(2012/02) Feb 2012

hazel: i also dunno.. or who knows its already there but gynae din see it? maybe gynae's ultrasound machine very kor yak one.. think dr ananda wanna see me quick cuz e thickness damn thick at 10.5mm, normally i see other mummies at max 4mm.. so tat's why.. hope its a mis-scan at tmc..

babymaking>when I was at KKH for #1, they said no call is good. I didn't do the blood test there so donno must wait how long. maybe check with your gynae?

claramini>really hope it is a misscan too.

Later i will call Dr Ananda also to make appt :)
I told my hb i don wan go for amnio test coz got risk leh.. I don wan later anything happen then i regret
Babymaking, KKH wun call u to inform BT results. We will know on day of NT scan. A dr at ADC will go thru the report with us. That's why dr Loh didmt schedule an appointment. My first preg, my risk was High coz of BT. No call also n I knew on NT scan date.

Claramimi, dr's room machine can see if bb is big enough. 2 wks ago mean u r 10+wks preg. I m sure can see cox I saw my gynae that time too n he saw n told me. I didn't even ask coz I didn't know he can tell. My first preg I saw him at 9+wks he didn't pass any comment.
soul108, there;s a 20% discount for today for ON. i will go ahead and place my order first.

ah ok. can't remember what happen previous pregnancy, but was pretty sure we had the blood test results first cos the results were horrible, like 1:50 and after the NT scan, the odds were still very high, like 1:200. after prof anan scan, it went to 1:2000+, much more relieved then.
Dear all,
I'm so tired almost 3 day cannot sleep well...finally my girl fever stop yesterday. But turn to my maid n husband sick
ahyoyo...cannot tahan why everyone weaker then a pregnance women. I have to cooked for them (sick persons). Hope God give me more strength and health body. Don't know why this few day whole body very hot but no fever le...just reach 2nd Tri so fast my body already warm up like fire burning.

lsntyl/Tay> thanks for concern

soul>thanks! Oct is good timing for shopping and very near my place.
huggies: pls do call dr ananda.. like wat hazel says scan first & leave e riskier tests to e end.. cuz if i really need to do amino or cvs, i'll most prob use dr ananda than tmc one.. based on her encounter & my conversation w his nurse, i feel safer in his hands..
gd morning mummies....
wah all of u talking bout dr ananda, making me so curious about him n wanted to know more...
in tat case, y go for OSCAR test which is so lousy! i din wanna go but the nurse keep pursuade me to go n i am being schedule to go tmr otherwise it will b too late for OSCAR liao after this week..as going to 13 wks...
y not straight go for dr ananda without going for OSCAR test? sorry asking stupid q...i jus being blurred!
huggies: maybe ur case not as serious as mine.. ur bb s/b fine..
happymom: apparently dr ananda also do something like oscar.. but maybe cuz his charges are much higher as he is in private practice, tat's why gynae always refer us to tmc for more economical purpose..
HappyMom, I think clara is right, the normal Oscar is quite fast and probably cheaper than a detailed scan by Dr Ananda? My Oscar only took about 10mins for measurement and 5 mins for drawing blood. We did managed to spend another 5 minutes watching and playing with the baby. I was lucky to get a very friendly nurse. It's fun one! Enjoy it!
Dear mummies, i m back from my HK triP! goodness, its so hot there, and i walked alot. so worried for baby cos i felt i didnt drink enough water or ate enough fiber, n now having very bad bodyache and headache. It was quite difficult to snack in small snacks in between, only had 3 main meals a day. hope baby is alright, now trying to make up for the lost water and nutrients.

Overall, very good trip. managed to buy loads of flat shoes and dresses suitable for maternity . very tempted to buy baby clothes, but tough since i do not know the gender!
Babymaking, I just did my Oscar scan. My background risk is 1:117 based on my age. After adjusting for BT n NT scan result it is 1:2049! Actually, I kind of know it will be fine since I just saw dr loh 1.5wks ago..

Someone asked y dun go see dr ananda immediately instead of doing oscars. Yes u can. Is a personal choice. Oscar test including BT cost me 300 plus! Same price as gentic scan at dr ananda at 14wks. N dr ananda scan even more stuff n will explain patiently one by one.

Just now the scan dr didn't been tell me much. 15mins scan, after that tell me my overall risk n gave me a report. Only after I came home then I slowly go thru wat he checked. Pay $300 plus really not worth meh..
hazel>wah, you say like that make me tempted to just go see Dr Ananda instead. :p at lest got more photos of bb. maybe can even find out gender?

rocco>glad you enjoyed your trip overall. I'm sure bb is good.
Done my Oscar... Shud be ok.. Both the sonographer and gynae scans measurements are ok... Phew.. Relieve now... Still gotta wait for call to confirm... Gynae said next visit shud be able see gender... Looking forward.. If not wait till detail scan oso ok la... Just hope bb grows well in thr
Planet, my dun include 5 mths scan.

Lsntyl, dr Ananda confirmed will know gender.

I cld hv skipped oscars n go see dr Ananda instead. Didn't coz hubby said not necessary to do oscars in first case. Also, go see dr Ananda still must bring report over to see my dr. My gynae wld prefer I do it at his hospital if I m doing.
Hazel>hee, ok. will find out cost of oscar at my gynae's first then decide bah. Seeing her this Sat and will need to decide about OSCAR then.
thaty's good news, as long over 2000 is safe enough. we are abt the same age so risks shd be ard the same. will update again after fri's scan.

btw, did the sonographer do a cervical length scan as well?
Baby making, no didn't check. He didn't even tell me abt nasal bone either. I dun even know wat he checked until I read the report. He checked brain, spine, abdomen, stomach, bladder, hands n feet. Bb is in prone position, ie lying on the tummy. I suspect sleeping coz I didn't see the movements. Heartbeat was 152bpm.

Check with u, is ur dating scan edd last visit ahead or behind the original edd? Last visit to dr loh, behind by 1 day. Today behind my 3 days. Scan dr said +/-2 wks is ok as all these r estimates. Is it true? Thanks,
Baby making, no didn't check. He didn't even tell me abt nasal bone either. I dun even know wat he checked until I read the report. He checked brain, spine, abdomen, stomach, bladder, hands n feet. Bb is in prone position, ie lying on the tummy. I suspect sleeping coz I didn't see the movements. Heartbeat was 152bpm.

Check with u, is ur dating scan edd last visit ahead or behind the original edd? Last visit to dr loh, behind by 1 day. Today behind my 3 days. Scan dr said +/-2 wks is ok as all these r estimates. Is it true? Thanks,
Hi Rocco,

dont worry abt not eating enough, my gvne said mothers got enough reserve, as the bb is still very small now, they dont need/eat alot...if they need anything specific, eg, like certain nutrients they juz take from mummy.

actually we dont need to gain xtra weight or eat xtra untill wk16. juz eat normally for now.
Hi Rocco,

dont worry abt not eating enough, my gvne said mothers got enough reserve, as the bb is still very small now, they dont need/eat alot...if they need anything specific, eg, like certain nutrients they juz take from mummy.

actually we dont need to gain xtra weight or eat xtra untill wk16. juz eat normally for now.
Bbmaking, I did my oscars BT late this round coz of prior experience. Last round I did at 9wks. This round I did at 11+wks. Dr said my BT result is v gd. That's why risk adjusted upwards a lot.
Bbmaking, I did my oscars BT late this round coz of prior experience. Last round I did at 9wks. This round I did at 11+wks. Dr said my BT result is v gd. That's why risk adjusted upwards a lot.
Mine is ahead of edd, from 19 to last visit 16. Edd shd be based on ovulation, our case is cfm 1st edd date, but growth of bb may not be cOnsistent, some grow faster earlier, others catch up etc.

I think I am going to request dr loh to include cervical length cos previous preg, by week 24, drop to 1.7cm. Worry premature birth again ESP this time round not on bed rest.
Mine is ahead of edd, from 19 to last visit 16. Edd shd be based on ovulation, our case is cfm 1st edd date, but growth of bb may not be cOnsistent, some grow faster earlier, others catch up etc.

I think I am going to request dr loh to include cervical length cos previous preg, by week 24, drop to 1.7cm. Worry premature birth again ESP this time round not on bed rest.
Got call from tmc... Oscar result - low risk

Both sonographer and gynae checked nasal bone. They show me the nasal bone. If it exist is good. Sonographer checked on brain, bladder..... she oso told me wat they check for the brain, mine is ok
Got call from tmc... Oscar result - low risk

Both sonographer and gynae checked nasal bone. They show me the nasal bone. If it exist is good. Sonographer checked on brain, bladder..... she oso told me wat they check for the brain, mine is ok
Pinkz, congrats!!

Yes! If nasal bone is detected, the risk will drop by 4 X, as advised by Dr Benjamin Tham
Pinkz, congrats!!

Yes! If nasal bone is detected, the risk will drop by 4 X, as advised by Dr Benjamin Tham
Pinkz> Congrats! When was your scan? I did mine on saturday and haven't got a call yet. Do they call everyone or is it dependent on gynae?

I previously booked an appointment with my gynae this Friday. Wondering if I have to go down or should I just talk to her over the phone if everything is ok.. Anyway not doing another ultrasound so maybe can save the consultation fees?

Pinkz> Congrats! When was your scan? I did mine on saturday and haven't got a call yet. Do they call everyone or is it dependent on gynae?

I previously booked an appointment with my gynae this Friday. Wondering if I have to go down or should I just talk to her over the phone if everything is ok.. Anyway not doing another ultrasound so maybe can save the consultation fees?

Thanks kwxy, planet

Planet, I had my scan today ard 11am. U oso did it in tmc? I think tmc will call, few mummies did scan in morning and get call in late noon too. Maybe u can call up to check.

u can skip the gynae visit, I feel is the same. For me, my gynae will see me after the scan just to double check i think. I dun mind coz ks ma, haha. Hubby oso feel not neccessary to see gynae after tat.
Thanks kwxy, planet

Planet, I had my scan today ard 11am. U oso did it in tmc? I think tmc will call, few mummies did scan in morning and get call in late noon too. Maybe u can call up to check.

u can skip the gynae visit, I feel is the same. For me, my gynae will see me after the scan just to double check i think. I dun mind coz ks ma, haha. Hubby oso feel not neccessary to see gynae after tat.
hi mummies.. back at home after a stressful & tiring day.. dr ananda concluded tat we can't keep bb even though if we wan, bb now suffering heart failure & got so much fluid within body now tat she's very bloated.. scientific term for this is called cystic hygroma.. he said highly likely to be gal cuz of missing x chromosome.. went back gynae & he'll arrange for termination w his partner at tmc tmr.. guess bb 有缘无分 to be w us..
but we're still very lucky cuz we have our 1st daughter who is healthy.. we'll start to ttc abt 3 mths fm now & gynae says lighting dun strike e same place twice!
hi mummies.. back at home after a stressful & tiring day.. dr ananda concluded tat we can't keep bb even though if we wan, bb now suffering heart failure & got so much fluid within body now tat she's very bloated.. scientific term for this is called cystic hygroma.. he said highly likely to be gal cuz of missing x chromosome.. went back gynae & he'll arrange for termination w his partner at tmc tmr.. guess bb 有缘无分 to be w us..
but we're still very lucky cuz we have our 1st daughter who is healthy.. we'll start to ttc abt 3 mths fm now & gynae says lighting dun strike e same place twice!
