(2012/02) Feb 2012

yanyan>better double check with your gynae. always safer to do so I think. I'm sure everything is ok though. Try not to worry too much? hugs.

happymomtobe/babyfaery>hee, your hubbies so cute. I don't feel bb at all lor. so nice to feel the flutters so soon

HappyMomToBE: Yah loh.. my hubby keep trying to psycho the baby say daddy love him more.. must listen to daddy.. haha... but it feels so amazing to be talking to bb i feel.. haha..

LSnTYL: I don feel anything yet leh... only my hubby... haha..

Looking fwd to next week.. can see bb! But oscar test is worrying..
Yan>> I think best to check it out. Persistent pain is not very common at this point.

HappyMom & babyfaery>> Really? Can feel bb's heartbeat just like that!? Wow! Must lie down or sitting up also can?
lsntyl, i tink hor u nit to lie on yr bed n it takes time...u reali nit a lot patient! bb won come out jus like tat.........
babyfaery, yalor tis hubby never teach bb good ting, keep psycho...tink oso funny! then my hubby will say he got symptom too feel nausea n indeed i can c my hubby eating a lot like me....muahahha.......
yeah i am counting down n telling bb i wil c him/her on tis sat! so excited! most probably 90% wont b doing OSCAR test....
planet, mus lie down n press a little bit where u feel the bb is...n nit to close yr eye n reali feel it...kenot hav noisy o interuption....i feel it yst nite when wanna sleep n tis morning when wake up n talk to bb....lol....u try tonite wif yr hubby...
HappyMomtoBe>its ok lah. Even with my #1, I also can't feel him until he was much bigger. V hard to just lie down leh. cos if I'm at home, always running after my boy. At nite too tired. Lie down want to sleep le. :p
Yah.. must lie down on bed very quietly, cannot have any noise.. but i still think my hubby over sensitive.. baby still so small.. haha..
HappyMom: Ok I will try! By the way, my hubby also have sympathy symptoms! When my MS was very bad he also felt nauseous and no appetite, when I have headache he will too, and the most bizarre thing is, he also had alot of weird dreams when I was having them! Hahaha.
lol...babyfaery, sometimes i feel hubby over sensitive too however its me who can feel it too ler...unless i over sensitive too...but again, to feel tat make me feel comfortable n safe as bb is ok in my tummy...
planet, i read somewhere hubby wil have MS too...duno wat it calls....good! they can feel how suffer v r n "wei da"...lol!
Morning mummies...

My hubby also claimed that he can hear bb's heartbeat. He does this every nite when i was lying on the bed getting ready to sleep...

Sometimes when i feel insecure i will ask him to do it also, just for assurance haha...

Anyway i am looking forward this weekend when i will reach my 13 week and second trimester... and seeing the gynae. I can't wait to see how my bb has grown...
It is actually not possible for us to pick up heart beat now as bb is too small. If can pick up, GP will be able to hear using their steslescope. Anyway when my girl heartbeat stopped in 2nd tri last yr I told my gynae the same thing. Ie how cld tt be possible when I can feel her heartbeat. He told me it can be the rapid flow of blood to our womb that I picked up n Defintely not bb's heart beat. He said I was just sensitive to my body.
Morning Mummies...

Yan Yan: I feel it too... On-off cramps, my gynae told me not to worry too much, could be womb is slightly weak... but my mum says perhaps womb is expanding / baby is kicking... I hope it is the latter... keke...

HappyMomToBe and BabyFaery: hehe... my HB and I talked to my baby daily too... He always tells me he can hear sounds inside... But as usual, I can't hear anything... But I guess, our babies can hear / feel us...
yeah talk to bb i tink the bond will start from young n strong...nowadays i very emo...funny! when i watch a family show n c them cry, my tears wil drop n start crying!
Ahh.. Hazel is right. Did a quick google.. bb's heartbeat can't be picked up even with a stethoscope until at least 5 months onwards.. so I guess hearing with naked ear is lagi not possible le. =/
Same thing here. I was still puking and could feel some movements even after I miscarriaged. Doc said just gas and HCG level not fallen back to normal range.

I don't mean to e a spoilsport, but seriously don't think we are able to feel baby's heartbeat or hear baby's heart beat yet. If can, then no need for doppler or the gynae's machine liao. And i would think it's hard to hear and feel, coupled with the mother's own blood flow pumping around, noise in intestines and digestive tract.
Morning mummies!! I'm 12 weeks today!!! So happy!

Can't wait to see bb tmr...hope he or she will be waving at daddy and mummy. Hehe
arghhh.....making me so sad n down...lol....yeahyeah i quick check in google too...it say our blood pumping...too bad! lol...over sensitive 1st time mummies....
Birdbrain, ya. We been thru these ourselves so we know cannot be complacent. Only when we feel a real distinctive kicks n knocks then we know are bb's real movements. My gynae said our internal organs such as intestines will move too. So he told me I mistake bb's movements too when I said I can feel her movements too, how can her HB stopped?
Bb's movements start with butterfly fluttering. But first time mum can mistake that as stomach churning or gastric. First time mum can feel fluttering as early as 17w. A real confirmed movement can feel by first time mtbs as early as 20wks. Subsquent mtbs can usu feel earlier by a few wks.

Our bbs are always moving but they r too light now for us to feel them. This is my 3rd pregnancy. I m hitting 12wks n I feel a no of sensation at abdominal area. But I know cannot be bb's movements from past 2 m/c n also bb is only abt 10g now. Too light for me to feel. It must ne the gushing of blood intoy womb or my intestines moving.
How early we can feel the early movements are dependent on how much fats we hv at the abdominal n where the uterus is facing. It can face the front or back. If faces the back, can even be later.
HappyMomToBe>yes, my husband was with me when I delivered #1. Expect him to be there for #2 too.

Its ok lah. What is good is you n hubby are happy and sharing in the joy of bb.
Don't be sad or down.

Hazel/planet>hee, you reminded me that hubby and I used a stethoscope to try to listen to #1 when I was in my 2nd trimester. Cannot hear anything that sounds like heartbeat lor. All we hear machiam my tummy rumbling nia.
Hi Mummies here,
I have a new unopened Carter Baby Bather for sale. this was given to me during my baby shower in April this year. I have no use for it. Let me know if anyone is keen. You can search on the net for a picture of it. I would like to sell it for $18. Let me know if any one is keen. Thank you.
my hubby also w me for #1.. natural delivery.. even though he dun like e sight of other ppl's blood, still he went thro e whole thing w me.. *lucky he din faint!

its nice to have hubby ard so he can feel e emotional joy when bb is born.. afterall bb is his too!
Clara> Can see blood? I thot hubby stay near our head the whole time? They cannot see what's going on below right?
I would wan my hub to be with me too. He is scared of blood. But as long as he sits on the same side as me he wun be able to see the process as it will be blocked by a green cloth. I had to deliver my daughter when Iost her in 2nd tri. Hub was sitting same side as me. He didn't see any bloodly scene. We saw her only after the nurse cleaned her.

I witnessed the delivery of my niece on the car & i Carried her Immediately when she was born. My bro was driving us to the hospital still. Actually child birth via natural delivery is a v clean process. It is not bloody at all. My niece was also quite clean with a translucent layer of mucus over her. Just some water with some traces of blood when the sac broke. The placenta didnt come out immediately. She was only detached from Her umbical cord when we arrived at the hospital. My sil had the plancenta removed later at the hospital. That wld be bloody n more gruesome.

After sending them in, I cleaned the car at the hospital's car park with newspapers. Nothing much to clean too except the water. Yes, it is that clean!
planet: it depends on where he stands.. also e orientation of e delivery ward tat i was in is tat e bed head is against a wall tat faces e door.. e gynae is jus in front of u delivering bb & ur hb can be anywhere beside u or behind e gynae.. also when bb delivered, there'll be some blood stains on bb..
hazel: wahh, tat must be some real experience delivering ur niece! i've watched some documentary abt ppl delivering either at home or on a car.. and they'd need to tie umbilical cord after bb is born if they haven't reach e hosp yet.. maybe its in other countries where hosp are really far, not like s'pore..
Hazel> You delivered a baby in the car? How exciting!! Why so last minute then go to hospital? Or was it that short a labour?
planet: oh, i forgot to add.. blood stain could be due to episiotomy tat gynae did for me.. while for hazel's sil dun have tat's why her niece is so clean..
Better dun touch the Umbilical cord in such a situation. It is linked the placenta. The dr after cutting the cord will pull the cord to remove the placenta. If the cord breaks, some of the placenta will be left inside. My mid term m/c was like this coz bb too small n the cord also too thin. I had to do d/c thereafter. Also the scissors we use to cut will not be properly sterilized.

My niece is my sil's 2nd child. Either her pAin threshold Was super high or her labour was easy. She was sitting on the toilet bowl n gasped when she saw the bb's head! My mum had to call me who is staying at the unit above them to quickly change n go with my sil n bro to hospital!

My nephew was born without epidural too. When she was rushed to hospital 24hrs she was told too late. Bb was almost out! Her gynae Said her delivery process is always very
Smooth n the bb's position was correct. My sil delivered niece was like a hen popping an egg. Her dr told her if it was a difficult delivery, every second counts. If there is no dr around, the bb will be in danger. So, dun play play hor!

Dr did epitosomy from her son. It took her a few days to recover n walk properly. My niece was born at 7am. No epitosomy. I visited them same day at noon. My sil was already walking around easily n told me no pain!
I guess most hbs will want to stand beside their wives during delivery.. Cos their wives need to have some form of support.. Like holding onto their hb's hand, biting their hb's when in pain.. :p
My niece birth cert was done at Singapore immigration. The hospital wun do for her as she was not born there. Birth place was "along pan island expressway". Haha
Must pay! Gynae will clean up the womb, remove placenta n stitch up the slight natural tear at V from the delivery. Her gynae suan her n ssid next time she can deliver at home n no need go hospital. My niece has to stay in special care for a day too cox she was not delivered in a sterilized environment. Gynae is worried that she kana infection. So put her in special care for observation! My sil ssid tt cost her 600bucks extra! :p
hazel: her pain threshold is damn high! i cheated.. got epidural cuz was sent to induce labour.. then for like 3 hrs, dilation still e same.. until like 13hrs after i chk in, bb then come out.. w episiotomy & vacuum ba.. but i recovered quite fast for my episiotomy.. cuz i psycho myself to go pee/poo & walk ard so i can recover faster.. took painkiller once only..
planet>got a lot of blood esp in natural delivery! :p my hubby could see everything wor including bb popping out.

Hazel>har? how come your niece's delivery so clean. Mine was all bloody wor... I saw some pix my hubby took. really icky.

your niece really power.

I didn't have episotomy too actually cos my gynae came in too late. By time he arrived, bb was already out so it was really hubby and the midwife helping me to deliver bb. Maybe the blood was cos I tore quite badly...
It will be bloody if the placenta came out with the delivery of your child. That is gruesome. My niece's placenta nv came out until much later with gynae's help
hazel: maybe i very good at psyching myself.. :D but hor, i dun dare to psycho e delivery! i'm intending to get epidural again for my #2.. haha..

Actually in western country like UK, epidosomy Is done only when necessary. They actually encourage mtbs to do vagina exercise a few wks before delivery to stretch the muscles there. With tt, the vagina will open easily n there wld be minimal tear. The risk of epitosomy is scarring, forming of painful keloids. A gf of mine had scarring down there n it will nv recover. She told me the scar made sex v painful n she needs lots of lubicant to soothe that. I understand tt TMC antenatal class will teach mtbs this vagina exercise.

I will hv to speak with my gynae on this when i m abt to due cox I scar easily....
