(2012/02) Feb 2012

Godsend: My gynae ask me walk in too leh.. Initially we booked 12th Aug 0830.. but he say baby bigger le so must shift forward, then all full! ASk me walk in on 10th Aug..I only hope can get to do it.. scared too many ppl cant do it.. when you going???

Am going for OSCAR this friday 2.30pm. Hopefully no need to wait too long and bb cooperate.. heard some can take up to a few hours cos bb not in the correct position...

I also no MS, only feels bloated after dinner and twice I merlion.. the lack of symptoms make me worried sometimes..
Hello everyone,
How is your lunch?

Finally I can eat rice and mix with curry more tasty
I went NUH for OSCAR coz TMC fully booked. Appt at 145pm, wait till 3pm then my turn lol.. :)
then scanning abt 30mins done liao

Got make appt still hv to wait for long leh
hello mummies.. and daddies.. =)

it's been a tiring few days for me. i was so super exhausted from doing.. nothing.. well apart from making the baby of course. but i really felt like a construction worker or something. tired morning and night, and no strength at all no matter how much rest i got. I'm wondering if lack of exercise is the reason..

anyone has any recommendation for maternity yoga? or other maternity exercises?

i'm so glad that first trimester is almost over. No more waking up to pee, no more dreams, no more MS (almost!). can't wait for the appetite to be back.

Huggies: How much is oscar at NUH? And how come your MS getting worst now? How many weeks are u?

NUH charges $235.40, me now gg 13 weeks liao.. dunno why super peak leh.. ytd vomit till whole day lie on the bed..
Wah! $235 is cheap! TMC is about $400 right mummies who went? I wonder if my gynae is at TMC can I go for Oscar at NUH anot.. hmmz.

I don't suppose anyone managed to see their bb's gender yet? I heard sometimes can see as early as during Oscar.

Huggies, some books say first trimester ends in week 14.. maybe some time next week u'll just wake up feeling great. =)
yes.. think MUH is the cheapest.. My gynae let me chose TMC & NUH. I know currently TMC fully booked, thats y i chose NUH.

U can check with ur gynae if u can go elase where for OSCAR.

Yes.. hopefully no more vomitting soon.. now is everything go in, then sure come out.. totally faint..
Serene123, thanks for the info.
Really hope I dun waste my entire day.. Regarding abt the saliva, me lazy didn't ask him.. Just pointed my mouth to him n he gave me a tube of cream. :p
oooh. thanks KWXY. but i vaguely remember the FBI counter girl telling me it's about $400... could the extra be for the blood tests?
plante>>>i paid $450 for oscar because it includes the week 20 scan as well. its a package thingy. With FBI 10% discount, i paid about $410.
Jen, thanks! I hope it's for my case too!

Babyfarey, Gynae asked me to choose the dates.. Knowing that after national day sure many will take lve on the 10 aug n TMC sure v pack with appts, I decided on the 12 Aug.
Praying for the best.. Bb cooperative n less crowd too!!!
I kinda miss the confinement food that TMC served me during my last delivery.. :p so.. I'm gg to kpo, call their canteen n ask whether they can reserve one bowl of papaya fish soup for me. :p
hi mummies,

yes i had a bad nightmare too last nite...
i dreamt about someone killing my family n chasing! it was so dramatic n scary...n i woke up out of sudden!
Soul, that depends on whether ur gynae is under their FBI/SBI scheme. R u gg for those cses conducted by TMC? If yes, I think there's some discount for those cses.
I'm not aware of the FBI. What's this??

Blood test is $85. Oscar $300. If I want to pay package price Oscar + Detail scan is ard $400.
Hi soul and KWXY, the more attractive FBI perks are:

10% off scanning at TMC (eg.Oscar)
10% off for parent class session
$100 off total delivery bill for 1 bedded, $80 off for 2 bedded, etc
5% off gynae delivery fee at TMC (must check if your gynae is applicable)
Some gynaes are affiliated with TMC and u get discount off monthly consultations but this is very rare, most of the private gynaes are not affiliated.
$400 off cordlife package
Discounts off subsequent visits to TMC

I posted this earlier, in my opinion, if you can use your FBI card for Oscar (10%=abt $40), Delivery package ($100 off), Doctor's delivery fees (5% = abt $80?), Pre-natal classes (10%).. Like that already cover more than the membership fees already. Last but not least, $400 off the cordlife package is quite attractive too. Altho I haven't quite decided abt cordblood banking yet.

So yea, for me it makes sense to apply.
Rocco, yea i had lots and lots of dreams in my second month. Very vivid and very bizarre! But i don't really get nightmares, only one time when I watched a murder movie before I sleep. Otherwise they are just nonsense dreams, one after another. I think some other mummies were talking abt dreaming more frequently too. you're definitely not alone! =)
First Born incentive. Im not sure if we are going for the courses under TMC. I dunno but I don't think my gynae is under that incentive scheme..
Hi mummies,
Anyone feel hard on yr breasts yet?
I sometimes feel pain here n there but not hard yet lei

When wil it turn hard? Is it in 3rd tri when ready to feed newborn?
Hi mummies, just knocked off.. Going back home to see my darling wife and little beanie.. So tired.. Haven't eat dinner yet
good morning everyone... today is my 12th week scan liao... keeping my fingers crossed for all things to be good... scared scared.... going to join in the q at tmc for the pm session. going to q at 1.30 pm... hope it wun be a long long wait...
Hi mummies,

Morning!! Do you all will have cramps at times??? Issit normal???
When ur bladder too full, will u all feel
Hi yanyan, sometimes got here & there but not v often. My appetite seems to pick up. Yday i had OCK popiah, yam cake, sotong ball, and tao huey from mr bean. I stil can eat half smsll pkt pistachios after that!
effie>ok lah. I'm lucky. My first oso no MS

planet>I actually woke up more in my 3rd trimester than in my 1st trimester to go pee cos bb pressing down on bladder. :p

soul108>the TMC prenatal class under Wong BoiBoi quite popular if u are interested

wow. u work till really late

sweetcorn>my breasts never turned hard during pregnancy. Only when engorged with milk then turned hard but that shouldn't happen till after bb is born. If feel pain better check with gynae?

serene>you don't have an appt? I'm sure the scan will go well. Have fun with bb.

Yanyan>no cramps or pain for me in bladder area. Double-check with your gynae? cos all of us are non-experts here. can only share what we have encountered/read
Good morning mummies

Serene, good luck.. Hope yr wait won't be too long.. Looking forward to mine next wed..

Yanyan, I dun feel pain when bladder full.. No cramps

Lsntyl, so good ah.. U same as suet no ms one... Envy...

Btw, is 1st tri or 3rd tri that we feel more uncomfy??
pinkz>3rd trimester was actually more uncomfortable for me cos bb felt quite heavy in there and I could only sleep in certain positions. also had to go loo quite often at nite. but then v nice to feel bb move inside.
thanks, pinkz and LSnTYL.

was supposed to go next wed but decided not to waste my school holiday hence take time off and go today since i have have lessons after 1pm. Either day I go, also must q. so go today.

Pinkz: 1st tri is puking that is yucky. 3rd tri is heavy weight that is uncomfy. so, pros and cons la. I enjoyed 3rd most cos not much weight for me to bear. my bb only 2.73 when born and I c-section at 37 weeks.
I see... I hope my bb won't be too big too... Mil some more tell me now dun care abt weight (mine), most important is to have a 白白胖胖 bb... Eeerrrr... I just smile smile lor... Tot she modern mum but come to this become super traditional... Haha...
Lsntyl: yeah I see alot of ppl have mentioned. Will have to check it out later. Feels like forever that we last seen the dr.. So excited to see the dr this Friday. Yup very tired last sat also working only sunday off. Need a change in environment. Work - life balance.
Do you all tin i should go gynae tonight?
Normally i wake up in the middle of night to urine, my bladder already full. so whn i finish urine, my tummy will feel pulling pain. after awhile will go off.. but today till now haven go off le...
hi mummies,

good morning, i wanna share one happy thing! yst nite hubby was putting his hand on my tummy n he was talking to bb...suprisingly he can feel bb heartbea n slight movement...duno how true is tat...then i try to put my hand at the tummy n i can feel the heartbeat too...its different from our normal heartbeat as bb heartbeat is more faster...
is our talking too bb every night n morning does work n bb can hear us? haha...anyway jus to share tis...so excited!
HappyMomToBe: Haha.. My hubby also say he can feel bb's heartbeat.. cos its faster than mine.. But I cant.. Not sure he over sensitive or really can feel.. He always talk to baby and always joke that he must "ting daddy de hua"..
HappyMomToBe: Heez..my hubby also say he can feel bb's heartbeat cos faster than mine.. don noe he really can feel or over sensitive..he always talk to baby and ask baby to "ting daddy de hua"
Hi Yanyan, it will be gd to visit ur gynae since the pain persists. Do keep us update on the outcome.

Happymomtobe, congrats!!!
baby can feel our excitement & positive vibes!
hi babyfaery,

yeah yeah my hubby same too, he say bb got same tinking as him...like when he work late i slept, out of sudden i will wake up n there my hubby is back...he say bb know he is back...n he say bb out wil b more sticky to him! lol... so not only me...i tot hubby too over-sensitive1 however, i try to put my hand last nite and tis morning indeed i can feel it...coz i can feel bb is at my left hand side tummy, n yes the heartbeat feel is at left hand side...the movement i don reali believe even tot i feel some butterfly thingy...mayb is a lot gas...haha!

Morning everyone!Real happy mood today-no dizzy spells this morning. Enjoying apple pie breakfast with BB now.

Yanyan: I had prolonged lower abd pain the last 2 weeks for no reasons, asked my gynae on my last visit and he reassured that its muscle cramps due to lowered cervix.Nevertheless, its always safer to check wif your gynae to ensure everything is okay, I think you should go ahead and see gynae if the pain don't go away by afternoon.
