(2012/03) Mar 2012

I'm taking mrt Nw... All the reserved seats majority are taken by the 20s, 30s... Nobody let go the seat for 2 Preg women and I'm one of them !! Horrible! Was at Taipei early tis mth and the reserved seats are empty even the train was crowded. And I was always been offer to take the seat loh.. Tat time rummy aso show out little ppl can noticed le.. Today my tummy very obvious loh !!
Hi guys, I am on bed rest again
. Having low placenta & a bit of bleeding
. This pregnancy always want me to stick on bed. 17 weeks already!!!
anybody bought manuku honey from iherb before? the 500g active 15+ selling USD29.95...convert to sgd abt $80+
Sarah but theses day i at mrt they sure give up seat to me.... i think cause of my tummy too big... when they give up to me i let u sit lor... then see got another one give up to me or not... haha....
Bc & sarah: never buy manuka honey online before. I bought manuka umf 10+ at the recommendation of the promoter at vivocity guardian pharmacy yesterday though. Got promotion currently twin pack of manuka umf 10+ 500g x 2 for $80. Think the promoter can explain the difference better coz they have many types of honey.
Mabel: did your Dr say why the bleeding? got to make sure Dr aware of it & monitor it well.
In your condition, it's fine to walk up to the person in the reserved seat (if occupied by able-bodied) and ask if he/she is not well, if not you are pregnant & not too well & wish to take a seat. In SG ppl don't respect reserved seats in trains and buses. For your BB, got to be thick skinned.
Hi. Jo , thanks. I just SMS to my gynae this morning. He said the most important I should get now is bed rest. Not so smooth like yrs. I do need to be careful all the time.
I've the following items for sale. 

1. Babysafe sling (used only once) dark blue colour $30
2. Baby Bjorn carrier synergy (dark blue) seldom use $150

Interested can PM me. 
The hr manager from my office doesn't have a human heart. Last time I took two days hospitalization leaves also she doesn't want to count. She said i didnt hospitalized & taking leave . We had arguments. I don't want to talk with her again. Really frustrated.
Jo: Tks for sharing. I tend to agree esp if u work in pte sector. Govt sector so called pro-family so will 'close 1eye' if u choose to work from home or hv high mc due to unstable pregnancy. However ur work performance will somewhat be affected de... U will c it in ur appraisal. But I guess no choice, our health n bb's health r e most impt.

Mable: rest well n avoid lifting heavy stuff. Watch more online dramas or surf forum n time will passes more quickly.

Today I woke up with a headache! Must b due to lack of sleep bcoz woke up a few times to sooth princess back to sleep n must do testing of system at 430am at home
Plus I hv sore arms from caring my nottie gal throughout y'day's party. Luckily tmr I'm on leave, can catch some rest!
Mabel: rest well and take good care.

I personally feel that if we don't feel unwell, we need not eat manuka daily as it's not cheap. Eat during morning, one teaspoon (plastic spoon), empty stomach. Buy during sales is the best. : ) 1kg can last few months.
Chrmei: ya check out ard @ guardian. I aso heard frm my gf roxy sq a shop selling manuka honey quite reasonable price. Let me check with her again.
ok chiny we go vivo to check out again.... chrmei say got promotion buy two... then we can share u one bottle i one bottle... haha....
chiny : haha ok i also just want to see the price only.... that ex wo... the most ex i buy is $20 honey wo.... never more than that....

chiny no worry i can go find out myself de.... ><v
Hi Jo, thank u very much. The problem is I am seeing gynae from private clinic which is situated at gleneagles. She doesn't want to accept. Whoo. Last time, I told her to check mom. In the end, no response from her bac; I think she accept it. If I really need more than one day, I go n see my gynae n get that certificate again. Now, I think after tomorrow My spotting will stop. My little baby is so expensive. Everytime spotting comes, my tears burst out. I've never stay with my hubby since I know I am pregnant. Can't imagine if we did something without knowing about low placenta, something might happen then. Before pregnant, I was in overseas also. I knew my pregnancy while I was out of town.
Hi Mabel: MOM site says Doctor can certify, no need to be Dr from the hospital.

Just to let you know, but don't think so much about it know. rest is more important. you forward everything black and white with her and action after delivery the company still has to compensate you back.
Understand the anxiety of spotting. Most important is monitor &amp; always keep your Dr aware of it. hope as well that it will stop after tomorrow
rem to cont to rest lots even after it stopped
Mich: my gf told me is Umf 15 or 20... 1kg ard $69 or $79 she tml go check out.
Today i tot of having a ice cream went to buy n eat whole day so uncomfortable and throw out le.. Tink my bb reali dun like ice cream
Jo: thank u very much for the info. My gynae want to see me on tomorrow. Definitely, i will ask for hospitalization leave. U save my pay
appreciate it!
Mabel, take care &amp; settle e things w ur hr later on. Worst case scenario is file complaint via mom which I think your co won't want to do it coz they hv to be penalized for it too.
I'm march 2010 mummy.
I still have a box of Dhaxtra Softgel fish oil (30 capsules) that purchased from my gyne at TMC to let go at $45/-. Expiry Jun 2013.
Self collection at tg pagar mrt station.

Pls PM me if you are keen. Thanks
Michelle and chrmei: Thanks for advise on the gynae.... think i really want to change!!!

Haiz I was hospitalise for gastro enteritis (lau Sai and vomiting due to food poisoning) recently then my stupid gynae went to indicate i have mild hyperemesis Gravidarum (excessive vomiting during pregnancy) then end up I cant claim a single shit on my medical insurance cos they dun cover pregancy loh. Went back to my Gynae on Sat ask him if he can help to write a clearer report and states that my duration of hospitalisation there wsa no medication given for pregnancy which is TRUE but he blood old man says he cannot help cos i was also vomiting badly and cannot conclude was due to food poisoning or preganancy at all. He told me that I hv agree with the hosp stay and shld understand what is hyperemesis!!!! I told him if i know medical terms I would have been a gynae and not his patient... haiz he is OLD and STUBBORN lah... waste my money need to pay for my own hosp stay!
morning mummies!!! the thread is moving so fast i am finding it so hard to catch up! omg!!! hahaha..

momo_mummy... time to change lah.. -_-" imagine arguing with him in the middle of your delivery... :p

anyway, went to my gynae on sat and he ran thru my oscar scan report with me. said there is a cyst in my womb. small and shld disappear on its own. but i read on website it says that during pregnancy, the hormones will cause the cyst to grow bigger. and if it becomes too big, then will have to go for ops to remove it.
i am so worried now. would it affect my baby's growth? would it affect my baby? sobz!!!! anyway has the same experience before to share?

GG, ya. Sometimes, those uneducated ppl become managers coz of yrs of service and they don't understand their job scopes well
Our MD in the office monitor the CCTV at the lobby who in&amp;out. Our hr manager switch on and off the toilets lights; sometimes she dare to ask who eat first before the guests are start eating their food
It must be one of her guests who feel hungry n can't wait the starting time . Really funny.
