(2012/04) Apr 2012

Leo baby
Sit on both? Haha

Boy vs girl
An elderly lady came up to me at the hawker centre and just said "sharp and pointy! Confirm boy!" Haha. Hubby said "wah more accurate than gynae's tok gong machine ah?"

Wow you mummies are wiping out all of the stores! Hehe. Enjoy
shopping for kids is so fun isn't it? I'm tahaning till bkk! I remembering seeing lots of carters stuff. I miss rompers sooooo much! I felt so sad when my girl finally outgrew rompers (she's quite tall so outgrew them fast) cos that kinda marked end of babyhood

Nice rainy afternoon (no crying for me today! Haha). Hope everyone is safe and warm!

Black Friday email notifications are choking me!!!! I need to tahan tahan tahan!!!
Black Friday email notifications are choking me!!!! I need to tahan tahan tahan!!!
Hey ladies,

Wanted to ask you something important. Anyone been diagnosed with low lying placenta or placenta previa?

I went for my detailed scan yesterday. Good news, everything is fine with baby. Baby most prob got no downs (i did not do oscar test). BAD news - my placenta is low lying with the left side slightly covering the opening of the cervix.


Very worried - this means i may need to deliver via C-section if it does not move up as cervix expands.

Anyone has any advise or experience with this in current or past pregnancy?

Thanks ladies.
Hey ladies,

Wanted to ask you something important. Anyone been diagnosed with low lying placenta or placenta previa?

I went for my detailed scan yesterday. Good news, everything is fine with baby. Baby most prob got no downs (i did not do oscar test). BAD news - my placenta is low lying with the left side slightly covering the opening of the cervix.


Very worried - this means i may need to deliver via C-section if it does not move up as cervix expands.

Anyone has any advise or experience with this in current or past pregnancy?

Thanks ladies.
Hi Mel,
I've had low lying placenta in previous pregnancy and also this one but not to the extent of covering the opening of the cervix. The placenta did move up as pregnancy went on and uterus expanded.

Yours sounds more serious and will probably need close monitoring by your gynae. did your gynae say how likely it was to move up?
Hi Mel,
I've had low lying placenta in previous pregnancy and also this one but not to the extent of covering the opening of the cervix. The placenta did move up as pregnancy went on and uterus expanded.

Yours sounds more serious and will probably need close monitoring by your gynae. did your gynae say how likely it was to move up?
Meinme, i am most likely having a ger. but hor... i am now buying for #1 leh! not bb yet! if heng heng scan #2 is boy hor, i will buy later lar. wait for spring sale or something lar. always got sale one lar.

Mel: no need to worry abt the placenta. If gynae never say anything den it's ok. mine also low for #1, in the end i think it prob moved, and i got a natural delivery.

Odiey: thanks. let me try to call citibank later ba.
Meinme, i am most likely having a ger. but hor... i am now buying for #1 leh! not bb yet! if heng heng scan #2 is boy hor, i will buy later lar. wait for spring sale or something lar. always got sale one lar.

Mel: no need to worry abt the placenta. If gynae never say anything den it's ok. mine also low for #1, in the end i think it prob moved, and i got a natural delivery.

Odiey: thanks. let me try to call citibank later ba.
Mel: During my 16week scan, gynae diagnosed low lying placenta n advised on c-sect. My #1 is c-sect due to breech position. However, d nurse did mention tt still hv time for it to move up as baby grows bigger. She did ask me to rest more n walk less..
Mel: During my 16week scan, gynae diagnosed low lying placenta n advised on c-sect. My #1 is c-sect due to breech position. However, d nurse did mention tt still hv time for it to move up as baby grows bigger. She did ask me to rest more n walk less..
i also got low placenta but it moved up as pregnancy advanced.

don't worry.. all will be fine.

I managed to deliver naturally
i also got low placenta but it moved up as pregnancy advanced.

don't worry.. all will be fine.

I managed to deliver naturally
Thanks for all the reassurances ladies - really helps.

I sincerely hope mine will move up too. Will keep you all updated.


Happy Friday.
Thanks for all the reassurances ladies - really helps.

I sincerely hope mine will move up too. Will keep you all updated.


Happy Friday.
Hi good morning mummies! Bright and sunny Saturday!

Mummies who have bought the trumpet socks from the BP seller. How is it ah? I have transferred her the $$$ for 3 boxes. No reply totally from her. Is she an irresponsible BP seller or she is mere busy???
Hi good morning mummies! Bright and sunny Saturday!

Mummies who have bought the trumpet socks from the BP seller. How is it ah? I have transferred her the $$$ for 3 boxes. No reply totally from her. Is she an irresponsible BP seller or she is mere busy???
Ni: I bought a box from the trumpette socks BP, like you, after transferring the money, it took some time, about 3 days before the seller got back to me. So, I would suggest you email the seller with regards to the status of your bank transfer and await her reply. I've since collected the socks
So, no worries on this ok
Ni: I bought a box from the trumpette socks BP, like you, after transferring the money, it took some time, about 3 days before the seller got back to me. So, I would suggest you email the seller with regards to the status of your bank transfer and await her reply. I've since collected the socks
So, no worries on this ok
Oops, thought the sales is island wide? I was at West Coast Plaza Mothercare.

I've some nursing tops (basic colors, black, white & red) to give away, S size, mom in mind and mum en vogue and 1 brand new M2B black maternity camisole in black, size 36. Please PM me if keen . Not taking picture as lazy!
Oops, thought the sales is island wide? I was at West Coast Plaza Mothercare.

I've some nursing tops (basic colors, black, white & red) to give away, S size, mom in mind and mum en vogue and 1 brand new M2B black maternity camisole in black, size 36. Please PM me if keen . Not taking picture as lazy!
Hi pebblestones, yea the bp seller finally replied after 3 emails from me! Haha! I'm gg to collect mine tonight. What designs did you get for your gals???
Hi pebblestones, yea the bp seller finally replied after 3 emails from me! Haha! I'm gg to collect mine tonight. What designs did you get for your gals???
Ni: Glad that you are collecting your socks tonight! The socks are so pretty! I got the Lucia ones for girls
Very tempted to get the Pixie ones now! Hahas. How about you? Which designs you bought?
Ni: Glad that you are collecting your socks tonight! The socks are so pretty! I got the Lucia ones for girls
Very tempted to get the Pixie ones now! Hahas. How about you? Which designs you bought?
Pebblestones I love the Lucia design! I got little coco too! I shared with another mummy who is expecting a gal!
now I am also tempted by pixie! Haha

EliZ. Boy designs are smart too! And u got a big gal to dress up too! Megan is looking so pretty and cute in the HZGG outfit!!
Pebblestones I love the Lucia design! I got little coco too! I shared with another mummy who is expecting a gal!
now I am also tempted by pixie! Haha

EliZ. Boy designs are smart too! And u got a big gal to dress up too! Megan is looking so pretty and cute in the HZGG outfit!!
Eliza, sharing with you. Let me know your account for transfer. Thanks.

I've thought about it, this time, to avoid all the possible, unneccessay complication and safety of the baby, I'll opt for epidural ceserean.

My gynae spoke about detailed scan, he is not pro to this. Why do I want to bring myself to all the unnecessary worries over the results ans not able to do anything about it as it will be too late to terminate it if is negative. Detailed scan check the measurement, not all fetal abnormality can be detected through the scan.
Eliza, sharing with you. Let me know your account for transfer. Thanks.

I've thought about it, this time, to avoid all the possible, unneccessay complication and safety of the baby, I'll opt for epidural ceserean.

My gynae spoke about detailed scan, he is not pro to this. Why do I want to bring myself to all the unnecessary worries over the results ans not able to do anything about it as it will be too late to terminate it if is negative. Detailed scan check the measurement, not all fetal abnormality can be detected through the scan.
Meinme, your Gynae is right in that detailed scan cannot detect all abnormalities. And while 20 weeks is a little late for termination, it is still medically and legally possible to do so.

Dun get me wrong, I am not pro termination and I wish for all mummies to bring to the world healthy babies. However, there are cases of missing organs, detected by detailed scans where parents have no choice but to terminate because the little one will never survive even if brought to full term. An example is missing both kidneys, which did happen to one of my gynae's patient.

Not trying to convince you to go for detailed scan - every parents are entitled to their own choices. Just offering a fact for your reference.
Meinme, your Gynae is right in that detailed scan cannot detect all abnormalities. And while 20 weeks is a little late for termination, it is still medically and legally possible to do so.

Dun get me wrong, I am not pro termination and I wish for all mummies to bring to the world healthy babies. However, there are cases of missing organs, detected by detailed scans where parents have no choice but to terminate because the little one will never survive even if brought to full term. An example is missing both kidneys, which did happen to one of my gynae's patient.

Not trying to convince you to go for detailed scan - every parents are entitled to their own choices. Just offering a fact for your reference.
Thanks. Thankfully i got her. hahaha. She's so fun to play dress up with.. Now hubby is waiting to do the same with my boy but i see the clothings, all so boring. lol.

Detailed scan tmr.. can't wait!
Thanks. Thankfully i got her. hahaha. She's so fun to play dress up with.. Now hubby is waiting to do the same with my boy but i see the clothings, all so boring. lol.

Detailed scan tmr.. can't wait!
