(2012/03) Mar 2012

Hi all,

Local Set Medela Freestyle for Sale @ $400
Still in Warranty till June 2012

$400 includes the following: -

- Medela Cooler Bag
- Medela Ice Pack
- Motor Pump
- Freestyle Spare Parts (Brand New in Box)
- Handsfree Kit
- Medela Pump Bag

Only thing left to buy is the funnel. PM me if interested =D

Welcome Cindy Goh!

Regarding drinking coffee, I heard it before, but I still drink for my #1 back then & now for #2. My #1, a boy, still fair looking. When he was younger, people thot he's a girl as he's fair looking. For me, I don't believe. If so, what abt drinking milo, coke, etc, which to me also dark looking drinks?
Hi mummies,

Local Medela freestyle set selling at $400, with warranty till June 2012. Bought from paragon's my first years at $699.
It's a lightly used set only for a month, rest of the items (Ie. cooler bag, ice pack,hands free kit,pump bag) all brand new.

PM me if interested, thanks!
Hi Cindy!

We share the same EDD! But mine is a girl

Er... in regards to coffee myth..I heard that before. I am not a coffee person but I drank a lot of MILO for my #1 but she ain't affected by it :p This time round, I cannot tolerate MILO :p
Hi Mummies

Sorry to interrupt. I have a pair of Brand New Medela Milk Collection Shells for sale. Bought it at $26.90 but letting go at $18.

Please PM me for quick deal. Thanks.
k@ye, your #1 often under the sun? my son doesn't like to be under the sun, so he's rather fair. i want to sign him up for swimming lessons, but the instructor i'm looking at is full at the moment for weekend classes. i wld want my son to be slightly tan.
Any mummies interested in secondhand medela freeystyle pump.. Only used for 9 days.. Come with box selling at $420.. Motor warranty till may 2012.. Please msg or what app me for more details... Yanyan 98251515
Hi can somebody pls set up another new grp for march mummies?

hmmmm... I doubt so there is non! Cause one of my friends is in the group. Told by her, the moderators stop accepting new members due to third trimster, she has no intention to add more mummies.

Btw, mummies dont leave your email address here. Few mths ago, someone added me in her friends list. I'm accepting her friend request thinking she is the moderator of the march fb group up to now no news & sound....in fact, those provided emails here mostly in her list are anonymous friends.. We are merely one of her unknown friend to let her friends list go on & on. Err...Michelle Haes is the moderator?

To be fair to us....u all can see we cannot be chatting here anymore with sellers posting to sell their items.

Even earlier batch mummies I used to see here like bb, wenwen, Daisy, Twinhappines, Jo, Zelda, Dym.......all went missing!

hmmm...Chat here who will respond? Sorry for my ranting...cause mummy want to learn more things.
Qian, those nicks u mentioned have not gone missing. Most of us are active in Facebook. Coz this thread always got full of ppl posting to sell their stuff.
hi qian!

I also heard they not accepting le :/ May I have your email pls to add u as a friend then? :D

You can pm me o! :D (u dun accept pm)
kaye: Don't understand why Ms Carice said not more fb group le? She advise mummies to chat here when there are actually a grp out there.

Doesn't anyone notice due to Mar mummies not active here lead to more seller taking the advantage to post here? Cause they know their post will be here even after few wks or mths. Thus, they don't have to worry their effect wasted....I see other threads mummies chat in their own thread even there is fb grp exist & their threads not as many sellers comparing to here.

Gina: I understand the moderator delete members as & when, when their posts are on the lower side. My friend finds it ridiculous when she is also busy with her schedule she has no choice but to being force post post post!

Anewmummy: Thks
I want to speak up for the moderator of the FB group. Honestly speaking, there's been quite a number of people with their 1st post, saying they want to be added to the FB group, but I hardly see them posting here after their 1st post. Anyone can just register a nick on SMH, so how do people know if people just want to get into the FB group where mummies post quite a bit of personal stuff to find out things abt rest of us, esp if the person doesn't participate in the chattings, activities, etc. If that's the purpose, then why ask to be added in the first place? If anyone finds it ridiculous, the person is always free to leave the group. Also, is posting a few times with a month period too much to ask for?

I read other 2012 mummy grps as well, which they also hv their own FB groups, and some they state upfront "Only mummies with active posting on forum would be added to the FB group", I supposed the person is also safeguarding the interest & privacy of other mummies.

I remembered that when I first joined this chat thread, I asked to join the FB grp, which the mod has difficulty adding me due to my FB settings, so I've changed it & I was subsequently being added. The mod did say that she's having difficulties adding people since the person's email addr cannot be found in FB. If the mummy who posted just 1 time to be added to the FB grp & don't visit this thread anymore, of course, the mummy wld not hv seen the post made by her, so it's also not her fault if mummies are not added successfully.
<font color="000080">The sellers actually mass post to all the threads. It's true that perhaps other threads are more active so all the adverts get pushed out of the page quickly, but I find it quite dumb that these advertisers are posting here when obviously there is nobody chatting here?!

Just wondering hor... all the new people who joined the thread, what is the main purpose of you joining this thread ah? A bit late right, march is just around the corner! (This is not meant to be accusatory or agressive ok, I'm just curious how come you girls start looking for community to join so late in the piece...)</font>
bunnybluey: Cannot be FB settings fault! If is that case Michelle Haes wouldn't be able to add me. In fact, I'm waiting for her to add me to the group. After waiting for few mths no news &amp; sound! hmmm.....I'm still wondering why took so long? That's why I'm curious how many moderators are they?

If the moderator don't want to accept more members why that mummy taking advantage of the emails providing here like nobody business?

Is ok to slowly explain to us as we are unknow to what happening in your FB grp. mmmm..,I don't want others to take advantage to make their friends list looks longer &amp; longer making mummies thinking she is the moderator.

Wish you can understanding what I mean. My friend is actively in the FB grp chatting that makes the reason I'm interested too. You never give chance how you are sure the mummy newly added is not active? Ok, whatever.....I'm not pinpointing at the moderator!
Hi Mummy,

How are you?

I'm Yvonne here. Anyone interested hiring a confinement lady can contact me at this no: 9009 4481 or 84814368.

My mum and aunty are working as confinement lady. They are very experience, friendly and not calculative person.

Please don't be hesitate to contact me for any enquiries.

Thank you.
<font color="000080">qian >> OIC... well, I come in occasionally but I don't see many ppl posting also. Like bunnybluey said, a lot of ppl just come in and post one "can I be added to fb grp" and never appear again. Very suspicious lor. Some other mummies have experienced random stalkers crashing gatherings and things like that last time, so for the safety of all the existing members have to stop adding ppl to fb grp after a certain point. (Not that I'm saying you are stalker lar, haha)

If want to chat can chat here also, yar? </font>
agree with tethysea, can chat here also, then can quickly flushed out those sales posts, haha...

i'm often available here to chat.
tethysea &amp; bunnybluey: You don't see many ppl posting due to thread being flooded as u can see for yourself.

Who else have the mood to post here?

With the three of us do u think you can quickly flushed out those sales posts?

Ooops! I shall say two or one cause tethysea occasionally post or sometime I need to do my work thus can't chat often.
<font color="000080">Er. If nobody talking and nothing to talk about, then of course nobody post lor. If the main point of posting here is to push adverts off the page, I think we all have better things to do with our lives...?</font>
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- 2 tins of NAN 2 (exp Oct'12) $10 each
- 1 tin of Gain IQ (exp May'12) $10
- 2 tins of Mamil Gold 2 (exp Oct'13), $15 each (free tin of 400g)
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder &amp; Wrist Rattle Set @ $10
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
No wonder nobody accept me or add me to Facebook. Haha. Anyway how is mummy preparation for the big day? Very soon!! Nervous. ;)

Mummies already booked confinement lady and massage lady? Do you think massage lady can help slimmin down? I am not sure about it. Last pregnancy I left with 5 months belly. Now I am worried.

Nice stuff: http://lifebegins.channel4.com/
<font color="000080">anewmummy >> When's your EDD? Yar I started packing hospital bag liao... kiasu. Haha!

Last time you had massage lady but still cannot slim down ah? Maybe just body type and lifestyle difference bah... we're not like those celebrities can go workout for 13hours every day to get back in shape. Heh.</font>
I haven't packed. What to pack? Haha forgot totally. The maternity tour happens in first week of march. Probably can ask them. Nah first one no massage.

How about you? eDD? Mine is 22 March.
tethysea, which hospital are you in? Is it your first kid? My first 1 week earlier. Not sure this one. I am at mount A. I will check the link. My guess is hospital should have all stuff. I might be wrong. Also I think I need nursing clothes as I angling to work after 8 weeks time. I haven't bought. Any suggestion? It is expensive hopefully I can buy online?

Sigh everything for me is last minute. Haha
Hi mummies, been long since i posted here.

anewmummy, u taking 8 weeks of ML only? Nursing clothes normally online cheaper. I got a couple from Spring. Coz hard to guage the size for online.
<font color="000080"> anewmummy >> I'm at MtA too! I think some things hosp don't provide lar, like your overnight sleeping clothes, toiletries and all that? I bought some nursing stuff from online shop but hard to find office-y stuff. Can try this one: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/6084665.html?1317083022 but I warn you first the stuff is Taiwan/China made so dark colour clothes will run colour :p Another one I find not bad is http://www.gothemilkyway.com/ </font>
Haha tethysea, same hospital. You go for what type of room? I think can not change room once admitted. My hubby wants single room but I think expensive. Thinking to double room. But double room he can't stay overnight I think. Maybe we will meet at hospital hahaha. Thanks for the links I will check!
<font color="000080">I booked double... I figured couple of days only, never mind lar, don't waste the money. Yar double room hubby cannot stay overnight. Yours first one is girl or boy? I'm wondering if mine will be early too cos doc seems to think she's big.</font>
Hi mummies-to-be, sorry to interrupt,

Just sharing with you some of the items I'm letting go,

1. Preloved Tiny Love Take-Along Mobile, letting go at $25. Bought from Taka BB fair at $49.90. Music, soft toys animals are all in tip-top condition with no stain no tear &amp; wear.
Product link: http://www.taime.com/tnv/index.php?act=viewProd&amp;productId=1917

2. BNIB Pigeon Bottle and Baby Food Warmer, letting go at $25. It's brand new, received as gift but already had one.
Product link: http://www.pigeon.com.sg/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&amp;page=shop.product_details&amp;flypage=flypage.tpl&amp;category_id=28&amp;product_id=120&amp;Itemid=52

3. Preloved Baby Love nursing pillow, letting go at $18. Used less than 10 times, still in very good condition &amp; the cover is machine washable.

PM or email to [email protected] for more info / pics if keen ya..
tethysea>> my first is a boy.
early 1 week hehe.. usually will be earlier i guess... mature then come out. 2nd one maybe also earlier. double room can save 600! but need to convince him a bit.
i see two FB friend requests, is it coming from this mummy group?

actually i kind of show up in the early days in this group, liked july or august i can't remember last year. then busy working not come online... when i back all ppl gone.. to fb.
Hi Mummies,

I have the BN SebaMed diaper rash cream to exchange:

1.Huggies/Pamper size M diaper/pull-up pant(12pcs)

2.Nan Pro 2 or Similac 2 - 400g tin.

3.Pigeon baby antibactic wipe - 2 packs.

Pls PM or email me for picture at [email protected]

Exchange point at Tampines.

Thank you.
<font color="000080">anewmummy >> I not sure who added you leh. Anyways I PMed you
Yeah your nick does look familiar actually...

I heard they said girl is late, boy is early. Don't know how true that is!</font>
anewmummy, bibi: I added you two on FB :D

No confinement lady for me.. No budget :\ Most prob is my mum and mil do mini-confinement for me heh heh

Never did massage as well :\ I didn't gain much weight also.. but I do have leftover flabby tummy from 1st pregnancy >.<
Thanks ya Gina. As long as got helpers then you will be fine. Especially someone also need to take care your elder. You are lucky just have flabby belly and not much weight gain.
for some, it is 5 months preg belly. Awful.
Hi Dear Mummies, Iv been a faithful silent reader all this while. I have an elder boy turning 15mths and am expecting now due on 20 Mar

It has been humbling n heartwarming to read all that u guys have to share
I would really like to join yr FB group to be part of yr discussions
it wld be great if u cld kindly pm me the details

Thanks very much!
hi mummies,

i'm in a crazy nw, my CL last min cant do for mi and ask mi to look for another CL myself. Anyone hv a confinement lady to recommend urgently. I'm due in nxt mth.
hi patricia, nice to have another forumer write sth here! my elder just turn to 24 months. regarding the fb, i am not part of the group unfortunately, not sure who is the administrator that can add us!

jac, what?! the CL just last minute say can not? I have a contact: I will PM you, you can call and ask.

BTW mummies, I'm thinking to order some clothes from http://www.pcstore.com.tw/nobodynobody00/, as recommended by mummies, but the quality probably not there.. if you are interested let me know...
thank you to the mummy who try to explain on my behalf ... i shall not comment further.

anewmummy : i think you ever try to email me to add you before .... not sure and cant remember because i try to add quite a few mummy via pm if i unable to add them did not respond my msg. therefore it is not added in the group. if u suspect the two who try to add u in the fb, you may want to msg back. thanks
anewmummy, i'm giving birth in mt a too, booked a single rm but even then, rm is not guaranteed. i told hubby i want to pamper myself since it's already #2 &amp; i'm going to close factory aft this. my c-sect date is 15 mar.
Hi All, I m a mum from Jan2012.
I want to sell my sacred tea as my CL back out after a few days and i didnt continue getting any replacement due to my personal reason.N i have gotten the tea when CL is around...now no help and i have red dates tea which i have problem finishing already.
the sacred tea is new its not opened at all....
PM me...
anewmummy, Thanks for d welcome
u mentioned yr child is 24mths.. i need recommendation for a toothbrush! is thr a special kind for toddlers apart from the finger brush??

Hi anewmummy,

Are you previouly in Mar 2010 forum?

Hi patricia,

For 2 Year old and above, you can find toothbrush at supermarket or watson. It will state that for 2 year and above. Kodomo brand have for 1 year and above. Just a smaller version from adult toothbrush and also is softer.
