(2012/01) Jan 2012

Pamela: my #1 is in childcare so day time not so siong. At least no need to be watchful over 1 more kid. but once she comes back, got to divert my attention to her. Coax her to shower, feed her, play with her then coax her to bed..

lush, my grandma, mum, MIL, aunts, etc all say their babies all very easy. MIL & aunt even doubted that my boy was difficult & attributed it to my inexperience/ incapability instead. sianz. they made me wonder y my boy's so problematic, wonder if I did or ate something wrong during my pregnancy or if I'm really incapable of handling him. only feel more relieved when I read that most ppl here r also experiencing the same problems. my MIL also finally agreed that my boy's difficult after staying at my hse for 1 wkend (my boy was most well behaved that wkend lo). i already give in to pacifier, yao lan, plain water, etc. gave up arguing with all the elders. also stop bf-ing after my boy's full-mth. really too much stress for me physically & emotionally. I need to keep myself sane & healthy b4 I can take good care of my boy. btw, can try taking vit C to help build up yr immune system so cz wound can recover faster.
Moscato, the motor very useful, no need to sit down there and shake. Sometimes when I switch off the power, baby will wake up! So need to shake throughout.

Pamela, LOL, u very funny.
wonder if someone can engineered a device to deactivate the sensor!

RitzC, maybe u shouldn't let ur PIL know that u are back for the weekends, then they won't go and ka-jiao u and baby.
i feel discouraged too.. initially, i was bf-ing my son directly and everything was fine.. it was challenging of course but i persevere.. during that time, i have pple ard me telling that i should give fm la, bb noy enough food la, this and that.. on top of that, i had 101 visitors to my place everyday since i was discharged frm hospital till late nite.. i havent settled in nicely and bf was challenging n pple ard me got no understanding! was tired max and got admitted to hospital for high blood pressure.. it was more depressing that i couldnt latch my bb cos we have to b separated.. haizz.. the pple who say i shouldnt bf said "its bcos i so stubborn want to bf, thats why i fell sick". but truth is, the annoying pple are the ones who stressed me up.. i gave in.. i stopped latching and gave ebm instead.. was depressed but life goes on..

2 days ago, i decided to latch my son again.. it wasnt an easy transition but i did it.. no ebm for 2 days aredi.. i realised that if we want to do something, dun let others affect ur decisions.. its your child.. easy or difficult, its yours.. pple can say 1001 and one things, but u decide wats best for ur child..

and even today, i have had pple telling me that my son is difficult bcos i gave breast milk.. i should give formula becoz it contains "clever chemicals" for child development.. haizz.. my MIL also said that my child got tummy problem bcos of BM.. say i heaty n that's y my son doesnt poop every day..

went to pd and he said that its normal for some babies to b difficult at this stage.. he couldnt find anything wrong with my boy.. his stomach is also not distended or anything like that.. he even encouraged me to continue breastfeeding cos its perfect.. he even said that bb on breast milk can go on without pooping for 10 days or can poop at every feed.. its NORMAL! my boy poops every other day and its normal stool.. not hard..

my point is, block out what pple say if its not wat u want for ur child.. if u decide to do something, do it.. they dun control ur lives..

oh ya, i also had to listen to pple telling me how easy their children were when they were young too.. was abit temperamental and i told them off.. blah! not all babies are angels! if u need to tell something off ur chest, say it.. i felt better..
sometimes i feel that pple just like to put a blame on someone.. for my case, watever thing that is wrong with my boy, it becos i dunno how to take care, my breast milk give him problem, i did something wrong during my pregnancy, i dun try hard enough to massage bb tummy etc etc..

and these pple dunno how much i sacrificed for the bb.. only noe how to say..

today i just feel like venting out.. haizz..

today is day 40 of my confinement.. for malays, our confinement is from 40-44days.. i take till day 40.. that means, tomoro i can get outta the house n release some stress! oh ya, cant wait to have chilli crab!!
Hi mummies,
Juz saw my precious boy Merlion lots of milk out, CL says due to phlegm n I'm wondering whether should I bring him to PD or Am I being too kiasu? wat shld I do or u hv remedy to clear phlegm?

if got phlegm, bring to pd.. he will be given nebulizer to thin out the phlegm.. my boy had blocked nose the other time and it was really bad.. tries to wait it out and put vicks on his shirt hoping to clear the nose.. didnt work! he finally merlion all his feed the day of the blocked nose n i brought him to pd.. he gave saline drops and it cleared..
its a bottle of saline with dropper.. he prescribed it to me.. when my boy blocked nose, just drop into his nose.. it will clear almost instantly..

but if phlegm, need nebulizer to clear..
Hahaha silsilly, we sama sama. Good tobe able to vent out here otherwise can go gila.

2molo mil coming. Am thinking of finding excuse to go out then go my dad pl to rest.

Whatever comments or life lessons she has, say it to her son. I hv enuff. Tell us dun carry bb to often but whoz the one who is doing that (no prize for correct guess)? When i tried ebm she kept telling her son i shld bf directly, rah rah rah. Then when my gal has tummy or air prb, say i shldnt drink soft drinks, cold and liang stuff. When i bought the danglers to put on my bb cot, she said dun let bb see too much, will get giddy. Sigh, since we hv an expert, i am really redundant, so i will get lost tomolo.
Bianz: the saline drops r not painful but mb uncomfortable for baby. But as silsilly says, clears v fast.

Valteen: when my MIL comes, I'll hide in my room. She always likes to come unannounced n I really hate it. Haiz, I wonder y all these MIL r like this? I mean they give birth b4 so they shld understand how we feel but y r they always the worst of all?
Hi lush,

Baby's thrush is it baby nappy rashes? I bought the medicated powder for the baby ass. It's from the Chinese medical hall. You can go buy it. At first my baby has rashes, after I use that, rashes gone within two days.

Now I more relax with the baby. Today he is 19 days old, I already brought in to vivo city for dinner. Relax abit.

Some time we should take things easier. Otherwise it's too stressful.

I do c-section. Wound already healed. Think next week I will get the Malay lady to massage for me.
Hi lush,

Dun feel bad. I was a bad mum. I did ga for c-section. And I didn't breastfeed. Every one asked why I like this. I don't care n it's my life... I just haf to answer to myself.
I only do things that made me happy.
Hi bianz,

Thanks alot. My baby also merlion at 8pm. Think it's Ok as long dun merlion at every feed.

Are you going to work soon or are you sahm?
sigh, my MIL come stay over this wkend again. she herself say muz give baby cry, cannot always carry. but baby cry only she rush in to carry him. I haven't had the chance to carry or feed baby at all!! damn sianz!! then keep on saying yao lan good la, etc etc etc. like she's the expert. feel like juz leaving the hse & go out on my own. but don't feel good leaving baby behind & she surely complain that I'm a bad mummy who throw baby behind & go out on my own. arraagghhrr!!
Hi Maria,
I'm on 4mths maternity will return to work in may

So u sthm?

Cos my bb seldom Merlion tat much nearly 50ml of milk non-stop tat is, tat's y panic n concern shouting for help :p
Do urs Merlion tat much?

So ur bb well behave @ rstn? Tempted 2 bring him out but concern abt outburst if I can't handle :p
Hi 5 and that exactly my encounter! There was ine weekend mil stayed over and she was carrying bb all times as long as the gal wasnt slping. Since she is the so called expert and dh kept saying his mum has a way to soothe bb anf make her slp, i shut off and hands off. Though i feel bad abt 'neglecting' bb, i wld not want to hear of any expert comments which i m already tired of.

There was once we need to bring bb out avlittle earlier so we tot of bathing her when we come bk, wow she kept talking to bb that she hasnt bathe so smelly smelly, go hm muz bathe and whenever bb cried she will say 'oh hvnt bathe, uncomfy is it?' i so mad! Then when we came she still call dh and ask if bb bathe already or not. God, can they back off and let us do our things! (sorry ah, me also frus and am venting in here cos i really dunno who to grumble to)

Any mummies going to bb fair?
I am tempted to bring bb out shopping or mum mum also but like u, scared they outburst and also trying to figure out how to feed her.

So far we hv been bringing her to family members homes only.
My baby also merlion milk these few days. Its right after drinking when i try to put her upright to burp. Never seen this before. Last time it's only some milk flowing out from the corner of her mouth. Now it's different. Seems like some mummies are experiencing this with their babies too. We do not know what's the problem, so right now we decided to reduce the amount of milk to see if it's over feeding. But she's been on this amount for awhile already and it's only recently this has happened.
Hhii mommies, im a jul 12 mummy. would like to ask do you all recommend your confinement lady? i m still looking for CL. Thanks!
valteen: Im gg to the baby fair.. seems like a number of good deals to check it out n also take the chance to gai gai.. Actually going out with bb can be surprisingly a breeze.. i find them more well-behaved outside than at home. Just make sure u go to a baby friendly place with nursery, etc..
valteen & jojo, I'm also going to the bb fair with hb later since I've an expert at home to take care of bb mah. sigh.
My son merlion every feed (almost all the milk) for 1 day, and I brought him to see doc. Realized it was overgrazing. Correct formula is (120 to 150ml x weight of baby divide by no of feed). Make sure you dun overfeed him

Went to baby fair yesterday. V few booths. Think the largest booth is baby hyperstore. Got alot OG strollers/prams on sale. If you wanna buy prams, can go. Or else no point going

I looking forward to nxt week baby fair. Seems like got more things to see..
I juz went to the fair. nothing much leh. mostly the bigger stuff like stroller, cot, playmats, swimming tub, etc. think the next mother & baby fair shld have more things. most likely will be going ba.
hi bianz,

I didnt work for more than 3 years. I thought of finding a job in march. Living expenses is so high in singapore. I am worried that we might not be able to cope with the living expenses. Heard that it costs about $1k a month to send him to school when he is 2 years old. Plus, I thought to bring him holiday when he is older. All cost so much money, if I alone still okie. With him, I think I need to work.

Baby is quite a nice boy in the restaurant. He is so happy to see so many people. Think he is like me, cannot stay at home de. Every day must go out. He really bring a lot of joy to my life although he also bring a lot of trouble to me.... Hahaha....

Who is looking after your baby when you go back to work? Dun get over worried about the feeding. As long he didnt vomit every meal, I think it is okie.....
i din overfeed my bb leh...90ml every 3 hr but i duno y he still throws out milk...
yes, mine only throws out more milk this week...
Hi Maria,
So soon start work whose taking care of bb then?

Hi mummies,
Any advice on why bb always cries when I carry but slient when in arms of CL, wonder y?
Since yday, bb seems to want tobe carried and walked almost on 24/7! I din really slp last nite and this morn. Worried tonite same thing happen. I am going to crash soon.
Hi Maria,
My mil will take care :p

I damn sick of confinement food n e red dates drink since 1st week, thank God only 1 more week to go...

Hi Valteen,
Mine too need to walk arnd 2 soothe him, think he's distracted by e constant change of surrounding n forgot abt crying
Thanks mummies! Happy to be able to vent here and know that we are all in the same boat. Hahah :p

Marie, thrush is a fungal infection. Will show up as white patches in bb's mouth (mine is on bb's tongue). If its on mummies, we will either get vaginal infection or nipples cos latter is passed by bb when we bf. I hv itchy breasts and pain after bf, so i also have thrush.

Jac, pamela, i totally agree with u! Sama sama. Haiz so tiring... why do ppl keep saying their babies are so easy to take care when most of us are finding it challengin?? Haha .. Oh but I take heart that there is someone in my block with a crying baby too, i keep hearing baby cries these few days. Haha i feel better tat im not alone ;p
Hi mummies

I will b giving birth in apr 12 n will b delivering in TMC. Any kind mummies tat had given birth at tmc can share ur hosp bill? I will b having c-sect.

Pls pm me.

Thank u
Bb is 8 weeks.

Agrer wif u. Themoment u stop their eyes wilwonder and start to frown. I am prep for a pek chek note again
Mummies who feed your bb formula milk, may I know which brand of milk do you use for your new born? My bb is a month old, n is drinking friso. cos her first formula in hospital is friso, so I just continue with that. However, I thought of switching when my two tins of friso run out. Need advise on what is good.
Hi mknwt,
I'm using Nan Pro apparently my friend was being told by hospital nurse tat Nan has a certain ingredient which benefit bb whom uses fm but its only good till 6mths. After which Nan might not b nutritious for bb, anyway intend 2 switch 2 Mamil gold when 6mths, which seems like a long time fm now :p
valteen, isomil is soy milk, not cow/goat milk. actually I feed my boy isomil coz it's suppose to help with colic & reflux coz it's lactose-free & thicker texture. but the thicker texture caused constipation (for my boy's case) & also has lower nutrients. so it's better to stick to normal formula if there's no need for soy ba. I intend to continue with isomil until my boy is abt 3-4mths or when his colic/ tummy wind gets better ba.
My boy also merlion last nite even though burped. He vomitted a few mouthful out after spitting out some phlegm.
Just now vomitted some out again after fussing after milk. Kept fidgetting, refused to be burped.

Mknwt: i'm using mamex gold.
I see Jac. Thanks for sharing. I guess itz one alternative for bbs who are lactose intolerant too. Hope ur boy gets out of his colicky condition soon.
Moscato: I heard phlegm will caused baby to merlion milk out. My gal also like your baby, starting to fidget and refused to be burp at times.

hi valteen,

Did your baby still get cranky in the night? My baby is 20days old, I am also afraid that he will get so cranky when he get older. Haizzz... felt like buying ear plug and stuck into my ears in the night.

Hi mknwt,
I am using Mamex gold. Cos in the hospital they used that too. Seems good so far.

hi bianz,

Are you going to bring the baby home daily if your MIL looking after the baby for you?
