(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jac: yours is 5.64kg at 7 weeks? That's great... Mine is only 5.3kg now at 8 weeks. My boy had been vomiting out all his milk for past 2 days, weight shrink alot
since he got acid reflux, no choice postpone his jab to nxt tue. How was your baby's jab? Any fever?

moscato/ catherine, my boy's 3.225kg at birth. now 5.64kg at 7 wks lo. 75th percentile. took the 6-in-1 yest. so far so good, no fever. PD says abt 10% of babies will get fever & babies tend to be very lethargic, even not getting up for his feeds. but my boy seems to be hungrier. weird. I think he drinks to comfort himself leh.

green4life, I grew up sleeping on my tummy leh. heehee. good for colicky babies, less easily startled & babies tend to sleep longer. but my boy hates to sleep on his tummy thou. always cry when we put him on his tummy. but do keep a close watch in case baby can't turn his head to breathe properly.
My experiment just now for my baby to sleep on tummy.... Result. 3.5 hrs of sleep! N I get to rest too! But I really gotta keep watching him cos he really can turn. I witness him changing his position several times. Think I can only let him sleep on tummy in the day when I am watching.
Ur boy took jab from where? My gal took hers this morn. Hope itz ok for her. We let her take the rotavirus vaccine too.
valteen, i go to the kids clinic @ rivervale mall (sengkang). took the rotavirus as well & my boy loves it coz it's sweet. sigh. where did u go?
Green4life: I put my bb on tummy now too.. She's very comfy in that position. The only thing is must keep an eye on her. She also can change her position.

Marie: do try to find someone to talk or come here to vent your frustrations.. We all understand n our bb r going thru the same thing.

By the way, when do you all intend to bring bb out? 1 month? 2 months?
Jac: after hearing ur comments, feel less worried. Super scared he gets fever after his jab. I will let him take the rota virus vaccine jab as well. Going to the kids clinic as well..
Jac: after hearing ur comments, feel less worried. Super scared he gets fever after his jab. I will let him take the rota virus vaccine jab as well. Going to the kids clinic as well..
We initially thought no need to take the rotavirus jab. Dr advised tat if bb going to childcare then better to take. If they are going to be home where the environment can be controlled, then if dun take still quite ok.
Hi mummies, had the same problem when early days after my baby delivery. Till when my fren recommend her massage therapist from traditional & holistic postnatal centre. When I had my postnatal massage, the therapist shares tips & advise about baby cares & breastfeeding. Even till now when I have any quires, I will still email them and sure will get their reply. Even my fren who do not engage their service also will email them if they have any quires. May go to their website jamumassage.com or their FB under their lady boss name Mdm Rokiah. Just sent your quires about your bb sleeping problem or breastfeeding issue.
Jac: after hearing ur comments, feel less worried. Super scared he gets fever after his jab. I will let him take the rota virus vaccine jab as well. Going to the kids clinic as well..
There's a sudden drop in my milk supply today, it dropped by almost half n I don't feel tight even not pumping for 4 hrs. And at the same time, my daughter, who will b celebrating her bb shower this sat, is having blocked nose n fever. Really hope she will recover ASAP. Seeing her suffered, makes me feel so guilty. What have I done?
Mknwt: mine also have blocked nose and it naturally recovered at 5 weeks
no more wheezing sound. Heard frm PD it's v common for new born to have blocked nose.
as for fever, did u swaddle baby too much, hence the increase in temp? Or its the after vaccine effect? Dun worry too much. Ur baby will recover v fast
Hi Catherine, my bb started w block nose, then very slight fever n diarrhea. Still monitoring her temperature now, n will be bringing her to doc first thing in the morning. We seldom swaddle her unless in air con room as she don't like to be swaddled. N she hasn't taken her jab after discharge from hospital. Really hope she will be fine soon. See her so Xin ku, I feel so Xin tong.
Mknwt: don't feel so bad.. There's nothing you did wrongly. Getting sick is part n parcel og growing up! I'm sure she will recover soon!
Dunno if itz the jab yday, last nite bb head was warmer than usual but her face and other parts were ok. She was somewhat more cranky and despite carrying, patting and walking, she just cldnt get to deep sleep, though cld see she was v tired. Last resort we decide to let her take te paracetemol as a precaution. Hope she is ok tdy.

Yah mknwt, itz xin tong to see bb unwell and uncomfortable but itz really part of their growing up. Wee hrs this morn she was kek sai-ing and crying, i cried with her too, patted her till she slp again.
Mknwt: though temp is bk to normal, best to monitor closely for today coz from my experience, fever can come bk quickly. Not to scare you but just check temp every 3 h.. Until the day is over

Valteen: likely it's the jab.. Dun cry! You yourself already say it's part n parcel of growing up.. For us, it's our journey as parents! More things to cry over as they grow up..jia you!
any mummy has introduced sarong to bb?

my bb has prob going into deep sleep at nitefor the past few days(morning and afternoon still ok). had checked that he was fed, diaper changed, medicated oil applied....so duno y he cannot fall asleep when he should be tired oredi? whenever he fell asleep on us, then we put him on the bed, but after a while he would wake up. being repeating this step till i am exhausted. like today i only sleep 2 hrs...geez. dare not try putting him to sleep on tummy at nite leh. any remedy? maybe i miss out something?
does your bb throw out milk often even though he is being burp? mine has this prob for the past few days...more milk thrown out...haiz
Jkids: my boy vomit out like fountain after every feed for 1 day. Got so worried, send him to K K hospital and realized he's not sick. Just over feeding. Hehe.. Gave him the right amount and he nv vomit for consecutive 5 feeds.
Jojo: she's been sleeping this morning. Yah lor the moment bb arrived there will be endless things we will worry and cry abt. Letz all jiayou.

Anyone using bb sling already ah? I hv one but still dun really know how to use.
mommies who breastfeed bb directly,

how long does each feeding take for you? ive been giving ebm to my bb and now im trying to breastfeed directly..

with ebm, he will ask for milk every 2.5 to 3 hrs.. will it still b the same if i latch him directly? or the frequency of feeding will increase? im just trying to be mentally prepared..

I started latching only abt 3 weeks ago. For mr, bb can suck any length between 5 and 20 min. It seems (at least what i noticed) bottle ebm feed can last a little longer than latching. Not sure abt other mummies. Wld like to knw too.
Hi Silsilly, Valteen,
For my boy, it can take between 30mins to an hour. i just gauge if he falls asleep and I unlatch him and he doesn't fuss then I will burp him a bit and put him into his cot. If he still fusses, I will latch him onto my other breast and continue feeding him awhile more. Usually if he has enough, he will stop sucking. But remember there's foremilk and hindmilk so I try to latch on each side at least 15mins before changing sides if needed.
Valteen: I use bb carrier but that's when bb is bat 3 mths, when their necks r stronger.. If not I used prams first.. I struggled w bb sling n my no 1 hates it so I sold it away..
Hi Jan mummies, I'm a feb mum. Can ask for the jabs, do u see the PD on the 2nd, 4th, 6th months or otherwise? Thanks!
Jkids: my boy sleeps in sarong in the daytime for about 5 days now. still need to swing when he fuss but at least can make him sleep longer compared to playpen and he must be carried to sleep 1st then put inside sarong. -.-
But he still sleep in playpen at nite. sometimes i will put him to sleep beside me if he keeps waking up.

He also does vomit some milk even though burp. he vomitted 2-3 mouthfuls a few times before too. Then he will choke while drinking milk. So worried he will vomit his milk out.

Btw anyone stop burping in between feeds? Feel like burping only after feedings especially night feeds. My boy will fall asleep while burping and refuse to continue his feed. waste the milk. Sometimes he refuse to be burped in between too.

Anyone stopped swaddling their babies? My boy seems to fuss if i swaddle his hands so now i unswaddle his hands but worried he cold due to aircon.
So far my gal only drink on one side. So half ur time.

Yah we will only use bb carrier at least on her 3rd mth. Hubby will nd it to ferry her to ifc. The sling was given by my cousin. Still figuring out. See ppl use so shiok.

My galz first review was 2nd mth (yday) and the next appt is 4th mth. So i guess itz 2, 4, 6, etc.

Btw my gal is now dwn wif fever following yday's jab.
Valteen: i used to use baby pouch for #1..struggle with it as well for cradle hold..end up only use it when she is much older when i can hip-carry her. Also see ppl use it with ease but i didnt manage to do it. Now i wonder if i can use the pouch, think tight liao..haa..

my friend passed me a sling..hope easier to use..at least can adjust the size.
Valteen: give paracetomal? Ya, see pp like so easy, but for me, I simply can't handle my no.1 with a sling.. Carrier was so much easier and I used it everywhere I went..

Moscato: how old is your no.1? I find it v tiring to handle both at home n sometimes I find myself less patient with my firstborn..
Jojo: my #1 is 2 yrs old now, at her terrible 2 now. Very difficult to handle 2 kids at hm. Luckily my mum came to help me but still siong cos #1 will make noise or disturb didi. Usually will send her back with my mum for the wkends then they will come back on sun nites.

That's why my mum wants to bring didi back to her own home to take care after my maternity leave instead of me sending him to ifc then i have to cope with 2 of them after work.
I also let bb sleep on tummy from time to time. One PD say not advisable but another one I visited said I jus hv to watch over bb n ensure the mattress has airpockets so that bb can breath should they turn over. But yday i tried, bb does not seem to want to sleep on tummy any more, kept fidgeting and moving.

Seems like its common to have angry babies at our stage. But my MIL said her children all v guai and easy to take care. Then my neighbor also came over to ask why my bb kept crying, her daughter was v guai when she was young, then I keep hearing from relatives/friends about how easy their babies sleep after each feed, it made me feel as if i have a problem child :-/ I think MIL also think my bb is problematic
HB also losin patience trying to pacify bb when she keeps yelling. My mum keeps thrusting pacifer at baby and wanting to put her on sarong. Sigh, how I wish I can move to an island and just care for bb on my own, my way.

Anyone with csect wound that still hurts? These 2 days mine seem to be hurting again, esp when i sneeze or laugh. Haiz, so depressed, why my body so weak.
Marie, I also feel miserable at times. Nipples sore from the constant feeding n pumping, baby's thrush made the pain worse. Wrist v v painful, think twisted already, but no time to see chiropractic, csect wound not recovering well, insufficient sleep everyday, baby colicky, quarrel with hb from time to time cos everyone's tired, pressure in trying very hard to keep up supply of bm (v afraid not enough). Will feel like returning to those days when bb was not out yet. But when bb is not with me, I will miss her like crazy and worry about how she is, n i will tell myself I must do all these and go thru all these to provide the best for her, after all, bbs r so innocent and vulnerable. Haha conflicting emotions.
jkids, my bb also like tat. Will cry for us to carry her, then she falls asleep on our arm only to open her eyes when we put her down. v v tiring esp when we are already so tired. Have to try different methods to coax her. Have finally given in to pacifier cos mum keeps wanting to use it. I also wonder why some of my frends' babies fall asleep so easily! So much for using babyplus so conscientiously during pregnancy.. -_-
Lush, I think ur baby is very normal, so many mummies here are also saying that their babies need to be carried and will open eyes once put down on the cot. Mine also like that, so we gave in to the electric yaolan a while ago so that baby can sleep longer and I can at least go pass motion or eat my lunch.

Maybe babies behave slightly better when they are outside, that's why ur friends' babies seem more guai. I also have colleagues and friends telling me that my baby is well behaved when I brought her out but at home, she is a terror!

I don't get more than 3 hours of continous sleep since baby born. was so tired during the first month, got sore throat and mouth ulcers. Now baby 2 months old, I think my body got used to the not sleeping so much mode, don't feel like a zombie now, can even go without afternoon naps.

My c section wound is starting to feel itchy now leh. Sometimes got numbness also.

I can understand your situation. But we should always remind ourselves that in providing the best for the bb, we must also be doing within our means. Its not very healthy also to pressure ourselves excessively. There will always be alternatives. I was feeling v guilty some time back when ppl keep asking if I was breastfeeding, whether I am doing it directly, tell me dont bottle lah, this lah, that lah, and I was like you..wish they can back off and let me live my life. When i cant bm directly, I am already feeling bad and guilty and dont need the whole world to come and remind me I am not doing it 'ideally'. I only started latching bb on again three weeks ago and it was much better than the two time I tried when bb was just born. I think I wasnt ready then and also of exhaustion.

BM will come as time passes. Now it's better and the flow will come. Take your time and do it at your comfort level.

My MIL will comment on this and that which usu frustrates me. When she is with bb, I literally hands off. I dont want to see and hear if I can.

So this may be a diff stage but it will pass. Let's all jia you.
Valteen, thanks. I'll try to go for the 2,4,6th month s jab. On the health booklet it says 1,3,5,6.. So confusing.
Lush, i also have painful wrist since third trimester, but since i still let my boy latch on, i didnt bother to see a dr since dr most prob will prescribe steriods or anti inflamatory meds or muscle relaxants. Some days my wrist also feel so painful as if it is going to be wasted.

My mil also keep suggesting sarong n my fil keep hinting whether my boy has special needs since he is so fussy. But frankly my boy fuss coz they keep waking him up from his slerp n he turns very cranky after that. Think our babies r normal la, they will get better in a few mths time. Ignore the irrelevant comments la. In my case, i already curtly tell them nnot to wake up my bb when he is sleeping but they juz wont listen n keep asking him to wake up and play. I see it as they being more of the problem than my baby.
Sometimes I also wish pp know when to shut up.. Makes me frustrated when they say this n that..but at e end of the day, I guess they all meant well n these days, bb r really different from the past and our mothers n mil prob did not BF like us.. So they feel uncomfortable seeing bb cry n struggle with latching.. I still think as a mother, I know best what my children needs.. For first time mothers, the learning curve is v steep so try to think happy..
Lush: dont feel miserable. Babies nowadays are diff from the past. As u can see, most of us are experiencing the same thing, ur bb is not the odd one out.

My arms and palms are aching from carrying and burping bb.
At least all of u are persistant in giving bm, i already gave up after bb's full mth. I find he is less cranky w/o my bm. Lol

Yi Chin: ur wound is recovering ba since itchy. My hb asked me if want to buy motor for my yaolan.
Moscato, me in the same situation as you. My elder daughter is 20months old and she stays with my mil every night now cause I can't manage 2 at the same time. She will disturb didi every now and then though she loves him too. No rest at all cause in the day if I am not looking after didi, I have to look after the Jie Jie.

Looking forward to the day that both have grown up and can play oth one another
Lush, think our wrists hurt because we are not used to carrying baby yet, always bending our hands in all sorts of directions to carry, bathe and feed baby. Once we get used to it, think the wrists will not hurt that much.

Think all our babies got sensor on the ass, they can sleep when being carried or lying on us but once we place them on their bed, sensor activates and they wake up! Sigh...
