(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi Mummies ,

how's everyone? I thought my MS had subsided for the past 2 days.. now its back Geez.. been vomiting the whole day feels terrible..

Hi babymaking, I'm definitely not taking it for granted, if you are, better not ok. As I mentioned, there's so many uncertainty during pregnancy, so must treasure and enjoy the pregnancy.

There's no need to keep reminding mc as we are all adult, we know what will happen to us if we don't care of ourselves. Sometimes its fate too, we can't push it either.

Keep reminding mc only scaring the first time mum. Some keep thinking of the negative things and giving ourselves stress whether our bb heartbeat will stop a not.

Just my opinion, don't mean to offend anyone. As mentioned, I had mc too. I worry too. But putting worries here only give imagination to other mummies who may think this will happen to them too.
Planet, Yes! Will check on the seafood before eating. I don't hug the toilet bowl. Hehe

Rocco, the barley a bit Liang, can take but not too often ok.

I miss my red dates longan drink while I'm ttc!
Hi All, Time to relax and get ready for Home!

Hazel: I read the thread on PIE delivery! So amazing! I heard from my friend who's sis gave birth prematurely on a plane had benfited the baby cause airline gave baby free lifetime travel! If deliver on PIE, should we get incentive from SG gov to waiver ERP charges as well?

Planet: can we have fruit tea? Hubby banned all tea including fruit tea, cause he said he wants BB to be born fair...
Now the only sweeten drink I can have is the red date tea wif ginger which is very good in getting rid of my bloatedness and soya bean drink.
Windy: understand how u feel, as I will feel anxious and panicky whenever i have spotting too... *hugs*... see your gynae and keep us posted.

Kwxy: hehe... enjoy ur dinner... "As I mentioned, there's so many uncertainty during pregnancy, so must treasure and enjoy the pregnancy." - I always remind myself that it is a blessing to be pregnant and give birth eventually...
Jen> As far as I know, the reason why we avoid tea is because too much caffeine hinders fetal development, and caffeine is know to have a number of implications on pregnancy.

Some fruit teas are caffeine-free so I feel safer drinking them than caffeinated teas.

As for affecting the fairness of the baby... I personally never heard or read anywhere that drinking of tea affects the color of the baby.. but i do have friends who drank coffee daily yet their babies are nice and fair. i have an aunt who had to eat dark soy sauce with EVERYTHING when she was pregnant, but both her kids are fair too. so.. i'm not sure how this skin color thing works. some says drinking milk and bird's nest helps. maybe other experienced mummies here can share?
Yes Feelingblessed, staying positive it's good for mummies and bb. I also feel blessed to have this bb too

Jiayou all mummies! Time for dinner!
Kwxy, your dinner sounds fantastic... I'm hungry now. Didn't have my usual 4 pm snack. Now still waiting for hubby...

Rocco, HK is fun!! I am imagining the wantan alrd. Some no-nos are any meats not 100% cooked, no lamb...

Personally, staying off coke is alrd very cham for me. I have half can a week. My aunt told me no orange juice anymore cos bb will hv mucus! Now I dunno what to drink other than boring water. What's wrong with cold drinks? How abt birds nest? I usu drink it cold
Hi mummies,

I'm back from the gynae check. doc say my baby is fine. For the urine pain, he say my urine is nt infection. So he say maybe is due to my own body system as my intestine parts always dun works well.. I'm now 13 wk 4 days... Going 14 soon...

I saw baby leg moving. So cute.. Hahahaha... His heartbeat is 162, doc say is normal. Before tat whn baby is 11 wk is 176, drop issit ok???

I jus had pizza for my dinner.. Nt yet too full.. Hahahah
KWXY > i was reading the book reading by TC CHang, apparently we can still drink red dates longan tea wor...

Yan Yan > As baby grow bigger, the heartbeat will drop.

Chewie > Yes! I m looking forward to all the dim sums! I occassionally take soft drinks too and freshly squeezed orange juice. i think its quite hard for working mums to catch up on all the nutrients, so i try to squeeze in fruit juices during lunch.
actually why cant drink cold drinks ar? i take cold milk every morning leh. but i dun drink immediate, maybe after 5 mins.
Rocco, that's good! Shall make some tmr. Running out of red dates.

Yan Yan, congrats!! That's so lovely to see bb!! It's been a month since I last see bb...looking forward to tmr's Appt, I miss seeing bb so much
Godsent, the rest are right. grass jelly is very liang. I have not drank it since pregnant.

Hazel, amazing! you have witnessed & assisted the birth of your niece. What an experience!

I'm having bad headache today.
back to back meetings all days. Feel like taking MC to stay home tomorrow.

I have been craving for spicy food. Tom yum, mee siam, kimchi ramen...

Any mum here who previously c-sect and now wants to go natural? My first two was natural but my last was c-sect cos my boy was too big (4.2kg). I wanted to go natural this time but not sure if it is ok. I feel the healing process for natural is faster than c-sect.
I been thru 2 miscarriages n an ectopic, n a very difficult 1st pregnancy. This one seems very smooth except for the ms n bloating. I think not only me taking for granted, even my gynae also very relax, schedule our appts 6 weeks apart. Lol. Think it's time to see him n request for twice monthly appts instead, at least until doppler can detect bb's heartbeat.

My 1st is c sec due to breech n bb in difficulty, want to go for vbac this time but worried abt what hazel mentioned earlier abt scars due to epi cut as my c sec scar has keloids, up to now with womb expanding, I can feel the c sec scar stretching.
Babymaking, it's sad to hear that. Have faith with this one...even your gynae has confidence, you must have it too. I know it's tough to let go the fear. I have the fear too. But there's very little we can do, only be good and listen to the old folks what not to eat and do not tired yourself.

First tri is tough, all the nausea and fatigue, of coz not forgetting the fear again. jiayou my dear, let's have a sticky pregnancy!
Hi everyone,
gone for my Oscar yesterday. Results not out yet.
BB was super cooperative. My scan took less than 10 min. bb ws busy doing taiji.. so funny.
I had to q but i hardly waited cos yesterday was so not crowded. hurray. My 20th week scan had been fixed too.
good morning mummies

been up since 3am, loo break and then cldn't go back to sleep since, now so sleepy but body clock out of whack.

to a super sticky pregnancy and smooth delivery

Found this list in my archives:
TCM way - foods to avoid during pregnancy
generally it's foods that either promote clearing of old blood or too liang or too heavy in qi as too much qi overnourishment can cause rejection of the fetus.

grass jelly/guilingao
cold water - cause contractions
shellfish - will cause rash on baby
any herbal soups/dish prepared outside - e.g. bak kut teh, braised pork, herbal chicken etc as these may contain herbs which cause contractions, too much bu.
hink as long as doctor say bb heartbeat is ok, its ok lah. don't think too much.

suet>maybe best to check with your gynae? think as long as the scar has healed well, should b able to go natural again
Good mrng mummies!

Yanyan, congrats! Happy for u! Heart rate dropping is normal as baby grows. Yr gynae will let u know one, otherwise ask him/her. My gynae never measure lei, i even ask upfront do we need to monitor bb heart rate (esp i had a miscarriage before) he said no need. Everythg ok. A bit mah mah hu hu , tats y hubby dun like..esp when he asked him questions, he answered very hurriedly ...
Babymaking, understand how u feel...fear is always there...but just eat healthy, sleep /rest early...ms & bloatedness r juz part of preg process, at least u knw bb is healthy... Let us jia you together!

let us all stay positive and take good care of ourselves no matter what happened in d past! Dragon babies are stronger!! Yeahhh~
so drinking cold drinks will cause contractions resulting in early birth?

Those mommies that have given birth before, do you give birth earlier or past the due date?
Hi Mummies,

Forget to tell u tat my weight didnt increase at all but baby growing fine.. my MIL say cannot, must increase weight..
Bt my thinking is baby growing fine, my weight gt increase anot nvm de right?
rocco>eh, I drank cold drinks quite often. Didn't cause contractions. Think everything in moderation is ok lah.

shinely>heard service in Raffles hospital is not bad but its more pricey

yanyan>think its ok. sometimes all the weight goes to the bb. If its a concern, your gynae would definitely highlight to you, no?
lsntyl- No le.. hahaha... but my MIL the face yest is OMG..

btw im in 2 tri now.. u all eating anything to bu ur body? as in black chicken soup and stuff?
yanyan: dun worry.. bb got grow can liao.. cuz my fren also din put on weight initially but now she gonna give birth next wk, her tummy so huge.. bb expected weight 3.5kg & she gained only abt 10+kg..
then again got another fren jus gave birth 1 mth ago, her total weight gain 20kg.. bb only 3.3kg..
Hi shinely
Im considering raffles hospital, hav booked appt to see Dr KK Chow (heard he is senior gynae there) on 26aug

Intro thru my colleague. So let me know if u would like my opinion after my first visit wif him?
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. Am going for my OSCAR scan soon, would like to know how is it going to be like? When will we know the results?
Don't worry. I'm now a kg or 2 lighter than pre-pregnancy weight. My gyane said it's ok. Just told me to target to gain back the lost weight by 4th month. No need to be alarmed unless if have severe MS and have drastic weight loss like say more than 5kg. ANyway, gynae monitors your weight. Your gynae will alert you if he/she thinks there is cause for alarm. The weight gain will come fast and furious once you hit 3rd trimester.

Next time your mil ask, just tell her you've gained weight whether you did or not then no need see black black face lor. Not nice to lie, but white lies like those don't hurt. I believe a pregger lady should remain happy =)
birdbrain- hahahaha.. my hus sitting beside me, i dun dare to lie.. LOL... later he sabo me..

Btw, anyone brought the Doppler???
Cassandra > the OSCAR scan is just like the usual ultrascan we do at the gynae's. But its very detailed and the sonographer will take many pictures of baby from different angle, etc.
Followed by a blood test. Will know the results in 1-2 days time (for TMC).
Morning ladies! Cold, rainy, feeling real sleepy in office.
yanyan, I take chicken essence and occassionally made black chicken soup for me and hubby but without ginseng-heard its not good for pregancy. MIL also started asking me to take red date ginger tea to get rid of wind and bloatedness.
yanyan> my #1 gain about 30kg, but bb only 2.8kgs
so is not matter you gain more then bb more weight. so far #2 only gain 1 kgs for 14week.
Linda > How come need to induce at 37w? advised by doctor?

Hee yeah, given singapore's hot weather and always running out of time, cold drinks are my favourite. Haha.
Hi Sweetcorn and Lsntyn,

I yet to book Raffles hospital, but my gynae is base there, so mostly will take up loh.
My is doctor sharmini at sengkang raffles gynae.
Feel she still ok. but expensive loh
Jen> your chicken essence is bottle one or home cook? if home cook normally mixed with ginseng right. my #1 always put ginseng, since the ZhongYaoFang said is safe for pregnancy...i took alot ginseng le....
Yanyan, I did but mine is not the high end one which records no. of heartbeat.Mine srved the basic purpose of bonding-both hubby and me are contented to hear BB's heartbeat every night before sleep, its like our lalluby now. Hahaha
yanyan>not planning to buy the doppler.

eh, I didn't intentionally bu during my 1st pregnancy. just ate normal food. only 3rd trimester took a bit of bird's nest.
re: cold drinks
it's tcm way to avoid cold drinks as it's liang and can cause contractions and cramps. for me, my 1st preggy was plagued with lots of issues such as cramping and premature contractions, so i avoided cold drinks and drink lots of home made red date tea.

this time round, pregnancy is smooth, so i take cold drinks esp cold orange juice almost everyday as that's the only thing that can help curb nausea besides the preggie pops.

but if you normally have menses cramps that worsens with cold drinks, then better to avoid cold drinks.
i have the heartbeat doppler since my 1st pregnancy, it save my baby's life as we detected abnormal low hb, so yes, i can't wait to use it for #2 as well.
LSnTYL, will probably check with him nx appt.

babymaking, i still dont really feel the stretch at the c-sect cut yet. perhaps, few mths later.

Yanyan, I'm 13 wks. also no weight gain but can see the beanie growing bigger. So shld be ok. in fact, I'm glad that i didnt put on weight.
AL: my chicken essence from Brands lah-both MIL and mother too lazy to make. I take the one with gouqizi cause its supposed to enhance good eyesight. Not sure if its true but mother took that for her pregnancies and all 4 of us siblings are still perfect eyesights till now.
Anyway, I take elderly's advices with a pinch of salt-if not much harm or inconvinience, I just do it to make them happy lah. Oh, the ginseng part, acordingly to MIL, first trimester don't take yet cause pregnancy still unstable and strong herbs r not reccomended. Think now okay liao since all our Babies are progressing well.

Yo mummies! I love rainy days!! Made me less grouchy! :p

Suet, thanks! I've stopped drinking cos so many ladies advised here.

Planet, hehe.. I shld alternate my drinks.. Ended today only drink cold water in the morning.. Didnt manage to buy rose syrup.. Or barley drink..
Maybe I shld boil some red date to drink..
