(2012/03) Mar 2012

morning mummies, feeling very sleepy today almost couldnt get up for work.

momo_mummy, i agree it's time to change gynae. also not good to argue with gynae. there should be there to help us and not "stres" us further.

Drypantz & wenwen: ya i want to change but headache now is dun noe which gynae is good cos i wan a gynae that can practice in mt Alvernia... many has given me TMC gynae... going there is so difficult

Drypantz: cyst is common i have it during my first pregnancy too and the gynae remove it for me during my c-section... mine didnt grow bigger lah... but many of my gf has cyst too and there wasnt much issue abt it cos usually baby will grow faster than the small cyst... so DUN WORRY
momo_mummy, i noe that Dr Esther Ng does practice in Mt A on certain days but not sure which days cos i heard it from my sis in law. maybe you can check it out.

Her contact is Dr Esther Ng Mt Alvernia #02-08 t: 62555 918. She operates 2 clinics, morning in 358 Tanjong Katong Road t: 64400677 & afternoon in Mt A
momo_mummy, thanks for the info! my #1 was by natural birth so was hoping this one can also go natural. means i have to separately go for op to remove the cyst? sigh...
oh, where do u stay? can try Adrian Woodworth. He delivers both at MA and TMC. I asked the nurse she said he has no pref on where to deliver.
drypantz, sometimes during pregnancy, there's this cyst known as corpus luteum, and it secretes progesterone to maintain the pregnancy. This function of producing progesterone is gradually taken over by the placenta. the corpus leuteum then disintegrates and disappear.

I had a cyct on my right ovary too, detected during the 6-7 weeks scan, then at the next scan on week 12, the cyst is gone.

If yours is a corpus leuteum too, it will probably disappear by the next scan.

If it isn't, and the cyst is not giving u problem eg pain or growing bigger and bigger, i think doctors will normally leave it alone and monitor. if u plan to do a c-sect, then can remove at the same time. if not, if u decide to remove it after delivery, then have to be a seperate op.

Anyway I think u don't need to worry about it, i asked my gynae before as well, the cyst will not affect the preganancy/baby at all..
Last year, I had a body check up, and discovered a cyst on my right ovary, was so scared and went to see gynae. He told me to monitor first and see if the cyst disappear at the next menstrual cycle.
Unfortunately, in the next 2 weeks, i woke up one night with extreme pain around the ovary. initially thought the pain would subside, but it got worse and worse. i woke my hb up, and lie on the bed crying. whole stomach was hard and cramping and had to go A&E in the middle of the night.
The cyst had twisted and burst, thats why the pain. The thing is the pain was so bad, and i had no idea whats happening. but it kind of "saved" me an operation to remove the cyst if need be..
J (Hui23)/drypantz / wenwen: I stay Kovan, lazy to go so far.. anyone hear of Dr Poon at Hougang ave 1 before? He can practice at Mt A and is just behind my house.... very convenient but problem is he is my boss gynae + my boss gf working at the clinic... i scare in case i need MC cannot bluff lah...
Mabel, so funny!

Drypantz, usually gynae will monitor for a while. Like what star says, if it is due to pregnancy, the cyst will go away. Dats wat happened to me. If it continues to grow, gynae will decide whether need to remove. Most times it is not a problem and they will just leave it alone. So most impt see wat ur gynae says.
Hello everyone, been very busy the last week and missed reading the thread.

J: I am also seeing Dr Ho. Always have to wait quite long to see him but no choice since his skills are good.

Found out the baby's gender from Sat scan. Not as expected but never mind as long as baby is healthy.
Kelly, so fast can see baby gender oredy? Ya importantly is baby must be healthy.... i hvnt got a chance to know gender yet... stupid gynae refuse to scan me on SAT...
momo_mummy, Dr Poon is my gynae now... nice guy, soft spoken and v friendly... your boss gf is the long hair young girl? i also want to deliver at Mt A, so that's one of my criteria when I select gynae...
Sarah: rest rest rest... and think of happy things then tummy will feel better

Dovey: Really! My boss gf is young and chio long hair one... i am going to visit Dr poon on 5 Oct
mo mo : did you join the fb group ? already discuss in there for meet up ... should be 14 Oct friday and location has not confirmed.

today really no mood to work
momo_mummy, how come dr poon is your boss gynae? your boss guy why visit gynae?

i'm visiting him again on 8th oct...

my oscar test result is out... everything is alright...
can announce to my boss and colleagues once i pass this week (Week 13)...
Momo & J: Thks Thks .
Carice: 14 oct I can't Coz amino test on 11 oct then gotta rest at Hm at 3 days leh

Whenever I go my mum place.. My nieces are driving me nuts! Everytime must shout n cane in the hand n chase. My mum simply Bo Chup whenever I Ard Coz she Tink the patent can pass to me.. They r making my tummy more cramp! Lucky tonite the maid come bk frm homeleave then I Tink I better make my trip to my mum place lesser. Keke
Can we eat manuka honey everyday ? Like one teaspoon in the morning empty stomach? Correct ? My gf Juz bought for me the brand call natural glory manuka Umf 15, 1.5kg @ $76.50.
momo u say yr boss's gf working at the clinic so naturally we will think yr boss is a guy ma...lol...
Hi mummies,
I'm fm thread Feb 2012.

Anyone buy this Electronics pest control before? useful? how much it cost?
Can prevent mosquito, ants, rats mice, cockroaches & insects.

Any feedback let me know. Thank you
bc: oops sorry i am too use to say my boss gf... is girly friend not as in the relationship kind...

I call all my guy fren >>> bf and galfren >>> gf

Hahaha... now i understand why u guys tot my boss was a GUY... hahaha so funny
Hi guys, I saw my gynae; he said can't giv HL unless I admit hospital. Now, I have big issue with my placenta which is lying low. U guys hav this prob.? Doc says sometimes it can b serious n it's long time issue. He asked me to decide by myself taking unpaid leave for few months
or I hav to take it easy on the job. Will the placenta able to move up in 22 weeks. ? I am worried.
Re: Constipation
Y'day I nearly cried when doing big business! V hard to make e shit come out n I struggled in e toilet for abt 20mins. My anus oredi sore from big business 2 days ago. So e whole event was v painful! I think I hv piles. Think soon I will b passing out blood like my previous pregnancy
Mabel: I agree with ur gynae that u shod take things easy n avoid much movement or carrying heavy stuff since u hv frequent spotting. For me I hv slightly low placenta for my #1so not as serious as ur case. if ur jib permits u shld apply to work from home. Take care!
<font color="000080">mabel >> Do take care! BB and health most impt now, everything else never mind lar. What kind of software is it? Is there an educational version that you can get teacher friends to buy cheap for you? Or worse case scenario download pirated one just for this period? :p</font>
Zelda : i have drink prune juice and fruits to keep me going .... however still cannot do big business regularly lor ... but at least not so hard when doing .... kiwi also not bad too .... vitamin C

recently i craving for fruits ... sick and tired to keep eating night snack ... so i convert to fruits ...lol
Mabel - maybe you can seek 2nd opinion to confirm if your case is really so serious.

Zelda - I also have piles since 1st preg till now never recover some time use too much strength will pass out blood. Can our gyane help us treat piles now or after birth then we need to seek medical treatment outside so shy to talk abt this
morning all mummies,

for those mummies working in town (like raffles place or TP), do you have a hard time to squeeze in the peak hour train? each time, i have to protect my tummy...
good morning mummies,

maplemummy, i do have problems even when alighting at cityhall. today there is this guy (seated on reserve seat) saw my tummy den quickly keep his newspaper, so i tot he wanna give me the seat but end up he sleep.... and when i alight from mrt another guy jus block in the middle of the exit door and block everyone and almost bump into my tummy lucky i protect it in time.

Sarah, i have started my massage in the last weeks of my 1st trimester even thou gynae better be in 2nd trimester and look for those qualified therpist in preggy, if you wan i can recommand you to my massage therpist, she does sports massage and also have alot of preggy woman go to her for massage, there was once i told her about my back ache she say can massage but must be light and careful. i've been going to her for massage for near 4years now n she is really good. let me know if u interested to try.

Zelda, i have the same problem too. just now went to do big business manage to solve it in 10mins but bleeding in anus area and its more den usual. prunes, kiwi and honey dun work on me.
Sarah - just ask yr hubby to apply heat rub or essential oil &amp; rub for you thu not professional better than nothing. You will have a good nite sleep after that.
wenwen - I also hate taking prenavits had been skipping it for 2wk+ I think it makes me puke.

I was prescribe to multi-vits &amp; calcium pill trying to find out which one makes me puke so i will skip tat for now have to ensure balance meal &amp; lots of fruits.
Wenwen, its alright to miss a day or two on taking e vitamins.

I wish I could join u ladies for e gathering but I need to pack my stuff for my HK trip.
wenwen>> i think i missed a couple of time taking prenatal also, or sleep very late and end up taking it in the afternoon instead in the morning...
Hmm... for me, i think i will just ask the man to let me have the seat instead. I will just told him i am unwell with the tummy, need the seat. some pple are just so thicked skinned... so bad hor..

maplemummy>> train nowadays is so cramped with so many people... and those in need just dont get the seat... have to protect own tummy at crwoded.

K@ye>> me here also envying you that u able to travel wor... i also hoping for one, even a short one like 4/5 days over the weekends during the 2nd trimester which is nw... hopefully i can travel in end OCt or early Nov if work premit me to off for 2/3 days...

BeHappie>> hmm... during the 4 months maternity period can plan for a trip with HB before going back work? i plan to have one during next year but provided BB got pple to look after and Hb can take leaves to travel...

I read that some mummies can feel the movement of their BB already right? nw is my 16/17th week, cant feel anything yet... is it scary to feel something suddenly moving inside?? hee

i am sleepy since morning though i slept at 11 last night... but in bet the night, woke up a couple of times to pee... probably is disiturbing the sleep... but every night is like this nw....
behappie>> hee... for me, i think i can... cos its a matter of time to part with BB, the better i get used the better for me, but i think i will of course miss BB... hee

does certain smell triggers nausea for u? for me yes, like smell from toilet, or some strange smell will make me feel like puking nw...

JuniorMe - fri meeting so early? 7am -10am... Daisy knows i v lazy. so duno going anot. LOL..

Im also taking a short break b4 baby#2 come out. last min decision as 7Oct is Childrens day + my hubby bdae.
