(2012/01) Jan 2012

<font face="Comic Sans MS">morning ladies!</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">he will start walking v soon! my #1 started walking at 10.5 months. by her 1st bday she was running about! we were hoping she stayed less mobile longer...</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">googlez82 > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">oh! maybe tatz y i cant find the group on fb at all. read somewhere they recently shifted the fb groups but not so sure how they handle.</font>

swanston, i'm still feeding my #1 porridge most of the time. She is also turning 3 end of the year. easier for me to cook cos usually cook her portion only. If eat rice, got to cook soup.

i think at 6 mths should be commando style crawling, not on all fours ba. My bb 6.5 mths still cant commando crawl..kick kick but cant move so he will flip back to his back. Prefer standing &amp; jumping too.

i will try to add swanston to FB. I'm not very active in FB thread..just read most of the time.
googlez82, Jean, i dont have your email leh..
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">moscato > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">eating porridge is fine. but my girl's still eating those mashed up porridge like wat we are giving the younger ones now lor else she will choke. :S having said that, she has no problem eating bak kwa and peanuts! (-.-)" thanks for adding me!</font>

googlez, my cousin-in-law's gal can crawl on fours at 5+mths. MIL say one la, but i didn't get to see. her twin boy still can't crawl yet thou. mabbe some gals development r faster.

swanston, yeah i suspect my boy will start standing &amp; walking soon. he can stand unsupported (when he opens his thunder thighs in a A-shape) for a tiny short while now. my hb say he got chance to pass his ippt running soon. hahah.

my boy seems to be allergic to peas leh, eat liao very gassy &amp; IFC teacher say he seems to be breaking out in rash now. worried. hopefully the rash will go away soon.
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">oh dear. hope he gets better soon!</font> <font color="ff0000"><font face="Comic Sans MS">*hugs*</font></font>
Jac: I hope his rashes will dissapear soon. What kind of green peas u give to ur bb? Is it those frozen one?

Googlez82: how old is ur bb now? Good ah your bb has tasted variety of things.. So fsr my bb only take cereal and yellow vege. I will have to start with green vege i guess..

Christina: i didnt really observe the 4 days rule previously. Juz read after u mentioned. Last week, my bb had a hard time passing motion and stool is hard. I was giving her carrot and move her to similac stage 2 milk at e same time. So i dunno which one causing it :-(.. Thought carrot should have los of fiber to help digestion..

Any mummies put bb on similac stage 2? For similac bb, how often does ur bb pass motion? Mine is twice a week mostly, even during stage 1. But last time stool was not hard.
Delphina, yeah I use frozen peas (watties brand). tot peas r recommended for bb's first foods, but juz read on Internet that some bb's might be allergic/sensitive to it. guess I'll have to avoid peas, long beans, peanuts &amp; other legumes for the time being. I'll probably try broccoli &amp; cauliflower next. Btw, I read that cooked carrots in large amt r constipating too. mabbe u can try mix with other non-constipating foods (i mix with sweet potato) or give bb more water / fruit juice (pear/prune).
Jac, hope ur boy recovers soon! Allergy is so scary...take care..

Delphina, my gal is 6m3w old. My mum, the primary care giver, is the scary one lo. She's so enthu in giving my gal solids, and she doesn't observe the 4 days rule. Luckily these are all ok food to start with. Let bb drink more water! An old GP told me solids eating bb shld drink 5-7 oz of water a day?! I thot that sounds alot so not giving so much, but definitely after each meal and in between if weather so hot (which is like every day)
looking4miracle: the brown rice is golden phoenix germinated brown jasmine rice

Jac: will let my boy drink more water but he dun really like to drink water so its quite challenging
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">they say cauliflower can cause wind. so far i avoid cauliflower for both kids. i only give broccoli.</font>
moscato: sent you my email lo..

wa.. so many babies can commando crawl le ma? better let my bb do more tummy time.. during tummy time, she only kick kick her legs and lift her head up high, then her head go down to suck fist.. or flip left or right but no crawl leh.. is there a trick?
swanston, broccoli also cause wind leh. now i headache. dunno what vege to try next. so difficult. sigh..........

googlez, what vege ur mum give ah?

jean, try use a toy to attract her attention &amp; get her to crawl towards you. my boy not commando crawl, more like snail crawl. hahah. he will stretch out his hands to grab the toy/ water bottle in front of him (water bottle more effective than toy for him), then pull in his legs with his head down &amp; mouth chewing his hands.
googlez, wha enrichment classes. sounds stressed! what do they teach/do there? when do u intend to start? so far i've signed up my boy for swim classes. mainly coz it's an indoor heated pool, scared public pool to cold for him, &amp; i like that i can join him in the pool, nice bonding time.
Jac, my mum gives hoi cai. Hmm..I dunno what's that in english or chinese. Maybe ask my mum to ask the seller.

Have you heard about the Glenn Doman method? It's using flash cards to go through with the baby. Flash about 5 pc a time, very fast. Idea is to get the brain to register the word and the sound. Sooner or later, the baby may pick out the right word when asked. There are english, chinese and math sets.

These enrichment classes I've come across, use this method and also include music and songs and dance. Most of them have baby classes from 5 month old onwards. I'm gonna discuss with my hb then see how.

By the way, can tell me more about the swim classes u signed up for your boy? Where is it and is there a website? I'm interested too.

googlez, here's the swim class website -> http://www.aquabambinos.com.sg/. yeah, have heard of GD mtd. can juz buy the GD flash cards &amp; teach bb urself? i was thinking of getting this little reader prog (http://www.brillkids.com/teach-reading/), since enrichment classes tend to be more ex, inflexible timing-wise, doesn't follow bb's learning pace/ mood, &amp; i prefer to teach bb myself. but haven't action yet coz the prog not cheap too. &amp; not sure if enrichment classes would be better/ more effective?

any mummies started on flash card or bring bb for enrichment classes liao?
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">my #1 was ok with broccoli. i tried giving #1 water cress, cai sim, nai bai when she was younger.</font>
Morning everyone! It's one day to TGIF!!

Valteen, no leh..i posted earlier that my mum doesnt give my gal spinach for reasons unknown. Spinach is bo1 cai4.

Jac, thanks. I'll take a look.

Moscato, thanks! Joined the group liao. But doesn't seem very active now..

i give 苋菜..also called spinach in english right?

i only brought my #1 for 1 trial class in My Little Gym once when she was 10 mths old. She doesn't attend anything else. My hb not supportive...said waste $$..too young.

googlez82, the FB thread quiet this week..haha..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">i think heng cai, bo cai, hoi cai all refer to spinach. spinach got different kind, smaller round ones and big sharp ones.</font>
morn mummies!

googlez, how i wish it's fri today liao..

moscato, yeah i also thinking of bringing my boy to those gym trial classes, but don't think will join la, kinda ex &amp; also need commit to the time, very tiring. prefer to bring my boy go cycling/ rollerblading, swimming, zoo/bird park/etc at my own convenience &amp; mood when he's older. intend to stop my boy's swim class when he reaches 12-18mths, then bring him to public pool liao. some of the babies swim class also not heated pool leh, wonder how those babies take it. hmm.

swanston, wha, i din know got so many kind of spinach.. so which is the kind is recommended for babies? how it looks like?
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS"> i use both kinds but my mum prefer the smaller round type. softer and easier to digest she say.

the big sharp one, also known as english spinach tat popeye eats. hee.

the smaller round one, usually used by chinese

you might want to zoom ur ie window to 200% to have a better look at the veg.

going to trial classes is actually v fun esp when u know each other and the bbs are abt the same age. we used to do that all the time with my #1 group. do you girls go out together?</font>
Jac, my mum oso keep Asking mi let my kids sleep yaolan, esp when they younger couldnt sleep thru the nite she see mi look very tired. But i insist no and told her when they outgrow yaolan i have wean them off, oso jialiat rite cos they will be reliant on it to sleep. When my elder son started on porridge still canot eat in its original grainy form (even mashed up he still cant handle the texture), i just cook the porridge as usual n used a handheld blender to blend it to paste form when its still in the slow cooker. Smae like moscato, i dun cook porridge with soup stock. Its troublesome+ spoiling bb. He wont be satisfied again if the porridge not flavourful enuff.

Re: green veggie
Since we only putting a small amount of veggie in bb's food, i tink most veggie can use. Its not like everyday eat same veggie in big amount. As for pesticides, as long as we wash the veggie properly shld be ok too. Most of us grow up eating non-organic food n we grew up fine dont we? Plus as bb gets older, we shld expose them to normal food, if not wait alittle bit of bacteria will get them down.

Swanston, dun worry my elder son only mostly eating spinach. Its a common veggie for bb.
Moscato &amp; swanston, wat type of seasoning u all put in the elder kid's porridge? For my 19m old son, sometimes i too busy jaga-ing 2 small kids by myself, i will just pop in abit of those stock cubes.

Swanston, yr #1 develop so fast! My elder son only started with afew steps around 14.5mths old, by 16mtha old den really walkig around by himself. But i heard girls develop much faster den boys though. But of cos oso got bous who could walk at 12-13mths old.

Moscato, My younger one nw 7mths old, on his tummy can Turn direction (thus shifting position). Is tis counted as commando crawl?

Re: enrichment class
I feel the same as Moscato's hubby, bb too young go enrichment is quite wasting $. Eg: a 6mth old bb go for class, he will learn shape sorting only at around 9mths old cos he dun understand wat is being taught. While the other bb who didnt go for class will still know how to shape sort naturally, just tt maybe slower abit, around 11mths old.
In my opinion, Better to wait until at least 12mths old den start going will be more worthy. My elder boy will start going for weekly once 1hr enrichment class tis sunday. Hope he have fun n learns someting new!
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">christina > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">i dun like yaolan too. my fren's girl was so reliant on yaolan tat she had to bring the yaolan with them when they go on holiday! i only add salt with the meat, veg and rice. now tat #2 also eating the porridge i boil the meat veg and rice first, take out #2's portion, then add salt and stir for #1. she ok with it. aiyo, so fast no good leh. we chase until chuan. also they say girls walk slower good life worr. i got a fren her girl walk at 18 months. actually i think it's the adults who have more fun looking at the bbs play than the bbs themselves when attending classes. hee!</font>
christina, thanks for sharing on the porridge. btw, when r u starting porridge ah? by when then no need blend? what enrichment class is ur #1 going? sounds exciting. hahah.

swanston, yeah. think its the adults who r more excited. bbs all blur blur dunno what's going on. hahaha.
Jac's picture of the sharp chinese spinach looks like the kind my mum gives my gal. If it's the one I'm talking about, there's also one variant with red coloring in the center. Sometimes we'll have that for soup too.

Christina, mine also turns around on her tummy. She also slides backwards. I read in the Glenn Doman book that this is called crawling. And on all fours, that's called creeping..whatever lo hor.. haha..

As for the enrichment classes, yah...after thinking about a day, guess it's better to let nature take its course. Thinking about it makes me stressed liao, having to follow through with a 6++ 7 month old until dunno how old..maybe all the hair will turn white even before Pri 1..
googlez, the sharp chinese spinach (yeah, got the red center version one) is the one i usually eat too. commonly found in sheng shiong &amp; ntuc. think i only saw the baby spinach (usually used for salads) selling at cold storage b4 nia.
Christina, i add salt and sometimes light soy sauce. Not very good in cooking, so sometimes not enough salt...sometimes abit salty. :p

commando crawl is like what the army boys do..tummy of the ground..use arm &amp; legs to push forward.

what enrichment class is your elder boy attending? How much? Thinking of signing up for my elder girl too. Plan to let her learn piano when she turns 4 or 5. Want to train her to sit still &amp; patience. Haa...her classmate signed up for ballet..her mummy wants to drain her energy too..active..
Swanston, I oso read online before some bb so reliant on yaolan until got to bring a mobile one along when away frm home. my uncle's son slept in yaolan until 4-5yrs old loh. So i rather not start my kids on it. When my #2 start porridge i oso intend to do like u, scoop out #2 share to blend den my #1 can still eat thenporridge his usual way.
We parents very funny, when bb small needs carrying we keep hoping bb will grow up soon n walk by themselves den easier for us. When they finally can walk, we start to miss the times when bb cuddle tightly with us n sigh why bb start walking already... Lolz~~~

Googlez82, i hope my son can start crawling on his fours soon. So he can follow mi when i walk over to do some stuff, if not he keep crying when i'm out of sight.

Moscato, i'm super bad at cooking. Before having kids i only know how to cook maggie n scramble egg only loh... Somemore cant use much seasoning for bb porridge....
I just console myself the porridge taste not very good nvm, since bb not suppose to eat so strong flavour oso... Haha~~~
Jac, I tink i wont be starting on porridge anytime soon. Until now my son only can manage around 30-40ml of fruit puree/cereal each time. I intend to wait until he can eat 90ml solid liao den i start... So most prob around 9mths old ba. Will start will totally blend until puree type of porridge den slowly dun blend until so fine. Tt time for elder son, he was still taking blended porridge around until 11mths old i tink... My elder son progressed slower in food texture, we got let him try grainy porridge every nw n then but he will gag so we took it slower. Until around 15mths old den he could take normal porridge. I tink most babies can handle normal grainy porridge at around 12mths old or earlier?

Re: enrichment class
I register My elder son at pioneer sports complex 'the enrichment classroom'. Initially tinking of putting him in those daily 2hr playgroup but i really couldnt manage slotting it in now tt i have to jaga 2 kids by myself, if rain or wat, bringing him to n fro is a big problem. Plus the feeding schedule will be jumbled up oso... So bo bian go further to pioneer then got weekend classes. Its parent &amp; baby session. $350 for a term (12 sessions). So each weekly 1hour session is around $30. Actually i duno wat they going to teach leh, i mean i nv go observe before, plus the stuff most playgroup teach is around the same? Anyway if they are good n can put some knowledge into my son's mind, of cos good. If not, we just take it as spend some $ let him go have fun n interact with other kids around his age.
Hello mummies,
Last time used to let my son join my little gym at marina square.. He can walk by 1 year old... We also let him try kinder music at tanglin mall... Think is good since lots of songs and dance but I never sign up as it is too far already. Now my son goes to leap school house at city square f enrichment on phonics. If your baby is mostly staying home, the course is good as it is really small size group and super slow. A bit too slow f my elder as he attends full day childcare but we just let him be since he like the teacher...
Re: porridge
My elder I never put any seasonings since they are not supposed to have it at such young age. So all natural taste f the veg, meat and potato and fish etc.
I am trying hard to convince myself not to give my younger one porridge at 6 mths plus.. Hahaha.. Think he can eat already cause most of the time I make purée mashing them only w spoon and fork and the texture not watery at all and he is able to take it...lol so I think he is ready...
Re: crawling
My younger one is starting his commando crawl and knows how to flip back and forth. Still putting him on king size bed and he can roll f one end to the next at very fast rate... Think going to open my playpen very soon already..
Anyone has any doctors to recommend f skin allergy or fungus infection in kids?
Oh remember seeing someone post something on similac milk powder... My boy is taking the stage 1 and only poo like once or twice per week... Doc say it is fully absorb as that time still feeding bm. After that, I fully feed fm, doc advised us to change to similac comfort, we tried but bb don't like so we switch back to normal similac 1 giving water on a daily basis and he is able to poo almost everyday. Now also started solids and he seem to be having hard stools.. There is one day, I tried apple w potato, the stool was not do hard and smooth. Going to switch to no.2 starting next week.. Hopefully he would not get constipated .
Brink, wow both yr kids development quite fast! My #1 can only walk around 14mths old... Quite slow... N #2 until now still got the tongue thrust reflex every now n then....
Found this on Baby Center website..perhaps that's y shldn't give too much spinach (dunno which type tho)

Nitrates are a chemical found in water and soil, and they're a concern when it comes to feeding your baby. Babies who ingest too much can develop a type of anemia called methemoglobinemia. Preparing formula with well water that's high in nitrates is the usual cause of the illness, but some vegetables can also contain nitrates. The most likely sources are beets, carrots, green beans, spinach, and squash.
christina, thanks for the detailed sharing on the porridge. now arga got some idea when to start.
don't think i'll start so soon too. my boy's IFC haven't even start him on solids yet. don't know if they're juz plain lazy or what. the lead teacher say milk more nutritious &amp; my boy is still drinking milk well so better to give him drink more milk, only when he don't want drink milk then give him solids. but my boy u give him anything he also eat/drink anything one mah. sigh! but anyway i intend to start him on porridge at abt 9mths ba. now haven't even finish letting him try all veges yet, then still muz move on to meat later. i got follow the introduce 1 new food at a time for 3-4 days wait rule thats y abit slower in introducing new food.
Saw you gals talking about enrichment class. you can try out Julia Gabriels trial classes. My son loves his classes there. Quite fun and warm environment.

Brink, it was me talking abt similac. Yeah I hardly give him sny water when she was in stage 1 coz I heard water is not necessary. After she got hard stools recently (shud be from carrot *thxs Jac for the link*), I let her sip more water. Tried to get her used to Avent sippy cup but I think she dunno how to control the flow yet so at times get choked. Hehehe. How much water u give to ur bb now on daily basis? Btw, if u move to stage 2, recommend to do it gradually.

Jac: I am same like u, introduce the single ingredient food at a time.. Haha i think it takes forever to complete the intro until meat. How many times u give bb solid per day? i am only giving 1 meal, but she can finish 1.5 bowl of pigeon size stage 1 green bowl. i find it a lot huh, sometimes scared shw got indigestion.

Re: food chart
I also want if anyone has it. My email [email protected]. Thxs thxs!!!!

Re: enrichment class.
Hey hey, maybe we should go for trial class together? Like gym or kindermusik. More fun right to have accompanion for us and baby too!!! It is like playdate for Jan 2012 mum and babes..

Btw, can ur baby babble "mamama dadada etc"? Mine cannot =p. Only can do commando crawling but lazy to flip back/forth. Heheheh
