(2012/01) Jan 2012

Hi valteen, i also latch on, and my boy sometimes only latch on for 5 mins then he will stop. I also feed very frequently like every 1-2 hours. No idea how much he drinks. Tempted to give him bottle but yet lazy to wash the bottle. But since he poos quite frequently, think should be ok. Just tiring for the mum!
Me same as u. She latches on between 5 and 20 min. Usu below 10 min. Actuallu i find bf easier cis no need to track time to warn milk, wash and sterilise bottles. Haha.
Hi Jac,

Yes, i've been to the bb fair yesterday. I find it quite a nice place to shop. I've found things i needed from there.
Hi mummies. Those who gave birth at tmc and stayed in single bedded. Can I check under what circumstances they charge the $75 spouse stay ? Is it once our hubby stay over they will auto charge or??
HI Dekora,

I got a few nursing bras, a baby sling, extra milk bottles and did some comparison between strollers and car seat. I'm still considering if i want to get the sterliser. Maybe you all had gotten the above mentioned earlier... haha... I only get things when i really need them.

HI mummies
Have anyone experienced taking medication while BF? I'm currently on rashes medication, and doctor advise to stop BF within 8 hours after medication. So can i feed my baby the pumped milk after 8 hours? Last pump at 12am this morning, and next pump at 10am this morning. Or should i discard the milk?
mknwt: it's better to discard milk if you are under medication.

cindy: i dun smoke. As for breastfeeding, nowadays i rely alot on FM. only give BM for 2 feeds out of 8 feeds. hehe...

Today I'm quite pissed off. Went for lunch nearby my place with hubby's friends and PIL. (a 10 min drive from my house). Halfway, my son pooed.Actually my son's clothes wasnt stained with poo, just smelly nia. Actually i wanna bring him home to change later since i nv bring extra clothings. MIL act smart, wanna change his diapers in their car while we were still eating. Don't know how she change his diapers. His whole clothes as well as his blanket end up with alot of shit. Best still, she wear his diaper opposite (the front became the back.) In the end, she strip my son naked and just wrap him with a shitty blanket. When we came out from the cafe, MIL just dump my son back to me and drove off their car. (We were still waiting for our friend's car to drive us back and it took a while).It was super windy and drizzling with no shelter. My poor son was freaking cold as he was half naked (blanket quite small)and keep crying. i got to hug him tight to keep him warm. Now he keep sneezing non stop. not sure whether he catch a cold. Will you all be pissed off if your MIL do this? i think it's quite irresponsible.
when i highlight to hubby, he say i should have bring extra clothings. faintz) I take care of baby day and night. hubby only say hello and play with him 5 to 10 min every day after work. He will then spend whole night playing FB games. In the middle of the night, he will refuse to wake up to feed the baby. Now I know where he learn his irresponsible behavior from. sibeh jialat.
Catherine, my mil drives me crazy too, think some inlaws are at the stage of wanting to enjoy life, don't want to be tied down with the mundane chore of taking care of grandchild. My mil is proactive around my boy only when my hubby is around. If shw visits when only I am around, she will juzt sit and watch me take care of bb and just irritate me with nonsensical stuff.My hubby also not v proactive at night feeds, he will stare groggily at my boy when I asked him to keep my wailing boy company while I prepare his milk. If I ask him to make the milk, he is too slow and my boy will cry longer. I also always blame his attitude as same as his his family.He says it is better for me to tell him straight explicitly what I expect him to do. Faint.
Yar lor. Think all MIL are the same. Only like to disturb baby, but dun like to take care. My baby likes to be swaddled before he goes to sleep. If my MIL come and see him sleeping,she will remove his swaddling cloth, mitten and socks and talk to him v loud to wake him up. My son will get startled and cry at times. Then she will say baby needs mummy and dump him to me to pacify him
this is still tolerable. What I can't tolerate is she strip my 2mth old son naked and yet left us at the roadside in super windy/ drizzling weather with no umbrella.
RitzC: ur hubby sounds like my hb! Initially he will try to do the night feed (think 2 nites only) but in the end i took over halfway thru the feeds. Now if he sleeps in the same room, he will only wake up n stare at bb if he starts crying, if not he will continue sleeping. If bb fuss in the middle of the night, he will escape to my #1 rm to sleep.

My MIl also woke up bb when she came over last wk but she seldom come so ok la. Then last nite my hb told me my MIL commented why my boy so difficult to look after. Said last time my hb n siblings not like that. So MILs are the same.
hi mummies,

I am not from this thread but i would like to ask if anyone can recommend good CL who can cook & potty train NB,

Hahah Moscato, Ritz, my hb also the same. The 1st few nites c excited, will help out with night feeds. Nowadays he will sleep thru the night like a drunkard. Can even sheepishly tell me he doesnt know why he cant wake up at night. He even naps in the daytime sometimes! Haiyo, shouldnt I be the one napping. Guess all men are the same. :p

Im trying to set my baby on a routine now to get her to fall asleep on her own. She has been falling asleep on our arms for the past 7weeks. Hopefully still can change her. My cousin gave me The Baby Whisperer book so Im trying some steps. Including the introduction of pacifer! Haha. Hubby was so against pacifier actually. ;p

Btw, some of us are chatting on Whatsapp, so maybe some mummies would like to join in the chat too. More accessible than FB. Heeehee.
Hi all, I m silent reader throughout, delivered my baby on 18th Jan. Would like to join all of you here to share stories and get some tips as first time mother.
Would be good if can chat on whatsapp

Moscato, Ritz & Lush: You are not alone.. My hubby is worst.. He can't even bother to wake up when the crying bb is just sleeping beside him.. He still got the cheek to joke that he can't hear his cries.. Gosh..

Lush & strawberry: How to exchange contact thru forum? PM u?
Lush: I don't mind whatsapp! Can add me? 92711490..

Bubblicious: serene has created a fb thread for Jan mummies.. Wan to join us instead? Mummies, do join in,, you can add me first.. My email is [email protected]

Hahahha.. I think our hubbies are all the same.. Sometimes I think I spoil mine too.. But I must say he has improved a lot after my no. 1 is born so I hv no complains now. Bottom-line, we have to train them coz our MIL also spoil their sons
Today my CL has left.. Sobz.. Very tired.. Luckily no.1 is at MIL place so not so bad.. But he is coming back to terrorize me soon!

I also brought my gal to the PD.. I really like her, very detailed in her examination.. Even notice my gal likes to sleep on right side so her head is not symmetrical
My baby has eczema and all along I tot hers was baby acne/ heat rash until there were yellow fluid oozing...
So xin tong cos when we accidentally touch that area when carrying her she will cry out.. Think it must be painful

Anyone knows what can I do abt eczema cos doc said it could be long term! So terrible
Dekora, my bb has eczema too. On her cheeks n even ears, chest. Do u kw how she got it? My PD said its cos shes allergic to something that i ate, so she asked me to avoid dairy, seafood n nuts. Anyway i applied calendula cream for her. It works wonders! I think the cream is more effectivr than avoiding those food, Which i try to avoid but its nt possible to eliminate all dairy totally also. U can try the cream. Its good
i use California baby.
Hi bubbliciouslee, can add me to the Facebook group [email protected]

My hubby is just as bad... He chooses to sleep in the next room with the excuse that he needs to work, but even on weekends, he sleeps in the next room now. Sigh
My elder daughter has eczema too cause my hubby and his sis has it, so she inherited it. She has been using all sorts of cream but I find that doc's steroids does work, just that I apply a thin layer and only use it when it is very bad. I also had to restrict my diet and I realize milk causes her eczema to be very bad. I had to cut all dairy too since I breastfeed.

Now she is 20mths and her eczema is much better. Most of it is on her folds on legs and hands, and sometimes on her cheeks. She is on soy milk now. She might outgrow her milk allergies but her eczema is likely to stay, just hope that it is a mild one. And hope her didi will not have it though pd says likely he will inherit it too.
Hi all;)

Don't mind me join you guy? I been
taking care of my 2 months old daughter alone , and struggling after the nanny left!
Alot of problem pop up since then....
Any one had the problem of nose block???
She breathe very loudly and I got no idea what to do.
Eczema is indeed a big headache.. I have the condition so I understand.. Dun despair though coz my PD told me most children eczema is childhood n will clear as they grow up. Just that we hv to b v diligent in moisturing them. Also, if they have eczema, must b careful of the first food that we intro when they start solids..

Hi cindykexin, welcome
Hi mummies,

We can always liaise with each other via both facebook n whatsapp ya

Mummies on whatsapp can add me too @ 9138 3344

Serene had created Facebook Grp 'SMH - Jan 2012 Mummies' do join us, in any case u can add me ( [email protected] ) n get to e link.

Look forward to 'see' you, cheers
Lush: I will now take note of the food I'm consuming hopefully it helps to allievate the eczema.
Pamela:eek:h no,eczema is hereditary, I better go ask my mum and mil if we had eczema when we were younger.
Jojo: yep it is really a headache cos we also trying to find out what are her triggers now? Starting with heat ( when we try to cool her down, she end up sneezing) and what's more she don't like us to swaddle her- struggling and get so heated up and aggravating her condition again! Haiz...
But if we don't swaddle her, she will be rubbing her face and ear with her mittens!
I got Gina ford over the weekend starting reading abit; until yesterday my reading was replaced with reading up on infant eczema.
When I'm back on Gina ford, I will share

Do add me on facebook:[email protected]

Any moisturiser to recommend for babies with eczema?
dekora: you can try Dr Robin.. I swear by it and so is my son who has eczema but has since cleared up. I tried many many brands but none is as effective. I can understand your frustrations! Btw eczema children also prone to fungi attack and ringworm. Not to scare you, but it's from my experience. So it's good to have those creams on standby at home.
