(2012/02) Feb 2012

good morning everybody..... nice cool morning...
2 more days to the weekend...
and after this week, my working load is much its the schools hols.... need to go for invigilation and meetings only.. yeah...... somehow i feel that its alr hols though must stil go back to sch.. yeah yeah yeah... thou i'm in my 2nd trimester, i stil need to nap everyday...
lazy lazy... enjoying every single moment before my little darling pops out...
Good morning all...
very sleepy...but my baby from early morning keep kicking me...now still very active like play kong fu...
Hi moms, 
I hv a few items for sale. Please sms me at 91558725 if you are interested. Collection at sengkang, buangkok, hougang, toa payoh and ang mo kio MRTstations only.
1) medela swing breast pump bought 14/8/2011 (warranty till aug 2012), Used barely a mth as i hv not enough milk supply.Will throw in 1/2 bottle of greenlife fenugreek capsules(increase milk supply) and 14 pieces of medela pump and save breastmilk bags. $180   
2) medela washable breast pads, very new and good condition $8
3) 4 pieces of nursing bras size roughly 36B (hv different hook sizes to adjust) selling at $15 for all.
4) 2 pieces of cotton nursing pajamas from Spring at NEX, worn less than 10 times, very good condition. Selling both at $15
5) medela breast shields with carrying case for occassional sore nipples from BF. $10
6) quinny zapp xtra baby stroller (blue), suitable from newborn to 4 yrs old. Used less only a month in excellent condition but decided to sell as hubby bought a jogging stroller from US while on business trip. $420.

Good morning mummies, there is another fair coming up.. Hopefully can find good buys during the fair. ;)

Parenthood Fair
11-13 November 2011
Singapore Expo Hall 5B
Hello all, its raining again. So sad, was watching news last night and lThai airport is closed for a week due to flood! Sigh..called up Thia airways, they said no refund or change of destination but allowed postponement of travel date but problem is- I will be in 3rd trimester soon, will not be able to travel in Dec liao.
GG- your MIL soo gross! Do you get diarrhea from eating her food?

Sweetcorn, you are not the only one wif hand-down clothings! My MIL also told my hubby to go home wif me one of the weekend to clear her storeroom because she kept 3 boxes of HB's baby clothings, cloth diapers, toys and yaolan! And now she wants us to use them and at the same time clean her storeroom for her. My gosh-talk abt only son's inheritance!Imagine the yellow stains on the cloth diapers and mouldy smell of 32 years! hahaha
Hello Mummies,

On 10 Oct went for detailed at gynae says everything is fine and 80% is a gal
so happy to the max!!! Hope it's 100% correct.. got to wait for next appt to double confirm.

Now about week 22, my legs gets swollen already
I didnt notice it until I went for pedicure and they told me
so sad! Anyway to better it?

I haven't really started any calcium, iron & fish oil pill. As after I taking it weeks ago, I puke out.. already tried twice.. Gynae says alright not to take, but I must drink milk to have the nutrition. But for my 1st child, dun have such issue leh.

Jus came back from my HK trip on Monday. It's tiring but fun.

Hope all mummies are doing well.

Sweetcorn, useful website that has lots of other good articles too... Thanks...

Tay, for iron pills, if your earlier blood test showed that your blood count levels are ok, then no need to take... For fish oil and calcium, my gynae only asked me to take starting from 20 weeks, so u can try a few weeks later and see how again. For me, I can't swallow pills, so I chewed everything. The fish oil is not so nice to chew, haha. The earlier multiple vitamin pills taste horrible to chew, glad that no need to take it anymore...

It's super pouring outside....
hello mummies,

I guess during the Parenthood fair, Stemcord and Cord Life will set up their booths.

Any mummies already decided to store the cord blood?
Actually what is the difference between these 2 agencies?
serene: me too! I also need to nap in the afternoon when u reach home. Always v lethargic.

Tay: did u try propping up ur legs? Could it be cuz u walked too much in HK? Limit salt and sugar intake also may help ah, but for me last time also elePhant legs during the last month.

Chilli-quek: I'm donating my bb's cordblood, not banking.
Chilli quek, I think both private banks differ in the technology that they use to extract the stem cells from the cord blood. Fees are different too. Hear-say is that cord life is better. I'm undecided between donating to the public bank and storing it for personal use. Think it's a waste to throw it away, cos it may save a life somewhere. if store it for personal use, my concern is how "useful" it really will be if something happens, cos one view is that the baby's own blood already has the genetic disorders which cause the blood or immune system problems in the first place, so it's unlikely that docs treating that disease will use back the child's own stem cells for transplant. Dun know how true this is. Any one has any ideas?
GHK, wat u shared is true. I asked my gynae on
His views n he said the same. He told me returns r higher if I use the money to buy insurance for bb. He also shared with me that the cord blood is useless once bb hit 30kg, ie abt 7-8 yrs old. I know the pte bank said bank for 21yrs. Reallt, suckers when i found out, So, I hv decided not to bank the cord blood.
I have read up about the cord blood and like what some mummies shared, the cord blood could be not usable because of the genetic disorder already present. So I would probably donate it or dispose it. One thing that's deterring me from donating is that I heard there's alot of procedures involved, including filling long questionnaire regarding family health history, blah blah blah and drawing of blood etc. And the cord blood may not be accepted eventually. Could be due to insufficient blood or some tests done later which deem the cord blood unsuitable. So still considering my options but definitely not private banking.
Thanks Hazel, for the info.

I think I will donate mine. Agree with GHK that it might save a life somewhere somehow.
GHK, I cant chew leh... I scare to take pills leh.. chew made it worse, the smell

NC : Ya.. mayb walk too much.. okie will try to reduce sugar & salt intake. Heard from ppl can put pillow below ur leg to better it. Haven't tried but gonna try it out.

Chilli Quek : I store my 1st child cordblood through cordlife. For my 2nd one will be the same
Hi mummies, do you gals know if four weeks before EDD is the absolute earliest we can start our maternity leave? Are there any exceptions? Say if the company is agreeable can we start earlier?
planet, think that's the black and white from MOM. but if your company is flexible, it might be ok? since MOM pays half, company pays half. i'm not sure... i heard stay home too early will have thoughts running wild, so i think i will work will i can't. hopefully can work from home

i visited my new gynae today. she said she's usu around on CNY but got caveat still lah, in case really not around. baby is on average (a liiiiitttle bit small) side, abt 760g now. placenta still low lying, but doc will reassess in 32 week. everything's looking good. i'm so happy
also made plans to book my ward and will do the hospital tour soon

oh, and i also got my iphone4s :p looked like some desperate preggy person queuing up...
Planet, u can take mc or Hl before delivery unless ur co prohibit that one mth before edd. If no, keep the ml till delivery
Hi chewie,

It's been a while since we hear from u! Glad to know u found a new gynae! So which hospital have you decided on? How much is the iPhone 4s? Not sure if I should upgrade mine?
Hi Jen, nice to hear frm u! I'm staying w mt e cos Dr Kek only delivers there. but for pd, I'm still deciding cos mt e traffic n parking is horrible whereas I live 5 min from mt a. Any mummies here hv good recs for mt a or TMC pd? Must the same pd be there at birth n subsequently? I dun think so right?

I was on 3GS so it's quite outdated alrd. The iPhone 4 or 4s camera is loads better!!! Can take better baby photos
I paid $199 with Starhub $58 plan. But I hv corporate discount - only 20%. So all in all it's paying more for the phone over installments lor. I'm liking it a lot so far. Hello siri...
Can someone share the charges for cord blood banking from different company? I never store for my first BB thout maybe good to consider for the second one.

Chewie, how's the function compare to iphone 4? Is it faster?
dragonbaby, not sure abt iphone 4. i read online that 4 and 4s similar. think u wait for 5 better. it is alrd quite significant btw 3gs and 4. hubby's phone is 4 and i found it loads way faster than my old phone. but i didn't compare btw 4 and 4s loading
hi Linda Chan, I'm also with kkh tps..

Jen, the Thai floods look really jia-lat. People's hometowns all get devoured.

Planet/GHK, ya, true that donating it might be useful. I had previously also signed up to donate bone marrow... if there were a match I might be contacted to donate. I was also donating blood regularly prior pregnancy.
Hi chewie,

You got yourself a Good Hp deal! I'm using iPhone 4 now it works great but realised after 8months of usage, the battery life seem to deteriorate faster than other Hp brands. My battery life was 100% full charge in the morning n by abt 3pm+, it's down to less 30%. Called apple, they said it's a frequent problem among iPhone 4 users. Hopefully 4s or 5 will not be.

Anticipating- yah, the flood scenes in tv were really devastating and heard it's going to last till dec, sigh.
Dragonbaby- I went to the cordlife talk before at Mandarin Orchard. The package offered was really attractive- abt 6k for 21 years of storage and we can use CDA fund to pay 50% of the price, no need to fork out any money yet now until 2 months after we deliver, comes wif free gift of Avent bottles! However, we didn't take up the offer in the end cause we have not done any research yet.
My hb is very keen but I'm having 2nd thoughts after hearing the advices from other mummies.
Brand new Singapore set medela swing pump with warranty. Selling $250. MSG 96922155 to deal. Giving up as it is a gift from friends. Unused and unopened.
Chewie, I was there at abt 1pm n three were 6 sets there still. Anyway I bought a set. The freebies itself cost at least 60 bucks! After that I went istetan to check the prices. Haha :p
Sterilizer is 149 at isetan. The 2 avent free bottles cost 24++. The 2 pairs of pacifier cost 14+ per pair. There is still a free feeder bottle for 6 mths, I didn't check out the price for that though.
hey mummies morning

long time didn't post but have been reading the thread on and off.

been busy with #1 who's at home for the past 3 weeks as sch has hfmd and is not cleared yet, the he caught a virus and have been sick for the past week..arghs.

anyways, for 1st time mummies, there's quite a bit of sales going on next weekend and the following weekend - both bb hyperstore and baby studio having warehouse sales next weekend.

following weekend is the parenthood fair at expo.

anyone knows if pigeon is going to have a warehouse sale? i need to stock up on pigeon stuff like bottles, wipes, detergent etc...or anyone has lobang where to get the cheapest pigeon products?

re: donation of cord blood
anyone knows what is the procedure? who do we have to contact and when?
Can email cord blood bank for details [email protected] Typically try to do it around 7-8months cos need to do phone interview and also a face to face interview and get forms to bring on delivery day. Short interviews though, no worries. The hospital provides the cord blood collection kit, so no need to bring collection and bring it yourself on delivery day (at least that was what the procedure was when I had #1 2 years ago
I asked my gynae on his views on cord blood storage.
He told me its a form of insurance. And if its not useful, the govt wont encourage cord blood banking. Other countries r also promoting cord blood banking.
Guess I will go Parenthood fair (if both banks have booths there) to find out more.
Morning all, I'm back. I enjoyed my trip to HK and GZ. I shop till I drop in GZ. Bought lots of things for my #1. Haiz, only 2 things for my bb cos most he will be having all the pass down items from his brother. Only 1 pair of shoes and a hair cut for myself. Nvr shop like that last time so hubby very shock! Hehee... cos now hav kids liao, keep thinking and buying for them.
I have a burning question

Is it necessary to use baby laundry to wash our babies' clothes? Or would normal washing powder/ detergent do (just a small amount)?

Have been contributing much to this trend but been a silent reader.
Hazel, thx for the breakdown. Good deal then!!

Jas, welcome back! Same case for me. Esp preg now, cannot try anything n not sure if will fit. Have stopped buying clothes for myself
Still undecided between donating and banking cord blood...will think some more, got to probably decide in a month's time...

Good for mummies who got good deals at the Phillips sale... So envious... I'm still grounded on home rest, haven't stepped out of the main door for 2 weeks, and still counting... If this continues, I will need to buy all baby stuff online instead, no joy of going out and feeling the actual products...

Tay, for taking the pills, can try to introduce either the fish oil, iron or calcium first, see if body will reject... Cos it may be just one of them which is causing the rejection, if can isolate, u can at least take the other two. I read that some just can't take the iron pills, cos it churns the stomach, cause nauseousness...so it might be just the iron one that is not suitable for u ...
Gin, I bought and used baby detergent for my #1 to use till he reach 1 yr old then we use adult detergent. We did use adult detergent once when he only 6 mths old and in the end he got rashes. Not sure is it due to the detergent?

Jus to share, my #1 recovered from his cough, running nose and rashes on buttock and face. He got all this for months liao and he recovered within a week when my PIL is taking care of him during the period I'm in GZ and HK. Tats the wonders of keeping infants at home then to go ifc or child care. Haiz, but I have no choice but to send #1 back to ifc today. #2 will also hav to go ifc when he 3 mths old.
