(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jac, my mil opp fr yours.. Say I better not work and stay home to take care. Then she can still be carefree as a bird and still get allowances f hubby... That time say my hubby need to be overseas f 3 weeks, she so scare and ask if my hubby can don't go since she may need to take care of my boy day and night...when need help, my mum is alway there, mil always Mia. then say she never cook f me cause my mu
Such good cook.. Wan to make soup f me buying all those pots so paiseh... All in front of my hubby.. Hubby being a 孝子alway got excuse f her mum.. So frustrating sometimes. Sometimes feel like she 做做 in front of mu hubby...

brink: so funny when i saw your post on bb eating fingers then eating foot. haha! cuz my little girl is now successful at turning and likes to bring both legs up and she's trying to stuff her foot in her mouth after her fists! haha.. so funny when i first saw the foot-almost-in-mouth part. lucky wearing sock, she stopped.

jac: i also just recovered from flu and sorethroat. i immediately went to guardian to buy face masks ($5.10 for 10pcs), use 1 pc to last whole day. uncomfortable for the sick person but is quite effective in preventing. cuz bb had to be near me when sleeping at night - either i carry or i had to be beside her to watch her sleep. If I had not been wearing the mask, I'd surely had passed on to her. *Touch wood* but my hubby and maid and little girl is fine. *yay*
Jean, u don't know 真是气死我了. He like purposely one lor, if I looking at him , I took out his hand, his foot will come, I took out his foot, his hand will come... Scold him and he actually look at me and laugh... So angry lor
Brink, my MIL ask me to work, but also never offer to look after my boy leh (my hb gives her $550 mthly). Tats y have to put my boy in IFC lo. Then that time my boy sick, my hb offer to take leave to look after him, MIL also violently objected. Then I LL say I take leave lo, after returning to work for like 2 days from Maternity Leave. Then she happy &amp; kept quiet. Want me to work but also want me to get fired. Really >~^{%<{€{^€*!!!! Anyway I'm abt to change my job, something more pro-family, althou pay is lower. MIL is happy abt the pro-family part, but not so pleased with the lower pay part. I'm already contributing half of the joint acct. really dunno what more she expect. Sibei sianz.
Jean, I didnt think of getting mask since whole family sick mah. Hahah. My boy was the first to be sick, then my hb, then me. I got the worse hit, fever some more. Me &amp; hb recovered liao. Boy is getting better, but still abit blocked nose, need stay away from aircon if possible.
Jac, my mil never offer to help lor. When that time she knew I expecting my second one she say how come we never make preventive measures lor... Kns, before that she was like telling everyone she wan to take care of my first and when it was time to look after my first, she quickly came over to my house to observe my boy and tell me she cannot cope w my boy running about... Just in front of me lor, and Not in front of my hubby. When told hubby, he thought I bad mouth his mum.. Kns think I so free ah...luckily both my parents are so nice to help out, without them I could hardly cope w one..from there I learnt not to depend on her.. And since she is not helping in anyway, I also no chap her... Unless she step on my toes...I think she very pian xin lor cause she helped to take care of both my sis in law kids from young till now also her daughter kids... Maybe I just fang pu ka... If I can, should just font bother and leave the kids w her which I cannot and I always cannot concentrate fully on work if my boy w her.. One time, she take care, she say my boy never drink milk so when I was there, my boy was so so so hungry... Can't she gave him other things to eat first... Haiz...so best is I take care myself... Could not be bothered w her and what she say...:p
Moscato, we check before, dun qualify for other financial help. We not poor but not having enuff to spend either. My hubby's pay alone got to pay for house, our 2 kids, mi n him to use.
How come cc never provide dinner i wonder... Tot dinner take around 5.30-6.30pm is a better time for kids? By the time bring them go home, settle down then eat dinner already 7.30-8pm?

Brink, i stay at bukit gombak so still acceptable distance to fidgets. Wah u stay SK super far loh. We oso seldom go out nowadays unless buy groceries stuff cos must drag 2 small kids along very troublesome. Walk halfway got to feed milk.
U have to plan carefully if u sell bb clothes, cos many many pple in this line already, yr price has to be compeititive enuff to have business.
Jean, yr girl so guai nv eat the socks. My son still suck until very happy even with socks on! Suck until the tip wet wet. Haha~

Seems like many pple have MIL woes... My hubby frm young on bad terms with his family, tt time cny we had a big quarrel with them and has ceased contact since then. When we still got talk to them, aniting happen my hubby definitely on my side. So i'm lucky in a way i dun have to entertain my in-laws. Cons is sometimes when my side of family cant help, nobody else to turn to.
Hi mummies who are using cloth diaper and is starting baby on solid food.. II have
One box of annaku diaper liner
One box of tollyjoy diaper liner
One box of opened annaku(used 3-5pcs)
$14 for all 3 boxes.

3 tins of oats cereal Happy bellies
3 tins of multigrains cereal Happy bellies.
To let go at $6 each. 

Self collection at Clementi/Dover mrt 
Ng, do u put the purée into the avent via cup &amp; use the avent warmer to heat it up &amp; then transfer it to a bowl? I'm wondering what to use to put the purée to heat up in my pigeon warmer. Usually I juz scoop some cold purée out of the jar into a bowl &amp; pour warm milk in, but it's still not warm enough.
At mil house, other smaller cousin keep hitting my elder boy and I ask my boy to play alone... Mil say he so lonely... When kids play they sure be like that, then I rather not let him play w them than let them hit my son...she was pissed, iI just ignore her...really don't like visiting my mil...urghhhh...
Jac, my boy is nice nice boy loh, never push or hit ppl and quite gentle man one
sometimes I do hope he beat back too... So 心疼him...
moscato...how do you request for samples of the cereal from nestle? very handy to bring out

any mummies bring out your cereals to feed bb outside?so convenient...how do you bring your cereal out when it is not in sachets
Christina, they will have tea-break ard 3 plus, 4pm, i think. Some parents starting picking kids ard 5 plus so hard to cater for dinner. Only those cc that opened til 9pm cater dinner. yup, by the time my #1 finished dinner is usually 8pm. I will get her ready to bed ard 9.15pm.

brink, join the Nestle Baby club and they will send you a goodie bag - 1 tin of Nan milk powder, 3 sachets of cereal, 1 jar of puree, 1 bottle of Gerber puffs.

i dont feed solids outside unless going to friends' house then i will bring porridge along but not at this age, think ard 1 yr old then i start bringing porridge out.

finally my bb start to eat cereal...see him eat so cute...haha..
moscato, mine is the multipurpose sterilizer - sterilizer, bottle warmer &amp; food warmer. abit messy (alot of parts to wash &amp; fix) to use the food warmer function. how do u heat up ur purée?

I read that it's best to steam the thawed purée again before eating leh. anybody does that? or submerge in hot water / use warmer can liao?

btw, my diy sweet potato turned out disasterous. too hard &amp; dry. sobs. need to redo again tonight.
i feel so much better now that i see the weight of the babies here.....

my colleagues call my baby king kong

6 months and weigh 10kg.. downing 240ml of milk per feed
Jac, i dont freeze puree. I only used jar puree twice for #1. I scooped into avent cup &amp; submerge in hot water cos didnt have bottle warmer then. Will keep the balance in fridge and consumed within 2-3 days. Cannot finish i eat. :p
subsequently i use Avent steamer cum blender to do potato, carrot, apple puree. Feed her fresh, balance i finished.

you didnt use enough water for your sweet potato?
moscato, then u make fresh purée everyday ah? got time ah? still muz peel the skin, cut/chop, steam &amp; blend. then also can't finish 1 whole thing at one go, usually 1 apple/pear can last 4 feeds like that. think I didn't steam long enough. blur me was steaming pear first b4 the sweet potato, then I use the same timer (10mins) for both. the pear turn out well, but the sweet potato abit undercook I think. sigh. muz be too tired last. not thinking liao. how long do u steam potato ah? btw, I also using the avent steamer cum blender.
i dont feed puree everyday. only make puree with the blender on wkends &amp; on my off days. I forgot if my mum tried to use it before. But in the end she steam using the traditional way and mashed.

i forgot the duration, think 15-20mins. There is a table in the manual. I did up using Excel &amp; paste on my fridge. But in the end i never tried steam meat/ fish in it.
moscato: yes, my girl is 5.5m now, can flip from back to tummy to back - saw her do few times le. but not successful all the time, and she will get angry and cry and yet won't give up.. hehe..
mummies what do u all let ur bb wear to swim ah? swim diapers? with top? or those 1pc swim wear? where to buy ah? need to wear disposable swim diapers inside those 1pc swimwear anot?
moscato, my boy 6+m, can roll both dir, back to tummy to back. now trying to crawl on fours, can support weight on fours but can't move. can't sit well &amp; not interested to sit still. sigh.
Thks mummies! Did u teach ur bb how to flip back?

My boy only know how to turn frm back to tummy but cannot turn back. When he sleeps on bb cot at night, always turn n sleep on tummy. After some time, he will fuss n wake up cos cannot flip back. :s

Jac: ur boy strong! My bb still on tummy, only turn in circle. My boy can sit in high chair for a while with pillows stuffed ard him. Maybe uncomfy so will fuss. Think bumbo chair helps. My #1 used and can sit with hands supporting on the flr by now but #2 still cant. He like to stand though.
Jac, i either warm up the puree with a bowl of hot water or use the avent warmer. I warm n feed using the via storage cup, no need scoop out. I realised sometimes the food still not warm enuff even though we followed the guideline. So i normally will set the timer another level up.

Brink, when my elder son below one (around 10-14mths old), when he needs eat solid outside we will put the cereal in the avent via cup to bring out. So can just pour the cereal powder inside a bowl n use the cup to measure the amount of water needed. Now hw is 18mths old, we just buy him outside porridge to eat.

Moscato, yr girl sleep quite soon after dinner... Do u still feed her milk before sleep then? Although got tea break but seems to mi very hard to tahan until dinner time leh...
Jean, my son like yrs... Can flip tummy to back n vice versa. But not everytime successful den he will cry for help. We turn him on his back, he will still keep flipping over. Buay tahan him loh....

Moscato, my mum always say baby no need teach him how to flip, crawl, walk etc one. When he reach the appropriate age n is ready, he will naturally know how to do it... Seems like true... We nv really teach our kids to do aniting...

Jac, u wan bring yr bb go where swim? If swim at home (inflatable tub) just swim diapers will do. If swim at pool, better to wear those 1pc thermal swimsuit other than swim diaper. If public pool better go after bb 1years old. Have to wear diaper inside swimming suit
moscato, my boy more hyper ba, put him down on his back he starts flipping onto his tummy &amp; wriggling away liao, so have to keep on grabbing &amp; flipping him from tummy to back when wanna change his diapers or clothes (typically 3-4 times during each change. sigh), so after awhile he gets it liao lo. my boy can't fit into the bumbo liao. too tight for his thighs. hahah.
Christina, thanks for sharing! btw, I'm thinking of a staycation in sept, then tot of bringing boy to hotel pool to swim. he'll be ard 9mths by then liao, shld be ok ba? hmm... where to buy those 1pc thermal suit ah? kiddy palace got?
Christina, i also don't remember teaching my #1 how to flip back..haha...anyway find #2's development slower compared to #1. My colleagues &amp; friends told me is like that one..boy developed slower than girl.
yup, my girl still asked for milk before sleep most of the time. If she doesn't ask then i don't give. Depending how much she eats for dinner, whether porridge or rice, will adjust the volume accordingly. Now she is coughing, so i will make lesser &amp; thinner milk for her...cos will puke while coughing.

Jac, same la..my boy will flip to tummy once put him down. My mum keep complaining difficult to change diaper for him..turn back immediately back to tummy again.
Yes, you can get thermal suit in kiddy palace. You can get your float too.
Jac: last time my elder,i let him wear the whole piece thermal wear and swim diaper...only let him swim at my friend landed property when he is nine months old as worried that water outside will be dirty since his skin no good
wow seems like your boy eating well and playing well..my first sit in bumbo will just sink in since he super thin...12 mths still can sit lor...already sold my bumbo then

moscato, my boy at 5 plus month only knows how to flip on his right side and support himself on his tummy like an aeroplane..donno how to flip back or turn on his left...he prefer standing though..once put him at his stroller, he stand there for a while and refused to sit down..stand until happy then he will sit..there is once I just let go and let him slide down his stroller seat..ahhahahah
anyone of you mix potato into your cereal? I tried to mix mine but think my boy dont like..eat so slow...usually he will cry and eat so fast...if i spoon slowly
brink, my boy is like your boy..aeroplane and the standing...he is turning 6 mths old tmrw. I also sold away my bumbo. never buy again for #2

felt abit bad..cos #1 tried more things and have more things and more attention compared to #2, especially i'm a wkend mum to him. But he got lots of attention &amp; care from my parents la.
Jac, u can try bring him to hotel pool but be prepared for lots of crying. Cos the water is too cold for them liao. The first time i brought my elder son to public pool he cried for an hour. Tt time he already 15mths old if i'm not wrong. Better if u can just let him play in the hotel bathtub instead. Yup kiddy palace got sell thermal swimsuit but its ex. Around $49.90. Maybe u can see if any mummies in the forum selling cos very fast outgrow one. Even if u bring him go swimming once a mth, oso only get to wear afew times. Yr boy will need size1 at 9mths old. I have size2 can lend u if u dun mind it will be abit looser
Moscato, wat age u started giving yr girl a full meal of rice? I still giving my 18mths old son porridge, mee sua, kway teow as main meal only. I tried giving rice before but he eat super super slow leh... And now tt he is bigger i nv blend or mash the carrots/potato/veggie etc in the porridge already, i only chop them into very small pieces. But seems tt he is constipated bcos of tis cos he nv really bite the food.
Most Boys really slower den girls in developement. My son until now only can say words like papa, mama, duck, bird etc. But my fren's daughter can speak simple short sentences already when she was at tis age
yeah, think boy is slower ba. my cousin-in-law got twins, 1 boy &amp; 1 girl, born early dec 2011. the girl now already can crawl all over the house on her fours liao. the boy still learning how to crawl, same as my boy.

Christina, thanks! think I'll take a look &amp; see got 2nd hand one anot. thinking of bringing my boy to swim every week if he likes it leh. so far he loves bath time &amp; kicking in the tub. but I also scared the swimming pool water too cold for him.

brink, thanks! u mean at plaza sing? arena got sell babies thermal swimwear? never notice b4. hmm.
Christina, cant remember exactly when started full meal with rice. Definitely before 18mths but most meals are porridge cos we hardly cooked at hm so difficult to cook just her portion. If i give her rice, will be in soup or mee sua.
Christina, Brink, did ur PD say wad causes the ezcema? My girl is still tbf so PD said maybe she is allergic to something i ate. Ive been avoiding dairy, eggs, seafood, nuts for many mths already. But her skin is still dry n red most of the days. On occasions it clears up but will come back within a few days. I feel so sad when i see her like this. Haiz. I try not to apply steriod also.. Jus lather with calendula..
Jac, thermal wear are like that
what brand is it?
Lush: don't despair just keep on trying different cream... My elder also had enzcema and use steroid cream extensively...My younger one I also apply steroid but try to tone down and maintain via calendula too... There are some bad comments on the web f the cream so I was quite cautious... But so far so good
Brink, u can ask your PD for cereal sample during ur next visit. Mine gave me 5 pack nestle rice cereal today.

My boy belong to small size group. Still 6.4kg only.

Moscato: my first take lots of hand me down, while second got lots of new clothes since I learn about the motherhood website... In terms of time, both same cause I was a stay at home mum f my first too...my second also drink more breast milk since I was not afraid of him crying while latching on. My first, he cry a bit, I will ask confinement nanny to make formula milk already...lol..I was at the Pd last month and took a few cereal from them... Just bought a new tin yesterday as running out...I mix potato my boy don't like, but if potato and carrot he eat and eat...
How do u all feed your bb? Using rocker, high chair or stroller? I am currently using the rocker but my boy has grown and kept hitting his leg.. Stroller he kept turning here and there make the stroller so messy...
