(2012/02) Feb 2012

Morning gals... Feel so uncomfortable last night... Couldn't sleep well.. Felt very bloated and lots of gas... C
Can use ru Yi oil? Okie.. Shall try that...into my 11th week already.. Hopefully my ms dun worsen..think mine is "evening sickness"..

Going for Oscar in another 2 weeks... Hoping to see my bb soon..a very long wait...

Seems like everone their doctor recommend Oscar!
Strange when i asked me doctor when i saw her at week 8... She just told me about the triple scan which is done in week 20. Nothing on the Oscar scan.

Oscar test got to do it at week 12? Or later onz also can do like week 13-16? Anyone know?

u r same as me.. mine is also more like evening sickness.. always feeling so bloated before dinner.. then no appetite to eat..

yest was a bad night for me too.
i sudd had a sharp pain on my upper abdomen.. it was so pain that i woke up..
but after abt 30 mins it felt better.. i didnt do anything thou.. jus lie on bed..
any1 had this kinda experience before?
gd morning mummies,
ginger, windy, yeah mine a bit morning sickness, then peak is evening sickness will keep merlion...sometimes appetite very good, sometimes no appetite n mouth bittering... but i tink more o less all of us get use to the MS liao....more bearable!
i love ru yi oil! nit to smell it n will ease me...tis week siao so tired that i slept at 9pm however mid9 will wakeup a few times to pee (almost every 2 hrs) n cant sleep.........

jojo, i am so excited! hope to c my bb kicking n moving around too! haha.....tats d most happy moment!
After hearing u girls, I am also looking forward to see my BB again this Friday.. For my Oscar and gyne check up. 2 more days to go ...

Yeah, usually I feel terrible at night as compare to morning.. Duno why like that also.
Good morning mummies...

Yesterday i felt the most flutters in the tummy.. feels a bit like bubbles.. bb was most active in the evening..

going for OSCAR tomorrow.. and yes, oscar is a must for us.. cos we only wish to bring a happy baby to the world.. we do not wish to see bb suffer for the whole of his/her life.. DH and i have already made this decision during our dating days..
ginger > When i just discovered i was pregnant, ard 5weeks, i also felt abdominal pain, its usually on one side. I checked with my gynae and he said it was normal throughout pregnancy to experience such pain. And i read online that it was because the stomach is stretching to fit the expanding uterus. It happens usually when you switch positions, maybe from standing to lying and vice versa.

but if it still bothers you and its realli unbearable, do let you gyane know on your next visit.
Planet & nana, thanks for the advise. It was 37 degree. After I take a short nap ok already so I didn't take any medicine.
Hello mummies.. Just now I went to check our mummies chart and I realised someone deleted all the data, maybe by mistake.. luckily there's a history function and I restored it to the previous saved version (sweetcorn's update).

To play safe I'll lock the data chart for now until we are updating our gender or other info. It's still viewable but non-editable. Anyone who wants editing rights pls feel free to pm me your email address and i'll share the access.

Happy mid-week!
Hi Mummies,

Im new here, currently 11weeks 4 days preg.. just went to do the oscar test on Monday. Scan everything is ok so now waiting for blood test report to be out...

Yesterday I took calcium, iron and DHA pills given by doctor, after that I had bread but I vomited out.. yesterday total vomit 3 times... so worried...
planet>oh dear. thanks for restoring the file. Didn't know got history function for googledocs.

Yanyan>I think vomitting is unfortuntately part of the process for most pregnant mommies. If you're worried, speak to your gynae?
Just saw the DS age chart.. wow the risk really gets alot higher as women grow older. Can't help but think that Zoe tay very lucky leh. 3 healthy boys and she's like 40+ right?
Since i preg till now I been seeing my gynae for almost 5 times... first 6 to 8 weeks is becos of bleeding, then 8 to 9 weeks becos of pain.. now is becos of dizziness plus vomiting. my expenses so huge.. gonna fainted...
Hello Yan Yan, welcome and congrats! Don't worry maybe you're just off to a rough start. It'll get better soon.
Hi Planet,

Thanks... hopefully I can get better.. been quite unhappy since i become like this after preg...
mummies, i feeling depress after preggy...look so aunty! i cant dye o rebond my hair, it is in mess n the colour like half way! next one coleauge she actuali commented how i look, 1st say how come my body back so big size, then today commented again say i shld buy bigger elastic pant, then i tol her i wearing elastic n still lose, she say i so fat n the pant look so tight! damn.... i know laaa she from fatty n now lose weight a lot n ppl has been praising her looking thin n sexy! haiz...wanna cry!
Hi mummies!!

Just finished my pork leg fried beehoon! Shiok!

After taking all my vit and supplements...got so bloated again! Like some mummies...I feel worse when it's evening or even sleeping time. Nausea all the way.

Taking plum doesn't help. Only drink cold drinks or sleep will ease the nausea.
Yan: I took some last couple of weeks cos I had a cough. Some pple say that bird's nest is too liang for first trimester so cannot take too much. For me I find that bird's nest is good for baby's brain development so a little bit in first tri should be ok. Will take more regularly in second tri.

KWXY: So fast finished your lunch? I'm still trying to figure out what bb wants to eat today. Sigh. Everything is so unappetizing.

HappyMom: Don't be upset. You are not fat you are pregnant! It's a beautiful thing! Don't be bother by your ex-fatty colleague ok.
Why pple always ask abt bird nest? Heehee... It is to be consume on 5th month and above.

Had half a plate of Indonesia - BBQ Drumstick Rice, half a glass of sugarcane without ice and a slice of papaya. In case I get hungry later, bought Bedok Chui Kwei for standby
Happymom, don't be sad. I'm put on a lot of weight too. Hair also messy BUT I don't care! I will endure after this first trim and dress up again. Now too restless and tired to doll up. Less makeup too. Plus first trim all mummies so nausea...where got mood to dress up?!?

Just ignore your insensitive colleague.

Ppl ard me had been telling me I put on weight and asked if I'm preggy, I just switch topic or just smile. Cant wait til 12 weeks to announce to all my friends and my grandma!
Just ignore them. I had colleagues comment on the size of my ass and arms, complexion for my #1. Got nothing of better quality to talk. Just ignore them. What's more important: a little more meat on you or a healthy growing baby? Your colleague must have not gone through pregnancy before, that's why make insensitive comments like those
HappyMomToBe>ignore your colleague bah. anyway, when they know you are preggers, they will understand why you have put on weight, ya?

KWXY>wah, pork leg fried beehoon sounds really yummy. haven't had that in ages.

Yanyan>If I take birds nest, will b in last trimester.
i will take birdnest start 5th month onwards...bb skin wil glow...

tks all mummies, yeah i reali too tired to ta pan o blow my hair straight, the moment i rch home i wanna take nap on my bed rather than bath, morning late whr got time? somemore nausea edi take our time away....

yes, she is age 28 n have not married o preggy! jus tat she slim down a lot n comment on others! she knew i preggy but stil....

kwxy, u reali never tell any person? for me when ppl ask i jus smile never say yes or no...but i've inform my superior n mom n very ltitle close fren....is ok de rite???
Hello All,
I'm new here and currently 10weeks pregnant. EDD is on tentatively on Feb 14 2012 (Valentine Day), pleasantly surprised about the due date, hope BB will be punctual. Heehee. No morning sickness for me, just hungry and sleepy all day long. Losing interest in work.
I fried my own pork leg beehoon. Hehe.

Re : Birdnest

I took birdnest every week before I'm pregnant. Now I stop and will only wait until 20 weeks to have it weekly
happymom: yah, ignore ur colleague.. she very ignorant.. me also so many grey hair.. also everyday i look so tired.. got e strength to come work already very good liao..
kwyx: already my whole office ppl know tat i preggy liao.. even some colleagues in hk office also know.. so hope everything's gonna be fine..
me too , feel extremely nausea and bloated at night. But morning and afternoon ok leh...so i usually eat a lot in the morning and only eat a bit at night.

Anyone planning for a short trip during 2nd trimester?
pearl>I'm likely to travel during 2nd trimester.

KWXY>yummy. Love that dish.

Jen>welcome. I'm quite new here too. Nice EDD.
Lsntyl: I'm travelling next week too ... For 4 weeks to the states. Doc say ok and I just go lo. Just becareful x 100 times.

I'm going to miss u girls....
pearl > i will be going during my wk13-14.
i better go now, else for the next 1 year, cant travel! i seeked doctor's approval already and he said its ok
. ask me to take flu vaccine after week 12 before i go.

Jen > wat a nice date
to be born on 14 feb.

yanyan > i onli took those bottle type, a total of two times during my first 6 weeks (till week 8). i intend to take on second trimester onwards ba.
nana> which part of states are you going? lot of shopping over there. dun forgot to sign up for discount coupons for premium outlets.

Rocco>tt good. u book your trip le mah?

I dun dare to book mine yet until doctor give me the approval next week when i see him since i will be Wk 8 by then
Pearl> Me me me. Definitely want a "last" solo trip with hubby before baby comes! What's the best month to travel? The books always say second trimester but 4th month or 6th better?

Need inspiration on where to go babes.. Shopping in TW or chill in bali? I scat if go beach resort I'll feel like a whale on the beach.. Heh.
Happymom> don't worry so much imagine j only 21 ppl guess me 28 already cause I always bun up my hair and look so Aunty in my dressing!! Other ppl is daughter give mumclothes mine is my mum give me her hand down clothes!!
planet> For me, i considering HK , Japan or Australia. Maybe you might want to consider maldives, that place is lovely and really very nice and relaxing.
LSN> How's baby clothes in BKK? Nice anot? I never saw any last time.. too focused on my own shopping. Heh.

Pearl> Maldives quite ex leh, with a baby coming I'll be very heartpain to spend 500 bucks a night on accomo.. Japan & Aussie sounds great though! Good choices! Aug-Sept would be a good time to visit. Cold right?

Nana: Long flight ahead for u. Remember to get up and walk around in the plane..

Linda> Haha.. Nvm. At least we got the info back! =)
planet>baby clothes are nice and cheap in BKK. can get carter's v cheaply. But most of what we saw more suitable for slightly older bbs. Not so many nice ones for NBs. Platinum mall basement got quite a few nice bb shops. I think go in 5th or 6th month best cos by then prob know gender of bb so easier to shop. If you go BKK, can also buy some baby products from boots. I like their bb shampoo. If you're planning to breastfeed, can stock up on their milk bags too. cheap and good.
Yes!! Bangkok has plenty of cheap bb clothes!!

Last time I used to buy for my friends' bb...now so tempted to go with hubby!

Need to seek permission from hubby...chking on tigerairway or jetstar later
Actually i brought my flight ticket to BKK on this coming 9 Sep to 12 Sep with my hus but due to my condition, my hus mum dun really allow us to travel.. I dunno what to do with my tickets.. Sobs...
Hi all...

Me feeling quite crappy these few days... Think most us are.. Hope this will pass soon...

So many going holiday, I oso want... Talked to hubby many times, he dun agree leh... Say if anything happen how??
I actually bought a Phuket hotel voucher b4 preg.. beach resort shud be ok right... R&R ma....

hubby gone for work trip.. Hehe... I went to buy Mao Shan Wang durian... He not durian fan... So best time to eat when he not ard...

Finally can see bb tomoro... So excited... Hope the lil one is growing well....
yanyan>will u b in your second trimester by then? if so, should b safe to travel. if MIL still worried, double-check with your gynae? if gynae say ok, should b ok. anyway, good to get a cert from gynae certifying that you are safe for travel too. otherwise, no choice try for refund or sell the tickets?

pinkz>RnR should b ok bah. tell hubby last chance to er ren shi jie. life will change a lot once bb comes.
Pearl > yup dun think gynae will disallow, unless due to medical conditions

Yes, i m going with a group of cousins (not my hubby though) on a F&E to HK. I m looking forward to all the great food there and indulge myself! super excited! Hope to buy nice flats, and wonder if HK maternity fashion will be different from here?
Lsntyl, told him tat le... Answer is we already had 10 yrs er ren shi jie... Next time travel bring bb... See how it goes... After 12 weeks if feel better will just go ahead for the Phuket trip..

Yan yan, maybe during sep, all stabilise and u feel better then can go Liao...


planet: is tiger airway.. is hard to get refund.
lsntyl: actually even gynae agree they still tin i nt suitable plus tat day channel 8 news report that is better not to take flight if u are preg. LOL.. they saw this news, everything also NO...
