisement-like message!)
Thanks pinkbunny! Do have fun in BKK! The shopping and all..goodness, I am all tempted! Hahas!

Can't wait to go for some much-needed pre natal massage!
Hey mummies. As I was packing I realised that aiyoh! I have a WHOLE SUITCASE full of baby stuff! Seriously more than enough to clothe 3 babies on top of mine!! Socks, rompers, bibs... For boys and girls. All brand new and still in their packaging! Sheesh. Pregnancy brain hit me big time 3 years ago! I stashed all this away and forgot! Haha. I'll take pics and post here when I'm back ok, then if anyone is keen, just let me know. All cheap cheap la, less than $5 per piece kind.

*mental note to self: got more space to buy new things muahahahaha*
i agree with pinkbunny! also had my prenatal massage done at home last week, was so shiok, had a comfy night rest the very night! i need to do it every fortnightly! to ease my aching muscles!
Morning mummies!!

Pebblestone: haha i can imagine..coz both my princesses are super uncooperative and naughty. 1 of them even use her hands to cover her face when the sonographer is taking the lips and eyes socket. we really got to coax her to take away her hands and in the end, i got to turn sideways.
Oh ya, my babies also very different in size. 1 is 400 gram, the other one only 250gram. But my gynae ask me not to worry..So i m praying hard!!

I am going down to Suntec later. Cant wait to start my shopping spree
Smoke: I did when I was in my 20 weeks, my massueue said as long as over 14 weeks in fine. Hope that helps! Really got rid a lot of swelling n water retention, I weighed one kg lighter the next morn :p
Dear Mummies,

this is my first time posting on this thread but i had been reading this thread for mths already.

I must say that reading this thread has given me a lot of comfort in knowing that i am not the only one alone still having Morning sickness for 5 months already!

So all Mummies here, wish you all a healthy pregnancy and nice knowing you gals!

FYI, i am a 2nd time mummy having a princess this time, EDD : 15th Apr 2012.
Welcome Sleepless.. Me also usually read and contribute little to this thread.. But since now gender is known and xmas shopping is round the corner, can exchange more info..
My edd is 17 April.. A little fellow.. Am quite delighted as my no. 1 is a girl but seriously speaking, I don't mind another girl, so that can share jie jie's clothes.... It's so difficult to shop for little boys' stuff..

I think the suntec baby fair is held in hall 401 wor.. Was thinking of going there with my girl in the morning but the wet weather just made it difficult.. Maybe will drop by tomorrow or sunday.. Mommies who have been to the fair can share your loots here? I like to get the combi booster car seat and some pigeon anti mosquito wipes.. Don't know if combi is in the fair if not will wait till isetan private sale..
Your girls are so cute... I find that girls are usually more active than boys during the scan.. My girl used to move a lot and loves to stretch during all the measurements scan.. But this time round, this little fellow is very subtle and cooperate during the scans though just finished with the baby plus disturbance..
Smoke: Your princesses are so cute la! I went to the baby baby fair, it's at 401, nothing much to get there except for clothes and accessories..but the pink stuff are really pretty
big lobang in the pocket. Hahas!

Lotusmum: I think my girls already have characters of their own even when they are stuck inside..hmmm..your little beanie is so co-operative!
For the baby fair, the usual big names like pigeon, avent are present, while the rest are booths selling clothes and some baby accessories. Not a very large scale fair actually..
Went to the fair, 2-3 maternity shops, small small world korean map, insurance, cordlife, pigeon, avent. Emma Jane and Medela nursing bra having sales there too.

Avent Philips Digital monitor $299, Dect monitor $99, same as at the Philips sale, ready stock.
Err.. I never ordered from that one before. I ordered from agapebabies before though.
I've tried California baby before cos my son has eczema. After a while I realised that not much diff with other organic products! I do like their calendula baby powder though as it smells nice.
I think California baby pdts are good, smell nice n they works well on my sons sensitive skin...but they are relatively more expensive due to it's organic nature..I usually order from agapebabies too..

Customised t shirt can order from little bhubu which is currently doing a bp on the bp thread.. I did my #1 with her..
Mummies, im now at a wedding dinner. And wondering if I can eat the sharks fin later? Cos I know shark is not gd for preg ladies as it contains high mercury rite.
Lilcactus: i ate sharks fin @ all the wedding dinners! haha... Just 1 bowl lar. And usu there isn't a lot of sharks fin in 1 bowl. Everything in moderation is fine.
Yes! I'm also in the mar 2010 thread.. Hee..

Shark fin
I also eat.. Anyway, there won't be a lot of fins in there.. Mostly starch..:p
I just receive SMS from Stemcord. There is a promo that if u sign up now, u can save up to $425. Can call up to find out more.
prenatal massage sounds good!! where can we have a good one? =D

believe it or not, i have not shopped at all since finding out baby's gender! haha..surprised myself. =P
Hi Mummies
So much happenings in the past few days... I have been busy doing my Xmas Shopping at the Taka sale. Went for 2 days consecutive! Finally got myself an Ergo baby carrier at very good price coz of the add'l 10%. So pleased with the buy! That's my first non-clothes purchase for my lil one so far! And trying hard not to overspend since its going to be the 3rd and last bb.... LOL

I'm one of the mummies whom gynae said i'm having a boy coz the scan do show sthg that really look like the birdie in btwn the legs. But turned out to be opposite during detailed scan. I'm gonna reconfirm with my gynae again in 2 weeks time for my 6th mth scan. Hope it still stays the same =)

The california baby calendula cream is my must-have. It works well for sensitive skin and treats rashes, scratches and even mossie bites effectively. Tried the talc free baby powder too but stopped after a while coz too expensive to maintain. I use their insect repellant spray and sunscreen on my kids too.
