(2012/01) Jan 2012

Hi Marie,
I'm thinking of bringing my baby to either the polyclinic or to the pd in Tampines blk 800+( highly recommended by my friend) although the pd waiting time is super long

Hi Mummies
How are all of u coping-post confinement? I'm tired until I feel that my back is aching. Although everyone says need to rest even after confinement; it is difficult! And says can't keep carrying baby but baby can't sleep on her own! Haiz...
So much expectation how? And now i don't have time to pump after bf. how do the rest of the mummies does it? Teach me management skills
MIL: told my hb that ask her mom don come over throughout my whole confinment end up he is so upset that we had a huge fight. Till now I still mad at him. I also told him that I have the same order to my mom. Fair and square . Cos the last time , they make me so stress up. Also they stare at u when bf, as if I am an animal feeding and bb cries they have things to add too.

II have no regrets even if I hv to fight with hb again, at least I do what i want at home. Shower , in my normal clothing, and bb don hv to be swaddle up whole day, pumping milk also cannot, they insist on direct latching. And best of all don hv to take all their instruction.
I standby s26 since bb is fed this in hosp and ok wif it.

I got my gal vaccined in hosp, kkh where i delivered.

The night before she was super cranky not sure if itz due to her jab and earlier fever. Last nite almost happen but i managed to pat her bum and she slept. I think she made herself too tired wif her earlier crankiness. Other than that, itz waking for milk, for nappy change. These days it seems she wants to be carried, walked to slp. I think i am hvg phobia nw and am praying every nite she will sleep on peace and let us hv our slp too. hahaha
Since after confinement, i feel my whole body aching perpetually. As though i hv done a 5km jog after 5 years!! A few days after delivery i realised my knees ached till nw. Gynae said i lack calcium so i am trying to make up. Worse is i dont drink milk except choc flavoured anlene. So am takg supp and that.
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Hi,

Sorry to interrupt.I am a sahm currently taking care of my soon to be 10months old baby girl while my 3yrs old goes to childcare.

I can provide nanny service/baby sitter if required.

I'm staying at Jurong west area in between of pioneer mrt &amp; Jurong point.

Please pm me if interested.

Just for your information,i have taken care of my son myself while we were oversea for 2yrs and also at the same time when my daughter was born there. ;)</font>
So funny the way u put it- 5km for 5 years heh! Maybe i lack calcium too. Just wondering if we can consume milk that is kept in the fridge just after confinement. Cause calcium tablets makes me heaty

And I finally got a chance to step on the weighting scales! I still got 13kg to go to my pre-pregnacy weight as it has been one month already! Whole body so flabby
esp the tummy and lower part of the body! Think v hard to lose the weight before going back to work
For mums who pump, if your baby only drinks 90-100ml, do you pump till that amount and store or would you pump all tat you can and store in different bottles? What if you don't have enough to store 2 bottles? I usually pump around 120-160ml or so and sometimes not sure if I should store in 1 bottle or to split into 2. Sometimes see him don't drink finish the milk, felt quite wasteful. Any advise?
Hi mummies who manage to bring bb out on stroller / carseat,
Do u prepare any cushion above e stroller / carseat since it seems it tends to hv a rather curvy base, scare not good for bb's back for long hrs :p

Juz tried my maxicozy carseat on stroller but bb don't seems to like it
I will pump all that I can then store in milk bags. When I store in bottles last time, will fill up 1 bottle then remaining in another bottle, fill up this bottle with milk from the next pump. So the milk that I give bb is sometimes from 2 diff pumping sessions.

I have another cushion on the carseat cos the carseat itself is quite hard, so just make it more comfy for bb. I also have the head-support on stroller/carseat.
Hi SQin,
Wat brand of carseat u used?
Is e back still curve even with yr cushion?
Cos I also put xtra cushion with head support but since my carseat already hv its own head support hence wif e cushion in seems more cramp :p
Hi mummies,
Did u apply baby lotion all over bb after bath?
If so, do u apply ru yi oil b4 or after lotion on stomach?
I followed what CL did. Not sure shld be the way but hv been doing it. Apply lotion first then ruyi oil.

What kind of lotions do u mummies all use ah? CL used to apply j&amp;j lotion but heard that j&amp;j stuff conyains petroleum? I changed to kodomo lotion powder now. Anyway dh say no concrete info abt j&amp;j so if he bathe bb, he will prob still use jj lotion.
I ended my confinement on sat so now taking care of baby

I don't put baby lotion on my baby; cos didn't put all along.
May I ask what is the purpose? We only quickly put ruyi oil scare baby will catch a cold
bianz: no need to buy cushion.. if u really want, I think there's those donut pillows. Babies do not need a pillow to sleep on at this stage. As for carseats, I have not heard of a baby who likes carseats. haha..

pamela: I split into two. I will pour out what baby needs and store the rest in another bottle for 24h. If really excess, then I'll use storage bags.

jkids: I handwash..until bb is about 9 months old
But that's for no.1 la.. Dunno if I will persevere for this one or not.

Dekora: Lotion is to massage baby and moisture bb which is very important as their skin is thin. I use Dr Robin Moisture cream.

On baby whisperer.. I have not tried but thinking to. Sounds so miraculous! Haha.. have u started?
Jojo has answered but i also know of ppl who dun apply. Is anyone helping u after CL leaves?

Is the cream good? Its meant for bb? Where did u buy?
By the way, I thought I should start the ball rolling on the gathering. Shall we fix a date? Maybe March 7, 8 or 9? Please indicate your name on the dates that you can make it and we'll go for the majority. Ok? Im bad at organising such events. Hope u gals dun mind.
Should be fun meeting up with Jan mummies..

March 7

March 8

March 9
Hi Mummies,

I am Feb'12 mum baby going full mth on 2 Mar any good buffet catering to recomand? Not inviting many relative only need 20pax buffet.
For the gathering, u guys bringing along your babies? I have dared to venture out with my baby alone. Wonder if I'm ready then else I will ask my mum if she is free to take care of babies while I have a bit of me-time to meet up with u guys

@bianz and Jojo
I haven read any of the 3 books but from what i have gathered online so far it is a sleeping training programme that allows your baby to learn to self soothe and sleep independently. No patting, rocking or nursing to sleep. And what's more in this way they learn to be more independent babies
Probably will wait till the weekend and ask my husband to pick up the books from kino
dekora:Yes, I'll bring her along. Actually I've read all the 3 books but never got down to try.

turquoise: I like four seasons.. personal preference
I used mums kitchen. Good feedback from guests but i think their min is 30.

Thanks! Will check it out. Also recommended physiogel.
Out of curiosity, how come u didn't try? The way the online reviews put in is like a wonder method. That's y I want to know how true it is. And of course, im tired of carrying and patting my baby to sleep
jkids: i machine-wash with my #1 clothes now. too tired to handwash. But i will rinse my #1 school uniforms 1st before washing together.
Hi Bianz, carseat brand is Graco. It is given by my fren, so she also gave me the cushion. Yes, it is still curve with the cushion.. I thk it's supposed to be like that bah. So far I always put bb in the carseat when we go out.
Jkids - for #1 we handwashed everything n got so much to do everyday as we used cloth nappies! So for #2, we decided just use the washing machine tog w #1 clothes using baby laundry detergent.

Turquoise - shortlisted Zingrill, Orange Clove n Four Seasons. Likely to go for first one as wanted try something different. No offence felt tt most menus r made up of zichar dishes..
Jkids - for #1 we handwashed everything n got so much to do everyday as we used cloth nappies! So for #2, we decided just use the washing machine tog w #1 clothes using baby laundry detergent.

Turquoise - shortlisted Zingrill, Orange Clove n Four Seasons. Likely to go for first one as wanted try something different. No offence felt tt most menus r made up of zichar dishes..
valteen &amp; bianz,

Some times i also dun know what the baby wants. Check his diapers, its dry. Thought he is hungry, but he is not. He just want to keep screaming in the middle of the night. Haiz... Really felt so lost with him.

I just called the pd at the paragon clinic. They told me the hepatatis B 2nd injection should be taken at 2nd month. But when I was discharged from KK, they told me must be first month.

I am so confused now. Maybe I tried to call the tampines clinic see how.


Any of you managed to wear back the jeans that you had before pregnancy?
Dekora, I read Gina Ford. Attempted her method but failed miserably and so stressed out. Dunnoe leh.. Like she said baby must sleep before a certain timing but my baby refused to sleep! Then she said 'unswaddle the baby and let him/her wake up naturally'... Doesn't work for my bb too. I find the method too idealistic.. But maybe works for some ppl bah

Now I only try to put my baby to sleep at 8pm, off lights, swaddle, give pacifier and let him slp on his own.
Hi Jojo,
Think you guys leave me out for this gathering, will try to join the next one. I'll be starting my massage that week in Mar and also no confidence to bring baby out yet, still getting used to his moods at barely a month old.
Marie: If you are taking Hep B jab standalone, will be at 1st mth. If you are taking 6-in-1 (i.e 5-in-1 with Hep B), it will be taken at 2nd mth.

I can wear my jeans but tight.

SQin: what time does your baby wakes up for feed after sleeping at 8pm? My boy has been taking his last feed ard 7,8pm plus then sleep. wake up for feed at 3 plus 4am. I hope he can has his last feed at 10 plus then sleep thru the night..hope this day will come soon..Haha..
Moscato, OMG! Ur boy can sleep from 7pm to 3am, which is 8 hours straight? U are so lucky! The longest mine can sleep is 4 hours and that is on rare occasion! U can try baby whisperer's "tanking up" with "dream feed" at 10pm, which is feeding baby in his sleep.
Moscato: I will give him a feed 6.30-7pm, then at ard 11pm. The 11pm feed is a quick one, check diaper, feed and let him slp again. But he still wakes up for nite feed ard 3-4am, I hope he can drop this feed soon! Seems like urs has potential to drop nite feed, maybe u can try to feed him at 10-11pm.. See can slp thru or not lor.
very gd leh...your bb can sleep so long. soon he will sleep thro the nite! mine still wake up every 3 hrs. now i am quite immunse liao...as in used to having interupted sleep.
actually i find those books - gina ford n all very idealistic and also, I think I lack the discipline to follow through. But I know of friends who swear by their methods. The methods can be quite military and when it's time for bb nap, you really have to let bb sleep and rush home.

Any other mummies interested to meet? Seems only me, bianz and dekora..
Moscato, wow, ur son's sleeping pattern improve so much, envy envy
How much are u feeding him n how many feeds? He is sleeping on cot bed or sarong? Mine is 5 weeks old, taking 120ml, 8 feeds. He is getting more n more alert nowadays n must pat pat him for an hour after his feed before he falls asleep.
no lah..he didnt sleep thru 6-7 hrs la..after his feed at 7 plus, still fuss fuss a while, by the time he sleeps already 8 plus 9pm. He sleeps in the sarong after that feed...didnt wake up for next feed so i carried him to his playpen to continue his sleep.

SQin: don't think dream-feed will work on him. If he falls asleep while burping between the feed, he will shut his mouth tight after that. Last nite left 40ml for 2 consecutive feeds at 1am and 4am. -.-

Bianz: he is 6 weeks old. i didn't adopt any method. in fact i did whatever that is not "ideal"..carry..rock...pacifier..sarong. somehow he sleeps longer during that stretch. after that, he will wake up every 3 hrs.

RitzC: also giving my boy 120ml each feed every 3 hrs. He is still fussy n cranky when he is sleepy. He sleeps in sarong in the daytime but still wakes up easily, must swing. I will give him pacifier if unable to calm him down if he fuss.

They are more alert now. want to socialise already. Soon the fun days are arriving..
ive recently started giving formula to my 6 wk old son.. haizz.. very heartbreaking.. im on bp medications that can pass thru breast milk.. he has bad stomachache.. as i switch to formula, he has less pain but he gets hungry in less than 2 hrs.. im confused! i dunno wat to do.. should i feed him? if i dun, he cries so loudly until he gets full again with a feed.. im tired.. cant sleep at nite..
Silsilly: give him a little more milk? Initially i reduce my boy's feed from 120ml to 100-110ml after my cl left cos i find he cant finish in 1 feed. But he will cry for milk in 2 hrs so i increased back to 120ml. At least can drag til 2.5 to 2 hrs 45mins though he might not finish all in 1 feed. I will heat up the balance to consume within a hr if he is still awake.

And your bb can be having growth spurt at 6 wks.
Anyone bring bb to polyclinic for vaccinations? My boy took hep b second dose at polyclinic so the next vaccination will be 6in1 i heard. Will 6in1 more likely to cause fever? If 5in1 will have to go to pd, my parents kept harping how pd clinic is enclosed w sick children.

RitzC, if u took hep B already, the next jab is 5 in 1, cos the 6th vaccine in 6 in 1 is hep B. cannot double dose on hep B.

Polyclinic also a lot of sick children and elderly leh.
