(2012/03) Mar 2012

Sunkissed, thanks for ur response

Seems like mendela is more popular than avent.

Twinkystar, congra on your newborn! Don't you look forward to the end of 28 days now that the weather is getting hot? ha!

My confinement was over. I'm now trying to slim down by controlling my diet. My hip is still big! I'm going to start the herbalife meal mix for breakfast. Balanced nutrients.

Yesterday my hubby helped me to redemn the hugtown station 2 (6 green 2 pink). Not only its a leapfrog lettersaurus, they also give away a big pack of M pullup pants, 2 pcs of L pullup and a wet wipe. Whao! I should have collected more of those stamps!
Evon, I got the herbalife from a colleague as its not avaliable in retail shops. Only through MLN-multilevel networking. She no longer sell herbalife... no lobang liao...

Its like a meal replacement as I always skip breakfast not too good for bf...
Hey Marvels, thanks for the lobang! I only have two nursing bras to rotate... am looking for non-wired. Where can i find affordable ones.

Here's a sharing. Last time Mdm Rokiah came to massaged my breast for me, she advised me not to wear wired bra as this can cause block ducts... maybe this was why i had lots of blocks. Now I'm wearing non-wired. IF the boobs shag... let it be... I'm crossing my fingers
@la_paix: you can try the bulk purchase section. a lot of ppl selling. i have 2 from mothercare which i find very expensive but that time no choice had to buy alr.. i just got my new one the day before. ordered from the BP section and it's very comfortable
Sunkissed: u buy fr which bp? I bought two from one of the bp selling fabulous mum brand. I find that the bra seem to loose elasticity quite fast. I need to use the last hook initially, after 2 weeks I needed to hook the first one already cos it loosen already.
Hi Evon ,

I think I got lobang for herbalife.One of my friends is still there ..

Hi Anewmummy,

I am a mummy of 2 plus Prudential adviser.Checking if anyone wanna upgrade.. I can help.

Cause many parents have no idea what it is about ..
I'm going to bring my girl to AMK polyclinic for jab later in the afternoon. I think the difference between NHG & Singhealth polyclinics is that for NHG, I can call up to make an appt even for 1st visit whereas I remembered when I brought my #1 few yrs back to Singhealth one for MMR, I can't book appt for his 1st visit. I would see how long I need to wait. Actually whether it's PD or GP, also hv to wait. Like now I'm waiting for PD's clinic to call me for the follow-up review altho already hv appt at 9.15am & when reach there, still hv to wait & while waiting, there's also a lot of sick children in the clinic. The best is to stand outside the clinic to wait, just worry that it'll be a little too hot for bb.
brought my girl to AMK polyclinic for her hep b 2nd jab, surprisingly overall it was rather fast, when i entered the clinic, i straight directed to counter to register since 1st time there, then went to 2nd lvl to wait, our # flashed like within 5mins, was expecting a longer wait, they called the # when we haven't even warmed up the waiting area seat. payment counter also very fast. nurse very friendly & explained to us all the different jabs schedule, cost, etc, & also possible reactions to vacc. even faster than waiting at PD/GP clinic, maybe my PD/GP clinics popular, so often hv to wait a while to see dr. haha...
@kepsis: which bra did you buy ah? yes i bought from the seller that carries fabulous moms brand also but the brand of my bra is autumnz. oh no don't tell me it will spoil quickly too
the seller's name is springleaf. bought the pure foam memory bra (nude) - looks very "auntie" in the photo but the actual bra looks much better.

@la_paix, better not buy first then! but i like their nursing sleep bras.. cos easy to use and no hooks all that.

Yeap....my confinement ending soon...counting down the days....

Just to check...for the huggies redemption, we must go down to redeem personally?
Where is the place?

Nursing Bras:
There is a brand - Emma Jane, if i am not wrong, recommended by Wong BB from TMC.

First Jab for Baby,
Would like to know when/ what is the first jab needed for baby.
twinkystar, regarding bb jab, depends whether u taking 5in1 or 6in1 & where u r going for the jab, polyclinic or PD. for me, i'm going to NHG polyclinic & i choose the AMK branch. they follow closely to the immunisation schedule by HPB, so 1st jab is hep b 2nd dose at 1st mth. if u go to PD or GP, they wld recommend u to take 6in1 pkg starting in 2nd mth that incl hep b 2nd dose.
Hi, I also went for NHG polyclinic @hougang.I would say their service is good & no waiting time.I made appt @240pm. I reached @230pm & receive my queue no.We went upstairs,our no. start flashing already.My boy had his 2nd jab & we gg to take up the 6 in 1.The nurse told us the package also include the 3rd month checkup.I think if you go GP/PD the 3rd mth checkup is additional charges.
wanda, i was deciding betwn AMK & HG since i stay in SK. in the end, i went to AMK as i heard that it's difficult to get parking for HG. i didn't go SK branch as it's under singhealth, which is more exp.
Bunnybluey,parking quite ok.My hubby managed to find in the nearby multi-storey carpark. Yes, I also checked singhealth, it's more exp.
Twinkystar, must collect in person. Items are bulky, except station 1. Not sure, my hubby go collect. Think the place is Tekka Mall. Check huggies website just to be sure? Call first in case the item is oos...
Hi mummies here,

I'm going to deliver in mt a hospital, would like to check with those mummies that delivered at mt a for lscs spinal for 4 bedded, how much cash (+deposit) did you come out with?

And what brand of milk are they providing at mt a?

And what freebies are they giving?

Sorry for asking so many questions at one go..

Thanks in advance!!

sorry can't advise on 4 bedded as i stayed in single rm.

for FM, i believed they hv most, if not all the brands. the glass bottles i gotten from them incl s26, nan, mamil & friso, so at least hv least but shd hv other brands as well. they are chargeable at $1 per bottle.

there'll be a bb bath tub for u to take home, together with any unused diaper (huggies) & wipe (J&J). also hv a bag with some samples packed in it, not sure if the samples wld vary.

if u signed up the mt a ladies card, there'll be discount for your hospital stay but for 4 bedded may not be that worth it unless u r intending to attend their parentcraft lessons like baby massage.

u can actually go for hospital tour, just need to call them up & book a date, weekdays wld be easier to get.
hi all mummies.. i'm new here and my bb boy was born on 5 Mar.
my boy is due for his 2nd vacc of hep b soon but im quite reluctant to bring him to the PD at TMC as consultation fee is exp and distance is another factor. I have read the postings here and can I confirm that we can just bring bb to polyclinic for the vacc jabs?

another problem i'm facing is the many little red spots my boy has on his face and around the head. does any mummies here has the same problem? Would appreciate mummies here to share any remedies..

Thank you
janelle, hi! for NHG polyclinic, u can call them up to make an appt for your bb. for singhealth polyclinic, that time for my #1, we hv to walk-in for 1st visit, not sure if they hv changed the system now, u can call them to check. when u go to polyclinic, remember to bring bb's health booklet & birth cert, also bring along ic just in case they asked for it.

my PD said the red dots on bb's face are normal & wld go away by itself.
janelle, yes, can bring bb to polyclinic for 6-in-1 jab. is much cheaper than PD. But i dont like polyclinic, cos too troublesome, has to travel from place to place within the clinic. I made the mistake of following the sequence in the health booklet for my 1st bb and brought her to polyclinic to take hep b. I didnt know that can skip hep b, and just proceed to the 1st jab of 6-in-1 (which will include hep b jab already), causing my bb to go thru the unnecessary pain of taking an extra jab.
Janelle, for the red spot,what I did is to wash/wipe his face than apply moisturer. Try to clean @ least twice a day.I use the Johnson hand & face wipe & the moisturer.

Any mummies going back to work after 3rd month? Need some advise on pumping. How often shld I pump when I go back to work & do I still need to wake up mid night to pump?
Hi Janelle, my bb also born on 5th March but she's already taken her hep B jab last week. She also have lots of pimple-liked spots on her face, doctor say it's normal.

I used to take my elder daughter to polyclinic at Geylang East, I called up to make appt. Now bringing my baby girl to Bedok Polyclinic. They only offer 3-in-1(free) and 5-in-1.
Tracey, I brought my #1 to my GP for jabs, took the 6in1 pkg which hep b was administered together. This time round I brought my #2 for hep b jab 1st at polyclinic & intend to take 6in1 pkg. Actually heb b jab is ok, won't cause fever & bb only feel pain at the moment when jab is done, & only 1 additional jab, for the cost savings, I don't mind. Also, I intend to let bb takes pneumococcal jabs which not all PDs/GPs wld help to claim from medisave but polyclinic wld do so. Besides these, MMR free at polyclinic, so thot it's easier to do all the jabs at 1 plc.
sunkissed, thanks for the recommendation. The bra looks so comfy I feel like sleeping...

Baby rashes if not sure, can check the internet for pictures whether they are ok or not. My baby has rashes (small red spots). PD said its ok, will come and go for the first few weeks. He also has those flaky skin like cradle cap on his eyebrows.I'm hoping it will go away.

Mummies, do you clean baby's ears? I used cotton bud to swab the external area. Quite waxy...
Is it true that our breasts need time to acustom to the pump? I pumped for 10 mins and yield 50ml. I have no problem latching baby and he drinks every one or two hours at week 6 now. Find it hard to pump since I have to latch him. By the time I pump finish, he will wake up for a feed... faint!
La_piax: y u need to pump so often since u latch baby? I thought if latch bb then no need pump?

Red spots: my baby has those too but I just clean her face everyday and it went away. My CL told me to apply moisturizer too but I did not cos not sure if it's ok.
@Wanda: Basically you can train your body to adjust to any timing you want but have to do it gradually. I'm now doing 6-hourly. I've heard of other mummies who do not pump in the middle of the night but pump once they wake up in the morning.
Sunkissed: u do 6 Hrly meaning 4 times a day? Which week r u in now? I wanted to drop from 5 hourly to 6 hourly but am afraid the supply will drop cos I was told we shld not reduce pump session too much for the first 12 weeks?
can I check how much u all can pump on average at week 6? i pump regularly every 3-4 hrs, my supply is quite constant but as my bb starting to eat more now, afraid its not enough for them now let alone to store for next time after i start working!

any mummies can share how we can have enough supply for bb now and yet start on EBM bank?
@kepsis: ya 4 times a day cos i started going back to doing my stuff. can't keep pumping throughout =/ i'm feb mummy but my bb still in hospital cos premature. not sure how much she will drink when she's out though.

the lactation consultant actually told me that i can do 6-hourly upon reaching the 6th week.

just need to monitor your supply. if you feel that it's going down drastically, then go back to 5-hourly. i'm able to pump the same amount in a day still. the only problem is that i take longer to pump cos got more milk each time.
La_paix, I only pump twice a day since I fully latch my girl. If while pumping, bb wakes up, I'll attend to bb & latch 1st.

Shiko, do u latch? I mainly latch my girl, so whatever I pumped out goes to the milk bank.
Kepsis, bunnybluey, I want to start storing ebm. Also I want to see how much milk I can express out. Alot of mummies say to pump after latch can increase supply. But ar, the baby latched for 30 mins the breast already soft and no more milk? Do I still pump after the latch? I think my supply is only just right for the feeding. If I want to increase, I have to do something.

I want to try the power pump. 20-10-10-10-10. Few times a day for two days can increase the supply. haiz. also difficult. My baby eyes are really big. Most of the daytime he does not want to sleep. faint.

Has anyone heard about almond or barley can increase supply..?
La_paix, if over stimulate & cause over supply also big prob cos if your bb doesn't get to drink enough hind milk, it may affect wt gain. For me, I also don't get a lot when pumped out, so I just store whatever I can pump out. Maybe u want to try supplements to boost milk ss?
hi bunnybluey, i checked before, polyclinic's jabs are not the cheapest. I took at my own GP, is much cheaper, and my bb dont have to go thru extra jab of hep B.
Tracey, my #1, i compared the pricing btwn my GP & singhealth polyclinic, not much diff & maybe singhealth polyclinic slightly more exp, so took him to GP, cos back in 07 no such thing as can claim from medisave, that time i didn't check nhg polyclinic as it didn't occur to me that there's price difference btwn the 2 grps of polyclinics. then comes to MMR, we went back to polyclinic to take since it's free.

this time i checked, nhg polyclinic 6in1 pkg incls 4 jabs, 3 doses at 3rd, 4th & 5th mths & the 18mth booster, it's $360. then my GP abt $95 per dose, so $380 for 4 jabs. pneumococcal jab same price but my GP's clinic doesn't help to claim fr medisave, so aft discussing with hubby, to save troubles, we just go polyclinic for all the jabs instead of going multiple parties. also, amk polyclinic is nearer to my plc as compared to my GP, which is at redhill, & the queue at my GP is getting horrible since my GP started as skin specialist also, so when he has procedures, the waiting time can kill even when there's appt.

among all the jabs, nurse told me only hep b won't hv fever & side effects, so aft that 2nd dose, which is an additional jab, no difference as 3rd dose hep b is included in the 6in1 pkg.

GP's pricing usually still quite comparable but PD's pricing usually more exp. hrd of PD 6in1 pkg is $700+ & that's really alot as compared to polyclinic pricing.
bunnybluey, wow, why mmr is free at polyclinic? How many times must mmr be taken at polyclinic? My GP said got 2 doses of MMR, my gal already taken one jab.
Tracey, actually all the compulsory jabs mandated by HPB are provided free by polyclinics. MMR is one of the free ones, also instead of 5in1 or 6in1, there's also a 3in1 + oral polio that's FOC. hence, i always tell my mummies friends to go polyclinic for MMR even if they go to PD/GP for other jabs since it's free for all singaporean bbs.

last time my #1 that time, only 1 dose of MMR but recently HPB changed it to 2 doses, so i'm going to bring my son sometime in jun for his 2nd MMR. for my girl, wld also bring her to polyclinic for the MMR jabs when the time comes.

u still can go to polyclinic for the 2nd dose of MMR as it's the same as what your GP is giving unless yours is a combo with chicken pox.
Sunkissed: so how long do u pump each time? Ever since I reduce to 5 times a day, each session last ard 1 hour, mainly cos got to clear blocked ducts. I find it quite tiring. So I am worried that if I reduce further, the blOckage will get worse n I'll need to spend more time. U experience the same thing?
La_paix: yup I've heard from my gyane that pumping after bb latch will increase supply too. But I never do that cos I EP. But I do pump for 10 to 15 mins, stop n massage my breast with hot towel n continue pumping n I do that till my breast are soft.
Probably u can try taking med from gyane to increase supply. Not sure if it's cos of that but I some how feel my supply increasing after taking it when I had my no. 1. I think it's called stementil (I can't really remember so better check).

Ur bb stays awake is it cos he's not full? Cos I thought if bb is full they will be sleepy?
Many thanks to the mummies for answering my queries

Guess I'll just bring bb to the polyclinic directly next week.
Btw how much can we claim from medisave for the cost..?

I'm also having problem with bb's blocked nose.. Can hear that he has mucus stuck in his nose but PD only issued a nasal spray for cleansing... How can I go about getting his nose unblocked..?

Many thanks once again..
Many thanks once again...
@kepsis: now i take like 1 hour at least to pump.. but at least save time on washing the pump parts all that. haha. sometimes the flow is good and can be done in less than an hour.

but just few days back, i'm finding my breasts a bit more blocked
maybe cos i've not been waking up on time..

actually right at the start, when i was doing 3-hourly, i would just cut off at half an hour. until i kena the fever. so from then on, i made it a point to empty my breasts which significantly took more time..

btw, how come you don't latch your bb?

Janelle, only hep b & pneumococcal jabs can claim medisave. $400 per acct per yr, meaning if hubby & u working, can claim fr both accts ea yr.
