(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi Gin, it's recommended to use bb detergent to wash bb clothings due to their sensitive skin.

Hi Jascmy, good to hear that you have a good shopping trip at GZ and HK.


hihi teoong, kwxy and all mummies. weather is kinda gloomy this morning. but hope all are feeling ok!

i went for 24 wks check up this morning and bb is 680gm! hubby, me and even doc were pleasantly surprised cos my tummy is still rather small and yet bb is quite chubby. =)

i settled shopping for all my big items for bb! got my cot, stroller, carseat, breastpump. phew. big hole in pocket! but all can use for a long time. cot and stroller can use until 5 yrs, carseat can use until 8 yrs, breastpump can use for #2. yay!

any mummies eyeing the peg perego strollers? first few years at kk and paragon having sale on Si and P3. i've compared with all the baby shops including baby hypermart and cheong choon. price difference is $150-$200! whilst stocks last only. i super love peg perego cos they are good for 0yrs onwards, not too heavy, but not too light as to topple backwards. glad to be able to buy one at a steal.

re: baby laundry.. anyone using a front load washing machine? i realised if have to wash bb's clothes separately then very waste water cos cannot choose a smaller cycle. means gotta handwash all the way till 9mths to 1 yr? *horror*

jas> u're back oredi!! so fast! sorry sorry i didnt manage to send u any shopping contacts. glad u enjoyed!!
GHK: re cord blood banking it's up to what u want out of it bah. If ur thinking in terms of cost benefit, it's prob not worth it right now cuz the probability of needing the cord blood stem cell is v v low before 21 years old. The prob only ncrease significantly after 21 yo which is also the time the viability of the stem cells is not guaranteed. Plus the limitation of the kinds of disease that can be treated using cord blood cells, you can get much better benefits from a good insurance policy. Also, it is known that for many cases, your baby's own cord blood is not the best match for him due to the presence of inherent defective genes, whereas the chance of finding a good match from the public bank is pretty high.

But of course if you're comfortable with the upfront payment and premiums, then no harm banking it to buy a peace of mind. The banks will of course promote all the benefits but just make sure you do the necessary research in order to make an informed choice lor.
I will be donating the cord blood. I have aldy donated my #1's cord blood. I believe in doing a good deed for my bb immediately he is born.
jascmy: me too! I believe t if it's not used by my bb at least it might benefit someone else.

Anw, any mummies staying north? Wanna organize some meetup?
NC, do u knw when we can contact the cord blood bank to inform them that we are donating?? I remembered from don knw how many mths pregnant onwards.

I'm staying in sembawang. Interested in the gathering.
Me still using bb detergent for my 2 yr old tod. I guess no harm using longer. Adult detergent got a lot of strong chemicals. I still use pigeon bottle wash too for his utensils etc..
I'm also still using pigeon bottle wash for my #1's utensils.

NC, I hav checked and we can call singapore cord blood bank from 32 weeks pregnant onwards.
Thanks for the input. My mum was saying to me the other day that she didn't use any baby detergent when she washed my baby clothes and I'm wondering if it still stay true now.

But I will invest in getting baby laundry for my little girl.

I think I felt her little poking over the weekend, when i was sleeping on my right side.
jascmy: which hospital do u go to? If at kk can just tell the nurse to help u arrange ah.
Me also sembawang. Any other mummies?
NC, yup, I'm KKH. Ok, will let the nurse know when i go for my next appt. For my #1, I called SCBB and tell them I want to donate.

I knw babymaking also staying in sembawang. I meet up wif her once.
Hello everyone! Its pouring outside and I'm craving for chocolate instead of decent lunch. Finishing up my marks & spencer chocolate cookies.

Jac-welcome back!
KWXY-Long time no hear from you! How are you?

GHK- I went back for gynae appt last sat and I have been given green light to go out of bed rest liao. 1st day at work today-soo much to catch up. Jiayou! Hope you get green light to go out soon too!
Hi NC, I would loved to join in but me staying at Jurong west. I can try to meet after work on weekday evenings?

Planet- you are fast! You have got all the imporetant items already! I'm still waiting to see if I can get to BK.

Babymaking-Thanks for the lobangs! I think I should start doing some shopping now. I am looking out for Pigeon warehouse sale too but heard from my friend the last sale Pigeong had was last year and they don usually hold one every year.
Jen, that's so good news for u to be given the green light to be normal again. Dun be too stressed at work, oki, and take care. I'm seeing my gynae this sat, have to see what she says. I've already arranged with my company and will be on no pay leave till delivery, so not going back to work anymore. But if gynae gives the go-ahead to end the home rest, I can leave the house on weekends at least. Will probably limit my walking too, cos I've been having on off spotting sinc the early months, so have to take it easy....

NC, thanks for sharing on the cord blood banking. If I don't bank it, will definitely donate it. Understand that for donation, they will need to draw mummy's blood right after delivery for testing too.
Planet, I've got a front load washing machine too, u are right, I haven't thought abt this laundry and water issue. Now, it's only me and hubby, so we accumulate and wash only on weekends. For baby, think need to wash every alternate day, if not everyday. If hand wash, too much effort, I probably cannot take it....
Talking about washing bb clothes, has anyone heard of Bumwear? Cloth diapers for bb.
Its the 1st time I heard of this brand.
I always tot cloth diapers r those white colour cloth sheets that our mums used on us when we were bb. I suddenly feel that Im behind times. hee.
Anyone used Bumwear? Good? Saw on their website that they have prefolds, fitted diapers, petite diapers, etc.. Which one is suitable n most economical for newborns?
Jen: if more mummies wanna join then maybe we can meet ar a more convenient location. I see from other threads they're v on haha...
Chewie, for us we got one dat is convertible to toddler bed, has different heights and can change the side barrier, from fully enclosed to half barrier at tod stage. Get a decent size cot if u intend to use till tod stage else v fast outgrow.

As bb develops we shift the heights of the bed lower so he can't climb out or risk falling over.
Chewie: it's good to get one with adjustable heights and convertible to toddler bed like GG said. Also from what I went thru a few things u might wanna look out for:
1. Should test out the diff heights to see whether it's suitable for your height. Should be able to adjustto a level high enough so that u dun have to bend down too far to put bb on the mattress, cuz need to protect ur back esp after delivery. Bringing bb in and out of the cot can put substantial strain on ur back if the barrier is not at comfortable height.

2. Are u going to place ur cot permanently in one room, or u wanna have the option of pushing it in and out? I got a cot that's a tad too big for my bedroom door, so no choice had to buy a smaller cot to place in my bedroom cuz my boy used to sleep in our room at night when he's younger. So need to watch the size of the cot as well.
Chewie, I got my 2 cots from baby kingdom. U can check out bb hypermart too. Good to order at least 1 month ahead, sometimes the design or colour could b out of stock. And good to air for a while to get rid of paint smell.

Some mummies prefer playpen to cot. Have never tried using playpen, considering whether to get 1.
Chewie> My front load washing machine has quick wash too, but I think it just means the washing time is shorter, but same amount of water used as a full load. =/

Chilli> I'm going to use cloth diaper for my first month cos my CL strongly recommends. If You can check with your CL and see if which type or brand she's familiar with? There's also another website that's cheaper than bumwear, www.theluvyourbaby.com/ You can check it out.
Hi all, I'm also looking for a part-time maid for both my parents staying in Teck Whye and myself at Sembawang.

The part time maid for teck whye can come on weekdays, twice a month.

The part-time maid for sembawang can come on weekends morning or weekdays evening, twice a month.

Pls PM me if you have any recomemdation.
Chewie, my is top load machine but can set to delicate wash and adjust timing for baby clothings.

Jas- I found mine who started for me last month. She a local Sg lady, quite nice but she only do weekday mornings. You on for weekday mornings? If no prob,I can pm you her contact.
Jas, no prob, I had problems wif weekday mornings too, so need to clear half day leave for the lady to come and clean place. Hope you find someone soon.
Hi ladies,
counting my due date...left 3 months. if my boy pop out early might before CNY and my CL unable come untill 4th day of CNY. Only my husband can do for me if before CNY. Normally what confinement food you all eat for Breakfast/lunch & dinner?

Must do a menu for my husband in case baby come out early.
Hello mommies!

Jen, glad to hear that you got your clearance from your gynae. Do take care not to overwork urself.

Hi Chilli, i have brought the BUmwear but pass to my MIL to use as she prefers to use cloth diapers. I prefer to use diapers cos to me the cost of washing the cloth diapers vs changing diapers is aboout the same. Just have to check bb for poo frequently niah. So long you make the effort to check and change out fast enough, I feel it's also minimum chances of getting diaper rash.
Babymaking, u seeing dr Loh tomorrow? Goodness me, my gf just told me he has clinic yesterday coz too full n he worked till 1130pm seeing patients yesterday!!
re: meet up
sure, am keen to meet up with mummies anywhere but preferably north area near mrt

yes, appt tomorrow...oh dear, was just telling hubby to be prepared to wait cos after 2 weeks break, his appts will surely be full.

prob with this heads up, i will take my laptop along and work from TPS.
re: cot
get convertible cot - from newborn to playpen to toddler bed.

usually standard size cot is 52x28" (mattress size) but that can't fit thru some doorway, so pls measure yr doorway.

cot shd have drop down side (ikea ones do not have) to minimise your bending over to put baby down.

castors for easy moving - from bb's rm to yr bedrm to living room (during afternoon nap time) and when u use it as a playpen.

castors must be able to lock, otherwise when bb is older and rock the cot, it will move.

buy teething rails for cot as well, so as to mimimise bb biting on the wooded rails.

get cot bumper as well so that bb's limbs dun get stuck in between the rails.

get waterproof mattress protector to cover mattress as bb leak or puke.
chewie. for pd, u can try Kinderclinic at mt a. either dr tan or dr lee. dr tan is more popular hence longer waiting time. infants has priority. dr lee is good, very assuring, pro breast feeding, not an alarmist.
mummies, baby studio having sale this wkend. they carry brands like lucky baby ,Capella etc. am going after mycheck up on fri
babymaking, lots of good advice! i must note down and go measure
where did you buy yours? took note of baby kingdom, thanks GG

Kada, thank u! i will call to see if dr will go to mt E to check baby? otherwise it is ok 1 PD see baby at birth, and subsquently go to another PD right?

planet, i always thought i was saving water and electricity with my quick wash!! anyway front load use quite little water lah. i see my machine always like no water... water is just at the bottom part...
Babymaking, dr loh is spending alot of time on every patient. He spent 30mins talking to my gf! That explains why the super long wait!
Hi Al, i hav a good list of confinement recipe from a friend.

Anyone who is interested, can pm me yr email address so that i can send via email. :)
i got #1's cot from Micuna, a spanish brand

for #2, i got from baby kingdom

both are the smaller cots (~120x60cm)type as these can fit thru my doorway.

btw although both cots are convertible, i only used them as baby cot, as i converted #1 to a proper toddler bed when he's 18mths.

i have not decided whether i want to stay with KKH- but if i want to, i would probably go for Dr John Tee, as he comes highly recommended by my doc cousin. what abt yourself - have you decided yet?
Babymaking, John tee was my gynae before he referred me to see dr loh coz for fertility matters as my hubby & I hv no underlying issues. I went to him for normal O&G check to make sure I m ovulating properly n my organs r gd. I did all the scans n tube tests Under dr tee. All fine other than the saline scan where it was revealed that I hv polyps. He told me v small, no need to remove n womb so big, embyro most likely wun plant at where the polyps r. I carried on seeing regularly while he put me on clomid for another 1 yr. Then he referred me to dr loh. The moment I saw dr loh, he did a V scan n he saw the polyps! Dr tee has nv done V scan for me. Always abdominal scan so he didn't pick up until the saline scan. Dr Loh immediately asked me to remove. Hub was quite upset with dr tee for wasting our 1 yr trying.

My conclusion is, a fertility gynae is more precise n a perfectionist than a O&G gynae. Dr tee also did a day surgery for me on other stuff n he is a v nice dr. So his surgical skills r not bad. Can tell Hub likes dr tan n we saw him a few times last yr n this yr when dr loh was away. He did emergency c section for my gf twins in April as dr loh was away. Her GP told my gf the stitch was one of the best he has ever seen. If I remain in KKH, I will most likely see dr tan.

My hubby also likes dr tan hh, but I wonder if I will a bit awkward as he's rather young n erm good looking! If going c sec, still ok but vbac? I may ultimately opt for elective c sec anyways.
