(2012/02) Feb 2012

Pearl: yeah, signed up already at outlet malls. I actually planned this trip b4 pregnancy - wanna a baby made in USA. who knows, so fast kana one before the trip. Going to NYC, Canada, LasV, LosA, SF and Hawaii. Planned for diving etc... All dreams slash - only can watch hubby enjoy

Maldives is very superb nice. Good for relaxing... I went there b4, u never regret. If I have a lot of $, I would want to go again. But i may consider Mauritius coz I want to see other beaches

Ya... I asked for a alsie seat already.

Yan: for me, it's my #1.. so of coz I think everyone is very concern. But lucky my mom and mil didn't say "no" explicitly.. My mom resort to do some rituals and prayers at temple for my safety. Buay tahan....
Nana, envy envy.... Going soooo many place... Think u can just bring empty luggage then go there shop shop shop... Bb stuffs thr oso nice and cheap... Plus usd now so low... Bestest..... But quite abit of walking.. My Vegas trip almost break my leg... Too excited on the strip, walk and walk and walk then till the end gotta to walk all the way back... Haha... Very nice... Me and hubby missed our la/lv trip very much...
I also very confuse leh... I cannot buy nice clothes like cheap jeans. I dont want to spend $ on maternity clothes. Than buy BB stuff, also duno buy what gender... I think I only can 对 bags 死!

Ya, we choose this place as the exchange rates are in favor.
Baby making, when will u see dr loh again? So your Oscar scan is 3rd or 10th aug? Remember u mentioned 3rd previously.
nice to see you here. oscar scan in 3 weeks time on 12 Aug.

next doc's appt in 6 week's time, thk goodness for the baby doppler otherwise will go crazy in between appointments.

btw today's wait at TPS was almost 2 hours.
Babymaking, so I m doing the Oscar scan earlier than u! Then u shldnt do the BT so early. May not be accurate. I hv been a silent reader in this link all these while. 6 wks?! Goodness! That dr Loh.. After that will be 5 wks later for ADC scan & see him right?
Can't remb when adc scan but at 20 weeks. Like long long time but he did say anything not well just email him and walk in.

Still bloated and vomitting, poor appetite and not enough rest.
Hazel, same here! i also look like 4mths in front of mirror esp after dinner! evening more bloated and feel more nauseous....

drinking lime juice now...slurrpp
Mummies....I cannot stop drinking cold drinks. It makes me feel better.

But at the same time worried too much cold drinks. Haiz.
Kwxy, I oso keep drinking cold drinks lately... Getting worst for me... Now no cold no drink

Mummies, I have problem drinking water and milk lately... Few days never drink milk le... Only can drink 7up/sprite/ginger ale/fruit juice... Ribena oso feel sian already...I think I drink less than 1L per day... Stomact bloated till i dun feel like drinking oso... So scared of dehydration.... Will tell gynae later see wat he says...
Linda: 2 way tickets from different departure cities is 2.2k by ANA. I haven't include internal flights tix price. SQ too expensive for consideration le

Today is the last day of work for me - for this week

Tomorrow on leave!!! Yeah~ do Oscar and see gyne
me too. if i drink cold water or flavoured water like ice lemon tea, etc, i can drink a lot but if plain water, i drink too much, will get bloated and vomit.
I am hoping to cutting down ...i scare sugar level too high.

nana> i love Maldives..i went there for my honeymoon after ROM, so beautiful and nice. Happy shopping and rem to bring your credit card..and if you love cheesecake, please try cheesecake from cheesecake factory. yummy
Lynn>my boy was born in Jan 10 but I used to post quite a bit in Dec 09 cos originally thought he would b born then. Haven't gone in for quite a while though. Last time I popped in all the talk was about enrolling for trial classes which I wasn't interested in. :p

nana>buy gender neutral clothes like yellow? :p

have fun tomorrow. hope bb will cooperate during the scan.
Babymaking, thanks. But the big tummy is caused by bloatedness right? If not y morning small, thru out the day it grows bigger.,. Btw, he prescribes u multi-vit & fish oil to take already? Since ur next visit is 6 wks later...
Pearl and Pinkz, me too been drinking cold water. And haven't drank milk in days. I used to be very disciplined. But lately MS is getting worse. Non cold water will just make me puke so I guess drinkin some cold water is better than dehydration?

Btw Pearl, ice lemon tea is tea.. = caffeine.. cannot drink so much.
Pearl: I stayed at club med the other time... It's like heaven in paradise...

Lsntyl: ya I hope BB is cooperative too. I heard from nurse that there was once a mummy waited from morning till 4.30pm coz BB not in position. So looking forward to see hands / legs etc... I'm in my 12 week le...
For now, upper tummy expand then is bloatedness, lower tummy is womb expanding. When reach 4-5mths when womb expand even more, will push tummy up.

For me both upper n lower tummy expanded, upper more than lower cos of bloatedness, but can also see lower tummy expand.

The puking is really getting to me, I am actually 2kg lighter, lol.
nana>wah, wait so long. my 1st oscar scan went quite fast but the detailed scan had to go out and walk quite a bit cos bb not in position. so nice in 12 week le. 1st trimester almost over.

hope all mommies' MS will be better soon
Yep yep, now totally got no waistline.

Oscar test at Kkh amc is $320, 1/2 payable upon bloodtest and balance upon nt scan

Oscar scan usually a lot longer, at Kkh can be from 30 to 45 min if bb is in right position, cos measure bb neck and find nasal bone etc. Usually pte gynae will refer to scanning centre to do Oscar scan.
wahh.. seemed like quite a few mummies have their oscar scan liao.. so envy.. i've to wait for next wk's gynae visit to re-confirm oscar scan date.. but i already kiasu pre-book 8 aug liao.. hee..

Thanks for the info.. Then i think NUH is still the cheapest.. As the nurse told me NUH charges ard 200+ while TMC 300+
Babymaking, my tummy is round around belt button. I not so gd, can't tell which part as well. Only know the area around belly button is big n round by day end
Planet, think u can get it from guardian... Remember someone mentioned tat.. Shud be ard $13+...

Maxiblur, welcome.. Hehe.. First time see daddy here...

Me waiting my turn at clinic.. See so many mummies tummy big big but other body part skinny skinny... So envy... Me already gain 1kg from last visit (2.5weeks)
i agar agar only, then yesterday dr loh say, i was like 'oh ok' i still thinking it's fats! :p he's in a super good mood yesterday.

wow, a daddy, your wife is a lucky woman. mine would not bother to frequent forums to read up. i remb 1st pregnancy, i got to pass him the week to week pregnancy book and he catches up while on the toilet bowl. now #2 one, dun even bother to read up. *shakes head*
KWXY: let me give u all the food my bb rejected today.. claypot rice, chicken rice, subway, laksa, ban mian, economical rice, yong tau hu, fish soup, roti prata, murtabak, mcdonalds, burger king, cup noodle from 7-11.

There, i ran out of food in my area liao. Sighz.
planet>oh dear. then u eat wad? I'm lucky tat bb is so far ok with all food. so I just eat what I feel like eating.
Aiyo! Your bb reject so many nice food!! My bb is very greedy...can eat anything but later make me nausea! Super sianz.

I'm gg to hunt for kway chap!!
Bubble tea sounds good but don't dare to drink. Afraid too Liang
my mum strictly said no to bubble tea. So sad.
