(2012/01) Jan 2012

Brink, i got no idea what brand is the wetsuit leh. my boy also don't like sweet potato mixed with cereal, think too thick & dry. If sweet potato alone he'll finish everything. I feed him on the rocker. Mine is the chicco rocker, can incline the back so like upright position. Maybe u can get the ikea high chair? Not very ex.

Hi Jac,

I have not tried the sweet potato yet..only potato

I got 2 of the ikea high chair but bb still donno how to set yet so not using at the moment..
by the way, u freeze the puree u make? where to get those containers? never see from those $1.99 shop lei..daiso have?
googlez, I should think so since can use to freeze bm. I didnt get the via cups (only got a free one from mt A) so bought baby cubes instead. cheaper I think.
Thanks Jac. I got 5 free cups when I signed up for Motherhood Magazine at the last expo fair. Not doing anything with them so might as well. Anyway, I dunit much, mayb just freeze a bit for the weekends will do.
googlez, then what u feed during wkdays? i'm feeding my boy jarred food twice a day during wkends, coz jarred food once open muz finish within 48hrs. wkdays i feed homemade food once a day (during dinner time), coz i can prepare & freeze on sunday for the whole wk. my boy still hasn't started on solids at IFC.
my mum's taking care on wkdays. she believes in freshly prep food. we started my gal on pumpkin/potato/sweet potato puree before she LS. NOw waiting for her to fully recover and i think my mum is most eager to move on to porridge. add in fish and veg. cooked until mushy mushy..
googlez, ic. ur gal LS still not ok? abit long woh, got go see PD again? think porridge need wait till 7-8mths?

my boy tried brown rice, apple, pear & sweet potato so far. still got lots more to go.
Jac, we brought her to see 2nd PD liao. It's slightly better, down to 2-3 times a wk cf 7-8 times 3 wks ago. So we juz wait till she poos once a day..

My colleague fed his daughter porridge when she was 1 wk to 6mo. He said so far so gd. At least nv LS. My mum oso said we started on porridge early, no time and effort to do other things for us..hahaha..
Hi mummies, I was registering myself on Nestlebaby and the last part asked me if want a NANPRO2 or NANHA2 goodie bag. har? what's the difference and which is better? I remember I saw one of the mummies here recommend registering to get some items.. care to share?
jean, I'm not using Nestlé, but according to my friend, pro=probiotics, ha=hypo allergic, ha is good for sensitive stomachs, but lesser nutrients (dha, aha, etc), usually ppl go for pro.
Jac, swimming once a week i tink too much for babies... Especially if u are bringing him to public pool. If its those personal swimming tub at home den shld be alrite. My son oso loves to play water when bathing, but when really go swimming he cant tahan the cold n cried for 1 whole hr.

Moscato, how do u cook small portion of rice for yr kid now?
N very troublesome to cook tt little bit of fish, egg, veggie etc too? My boy confirm belong to jumbo group, he is already 6.4kg at 2mths old! Now weight gain slow down liao, at 6.5mths old he is 9kg.

Lush, u or yr hubby hae ezcema? My skin quite sensitive, especially my face and i got mild sinus too. pd says its passed on to them frm mi. both my sons has minor ezcema and mild sinus too. Dun despair, i believe the condition will get better as she gets older! Just make sure her skin is always clean after feeding.
Brink, i just use those normal ice cube tray with lids. Cheap n gd.

Googlez82, yes the avent cup can be used to store puree in the freezer. Sometimes i freeze my puree in them, just warm up in the avent warmer n can feed straight from it. I tink at tis age if give porridge, cook until super soft still not enuff. Might have to use blender to make into paste type or baby might gag on the small particles.
Hi Mummies

anyone has 1 empty tin or package (>700g) of non-dumex milk powder to give as I would like to have it? Im living in Jurong west. Thanks
Jean, i opt for Nan Pro but don't intend to let bb try unless he is not taking his current brand well.

Chris, i use thermal magic cooker on working days. Will cook 1/4 cup of rice, add in pork & carrot to boil. Will add in the veg when i heat it up for dinner. Usually i will steam the egg & fish. If i'm not working, i will use pot & boil over the stove. If so, i will add the fish in the porridge to boil if cooking fish porridge.

brink, oh dear! then u have to separate the boys?
Moscato: ya we are trying to separate them... Think they love each other a lot..
didi cry gor gor will rush into the room and didi seeing gor gor bed but never see gor gor will cry too...we were thinking maybe one of us either my hubby or mr move out w one child but too many things and I cannot beat not seeing my boys f a day... So we decide to stay at home instead. One boy one room and elder is not allowed to touch or kiss or hug didi... Hopefully didi is ok... It will be a super long 2 weeks for me and hubby
brink, ur #1 not vaccinated against chicken pox? see whether u can get some1 to help look after #2 for time being? do take care...

chris, I have the swimming tub, but too small, boy gets bored very very fast. my boy doesn't like the neck float (coz he got no neck), if wear those chest float (bigger) then no space to swim. also take up alot of water. I'm trying to sell off my swim tub. hahah. wonder where got heated pool...

moscato, the thermal magic cooker good to use? sounds complicated...
Jac, it's convenient to use. Not complicated. The inner pot is just a stainless steel pot. Put all the ingredients in to boil..then put the whole pot into the outer pot to let it continue cooking cos it retains heat. Save gas/ electricity.
My colleagues use a bigger size one to cook soups.
Jac, mmrv not good enough, got 50 percent chance got it.. Another boy fr my bou class also got it when he is vaccine w mmrv...
brink: aiyo.. take care ha! u n hubby had chickenpox already i hope!!

jac: thanks! i've chosen nanpro. but i most prob won't be using it, am just eyeing the other stuff to feed bb..
about the thermal magic cooker, where did u buy from? so wen we buy, we have to specifically look out for the word "thermal magic cooker " ?how is it diff from the normal slower cooker?
jkids, if i'm not wrong, the thermal magic cooker doesn't need to plug into power socket or put on the stove. Due to its thermal insulation, it can keep the food (usually liquid form) in it hot for hours, some say up to 8h but i think 4-5h is good enuff.

U pour the soup into the inner steel container, which can be heated over the stove. Then put this inner steel container into the thermal outer layer. The outer layer cannot be subjected to heat. The magic is that it keeps the soup hot without electricity like the normal slow cooker.
The nestle goodie bag comprises of 3 sachets of cereal, 1 bottle of puree, 1 bottle of Gerber puffs and 1 tin of milk powder.

jkids, u can get the magic cooker from any dept stores or neighbourhood appliances shop if they carry. There are several brands, Endo, La Gourmet, Tiger. Of course Endo is the cheapest i think. I'm using the 1.8litre one, cost me less than $30. Tiger will be the most ex mah..of cos the heat retention will be better. but Endo is good enough for me.
brink, my boy takes abt 2oz, the size of 1 baby cube container.

my boy like having harder & less frequent (& very smelly) stools after taking solids (rice cereal, sweet potato, etc). normal? worried he kana constipation. how to prevent constipation? feed more plain water?
Jac, having more plain water is good. My colleagues give their children pro-biotics. Next round of vaccination, I'll ask PD if babies can/should also take pro-biotics on a regular basis.
Im also giving my girl probiotics. she takes it almost everyday. PD said it's ok as it's like vitamins for the body.

When you give rice cereal, how much do you give? The tin says 1 - 2 teaspoonfuls. I added 2 teaspoonful to 160ml of ebm, in the end cannot even see the rice. ;p But my girl doesnt like it, even though it's so little, she took so long to drink the milk! have to coax n coax. haiz.
Lush, i dont mix into milk bottle. I use the combi spoon to take out 8 scoops of cereal (healthy times) and add warm water til smooth consistency (not watery) then feed via spoon.
If nestle rice cereal, the 1st time i tried, i used 60ml of milk and pour in about less than half sachet of cereal.
lush, your daughter took so long cos it's jamming the teat is it, altho u say cannot even see the rice but it's still to big for the teat hole?

By the way, if the porridge is still grainy (but soft) with small bits of fish, is that ok for 6mo? My mum insists it's ok, dunit to grind or to slow cook till smooth consistency. I'm afraid the 6mo digestive system can't take grainy porridge.
Lush, moscato,
I usually give 8 teaspoon of rice cereal and 2 huge tablespoon of potato w carrot or sweet potato. Sometimes will give more if boy still wan.. Sometimes w water, sometimes w breastmilk and hot water... Texture consistent varies as sometimes I add too much water and sometimes too little... Then after that will be 60 ml milk...
Hi lush, what brand of probiotics do you give your child? and from age to what age is it suitable for? Looking to purchase for my 6mth old + 2 yr old children. Thanks!
Moscato, the thermal cooker canot cook rice, only porridge rite?

Jac, i oso got a baby swimming tub at home. Very enthu to let my elder son swim at least once a mth when first bot, only swim afew times he already outgrow it. Now we too lazy to use it for my younger son. Like u said, waste water.
Baby stools become smelly n harder is normal after they start solids. My elder son's poo smell like adult loh... Eh no, even smellier den adult's! Haha~~

Lush, when u buy the probiotics? Need prescription frm doc? Its not advisable to add cereal in milk bottle to feed. Will choke the teat like googlez82 said, especially if u are using teats with small holes (eg. Avent: higher stage teat is more holes instead of larger hole). I tried adding in milk before too n it choked the teat although i oso nv see any cereal particles, my son drank very slowly n got very fussy becos he need to suck very hard. So most prob not yr girl dun like the taste cos i dun tink the little bit of cereals affects much.
Googlez82, Most bb only start porridge at 8mths old. Must blend into paste type somemore. Porridge at 6mths shld be fine but i tink shld blend. I dun tink 6mths can handle the texture u described yet, most prob it will cause her to gag on the food. Even if she managed to eat it, may cause indigestion oso. My elder son only managed to eat grainy porridge with small bits of fish at around 1yr old. So better dun risk n dun rush. I asked polyclinic nurse before, by 1yr old can eat grainy porridge the developement is considered ok already.
Christina, I'm not sure if the thermal cooker can cook rice. Never try before. Maybe will work but will be like those we cook over stove, instead of rice cooker. Have to put lesser water.
Thought the thermal cooker is for keeping warm not cooking? Correct me if I wrong
thought of buying one too.. Cook one time then keep the next meal warm by keeping inside... Last time I use thermal flask.. Works too
the thermal magic cooker is for cooking..bring the food to boil then transfer the inner pot to the outer pot to continue cooking. I have attached a pic in my previous posting. You can take a look
ohhh... maybe it has choked the teat hor? heee.. i didnt think of that. Im using Avent #4 already, thought should be big enough for thicker liquid. Hmm.. I think I shall try again, just add enough water to make it gooey like porridge right. Now I think it's too watery cos I add 2 teaspoonfuls with 160ml milk.. heee

Hi Pamela, Christina, My probiotics is Biogaia. One bottle about $45. PD gave it to me as my girl had thrush when she was just a mth old, so had to eat that to reintroduce good bacteria to her digestive system. And she still has ezcema, so PD said I can continue taking it to strengthen her immune system.
mummies, how much does ur bb drink now? my boy still taking 120ml, but ard 7-8 feeds a day, every 3hrs, very siong to keep waking up at nite! yawnz. he seems very hungry at night, always finish all the 120ml at one go. wonder issit he not drinking enough during the day/ b4 he sleep.

brink, ur boy eating alot leh, 8 teaspoons of cereal + 2 tablespoon of puree at one go? i feed my boy abt 2oz of puree/cereal then followed by 90-100ml of milk nia. mabbe i shld try feeding more solids? hmm...

christina, yeah my boy's poo very smelly, smellier than adults!
anyone interested to shop from carter/ osh kosh? thinking of getting a carter swimwear................
but ex to juz ship 2 pcs (top + bottom) leh..
Jac, my 6mth 1wk old gal can drink 7oz milk liao. But we only give her this much at midnight and her next feed will be ard 5++6am when I latch her. Otherwise, in the day time, she's given 4-6oz, depending on when her previous feed was and how much.

Sorry, not getting any clothes for her cos she outgrows so fast! Havent even worn those she has now..

googlez, hmm.. my boy used to drink more amt (150ml) & less frequent (6-7 feeds), but nowadays become less amt (120ml) & more frequent (7-8 feeds, sometimes even 9). give him more milk he always can't finish then abit wasted. my friend suggested giving him milk every half to 1 hr close to bedtime. dunno if it works. I usually buy 5-10 pcs of clothes of each size & up 2 sizes, so can wear long long. my boy wearing 12-18 mths clothes now, still can last for awhile. the other time I bought 18-24 mths one, he still no chance to wear yet. hahha.

btw, I bringing my boy for trial swim class at aquabambino this sat. its heated pool. mummies interested can google it. so looking forward, hope my boy will like it.
