(2012/02) Feb 2012

zeal, celebration dinner is part of pkg! Usu take on 2nd day. When u discharge?

Experts, need some guidance. How to pump 8 times in a day? Say u pump at 12, finish 1230. Next pump shd be 3 or 330? I always count from the end of the feed timing.

I've been sticking to the 3+ hrs rule. Output not consistent. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Hoping to hit soul mummy's level!

Soul daddy, does soul baby latch? Otherwise just keep pumping will lead to increased output? I got motilium/ domperidone when I was in hospi. Took on and off when I got home. Left 2 tabs. Will check w gynae when I meet her next weekend

Massage then use medela pump Stimulate phase then pump. Stimulate phase and pumping should be about 5mins then stop then massage again about 40 times. Restart cycle.

3 cycles. We also count from end of pumping. The massage is learn from LC at TMC, clockwise 10x anti-clockwise 10x abit difficult to explain via typing. Lol

If engorged then will pump longer. Power on higher.

Baby mouth small small cannot latch. Lol
Fenugreek and motilium together got take and eat Gor Fish or more fish..
oops: so far for him he never told me when he would not let me try. Even the other time when my baby has not turned out (transverse position) he also didn't say he won't let me try - he just said it's 'riskier' as there are 2 odds against me. He always has a 'wait and see' approach - never said no to me. Today he also didn't say if this baby bigger than my son then he won't let me try. He said "I'll see you next week if nothing happens". So no point going to him to 'agar' the weight - to him weight doesn't matter. He believes that nature has its way of letting us give birth naturally. But he will intervene if things are not going right. He tries not to scare us - and he is very patient. He will let you wait - as long as baby is not in distress. He doesn't believe in inducing baby (I think unless absolutely necessary). I likehim la - very zen. Very reassuring.
Soul: the LC experience was gd and somehow I was charged about $40 instead. Dunno why too. Anyway, the LC told me to latch as much as possible and if I let bb latch on one side only, it isn't necessary to pump the other side. If feel engorged can pump some milk out or hand express some out to release the "tension". That's my interpretation.
Orangeroses, I saw dr Paul tseng before for 2nd opinion after 2nd miscarriage.. I run into him again at TMC ward the other day too.. Tall & handsome guy. Also, he will help patients do perenial massage to avoid an episotomy!
Soul daddy, thx for the detailed explanation! I called up my LC at mt e, she also told me to do 3 rounds. Pump and stop and massage x3. But I find very mafan lah. I just stimulate then letdown. Massage while pumping towards the end. I usu do abt 25-30 min
GG and Hazel, yes, the superman look-alike Mr Paul Tseng! Hope I will have a good birth experience to share with you all once my lil' girl decides to come out!
BlueCryst: LC experience good right? =) see 40 dollars cheaper than us le. ha ha... yes LC also said express by hand if possible especially after every feed or pump as if there is residue at the areola side then next time become lumpy.. Happy breast-feeding!

chewie: no problem, must follow through the 3x and don't over pump. LC said that stimulating is key, so always must stimulate then let down and cannot over pump. 5mins or so then stop to massage again.
Meifen - jialatz! I dun wan stay in observation ward to wait. Sux totally! Hahahha. Mine also 38 wks 2.8kg! Heh. Hi 5 and gd Luck to us!!!

NC - nice link!

Hazel - thanks for info. Will pop by nlb one of these days! =)

Jinglebell - grats! And speedy recovery!

Chewie - u start timing from the time u start pump. Means 12,3,6,9,etc... Cos u start emptying the milk will start producing. So count from start pump time. If u really wan alot milk den pump and massage soul's way. I v lazy so onli massage den pump 15 mins straight. bb had sufficient milk So din have the urge to make alot more milk. But I would say soul's hardworking way really can make alot more milk.
Thx xia n soul daddy. Means I got less time to sleep Liao , xia! Soul daddy, when massage the pump flanges take off ah? Takes so long wor.. Cos I'm using pumpin Pal hands free
Chewie, I dun bother with the massage also.. Like wat u say, like this no need to rest n sleep already.. Ok, I finished punping.... Going zzzzz
Xia: We count from end coz if start pump then less time to rest. =P but SoulMummy really hardworking. Sssh.. now sleeping.. =)

chewie: Preferbly take off la, if not abit difficult to massage the breasts leh.. The massage cycle by the LC is as follows
1) cup hands on both breasts (nipple should be between thumb and second finger) and massage in clockwise direction 10x
2) continue in anticlockwise direction 10x
3) Now nipple between 2nd and third finger, cup both breasts and press down towards chest and massage in clockwise 10x and anti clockwise 10x.

that's the closest narrative that i can think of.. why don't you try for these two days and see if it helps. and no need to pump too long.

Massage-5mins pump x 3

30mins should be done le
xia: I was also 2.8-2.9 at 38 weeks!
now 39 weeks heavier liao. All the best to us, our due dates nearing soon.
Congratulations sweetcorn too! Wow - envious - yr EDD is 16 feb and baby is already out... mine's 15 feb and still waiting. *why am I waiting, why am I waiting?*
I didnt take epi, was holding my hubby hand so tightly last nite!! Lolz!! Finally bite the bullet n managed to see our lil one!
Chewie - massage is more for the initial phase I tink. ESP when just start pumping/breastfeeding, sometimes breast v hard, massage to trigger let down and milk flow will b more smooth and breast can b properly emptied and stimulated to produce more milk. If u feel tat milk flow is smooth and ur supply is there den dunnid massage also can. As long as after u pump breast will become soft with no lumps. i did it for abt abt 2 mths onli. The massage 1 time lazy way though =p. Soulmummy's way I tried for 2-3 pump sessions and I gave up cos too tedious. Keke. when my supply stable den I stop massage le. And ya stop pump and put it 1 side and massage if ya doing soulmummy's way. Actually once u used to massaging, it's quite fast. Cos after a while u'll realize dunnid so slow and gentle. Just rub fast fast agar agar can liao. LoL! And dunnid b too stress abt timing. Relax and Jia yous =)!!!

Soul - cos Chewie ask how to hit pumping 8 times ma. Heh. I tried to do 8 pumps b4 but after awhile cannot wake for the overnight pump. So always become 7 pump sessions. But wake up must immediately pump/latch if not will feel feverish. Actually I tink the timing just rough guide. As long as mummy comfy and not engorged can liao. And ya! Soulmummy really v hardworking. Like my fren! My fren religiously do tis massage and pump every 3 hrs and it really shows result cos she can pump out 1.8litres a day!?! Mebbe Soulmummy will become like her... Den u gotta buy deep chest freezer liao! Keke. Or u can try b like my other fren's hubby, put breastmilk in his coffee! LOL!!!

Sweetcorn - wow so Li hai!!! Gd job! grats and speedy recovery ya!!! =)

Orangeroses - hi 5! Keke ya hope our bbs pop soon. Like wait so long le...
Congrats sweetcorn!

Re: massaging breasts
For my #1, I will massage my breasts and pump at the same time when I see milk flow has lessen near the end of the pump. Just push from top of breast to the nipple. It helps to clear out more milk.

Me at delivery suite now. 3cm dilated. Gynae predicted will see my girl by 1pm. Hope its true! Am trying not to take epi... Hope I can tahan!
Orangeroses, heard a lot of good things about Paul tseng! But in the end I chose a gynae in the clinic next to his as I wanted a lady gynae.
Soul, thanks for the tip.. I think I will order sweetest moments too. thinking of trying fostre, have anyone tried this caterer?

Chewie, so that's the celebration dinner
I'm back home and it's hot hot hot. I dunno how to tahan 28 days..... When will my confinement end...".........I want to wash my hair with shampoo!!!
hi mummies,
i juz pop ytd. bb in nicu. cant latch n tried to pump but nt even a drop.
can chk when will e milk comes in?
Choz not bad except sometimes the service sucks. I like sweetest moments, probably will also use for no 1.

Mummies, mucus plug is red?? Just now I see got orangish discharge after shopping 2 hrs. Dats not mucus plug right?
Mummy, choz food not bad. Service.. So far so good..

For sweet moments, dun hv the combination I wan... My mum said must hv Ang ku kueh, glutinous rice, red eggs & a whole cake.... Ang ku kueh must be pointed shape one also..
Evon, try hand express for the colostrum. Ask the nurse for disposable sterilised syringe to store the colostrum. The nurse will mix in bb's milk before giving.

Why is bb in NICU?
hi hazel,
nothing comes out when i hand express. he got wet lungs. pd juz approve to hv feeds this morning.
How how how..... no mk?????
need advise
Evon, happens to me for no 1 also. Just have to let bb latch or if not possible stimulate using pump so colustrum or milk comes in. For my no 1 my gynae helped check and confirm my colustrum din come in. It only came in a few days after I delivered.
Evon, slowly.. U need to open the milk ducts first by massaging your breasts. Hold your nipples with your thumb n first finger at 12 & 6pm & press as hard as u can 10x. Then change to 3 & 9 pm n do the same. Proceed to the areola areas n do the same.. The outside the areola, breasts area, massage in circular directions

Oh wet lungs.. Same as my bb.. How many wks were u when u delivered?
Evon, quickly ask to see the LC. She will help u squeeze.. U will see colostrum. Milk doesn't come in till 3rd- 6/7th day.. Depends on ur body.
Mummies, when should the new baby see the PD? I was asked to make an appointment with my PD if I want to,.. But I was thinking for what? Haha :p When is your first appointment with PD after checkout from hospital?

My baby took the hearing test and bcg/hepB jab. That's all right?
hi mummies,
hazel: im overdue by 2 days (40w2d). yr bb in nicu n no feeding too?
mummy (zeal), i electric pump, nipple wet abit cant collect any. LC say it will b slowly cum.
Zeal: The last time the PD wanted to see my baby after 1 week - i thought that is standard? haha! Just to see if the weight that was lost has been gained back - any signs of jaundice that didn't go off etc.

GG: last time my mucus plug came off it's like light menses - pinkish i think!

All moms who just gave birth: What were your labour signs that brought you to the hospital? Was it normal contractions/ mucus plug dropped or water bag burst?
Evon, yes, no feeding when belle was in NICU for the first 1-2 days. Then PD started with 10ml FM.. Slowly increase to 50ml 1 wk later when she was discharged..

Mummy, dun u think to bring bb back for jaundice check 1 wk later? Also, u need to fix appt for next jsb where bb us abt 2 mths old.. The nurse will tell u when u call up..
Soul daddy and xia, thx for the massage tips!! I did the boob rotation today. Achieved letdown earlier
in my modified version, I massage, pump 10 mins x2! Plus massage onwards the end while pump is on :p

GG, I had only very slight discharge. And doc alr said its show. Very lil tinge of blood n some mucus

Zeal, my 1 week checks same as orangeroses lor. She also explained the vaccines at 1mth. Bcos our heel prick test results not out, she said will mail to us when received from KKH. No news is good news

Tmr is my bathing day!! Finally Day 12.. Time passes so fast. Everyone alr planning for man yue. We r also getting sweetest moments. Caterer prob jumbo. We used for our wedding. I also had catered food from Chin Lee restn at bedok north before. Their or ni is amazing!
Caterer, gals, check out lavish. Go to their website & see..We used them for church wedding & received gd comments from the guests.
Soul: ya, the exp was gd. The LCs are very friendly and helpful. Just bought a larger flange, hopefully it will work and make pumping easier.

Btw, if some mommies here latch exclusively and you pump too to maintain and increase milk production, what do you do with the ebm? Soul, your wife bf and bott feed ebm?
Chewie: all the best! All roads leads to rome, as long as it helps to achieve more EBM. =) What bottles are you using by the way? and the massaging is not slow slow abit faster its ok. hahah maybe i explain not very good *paiseh*

Zeal: We have an appt with the PD coz DD had a little bit of swollen eye, end up doc say no prob but discovered bit of a nappy rash and gave some meds. i guess if no major issues, about a month to six weeks to just get the jabs started if you want to have baby take all the vaccinations at the clinic. we wanted to do at polyclinic, mum say PD closer.. can walk over... so end up cancelled the polyclinic appt. have not tried fostre.. should have ordered chilli api and spend abit more.. grr...

GG: light pinkish is about right for Mucous plug. but i guess any discharge in 3rd trimester should be looked into by the Gynae just to confirm.

Evon: don't worry, few drops also will have one, keep trying. Asians will take a while.

sweetcorn: congrats!!

Xia: wa 8 times is really superwoman ha ha ha.. i think soulmummy averaging about a 1L a day? coz just now pump about 170ml so i guess 4 hourly is 6 times a 24 cycle. SoulMummy wanna stop le la. ha ha. hard work coz another month go back work already.. if i make tons of money then ya probably ask SoulMummy to stay home and EBM.. lol...

wah! add to coffee? never try before.. i'm abit lactose intolerant so i guess that might be a good suggestion? ha ha..
BluCryst: It will at least help against the nipple/areola skin tear off due to abrasion.. a suitable flange will definitely help make pumping more comfortable. SoulMummy don't BF, only bottle feed EBM coz DD mouth too small to latch on.
Hazel: I tot the pointed ang ku kueh is for boy? Or is it the other way, flat one for boy?

BluCryst: I gave my excess EBM to my elder boy haha... Else throw away also wasteful...
NC, some uses pointed AKK for full month, regardless gender. Choz lady & my mum confirmed that. But Choz lady said Ordered pointed for boy n flat for girl bb.

Chewie, do u know what are the vaccinations to be taken at 1 month old? What is the heel prick test? My PD says call and make appoint only if I spot my baby turning yellow... Otherwise it's ok. Hmmm

Thanks for all the replies.
