(2012/02) Feb 2012

babymaking, my colleague under Dr Tan hh, she say he really handsome. Hahaa... She also commented that he is good and friendly. She had natural birth with him and his stitching is good.
Too bad I prefer to let a female gynea see that sensitive part so I nvr get him as my gynea.

Bbmaking, forgot to tell u, dr tee is close to retirement. He is almost 60yrs old now.. Dr tan looks young but not really! He is in the range of 38-40 yrs old depending on whether he served NS or not before medical school. Dr loh is already a HOD at 41 yrs old. He is 47 this yr n he said he will semi retire in TMC! I asked my gf how did dr tan behaved during the op coz my gf blood pressure shot v high when she knew dr Loh was not bk n dr tan (a young looking dr) was going to do the op for her. She actually told the nurse to get a more senior dr but the nurse convinced her to trust dr tan. She told me very calm n cool n kept assuring my gf that the twins are well n will be out soon.
Hi mummies, resting at home today and tml cos spotting returned. Oh I didn't know dr tee was going to be 60! Dr John tee from kk right? I feel that he's quite steady and experienced.
Annticipating, he graduated from medical sch in 1978. Ie when he was 24/25 yrs old. So, He is abt 57-58 yrs old now at least.. He now sits on KKH executive committee & medical board. His background n credentials r all on kkh's website.
Yeah tan hh too good looking. Lol

Ard our same age some more.

Hope u are coping better, try to rest more. Or seek 2nd opinion. I had spotting, occasional heavy bleeding, premature contractions thru out #1, can understand how helpless and frustrating n worrying it is. Hang in there.

420appt, seen him by 515pm, quick n fast but hor scan showed something next to bb, almOst half the size of bb, fri got to go Amc to scan again. Bb is overweight though, almost 950gm. N I gain almost 3.5kg, dr said to control weight. Sighs!
Hi meifen & mummies,

did you all went to the disney warehouse sales? Is there things to buy? wanna go but afraid nothing much and it's quite far leh.
Babymaking, did dr loh say anything abt bb being overweight? Other than asking u to watch your diet? U very careful already right? My girl weigh 800g at 22+ wks!! Next wk I see dr loh I dunno how much more she put on! I already put on 10kg... I didn't anyhow eat also. Normal meals with just a tea break in the afternoon n no supper, no durian.

What was the thing beside bb? Cyst? How come 5 wks ago dun hv now hv. Weird right?

Did he tell u abt he leaving? Did he discuss further?
Just have to watch weight, bb is growing fine. Frankly I was too stunned, he also dun know wat the thing on the scan is, maybe the scan machine not clear. First, he ask if I have fibroids, then he said cld be womb contracting??? Then say dun worry, scan in 3 weeks time. I gave him a puzzled look, isn't contractions worse, can wait till 3 weeks later? Then he said will arrange scan ASAP, which is this fri. He says not to worry but how not to? The thing is so obvious that even I cld see it's separate from bb and wall of womb n placenta.

Anyways will see him again after scan on fri, as far as concerned he will be leaving but he cancel his dec leave to accommodate extra ivf cases.
Babymaking, most likely just a cyst or firOid n may just disappear. Even if it doesn't dun hv to worry also coz it can be safely removed even when bb is in wOMB. I do hv friends who encountered this. Dr loh so skilful. Not an issue. Relax ok.
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Hi ladies I can't agree with u ladies on dr tan hh ..... I can only say if he is the only fertility gynae left in the world I still will not go to him
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babymaking, i had cysts too when i was pregnant with my #1. Somehow, everything disappeared as the pregnancy progresses. Not sure why this happens thou. So now your visits are every 3 weeks?

hazel, i gained 3kg in 4 weeks and bb doubled in weight from 333g to 638g at 25 weeks when i saw my gynae last week. He also told me to watch it! Keep saying bb too big not good, even if i'm going for csection also cannot eat until bb is too big ^^ Feel very malu. But i did eat alot more for the past month...i'm perpetually living on Long Johns Silver. I'm like addicted to it.
visits are spaced 4-5 weeks apart, i guess there's a need to see the gynae more frequently now that the thing is so big.

i can't fathom that it appeared out of the sudden and grew so fast from the last visit 5 weeks ago, now what i am worried abt is that it will take womb space from bb.

anyways got to wait till tomorrow's scan to find out more.

erm, re: weight gain.
i gain 3.5kg within 5weeks and bb doubled from 400gm to 950gm at 24 weeks. and gynae already says to watch weight...OUCH, now i can't even indulge in comfort eating to get over this.

i dun snack within meals but been having quite a no of mac meals, at least twice weekly. besides cutting down on mac, not sure where to cut. maybe sub some lunches with salads.
I also have a very super small cysts since preggie with #1. Only heard doc in the emergency mentioned once for #1 during early pregnancy cos I did a virginal scan, then my gynea nvr mentioned anything at all. I tot maybe that thing gone liao or the doc in emergency not experience and see wrongly. But for this pregnancy, I went to emergency again during early pregnancy and did a viginal scan with another doc, he also say I hav a very small cysts.
Mus remember to ask my gynea when i see her next week. See what she will say. Don knw whether she knows or not.
Butterwaffles, bbmaking, I dunno where to cut.. I eat 3 meals a day. The only difference is I take proper breakfast now as compared to non-pregnancy days. My carbo in take for lunch is just noodle or a bowl of rice. Dinner carbo is only half bowl n I eat at home. But my mum cooks chicken soup for me every day but is just 1 bowl. Cordecepts soup is once a week. Tea break I eat a slice of wholemeal bread n a packet of low fat choc milk daily. No supper either. 3 servings of fruits n no durians. So, where m I going to cut? Sigh.. I dun eat fast food often either..

Other than first 3 mths I put on 3-4kg, every mth now I nv put on beyond 2kg in total.

Please shed some light how to watch rye weight? I m concerned over the weight being due to GD. So, I hv been testing my glucose level at fasting n 3 hrs after meal now & then. Readings were in v heartily range!
Hey Babytwo, i haven't been to the disneywarehouse sale yet. tinking of going this weekend, which is the last few days already. i guess its something that i dun mind missing la..afterall, its just clothes =p

hearing so many mummies talking abt weight gain makes me worried now. cos i've been eating alot more this month. am a carbo lover and cannot live with my rice/noodles. dinner is usually 2 bowls of rice easily..going for my check this say and hope i didn't put on too much
jac, butterwaffles,
cysts are common, they are known as corpal lutem but they dun appear suddenly and dun grow so fast. anyways thks for sharing yr experience. will update when know more tomorrow.

maybe wt increase due to water retention? try drinking more water/less salt to drain out? maybe sub one carbo meal with salad, n replace the choc milk with plain low fat milk? yr diet seems very lean already.
Butterwaffles, my feet n body did not swell from water retention at all. But I will drink more water. As for salt content, I dun generally drink the soup outside either n the soup my mum cook has no salt. She uses wolfberries for flavoring. Food she cooks also she dun put alot of salt.. I take 2 glasses of milk 5 days a week. Fresh low fat meiji milk and 98% fat free marigold small packet choc milk. They r not fattening at all..

At this rate, still ask to be careful on weight gain, may as well dun eat!
meifen, u r really eating a lot! Better control on carbo leh. Jus one bowl of rice will do lah. If put on too much weight after delivery not easy to slim down. I put on 30kg for last pregnancy and still hav 10kg of stubborn fat 8mths thereafter. Headache leh, hope tis time i won't put on too much.

babymaking I always tot cysts is common only if mum and sis have it (family issues). Both my mum and sis don hav leh. And my family also clear from it. Don knw y I hav, I remembered when I 1st heard it during my 1st preggie, I hide in toilet to cry. Cos I worried it will grow and affect bb.

Hope u will clear you scan tis fri. Praying that your gynea had actually seen wrongly.

Hazel, u will put on more weight in 3rd trimester leh. Very scary hor.

I did not put on too much weight this time round but my tummy is very big. Everyone tot I 7 or 8mths liao. Faint! Even my friend who's EDD is jus 4days earlier than me only have a very small tummy. She keep asking me "u delivering in Feb ah?" Haiz.. I'm sick most of the time for this pregnancy and lost appetite in some mths due to fever or gastric flu. Then after I came back from HK, my appetite also become smaller liao. Maybe cos I'm sick again. Cough cough... So far I only put on 10kg. Hope the most another 10kg will do (total 20kg) till I deliver.
Baby making, for me, in early preg days, doc also detected a cyst inside, but as the baby is bigger now, they cannot see the cyst as of my last scan at 20 weeks. Hopefully it's gone. Yours might be a cyst too, hope for the best for your scan tmr. Can I ask if u deliver your #1 at full term, cos I'm worried abt pre-mature birth for my one, with my on off spotting.

Hazel, maybe can try dun eat fried stuff at all? Eat all steam or boiled stuff. This will make meals very dull, but I guess as a last resort. For me, it's the opposite, only gained 4 plus kg since preg, baby is at ave weight. I eat breakfast, lunch, 2 tea breaks, dinner and supper, but all smaller meals than usual cos cannot eat too much at one go. Love carbo too.
haha hazel, i know what u mean, right now eating is one of my small comforts, guess got to find another comfort hobby.

i delivered my #1 at 35 weeks plus due to a host of other issues besides spotting. but i was on complete bedrest in hospital for most of my pregnancy.

i am hoping it will disappear, or gynae see wrongly which is unlikely as we all saw it! can't believe it was not there 5 weeks ago and now it's half the size of baby! really can't fathom it.
For now, i'm not even 50kg yet. Hovering around 48kg. But that's because i really lost alot of weight during the first few months. But my gynae doesnt look at the overall weight i think. He looks at how much weight is gained over how long. I think ideally, weight gain should be around 1kg every 4 weeks. So my 3kg gain to him is ALOT. That's y i feel breathless too....
Sisters, I am not a fan of fried food. So seldom take also. Even If I eat cals junior, I take char boiled. I dun take the skin of any meat too regardless how they r cooked. Like last wkend, I took jap food, I ate soba cold noodle, chawamuchi n a few pcs of sushi. I ate Korean BBQ meat I wrapped with raw veg to eat.. That's all. Not much difference from pre pregnancy days. I go facial I even asked my beautician to check if I hv water retention in case I ignorant dunno. She also said dun hv. V sianz lah.. If eat alot I got nothing to say.. Now is never wor.
Butterwaffles, in 2nd tri, average weight gain is abt 250g per wk.

Yes, my bump looks real big at 6 mths! I suspect bb is quite strong as when she does a real kick, hub caught my lower abdominal skin moved!
jascmy, so far i gained 6kg and friends all say i didn't seem to gain much. so maybe i was too confident that my weight is well controlled and just eat carbo like nobody business =p

let's see what my gynae says this sat... =p
babymakin, my gynea, Irene Chua, jus left KKH a few mths ago. I have to change gynea because of that. That is the problem of KKH. All experience gyneas are leaving.
Bbmaking, I dunno if it was true. I asked dr tan 2 wks ago. He didn't say so. But Someone just posted abt him maybe leaving also. Then another sister said dr loh referred her to dr tan tOday! So, which is true huh?
1) I had alpha thelemessia but he did not check my hubby on full blood count instead my hubby was checked on beta. He only realize the mistake when we r gg to do ivf and then we had to pay again to retest.
2) I had polyps but Kk din mention so i would assume he din know. I knew when I went for 2nd opinion
3) he never keep to Appt. Always cancel last min. V frustrating
4) not sympathetic doc always rushing us

3) not all checks were done correctly to obtain the best result.
Baby making, thanks for sharing abt #1, hope that all is well for u tmr...

Hazel, given that u dun really eat fried stuff and skin of meats, your weight gain is really hard to explain... I wish that I can gain more weight, cos I'm worried that baby is too small... I also take dong chong cao soup once a week like u, parents say it makes baby stronger. Bird's nest is also once a week now. There was a period of time when I took bird's nest every other day, but now cut down already.
Oh, so dong chong cao soup is to make bb stronger ah. Too expensive liao so I nvr take for both my pregnancies. Later try my best to ask my hubby to buy for me.
jascmy, my friends' gynae is Irene Chua too. She went Glen already right? You never follow her ah? My friend didn't follow her. Her EDD is 1 Dec...I agree alot of experienced gynaes are leaving KKH lor. That's why i followed my gynae to TMC. I suspect at KKH, he was overworked. Because have evening clinics to go as well. At TMC, all office hours but i can tell the difference now as when i see him at KKH, it's really 5mins chop chop. Any q? No? Ok see you in 4 weeks! Now quite different, will spend some time joking and talking/nagging. He will scan longer as well and try to get a good pic for us to save on thumbdrive. Managed to get a nice 3D photo of bb at the last visit. But i still quite miss the spacious feeling of the private suite at KKH. My gynae's clinic is really small ^^

hazel, to me you are eating quite little wor. Hmmm...i'm not sure why too, could it be waterbag very heavy?? Your diet sounds pretty good to me, healthy too! God if i eat like you my husband will be very happy. I eat things like frozen lasagnas, cream puffs. Got once, i finished 2 breadtalk cheesecakes in 3 days. I don't take alot of meat thou because don't feel like it, really prefer vegetables. Do you know there is a kind of rice for diabetics? Heard that this rice is really much better and keeps us fuller. Basmatic rice i think.

re: PUPPP rashes
any mums suffering from this? Mine has started but not full blown yet. Trying to stay upbeat about it and not let it get worse because i will be very frustrated if i cannot wear shorts for another year after delivery.
Hi Ladies,

finally able to catch up on my work after OT every night for the last few days. So tired, I'm getting real forgetful these days. Was supposed to fill a column of dates in the sreadsheets and 2 days in arow, I input the details in other columns but forgot that last colunm of dates. Boss was nice to sent back to me but drop hints she is not happy I kept forgetting. But I can't help it, its like I am losing brain cells. You ladies feel you are getting forgetful?
butterwaffles, yup, I nvr follow her. My consultation in KKH also quite long leh. Cos me and hubby always have lots of questions to ask. I heard Irene Chua also overwork in KKH, can see she getting more and more skinny. Who is your friend's new gynea? Mine is Goh Shen Li. Hope she is good.
Jen, me too. My memory is almost zero in my 2nd pregnancy now. 1st pregnancy is terrible, now zero. Can see my boss's face very black even tot she say its ok. Haiz! Tis yr performance sure affected.
Babymaking- hope your scan turns out ok tomor, like the rest mentioned, if its just cysts-it should be ok. I got endometrosis years back and my gynae lasered out a cluster of cysts. There is still some inside accordng to him but he said before won't affect pregnacy.

Talking about weight- wow all your babies are growing so well! All the weights heavier than mine!
my girl was only 668g last sat, but I have put on 8kg so far from pregnancy. Suspect could be water retention, cause my feets are swollen. But of course I think my diet played a part too! I'm a junkie- just loved fast food and steaks, appetite has grown like a dinosaur that I'm munching something every hour. Hazel, compared to me, I think you are a very healthy eater!You should not be limiting to just salads for meal, may not have enough nutrition for baby.
I suddenly feel engorgement pain on my breast. Very painful. Don know whether it mean I'm still producing milk. I only stop breastfeeding my #1 in Aug. I still feel engorged after I stop bf but my breast is very soft. But jus now is pain leh. Hav to check with gynea next week.
Butterwaffles, ya I know of basmatic rice. But I dun cook at home. I eat what my mum prepares n she eat only Thai rice. Is hub who is diabetic not me. :p. I think lower metabolic rate so put on faster. Maybe like father like daughter, my hub is huge! :p

Pulps, I hv but not itchy
Jen, my colleagues scolded me when they heard I eat salads, coleslaw, etc. They said raw! They frowned when I said I ate sashimi too! Just 1-2 slices once a blue moon lah. Manta times I wan to eat supper, but I thought of the weight gain, I dare not. So just drink low fat fresh milk or drink a bottle of bird nests or take 1-2 pcs of crackers or pear/papaya. If dr still ask me to watch my diet I must ask him how :p
I think I put on the most weight.. > 10 kg already
I eat whatever I want to but try to be healthy. Tho I had chicken rice for lunch... I want to cut down on carbo already. Very scared i cannot lose the weight i put on. But as long as baby healthy, then I can just keep hitting the gym in future!! Hahaha
Hazel, I saw dr tan from feb-apr this yr. Really not worth mentioning abt him. Super fed up even after I complain to kk CEO. Totally waste my $ and time. I still stick to my stand. He will not b the gynae I would recommend nor c!
Hihi... I am a Nov mummy.
Wanting to sell a preloved playpen.
Self collection at CCK.
Selling at $45.

Condition: 8/10
When folding, one of the bottom legs could not be fold as I had previously tighten it to secure the playpen. Now cannot unscrew. Still foldable and can put into car.

Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

Morning mommies!
Hope those mommies who requested for confinement menu gets the copy by now. If not, pls pm me if i miss someone out...getting forgetful these days.

Ya i agree that it affects our work performance too but cant help it, baby comes first for me! :) tho bosses stil expect same standard of work performance b4 preg... Wat to do...

My office pantry lady yday told me ,"i see yr tummy looks like a boy lei,,' headache... And she is not the only one who told me...gynae scan twice say its girl lei... Confusing.
Cant wait to see baby tmrw to confirm!! :-D

sweetcorn, for my #1, my tummy is very round till 90% of the ppl guess is girl. But bb come out boy loh. So tummy shape don really tell the gender.

To me is family come first too. But sometimes really feel paisei to hav cos so much troubles to my boss.
