(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hazel, for me my cup size increase by a cup leh, :D feeling voluptuous, heehee cause got cleavage wearing low cut now.

anyone keen in modern cloth diapers? i found a affordable and good brand. gonna order for my newborn as not enough.. anyone wan join in? but order not so early lah.. around 20+weeks then order...

The line will disappear after birth slowly, i mean the line at teh belly button..

If u meant to have stretch marks, no amount of stretch mark preventive cream will work one.. i last time use alot and everyday still kanna
Hi, I had 
1. a brand new medela swing as a gift bought in mother care malaysia and still under warranty. Not US set so no need converter selling at $250

2.preloved Babyplus and Summer Clarity prenatal listening system (to listen baby movement) going as a bundle. 

 Interested please msg 96922155 
Boiling bottles degrade the teats faster. Also if instead to use boiling, must get bps free bottles or glass bottles, studies show boiling normal plastic bb bottles cause chemicals to leach into the milk.

Steam sterilizer
If handled with tongs, can last longer, so dun leave cover off. Normally will sterilized within 24 hrs - twice a day with 6 bottles rotating.
Bbmaking, Ya I will get bps free bottles. Tests just change more often. My mum already said she wun Use sterilizer. If I wan I use at home myself.
Jen: lots of ppl swear by clarins but ya, like Linda said, if ur meant to have stretch marks, u will have them no matter what u do. Just that the damage might not be as extensive. No harm applying as it will help ur skin gain the much needed elasticity to recover after birth.
Hazel, wooo, so u got substance all along, no need to increase further lah. 

Linda, I'm interested to know more abt the cloth diaper, let us know when u organized one!
Hi mummies! Thanks for the update on fairs!! Nice!

Just reached home from breakfast with hubby, and my tummy is so bloated until I cannot move...now lying on the bed...eat too much
Jen>trying is on your palms normally so you can feel the suction. In my opinion, the taka fair is a good place to survey the various breastpumps on offer. I saw medela, pigeon, avent and other brands there. not sure if ameda is there this time cos I didn't notice them. at least just go one place can try out a few then decide what you want to get.

if you see stretch marks le, better put the cream/oil to prevent more. I used elancyl galenic. can get from watson, robinson, etc. Quite good for me cos no stretch marks at all from #1 + the cream not so sticky. Clarins oil is another popular brand but its more expensive.

the dark brown line is not stretch mark. forgot what its called le but it'll disappear after bb is born. The white lines might be stretch marks.

KWXY>when bb is first born, the meconium (ie first poo) is v thick n sticky. think better to use disposable diapers initially at least till that clears cos will b hard to clean from cloth diapers. cloth diapers are good but must wash v often

I used only a few avent bottles. Ok, didn't leak. I mainly use pigeon. Heard from my friend that use avent that they've somekind of doublelock collar now. meant to prevent colic but she said probably to address the leaking issue.

Cloth diapers can also cause nappy rash if don't clean bb up fast enough. Best to still apply a layer of diaper cream I think.

You might need to try different brands of diapers initially to see what bb likes. Cos some have different cuttings, etc. MOst brands will see you sample diapers to try try first.

Babyfaery>Medela freestyle is their most expensive breastpump at the moment and costs about $450 from TLL's spree the last time I looked.

windy>congrats for your result.

Al>why u only want to breastfeed during ML leh? Breastfeeding besides being good for bb oso helps us to lose weight. Then go out with bb no need to bother with bottles, milk powder, etc. Just cover up, lift up shirt can feed le. I went HK with bb when he was 6 months old. So good lor to feed him. Don't have to worry about the bottles/water/etc whether clean or not. can feed anywhere.

Hazel>ohh, I always get wide neck bottles. Find them easier to handle.

Linda>I bought the modern cloth diapers but end up didn't really use for #1. Disposables really too convenient lor. Those cloth diapers stilll lying wasted in the drawer.
Kwxy, Hazel : for my #1, my mum also said used cloth diaper.. Then after days she also give up cos to tedious to wash and must wash till very clean leh. No easy esp in white. And yes Bb poo are sticky. Lucky I did store enough huggies diaper tat time. I tink huggies diaper Shd be okie ba since used by most hospitals.
Lsntyl> then those cloth diapers u still want anot if dun wan pass me le

I love those modern cloth diapers cause just rinse out the pee at the insert then throw to washing machine wash and dry very fast.. I half cloth half disposable
Mummies, have you started telling your friends? Am 12 weeks 4 days...can tell them the good news already?
KWXY: Guess you can tell your family and friends. My colleagues knew when I was less than 2 months. But given a choice I wouldn't have tell so early.
hi mummies,
just to share my experience.
breastpump: definitely medela. opt for the dual pump. it's expensive but worth every cents. i personally think it helps with my breast feeding journey. not sure if it's coincidence. most frds who gave up bf very early was not using medela. those who did made it with loads of excess. I only latch bb for two weeks and the rest of the time relied on the pump for 9 mths before I stop.
Hazel We booked Wong Boh Boi's course on Sunday 16th of October 12.30pm online. You might want to make payment early. Apparently only if you make payment, then will be confirmed. Supposedly they will tell you to buy "textbooks" which are given free if you join as FBI member. After calculations, it makes sense to sign up FBI if delivering at TMC as the membership will pay for itself if you are taking the one-bedded due to discount of $100.

planet were you the one who mentioned you were getting clothes from ON? We thinking of getting some maternity wear there but worried about the size.

maternity wear what would mummies suggest to get and how many to get? E.g how many pairs of leggings etc.
Any suggestion for good affordable leggings as some might be too sheer or translucent if stretched..

breast pumps would it be too early to get now? Probably closer to the 3rd trimester would be more appropriate? We thinking maybe might the US medela set since it's quite highly recommended..
linda>paiseh, we intend to keep the diapers n use them when we finally get around to potty training my boy. at least don't waste them since they're not cheap. think the 3 diapers alone cost me more than $100.
Lsntyl> no problem just thought if u white elephant it and dont want already let me know :p

For those mummies to one, or more could u kindly help me answer these questions? Thanks

• What fears did you experience when you were pregnant?
• What things did you find upset you?
• What sort of things did you dream about?
• What were you most looking forward to?
• What aspect of being pregnant did you most enjoy?
• How did pregnancy change or affect your relationship with your partner?
• How did pregnancy change or affect your relationship with your mother?
• If you have had more than one child, how did the pregnancies differ? In what ways were you surprised by the differences or similarities?
Morning everyone, I had a wonderful time with bb at my OSCAR last week. Saw bb doing somersaults and also "waving" at us, and then saw bb slowly fell asleep. Super sweet. *bliss*

If only we can watch our bb every night on tv or something. *daydream*
Soul> Yup I was supposed to share my feedback on Old navy maternity clothes! I'll do it and post shortly.

Linda> Do you mean mummies who already have one kid? Or expecting first kid?
Any mummies having insomnia and headaches that refuse to go away with paracetomol? Been like this for a couple of weeks :-(
soul>missed your question. I think initially start with just a few pieces. Best if the maternity wear can double up as nursing wear if your wife intends to breastfeed. Then add more as you need lor.

for the breastpump, I think up to you. Exchange rate might drop or increase in a few months. read that medela freestyle might increase price too. If intend to use and you find the price ok, can just get first. If not, wait till 3rd trimester oso can.

Linda>piangz. so many questions and some quite personal too. what are they for ar?

babymaking>no insomnia for me but sometimes I've difficulties sleeping. I had quite a lot of headaches for #1 prob due to insufficient rest. Got better after I slept more. If take panadol, please take the normal one. Don't take the newer improved versions cos most of them have caffeine in them
Lsntyl> its for my doula course research understanding more of the mother`s emotion... personal meh?? No matter how i read its not personal but very "usual qns" leh :s

Which one personal, if not comfortable can pm me
happy, im going gynae later instead of friday as hubby overslept and took off so dun wan waste today, change from friday to today so fri he no need take off :D
thks for reminder to take normal panadol, i got paracetamol from gynae but it's not working. feeling miserable as it's a pounding headache that refuse to go away with more fluids, or sleep.
Old Navy maternity shopping review. =)

Note: For non-maternity items, I went one size higher than my pre-preg size. Works out well for most items. For maternity items, go with pre-pregnancy size.

(Soul, I'm abt the same size as your wifey. But shorter. I'm 160.)

Item #1
Item Name: Women's Fold-Over Jersey Skirts
URL: http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=8097410020002&cid=42119
Colour : Black Jack
Size: M
Price in USD: 19.94
Clearance item: Yes
Planet's Feedback: Love it! This is not under maternity wear but it's perfect! Fits me now and it's very stretchable so I'm sure it can last till third tri. Can wear to work and everywhere else. Can wear pre and post-natal. I love the fold-over series because they are stretchy yet does NOT bite into the skin.

Item #2
Item Name: Women's Roll-Over Jersey Minis
Colour : Rose
Size: M
Price in USD : $4.97
Planet's Feedback: Love it! Comfy and versatile. BUT the size runs big. M feels like an L. Can probably start wearing it about a month later. Confirm can wear till the very last month. Color is more like a dark fuchsia pink.

Item #3
Item Name: Women's Fold-Over Lounge Gauchos
Colour : Heather charcoal
Size: M
Price in USD : 14.50
Price after 20%: 11.60
Planet's Feedback: Not bad. Very comfy. Size is okaaay I guess. Abit big for now but a couple wks later shld fit just nice. Very stretchy. Length is abit awkward.. it falls just below the knees. It's also abit baggy so best to match with a fitting tank or tshirt, if not we'll look like whales. 

Item #4
Item Name: Maternity Long Layering Tanks
Colour : Brown
Size: S
Price in USD : 3.97
Planet's feedback: Not great but ok for the price. Normal long tank. Note that for maternity clothings, please buy according to your pre-pregnant size. This is not super stretchy and it's rib-knit so it feels abit rough. I bought a couple of this cos everyone complains being constantly hot so I thought I'd invest in more long tank tops. Can wear after pregnancy too.

Item #5
Item Name: Maternity Mix & Match Bikini Bottoms
Colour : Black
ALT : Same in Cerise color
Size: M
Price in USD : 4.97
Planet's feedback: Too big!! Sobz! Lucky it was on clearance. Remember, buy pre-pregnant size for maternity wear! I might be able to fit into this in my 6-7th month.

Item #6
Item Name: Maternity Full-Panel Denim Leggings
URL: http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=7965860020006&cid=26242
Colour : Denim
Size: 6
Quantity: 1 
Price in USD : 17.97
Planet's feedback: Best buy!! Love this! The waist band is super comfy!! I haven't felt so good in jeans for ages!! It's supposed to be denim leggings but it looks and feel exactly like jeans once u cover up the elastic waist band. I think the elastic belly pouch thing can probably last until 6-7 mths? I'm not sure if it can accomodate a 8-9 mths belly. And altho this is under maternity, I got one size larger than my pre-pregnant size cos some reviews says it runs small. I got 1 size up but I think if you want to wear all the way till 8-9 mths, can consider getting 2 size up.

Item #7
Item Name: Maternity Jersey-Stretch Tanks
URL: http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=8116710020001&cid=26246
Colour : Bright white
Size: S
Price in USD: 9.00
Price after 20%: 7.20
Planet's feedback: This is slightly too big for me, just slightly. A few wks more and it shld be more fitting. Much better material than the other tanks mentioned above. Probably because it's higher price too.

That's all I got in this spree. I focused more on basic and versatile 2-pc items that can last for a longer period (ideally during and post preggers). I also waited for a 20% sale and combined shipping with more pple so shipping for each item was about S$4. Hope this helps!
Soul>> Re: Leggings
Initially I thot cotton leggings would be a good generic maternity wear cos it's very stretchy. But more and more I'm feeling very warm in leggings. I dunno if the rest of the mummies experience this but i sweat a lot on my butt and thighs nowadays. Even when sitting in an aircon room or car. Sometimes when I'm in shorts I will get up from the seat to see it damp and clammy.
So leggings might be too warm later on.

In any case, if you do want to get some, I would recommend cotton-on (available locally). Their 2 for $25 cotton leggings are very stretchy and comfy. You can ask your wife to try them and maybe get one size up so it can last thru-out the pregnancy. Downside is there are only two colors. Black and grey. But they have full length and a shorter one just below the knees. Maybe get 2 and try first?

Uniqlo has leggings too. Slightly more ex but nicer prints. =)
Babymaking, hv u stared ur multi vit? I read somewhere that headaches n giddiness can be caused by insufficient iron arising from increasing in blood flow n red blood cell production for bb. U may wan to start on multi vit or increase In take of iron rich food.

I get nasal congestion arising in swelling of veins caused by increased in blood flow.

Proolong in take of panadol is no gd for our kidneys. Increase the risk of protein leakage.
hi mummies,

im also having v bad headaches these few days..
wasnt like this afew weeks back..
dare not take any panadol.. jus applied medicated oil and try to slp..
it gets worst when im trying to wakeup.. its as thou someone clamped my head real hard..
ging3r and babymaking, I have the same headaches too, started last week. It will start from morning and gets worse during lunc hr. I'm allergic to panadol and most pain killers so there's nothing I can take to relieve. Sometimes, I just take hot coco, and it seems to go away.
linda>maybe I'm a more private person bah.

babymaking>oh dear. Maybe go see GP get MC to rest at home. could b a migraine.

planet>thanks for the reviews. think I'll check out the fold over skirts
Bbmaking, I got bad headache first pregnancy n I told dr Loh abt it. He said normal due to increase in blood flow n just gave me MC to rest at home then!
I think last week we were discussing on the pumps, can I check if the medela duo electric pump or swing suction will work just as good as the PISA or free style? thought the PISA is too heavy for me to cary to work everyday so if the light weight duo pump or swing is just as good and cheaper, I will buy that instead?
Jen>donno leh cos never tried all those pumps except freestyle. Maybe better to go to the medela booth at the taka fair and ask the promoter there. should be able to 'feel' the pressure of the pump too
Hi mummies! I woke up with a very bad cramp on my right leg! It's so painful that's I'm screaming in pain....I have to do everything slowly....and slowly massage my leg but still seem to be a bit painful

Anyone got this experience?
LSnTYL thanks! Better late then never! Ok we bought some over the weekend already also found 1.90 black bra extension. Hard to find outside and normally sell more expensive. We thinking of buying nursing bra without wire coz now wifey say bra starting to "cut" coz of the wire.. Yourself so you hav the sam scenario? The bra quite cheap. 10 bucks only. Have plain black..

Oh oh.. U heard that medela is going to increase prices? Hmm then maybe will look to buy earlier also..

planet thanks the extensive review. We will study it carefully. Anything not sure will ask u again if that's ok. 
soul>I like uniqlo's wireless bras. waiting for sale to get more.

I read in TLL's spree thread that medela is going to increase prices. Not sure if it has already increased cos haven't gone to see it recently. :p

KWXY>yes, I had bad leg cramps during the 2nd and 3rd trimester for #1. Donno why will suddenly wake up with it. Normally hubby will massage for me.
LSnTYL, Actually, went to check out with hubby during weekend but we are hopeless due to lack of experience. The suctions feel all the same to us :p and the promoters mostly young ladies were also not helpful, ask them they just say not sure, should be just as good for everything. so we end up looking at price difference and weight of device.
KWXY, reduce salt intake n increase water intake. Cut down on liang food. Veg like Kang kong shld nor take as it is known to cause leg cramps in Preg ladies.
Hi all mummies...

Took a break from work as feeling slightly unwell..

Al: thanks for the info, will check it out..

Soul: that's great.. I think the fair in Oct is nearer to our EDD, thus, kinda of right timing to get the items.

kwxy: I had one such experience in the middle of the night... try to take more warm water, it helps.

Hi Mummies,

Anyone going to oversea trip this few mths???
I dunno if I should go to my bkk trip anot..
do you tin is safe to take flight??
