(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hey mummies! I went Robinson today and they seem to have some sales. Bought a pigeon rapid steam sterilized at $103 after 20% discount. Original price was $129. Also got a free travel pack of Tollyjoy bathing set (baby bath, shower, lotion and powder worth $17.90). Not sure if expo has similar deals though

Btw... Anyone feeling some soreness at the ribcage area? Am feeling some soreness/suan feeling on my right ribcage just below my right breast for a while. I haven't work out a way to ease the feeling =(

Meifen, I have the same sore aching feeling on my left. Ask Mrs Wong last week, she said could be due to my sleeping posture. I have been trying to sleep on my left lately so trying to change to right side now.
Jen, I thought sleeping on the left is the best position? Better blood circulation etc. Which is why I have been 'insisting' to sleep on the left too.
Yah meifen, I was told too. But was told by mrs Wong, direction correct not equal to angle or posture correct. Think could be the pillow not supporting the shoulder enough. Often get the sore feeling in the morning when I wake up or I lue too long, how abt u?
The sore feeling come at no specific timing. Yesterday it lingers ard from early afternoon till night =( my sister told me tat it could also be baby 顶到ur ribcages.. But I tink it's abit too early rite? Bb got so big now meh??
R u ladies sleeping at 90 deg? My gynae said there's no need to sleep at 90 deg. Just a slight 10-15 deg tilt is enough. Use a pillow or bolster to support your back.
Im sleeping with slight tilt too. 90degree too straight liao, not comfy. I got 4 pillows behind my back, so far comfy :)
Hi bubbliciouslee

Are you ordering from Gemboree.com? is it in USD? now exch rate is abt 1.27...shld be still gd to buy.
im interested too..
Jen, I'm on nifedipine too, on top of usual supplements. recently, I can only take very small meals, so get hungry very fast. Maybe it's because I'm still coughing from a flu 3 weeks ago, the cough just wouldn't go away. Ya, home/bed rest is tough, so ironic, just have to endure the boredom....

Blue cryst, I'm rotating between left and right. But it's not natural for me, and I always wake up in the night facing upwards, argh. If a bit of tilt is enough, that's super good news...
GHK: It's okay to sleep with tilt. In fact I was told it's hard to sleep at 90 deg. So slight tilt is good enough. N it's natural reflex to go back to sleeping on the back when we are in deep sleep. So don't worry too much. Use a pillow to support ur back will do.
The baby expo is truly disappointing. There is an avent booth but I rather wait for the Philip sale next weekend. Besides that... Didn't catch anything fancy for first time mummy like me. I ended up shopping at John little sale. At least I managed to get some bras n a dress.
The bb fair was so-so.
Didn't feel like I got any cheap n good deals except maybe some Carters bb clothes ($15 for 5 bodysuits)
Saw the Philips steam sterilizer selling at First Few Years at $199 but at bb fair was $209.
Yes, the prices indicated on Gymboree website is all in USD. Previously i bgt fm Old Navy in mid Oct, the credit card rate was 1.33+. Not too sure what is the rate now.. Am thinking of consolidating our orders to share out the shipping charges if you are keen.. Do let me know ya.

BB Expo fair:
Is it really disappointing? I am planning to go wf a fren on Sunday morning. Hopefully it won't be a wasted trip all the way from Jurong West to Expo.

Philips Carnival Sale:
I received an email on the sale for 29-30 Oct. Do you have any idea how much discount they are giving on Philips Avent products? If the discount is 30% and more, then its worth buying at the Carnival Sale itself.
dragonbaby, before my boy was born, my MIL was very very eager to care for my boy. Cos firstborn for her side and it's a boy somemore. To her, very precious. She wanted to move to my place, so that i don't have to rush to her place and back everyday. I very very nearly gave in after alot of sai-koing from her and my husband. But my bestie saved me. She told me my place is my only sanctuary - protect it. I will never forget her this sentence! So i just tahan the travelling. Rain or shine, i take bus with my boy at that time. Until the bus driver knows me and will purposely linger a while at the busstop when he never see us that morning
But it's real tough esp when it's raining. It was with my bestie's mental support that i pulled through the tough period. I totally know what you mean about not being able to shake her off now!!!! 请神容易,送神难!!! I pray for strength, for you...

Jen, actually it was tough on my MIL thou she used to be nanny. But that was like more than 7 years ago. In those days, the kids she had were alot easier to handle. My boy is very difficult. Because i ban sarong & walker as well, my MIL was very pissed with me. Could no longer take it, so sent my boy to infantcare. She was very bitter about it. When my boy had roseola and bronchitis, her hp bill shot up. Cursing me behind my back with those relatives i supposed :p I've learnt to see open already. My own parents arent keen to help as well. So really...we'll just have to figure out a way to cope. It's alright to let your MIL jaga your gal for mayb a few hours at a time because they both deserve to know each other. She is your ger's ahma afterall
But as main caregiver, it would be tough. There would be too much stress, too many conflicts....
Butterwaffles, must have been tough. I am quite in dilemma now also, with 2nd one coming, dun think my mum can take care both and I dun wan maid, so may need to bring my son back put in cc our plc. MIL staying with us but from day 1 I put my boy with my mum as I dun wan create conflict with MIL. Is very sensitive when comes to child caring one, we all have different expectations. With mum it was much easier and can be v open. Tempers fly sometimes but will be ok one lor. And I am v particular over the quality of food. My mum buys fresh food fom market and v generous with portions, cod fish, salmon, ngor fish, fresh chicken, best parts of pork (mei rou)etc, whereas my MIL the type that buys frozen meat from NTUC, Sheng Shiong etc, which I find quality is not so good. And she uses more seasoning for food, even soups, whereas my mum is zero salt, use all natural ingredients to make it naturally tasty. If MIL take care, imagine how to tell her, it gets kinda personal right..
good morning mummies! hope every mum n baby had a restful weekend!

thanks for sharing about sleeping positions! i've been wondering about the angle myself but kept forgetting to ask gynae. so just tilt abit is ok huh. good good. btw, sleeping on left is best, but can alternate with right too. right is still better than sleeping on back. i'm having such a problem subconsciously going back to sleeping on my back. when i wake up in the middle of the night i'm usually on my back. and then i feel guilty cos i'm scat bb didnt get enuff blood and nutrients.
but i dont really like to prop pillows behind my back leh. dilemma. haiz.
Blue cryst, thanks, I will try the tilt with pillows behind for support... Recently, I've been getting aches from sleeping on the left and right....

Butterwaffles, sounds really tough on u... My MIL will be taking of my boy too, will be her first grandkid. We will bring and fetch back everyday (to protect our sanctuary).
she will probably be able to do the basic taking care, ie feeding, bathing, changing cos she was also a nanny many years ago, but I'm a bit concerned abt the intellectual developments and teaching the right social skills and behavior parts, dun know how to ask her to teach that...or at least help to reinforce whatever we've taught him... Tsk Tsk...
Dear All!

Wanted to share something that happened this morning. When i taking MRT go to work, a handsome Angmo man pat a young man leg which is sleeping on reserved sit, calling him to stand up n give the sit to me...oh that really make me special.

BB Expo fair really dissapoited me...those things i wish to buy not there at all

Sleeping position:
I join a pre-natal yoga, learn this sleeping position really help me sleep better. sleep at left side with a small pillow to support my tummy, another pillow/bloster support my right leg and my right hand put on my tummy instead of put in front my face that i usual do, so that i can breath more air. can try this.
gg_lee, when my boy started solids at 6 month old, he still cannot really swallow very well, mostly push the food out. And my MIL started to feel that she is unable to cope with both cooking for my boy and the caregiving of my boy as my boy is quite difficult. Both my parents are unable to handle my boy on their own. Both must be around, then they are willing to help me jaga my boy for a while. Both sides use frozen food, which i find it ok because no point buying fresh and cook such small portions, the rest also end up freezing (they don't cook for us, we tabao ourselves). By the time my boy can swallow well (8 months), he was in infantcare already :p When my boy started porridge, my MIL threw away the porridge i made, saying no taste. She says how can don't add salt or soya sauce. My husband told her PDs says cannot, not advisable and she went on and on about we always use PD to threaten her, she knows what to do etc etc. After a few months, she also started lamenting not enough money to use. So it's best she returns to work. Im happy to let her see her grandson over the weekend. But as main caregiver, it is too tough.

GHK, unless your baby is the 'easy' type, it is mostly likely your MIL won't have the energy or time to stimulate the baby. My boy had serious colic and 95% of the time, my MIL was just trying to get him to shut up :p You can always send your child to playgroups when he is older or simple spend some time 'playing' with him when you fetch him home. As long as baby is fed and clothed well, i think it's good enough
It's too much to also expect your MIL to 'educate' him unless she really knows how to, haha....
Hello everyone!

BluCryst- I think you were right, think my 2 pillows are too high for me, my chin is touching my chest. Okay, will try a lower pillow tonight.

AL- I will try your suggestion tonight too! Hey, you lucky girl! Got cute angmo to stand up for you! Sad, we don't get such gentlemen everyday.The local men in ties and suits can happily sit at the reserved seats and chit-chat all the way while I stand infront of them with a heavy belly. So pissed sometimes.
planet, your left hand can put 90degree from yr tummy, when feel numb you can stretch it & open & close your fingers.... but this will push your husband away :p
Butterwaffles, ya some old folks cannot accept the idea of bland food. Bland does not mean tasteless lor. I mean there are lots of natural food or spices that can make food tasty and nutritious but not artificial. I myself dun use any salt for my soups. I will put in a lot of natural ingredients, e.g pumpkin, sweetcorn, carrots, potatoes, veg, onions, meat. If put enough good ingredients, the soup is very tasty. When I cook my boy's porridge, I use a whole big piece of fish. Doesn't mean he must finish the fish, but the porridge will have natural sweetness. Otherwise, can cook with fish bones, ikan bilis, beans, chicken bones, chicken meat, pork loin etc to flavour the base of the porridge. But some old folks will just use ready chicken stock, add salt, sugar, flavoured seasoning etc for porridge/soups etc, and the cooking very tasty although very little ingredient. But I dun like this type of cooking lor. Guess I am v used to my mum's good old style of cooking..

To me, the point of home cooked food is home cooked goodness. If going to put so much seasoning as outside, might as well eat out.
hi to all mummies out there..
1st post here thou i was a silent reader =P

i'm at the 22 week. mine #1 is a bb girl & her edd is 27 Feb. i hope she can come out exactly on that day as it's the day where me & my hubby got together. lolx

but i doubt so coz usually earlier rite? anyway, who is with kkh tps?

so stress .. so many stuffs to read up & learn.

n i haven really start buying stuffs yet =X coz i dont wish to overbuy..

anyway, who to add to join the fb page? tks..
re: Philips carnival
Actually, the only item i'm interested in is the Air Fryer. Wonder if this item will be having a good discount ^^

gg_lee, that's why when my boy entered infantcare, i spent nights cooking stock. Veg stock, chicken stock, pork stock. Then i freeze them. I use the stock to cook porridge for him or to marinate meats or add to veg dishes. It's the only way to get more flavour without salt and soya sauce. But do you think they will make effort to do all these? My MIL and parents & even my husband still scold me for using this freezing method. But i do not have a choice. I'm a FTWM. Im already trying my best. So the main caregiver must have similar beliefs. Else very difficult. Sure WW3....i'm sure my boy started taking in soya sauce when he was 6 months old. My MIL will never listen to me. Never ever. She herself has 4 kids, she will think what do i know? A young mummy with only 1 newborn as her record.
Jen & butterwaffles, She feels that pork has more nutritious than fish and I disagreed. We have very different mind set and she wants me to buy her idea. I cannot tolerate her especially she say my baby very chooses about food. It's not that lor and it's becos she never try feeding him at all. She completely has no common sense on what she's doing sometime. You know what, my baby only start to eat porridge when he's almost 1 year and until now coming to 2 years still porridge. No soild food yet. There is one time when I ask my MIL try to feed him with some rice with soup whenever she cook for dinner, she has no common sense until she totally stop cooking his porridge and feed him with rice and soup throughout the day. Baby puke all the food out as he cannot chew and swallow, end up baby never proper meal for 3 days. My FIL scolded me for giving her this instruction. I only ask her to TRY... not completely stop right? Is she really taking my instruction??? It true lor 请神容易,送神难!!!
Butterwaffles, my mil also teaches the maid to use chicken stock for all her cooking! She said dun need to give good fish to young kids as is waste of Money.. M so glad she has no chance of taking care of my bb coz she is a dialysis patient who needs the maid to take care of her.. My mum gives the best to her grandchildren!
Hazel, walau v rare for grandmum to say waste of money to give good food to bb. This stage good food is so important! Its building their body foundation!
Hazel: haha talk abt fish, my MIL gave my maid FROZEN fish from her freezer and asked her to cook porridge for my boy. I mean I appreciate her good will but no way I'm feeding my son that!

dragonbaby: understand what you went thru. I also made the mistake of letting my MIL come to my place to help take care of my boy when I first went back to work. And she treated my place like it's her own house and my son didn't feel like mine anymore. Luckily my hb also din agree with her or else I would have gotten myself into depression.
Wow u gals r scaring me with the way mil/mum is taking care of bb... My mum said she will cook the stock for my princess porridge every week n I juz use one portion every day. She also offered to look after my princess if infant care dun work out but I declined. I dun want my mum to b tired out by my princess and I also want her to enjoy life...
GG_lee, my hubby told me when he was a toddler, his meal time was a few fish balls. Hubby was super skinny when he was a toddler.. When he was abt 6 yrs old he started to fatten up.. My sil told me coz he started on a few cans of coke every day so he started to put on weight. My PIL buys coke by carton last time.. Coz their son Finally grows meat! Hub continued this coke life style everyday, 3 cans a day, breakfast, lunch n dinner until early 30s where he became diabetic..

Hubby stopped milk at a very young age. 2-3yrs old that time coz he is lactose intolerance. Cannot take cow milk can take soya milk right? Toddlers, my mil will ask maid to use can chicken stock to cook porridge then add small slices of fish balls, where got nutrients?

My family is the opposite. My mum cooks fish porridge every meal for my niece n nephew n the fish she uses are the ex ones which cost $40/kg.
Hazel, goodness, fishball all the time. It's loaded with msg and salt. Check out the ingredients on the packaging. My boy ever tried fishball too. For some reason all kids seem to love it but I don't think it's healthy.

Ya my mum also uses all the expensive fish, believe u referring to ngor fish. Cod fish, salmon also can. And she cooks fresh every day, even the stock as she dun like the idea of freezing and since she cooks every day. To me the important thing is to instil healthy eating from young, old habits die hard. Now if u give my boy v strong tasting food, he doesn't like. Some old folks however feel is good to eat anything and everything. I got fren grandparents so proud their 18 mth grandson can eat laksa and claypot rice.
wow, talking bout mil.. i like....
my mil loves to use MSG in her daily cooking.. how bout that...
Most disgusting thing, left over soup in the bowl is poure back into the pot to be kept for next day... can u imagine all the saliva being 'preserved'??? raw food is kept in chiller uncovered with other edible food? how hygenic....

when i was pregnant with #1, she said, she wanna do confinement for me. cant ask my mum cos this is my mil's first grandchild. When i'm giving birth soon, my hubby double confirm and asked if she can handle, she said ' can, but u got employ confinement lady rite?' * faint.. lucky my mum came and helped. my mil does not even know how to cook, shower bb or even change diaper. never used diaper before... lucky my mum and hubby were around to do damage control. then i caught her testing the temperature of my bb's milk by dipping her finger into the milk bottle. that pissed me off, and i explained that we sterilise to ensure no germs but u dip ur fingers = got germs got germs are under our fingernails even if we washed out hands... again, my hubby was willing to 'scold' her.... if not, i'll go mad handling her...

well well well, we can always comment and complain directly about our own mothers but not our mils.. bobian...
dragonbaby, all foods have their own nutrition, i think impt thing is balance. My boy does not have the good fortune of having home cooked meals since very young since he ate at infantcare. My boy only started porridge at 8 months old. I think impt thing is to persist. They push out the food not because they don't like it or are choosy but they are just simply not used to it. Gota keep trying, as we all know it! I'm surprised your MIL does not know & take it that your boy is choosy. Ever since my boy turned 1, he takes rice with soup already. Now 20 months worse, you name it, he has tried it. It's important that after they turn 1, they take in more solids as milk is no longer enough. Right?! I mean, this is what my boy's PD and the TCM doc told me. You wana 送神 is very 难 lor. Things will get real ugly if u chase her out. How are you going to solve your #2 i don't know...must discuss with your husband even if you think he won't be of any help. Im glad i bite the bullet and fired my MIL. Things were real ugly after that, my BILs and MIL blame us for making her quit and now ask her to go back to work etc. But you know what? It's been a year now and both sides are happier. Got to rough it out sometimes....really hope you find a solution to this!

hazel, wow...your MIL best leh. I agree with GG Lee. Even my MIL buys fresh fish for my boy. Thou she uses chicken stock, soya sauce, salt etc but even she knows that good fish is great for the kids. Gota take the chance to give him nutritious stuff before they get older and knows how to pick & choose ^^ Good for you, own mum is still the best huh?
Scary story...3 cans of coke a day is too much even for a coke lover like me. No control at all huh? Aren't they concerned about their children's health?

NC, kudos to your husband for being supportive! My husband too, prefered to travel to and fro rather than let her mum move in. I think he knows his mum's pattern. So he rather we (or rather me) travel. Actually, i give my boy frozen stuff too. Even the stock i used for his porridge are all frozen. Fruit & veg purees, all frozen. Boh eng to do fresh everyday!

Catherine, is your mum working? If not, would be good if she can help you fetch your baby. You will need all the help you can get

GG_Lee, all kids love unhealthy stuff, i think that's the norm. The forbidden is always the most attractive, lol. Actually, my boy is the type who can eat anything. I think its more of circumstances. If kids are taken care of at home with someone to cook every single meal, of cos no chance to eat outside. I'm sure his infantcare food is not super healthy or nutritious as well. What to do right? We all have our limitations. But 18 mth old toddlers eating spicy food is rare. Not scared of the spiciness?! Even ketchup my boy will reject. Too strong the taste...

serene, your MIL power. Dip finger into milk to test temperature. LOL!!!! Thou i was living at jurong (my own place), i actually returned to my parents' at Sengkang to do confinement. It pissed my MIL big time. Then she pissed me off by coming to my parents' after 10pm or so to see my boy during my confinement. Because it was too far to travel by public transport and she had to wait for my BIL to return home from work then fetch her to my place and back. Had to endure her late night visits countless times. During full month (at my own place at jurong), she hogged onto my boy and my parents & relatives have no chance to carry him at all. Then she gambled at my place with the relatives. They stayed at my place past midnight. Then she wanted to stay over. Ask me to go sleep, let my boy sleep with her in the living room. I was so angry & emo i held onto my boy and cried in my masterbedroom. Told my husband to ask her to leave before i kill his mum. Looking back, i think it's quite comical....first time mummies always very gancheong & emo :p
Butter waffles, interesting article. Looks like I really got to lower expectations abt mil helping to stimulate bb intellectually, as long as she feeds bb properly, I should be happy...

Serene, dip finger into milk is really ultimate. Gosh. Pple say when mil takes care of bb, it's not enough to close one eye, must close two eyes.... Sigh...
Butterwaffles, the irony is mil was a nurse by training though she just worked for a few yrs as a nurse. I dunno how she thinks. Even though hub is diabetic she will still offer him sweet food.. I stop her she will say, is ok just abit, ask him go exercise when she knows her son is super lazy.. She herself Is a diabetic n has renal failure for 20yrs still like this.. Wat can I say? Anyway, for our own kid(s) I hv to start them from young with good eating habits. Hub is another bad influence, can feed a 1yr old or younger with diet coke! Can faint ok..
Butterwaffles , my mum is still working. Main reason y I dun want her to look after princess is my bitch sister will throw her kid to my mum and she has to handle 2. Then my bitch sister and her husband who dun know y dun look after the kid can enjoy their life. Besides my mum work is easy. No stress y not let her continue till 1-2 yrs more

I will never let my mil touch my princess cos her hygiene level is not up to my standard. Her nails are dirty and she can tell u dun need to shower frequently. Food wise she will use the cheapest food. No way.
butterwaffles: no lah I also feed my son frozen food cuz small portion v hard to cook. But then at least we make sure the ingredients are fresh mah. My MIL asked my maid to cook with frozen fish which had stayed in her freezer for dunno how long lor.

Talk abt breast milk, my MIL ever took my frozen BM out, thawed, fed him half then put the other half back into the freezer. When I found out and threw the other half away, her face was super black lor
wow, interesting discussion abt MIL!
Hazel- you MIL is a nurse but her thinking is so ancient!

Butterwaffles- I agree wif you, sometimes-I feel like killing my MIL too! Hahaha. Think our own mums are still the best.

Thanks for the great article, very touched that the baby survived.

Serene-I think we really have age gaps wif the old folks. Most of them still live in post war times where food is limited and if can save food, they try to keep for fear next meal no food to eat.
Butterwaffles: Nice article thanks! now I can't wait to hold my baby girl. ^^

Agree with jen, interesting discussion abt MIL! fortunately i don't have problems with mine.. YET! haha. so far she's very sui bian and nice. and doesnt impose anything on us. we also dont stay with her so no conflicts.

i didnt know we cant feed toddlers with food cooked from frozen ingredients! i thot freezing of fresh food before cooking is ok, but cook oredi then freeze loses more nutrients? i might be wrong. :S buying fresh food to cook for kids everyday sounds scary cos i dont have a maid and not staying with MIL or mum.. how do u mummies handle?
planet: not that you can't cook food from frozen ingredients. But once cooked, those food can't be frozen again because bacteria have already bred. Same reason why we can't refreeze our frozen breast milk. For me I buy fresh ingredient, cook and freeze them in batch to feed my son for the next 2-3 days. So definitely have to use fresh ingredients lor. Older folks sometimes dunno this, that's why my MIL went to refreeze my BM. But cannot tell her that's shes wrong one! She thought that since she had 4 kids, she knew best! So I was pissed lor, cuz she din even bf her kids!
Serene, wahlau your mil is gross leh! Dip finger into milk??! Ya sometimes I guess is generation gap also. My mil can keep food she cooked in the fridge and reheat for us to eat 2 days later!! Or use some dunno how long roast pork or char Siew to fry rice. For my mum we never had habit of keeping food overnight so I was totally grossed out. The one time that pissed me big time was when I cooked laksa and my mil suddenly dumped 2 leftover fishball from her Yong tau hu bee hoon soup from last night into my pot of laksa! I was dammed pissed and it turned out the fishballs spoiled already!!! I mean walau hawker food is never meant to be kept overnight and if u chose to, fine, eat yourself, but dun put into my food!!!
Oh yea and I see my mil thaw food v scary! She will take out from freezer put at the sink and thaw till morning to cook. Bacteria will grow and multiply!!! Correct way is either to defrost in fridge overnight, otherwise defrost fast with the food wrapped and put some water. or else microwave. But definitely not left outside to defrost over 10 hrs!! Or worse after that freeze again!!! Faint!!

I'm a september 2011 mummy. Hi, I have a set of 3 weeks-old pre-loved Philips AVENT Twin Electronic Breast Pump to let go. Almost brand new condition. US set with international warranty ending on 3 Oct 2012. 2-pin adaptor included. Pumps used less than 10 times. Tote bag and cooler bag unused. All parts including brand new bottles and teats intact, except for the instructional CD which u can view online. Asking price SGD 380. Self-collection at Punggol. Interested parties pls PM me. Thanks.
Hello all mommies, happy Deepavali to Indian mommies here and for the rest, enjoy your holiday break!

Talking abt MIL, i also have something funny to share. she asked me if it's ok for baby to use my hubby's baby clothes when he was few mths old!! OMG...thats over 3 decades kept in cupboard...
Sweetcorn, this is funny and cute, to think that she kept these for so long, must be the really sentimental type....
I guess it should be alright if the clothes can withstand washing and disinfecting without disintegrating....I saw some shows on tv where families in the US keep special occasion clothes like those worn by babies during baptism and it's used for generations...

haha GHK , yea not to disappoint her, i told her i will be buying new ones, so those old ones can be used as backup if soiled too many...hehehe
