(2012/01) Jan 2012

Yijing, so since my boy took 2 doses - 1st dose at kkh, 2nd dose at polyclinic at 1 mth old, so the package i should take should be 5 in 1, and ala cart hep b 3rd dose right?

Blucryst, my boy was checked by the nurse who vaccinated him.
hi mummies,

I am going to bring baby to pd clinic at tiong bahru plaza for 6-in-1.

I checked with nurse, it costs $200 include consultation. Any idea how much does it costs in polyclinic?

I am going on crush diet next month. Hopefully can wear back my jeans after one more month. Haiz....

Everyone of us faced the same problem.... baby cannot sleep in the night, screaming for milk. Merlion..... Haiz..... Really dun know what to do now....
Marie: although i can squeeze in my jeans but my tummy bulging out.

Finally trimmed my boy's nails today!
Hi Maria,
So soon u gg for jab? Was advise during bb's 6 weeks for mine.

Hi mummies,
For 6 in 1 jab, when need to take?
hi moscato,

I dun think I can even put on my jeans.
I used to be 40kg before pregnancy. I put on total of 24kg for pregnancy. Last week, I weight myself at clinic, I am about 50kg. Hopefully can lose another 10kg after confinement. I will go on crush diet, will only take cereal and milk after confinement. Till I am back to 40kg. Otherwise all the clothings I cannot wear.

hi bianz,

I will be going for 6-in-1 jab on 15th march. Yes and that is 6 weeks after the baby is borned.
marie: you are very slim!i was 50+ for prepreggy weight.. I can fit into my old jeans but with bulging tummy and flabby skin.. Waiting for my massage to start and see how's the effect..
Jojo: me too, can fit into old jeans with bulging tummy. No way back...my ML told me it will be flabby & sagging cos didnt do a good massage after my #1. Now back to pre #2 preggy weight, hope can lose somemore.
Thanks. Is there a specific physiogel lotion for bbs? I saw qv bb lotion but physiogel i did not see bb-specific lotion so i dare not buy first. Tot i check first. Anthr cimsideration is dr robins.
hi mummies... finally have some time to come in... my #1 fever for 5 days le.. sooo tired..

sarong: my mum insisted to have, so my gal aready using it.. but still didnt sleep long leh.. very light sleeper..

feeds: my gal every 2 hrly feed leh..drinking 70ml.. sometimes didnt finish.. hw to longer interval huh???
Do u know any method to get rid of water retention?
I did my massage for one week although some has gone dw but there's more to go. And to continue another week of massage is way too expensive
dekora: yesterday my friends told me to use ginger cream then wrap with binder. They say traditional jamu shop sells so Im going to Parkway this weekend to buy. My mother did tell me to eat more ginger too.

Valteen: Im not sure lehz..
just finish this page hahaha...

one qns! How come most of your bb can sleep 3 to 4 hrs at least without MILK??? i giving bm and she will wake up for milk 2 hrly!!! sometimes 1 hr 45 mins she will cry for milk liao.. haizzz how??? ;( i gave her 80ml she cant finish.. so i stick to 70ml...

she edd is jan but born n 29th dec..
mummies, read that some of u r affected by pple's unneccessary comments ya.. i m a 2nd time mum, so i already been thru all these.. this time i immune liao, jus ignore them!! our bb we mother knw the best.. u can try to explain, but if they stubborn just ignore them.. ;p

we all jia you k.. hee... lucky i gt my mum to help me, sometimes she will still nag abit on breastfeeding part, but i knw she is heartpain me coz she see me so tired n weak..

my #1 fever so many days this time, i told my hb having 2 kids is reallly very tiring!! hahaha... so 2 is enuff hahhaa
Hi Liv,
I have the same prob as u, my boy wakes up every 1.5-2 hours. I latch him on and occasionally feed him bottle and same he only drinks abt 70-80ml. Really envy mummies with babies that sleeps 3-4 hours.

And yes, having 2 kids around is even more tiring. When di di sleeps, need to play with Jie Jie. Not enough rest! Hi five, 2 is definitely enough! Jia you!
Blucryst, the diff between 5 in 1 and 6 in 1 is only the hep B vaccine, which is the 6th vaccine in 6-in-1. So only depend if baby is due for hep B or not. If no need hep B, 5-in-1 will do.
Pamela: ya, when mei mei sleeps, i have to entertain gor gor.. at night still cant sleep long coz need to wake up every alternate hr to feed! hahaa i always tell myself REN for another 2 yrs and it will be better.. my #1 is 3 yrs old+ now. ;p
My elder daughter is only 20 mths. Waiting to send her to child are next month so that I can get more rest! Then at least my mil can help look after #2.
Yi Chin: thanks for the clarification. Baby so far has only taken the first hep b jab in the hospital when she's born and she's coming to full month. At the pd clinic, I was told about 6-in-1 and pneumococcal. So not sure which should she take.

Btw is there any adverse/serious side effect of any vaccination?
Hi mummies
I have 4 brand new dryers size S (64 pcs) to let go at $46.
If you are interested please kindly pm me
Meet up at Toa payoh, boon Keng or whampoa, Tiong bahru(Sunday's)
Hi ,

Any way to increase breast milk supply? Before baby turn 1month I still able to express out 40ml but now pathetic only 10ml. No idea why sudden a drop in supply? Is it due to confinement food??
Hi mummies,
Do u bb gets cracky while drinking milk, these days not sure y mine hv been crying or kicking while feeding n need 2 constant soothen by padding him. CL says it's usual especially b4 their first month n will resume to normal after tat, wonder is she saying tat 2 console me since i b alone wif bb by then
do u experience tat?
Wen, my milk supply also dropped after confinement. I thk during confinement we took a lot of 'tonic', helps with the supply. I regained my supply thru constant expressing and latching baby. My gynae told me to latch baby more to increase milk supply. I am taking fenugreek supplement.. Dunnoe if it helps though.
Wen: Did you drink enough fluids? can try fernugeek to boost the supply. It worked for me. Im not so sure about your drop in supply though..

bianz: Mine is the same these 2 days! Hi Five! Im about to surrender to pacifiers already.. I also dread the day my CL is gg to leave which is 2 days from now!

Dekora: I think its called traditional Jamu house. I havent gone yet but will see if they sell. Ill keep u posted! Do u stay in the east too? I think I read that you stay in the east too.
Bianz: my boy gets cranky while drinking too. Most of the time is becos he is sleepy. Sometimes becos milk turns cold already so he doesnt like i think.
Bianz:I heard frm my mum that some babies are more "pantang" they get fussy when they have visitors carrying them or even praising them for sleeping or eating well in front of the babies before the 1st month. I don't know how true that is. But for me, I don't take chances so during my confinement, i will ask my guests to take a quick peep at my baby and invite them to talk outside heh. although some still 不自动, and those nights baby was extremely cranky!

Jojo: yep, I'm still in the east. I think I know where the shop is- is it close to the escalator( think one floor below mothercare and kiddy palace) Do let me know when u buy the cream k!TIA
Anyone experience body itch after massage? I had c sec n only started massage after bb full month as advised by gynae. Once I start massage, my body tends to get really itchy n I was wondering if this is heat rash or all these are expel from the massage. Itch get worsen at night. I ask the massage lady, she told me to on air con. But problem is that my bb seems sensitive to air con, once on air con, she has difficulty breathing.
Hi bianz, moscato, jojo n mummies,

Let's add each other in Facebook. I start the ball rolling. Mine is [email protected].

I think I will start looking for a job after I lose another 10kg. Else can't fit into my office wear. Hopefully, I can lose another 10kg by end of march.

I haf not been eating today. If my mum knows, she will scream at me!!!!!
Any mummies hv joint pains ah? My joints are all painful since after confinement. Knees also aching. Feel like an old lady.
Valteen, no joint pains for me. But I do feel the pressure on my keen when walking down stairs while carrying bb. Do you take calcium? Milk? I'm taking milk now. Hopefully, it won't go any worst.
valteen, my knees also aching. but started recently only. also dunno y. I hope it doesn't stay this way forever coz some ppl say if don't take care during confinement the aches & pain will stay with u for life. worried sia.
moscato, envy u leh. bb can sleep so long hrs & can wear back old jeans. till now my boy still gets up every 2-3hrs for his feeding & I still got 10kg to lose to reach pre-preggy weight so can't fit into old jeans/shorts/clothes at all. think need to get new clothes for work liao. sigh.
Gynae said the knee ache is due to lack of calcium so am takimg supplement, anlene and sometimes the soy milk which i bought. But the joint pains am not sure why. Hope they will fo away.

I really hope so.

Te first week i definitely do touch water. CL here only on 6th day. Then i also cannt avoid win totally at home. Itz a natueally windy place. I hope itz not becos of all these. Sigh...childbirth really takes a big toll. Yday i had a bad headache till this morn. No choice but take paracetemol this morn.
Am thinking of seeing tcm but worried chinese med will affect bm.

Mummies who direct bf, how freqnent do u feed ah? My bb seems to drink almost hrly and sometimes lesser. Hmm...
valteen: how old is your bb? Bb do go through growth spurt at 3, 6 and 9 weeks. But if u see your bb suckling for a while only, then bb is treating u as human pacifier which is happening to me now.. Haha.. im going to wave white flags to pacfiers soon.

As for TCM medicine, you have to tell the physician you are BF. But like all medicines, if u really wan to play safe, pump or latch first b4 eating your medicine. And 3 h apart from next feed if possible. I did see TCM for no.1 due to my wrist problem (which some of us may experience later - from carrying babies too much n the wrong way) and took chinese med. No problems for no.1 then..
Jac: You just gave birth not long ago! Give yourself more time to slim down. We are not Hollywood celebrities lehz.. Im gg to give myself 6 months..

my add is [email protected]. Marie & Bianz: I've added both of u!

Bianz: I love scuba diving too!
Jac: only short term happiness. My boy only slept at 12mn last nite and wake up every 3 hrs, didn't finish somemore.

As for wearing back my jeans, no need to envy. my figure already expanded during #1. I gained 13kg then, lose 8kg after giving birth and stopped there! So i'm back to post #1 weight only with a bulging tummy.
my bb cranky while drinking milk is becoz he has stomachache(coz he pooed while feeding after that) or is tired/sleepy. or he needs ro burp so i will stop when he is cranky and burp him b4 continue...but there are also times whereby i duno y he is cranky by refusing milk when he is hungry. maybe hedin like the milk taste or other unknown reasons...

How abt creating a FB thread for Jan 12 mummies rather than just add as Fren. With our own closed thread, easier to discuss n organise playdates in future..
