(2012/01) Jan 2012

Hi mummies,

It has been a while since I last came here. Hope u remember me. How have u been? I met my bb's PD today for jab and he advised to start solid once she turns 6 mths. But he never recommend specific brand of cereal. My baby girl is 5.5 mths now, 8.4 kg. I think she is in the overweight category..

Actually, she does not drink a lot in 1 intake since young. So I am so used to having her drinking smaller intake. She is only on 120-140ml all along since 3 mths. That's why I think I'd start her when she really turns 6 mths la, coz maybe her tummy size is not equipped to swallow 'heavy' in one goal. Same like Jac, i also worry if she doesnt like to drink milk after starting solid.

Brink: maybe got wind in your baby's tummy? That's why bb taking less and keeps on crying.

Jkids, y u started yr child wit semi solids late? I let my son tried before the plain rice cereal tt has to be mixed with milk, all attempts not successful. So pressurized... When my relatives see my son nxt time confirm keep commenting on tis semi solid tingy. Last time with my elder son, my Fil keep asking mi to feed my 7-8mths old son porridge, but his progress is slower, feed him porridge he will gag even though i already blend it. Wat else i can fo rite...Both my kids sick now for afew days already, wan to keep try feeding oso cant... So busy jaga-ing them these few days only sleep less than 5hrs every nite.
Jkids, my son oso sleeping lesser nowadays. Its normal. The nap time babies require get shorter as they grow. Mine now naps around 3times in the day, but the total time add together maybe around 2-3hours only.

Brink, my boy oso has the same prob! Previously he will sleep when we rock him in rocker, now even rocker cant do the trick. He wans mi to cuddle him sleep n stand up rock rock. He will cry whenever i sit down before he is sleepy enuff.

Jac, although semi solid feeding not a milestone, but will affect his speech... My elder son is the slow n steady type, only until 1yr old den we give him 2 solids feed per day. Before tt frm 7-12mths old, we only gave him a solid feed per day cos we tink shld drink more milk rather den eating. So maybe tts y when he younger always on 97th percentile... Lolz~~~
what brand of rice cereal do you all use?

these days my bb will suddenly cry in the middle of the nite then go back to sleep again. but sometimes need to rock so that he can go bk to sleep again.

heavy bb!

wow...can play on his own for 1 hr! gd leh lol. he entertain himself.

late meh? no leh. bb can drink purely on milk for 6 mths, so i not in the hurry to introduce leh. but this bb, i may start when he hits 6.6 mths...maybe u wana try diff brand of cereal? or stop for a few days...maybe he is not ready...
I am feeding nestle cereal for now..notice that alot of mummies here are feeding other brands..very tempted to try too.. but much more exp than the nestle one...last time my first also started w the nestle one

we entertain him by just sleeping beside him...lol

Christina; funny right..the babies...all sorts of patterns..each day is a new exploration

delphin: he cry cause not enough sleep and wan to throw temper and also hungry..

mummies, i wan to make some pumpkin puree for my boy, he is only 5.5 mths also, just started on rice cereal..is it advisable? lost the chart given by PD..

also the receipe from the web is always using baking method...can anyone share a more simple way to prepare the puree..

by the way, who is sahm in this forum...what do you do when u are at home w your precious..
brink, which nestle cereal are u using? They just send me the goodie bag..3 sachets of Brown rice..the pink colour one.

pumpkin puree...maybe can just steam & blend?
delpina, wow! my gal was 7.5kg at 5.5 mths...so..wow..

dragonbaby, u might wanna note that changing milk shld oso be gradual. my fren's mum who was a nurse told me when i switched to soy milk for my bb..but by then we already switched her for a few days and her diarrhea still persists..

my colleague started his 5mth 3wk old gal on porridge. he prepares overnight in the slow cooker. so far so good he said.

for pumpkin, my mum gave my gal mashed pumpkin when she was 5 mth old. a week later, she developed diarrhea. i'm not saying it's pumpkin..but do give in moderation with a few days' break in between to gauge effect on bb...

and my gal is into her 15th day of diarrhea. no other effects like vomitting, fever, blood in stools tho.. sigh..oso dunno what to do. Doc only says observe n observe..
Moscato, I am giving the green colour sachets. that is the rice cereal. Yours is the brown rice. Brown rice is more heaty do I start w the green basic rice cereal first. Yesterday 2 teaspoon, today 4 teaspoon w a bit of pumpinkin purée;) after that 60 ml milk...
Mummies, after feeding your bb cereal, do u still give milk?
I boil some water, put in the raw pumpkin and boil for a few min and take out and marsh and give to my boy. Then realize like still too thick, so I add more hot water and sift the pumpkin. Now storing the purée in chiller. Anyone keep purée like that and how long can it be used?
Googlez, ya try porridge water..
brink, the green sachets need to mix with your own milk? The brown rice is already mixed with milk.

i never try freezing food..cos my mum not in favour. Elderly still prefer freshly prepared food.
brink, ok ok..thanks! will ask PD next wk if can feed porridge if he is still rejecting cereal. Going for his 6th mth vaccination...fever nightmare coming again...haizz..
yah giving porridge water le...my fren's mum's advice is to stop all milk see how..

hmm..for carrots/pumpkins/potatoes/sweet potatoes, my mum prefers to steam cos the sweetness is retained. I dunno if you boil, whether will boil away the nutrients/sweetness into the water. after that mash and add water to thin it. i bot a handheld blender for my mum to use instead of mashing. even my sis says it's good cos she gets to eat mashed potatoes now! lol..

my mum will feed milk after eating, about 3-4 oz. my gal can finish.
googlez82, he stop LS after taking soy milk. I thought of trying back milk but I scare he LS again. Very poor thing, he LS 10 times a day untill backside sore lor. I see already also heart pain. Actually I'm stuck with 1 ctn of milk now. Don't know what to do with it. I try posting online but there's no response.
dragonbaby, soy milk can't be taken on a permanent basis. Mrs Wong BB mentioned in her ante-natal class. btw, u found out reason y ur boy LS? I cant figure out mine and she's still LS-ing 8 times a day..sigh................

brink, thanks for the advice. i keep very close watch of my bb's backside cos i v scared... sigh.......
googlez82, doc say baby cannot digest milk and he advise that we should change to soy milk so that he can digest better. He's better now, normal poo-ing twice a day. You can try making the milk very very thin see if it helps.
Jkids, maybe yr bb over stimulated in the daytime? When they still small only know sleep n eat. Now big liao see aniting oso excited... U are the only mummy same with mi start bb with semi solids only at 7mths old... So u haven even try before feed cereal? Did u encounter pple keep asking y u haven start semi solid, keep tellig u can start already etc?
I intend to wait until bb 6.5mths old den try again liao since nw he oso sick... Try oso wont successful.

Brink, i oso trying with nestle cereal. Easier to get in supermarkets. If u give pumpkin have to use blender to blend until paste type cos got some fibre inside. Carrots, potato etc dun have bb easier to eat. For making purees, i will steam then blend with philips handheld blender. If need to add water when blending i will add the water inside the food bowl.
Btw, i am a sahm since preggy with #1. For mi i dun haveuch time to play with my 2kids cos i taking care of them myself, busy enuff just with their feeding. So no choice i just let them play on their own or watch tv.
Googlez82, could it be food allergy tt is causing the LS? Did u seek 2nd opinion with other PD?

Like moscato siad, dun give too much orange coloured food. Will be yellowish. My elder son loves carrot puree when he was small so we let him eat alot (we tot got eat better than nv eat aniting mah). End up when he around 1yr old we start hearing comments his face look yellowish, especially the nose.

Brink, i will try to use the frozen purees within a month. But normally i only make enuff to use for about 2-3weeks. Although like moscato's mum, my mum tink shld make fresh everyday, but very hard cos bb initially eat so little how to make tt little bit everyday... Plus i with 2kids at home, both keep wanting my attention, its easier to make in bulk on weekends. I just pop in the purees in the porridge.
Moscato, yr bb always fever after jabs? Did u feed him paracetemol before going for jab? Although the polyclinic nurse say dun need tAke before jab n if temp nv exceed 37.5 no need take, we still followed my mum's advice to feed a dose of paracetemol before going. She say let the medicine inside the body first then the fever no chance to act up
And we continued giving for 2days even if after jab temp nv exceed 37.5degree. My Kids will ony be abit more fussy den usual, n temp at most around 37.3
We tried once follow the nurse instruction of not giving paracetemol if no fever, end up his temp shoot up to 37.5
Long time no post.. hahah...
Im reading abt how ur babies luv pacifiers. Mine luvs her thumbs leh.. She sucks n sucks every hour. And sucks her thumb to sleep. How do i wean her off her thumb?? Her fingernails also seemed to have ridges on them already. But if i dont let her suck, she wil cry and will not fall asleep. Im actually hoping she will suck pacifer instead. I tried it before but she jus spits it out.. Haiz.

My breastfed bb still has ezcema. Quite extensive, she always scratches her arms, tummy, thighs. And her face always have red patches. See already also sad. Duno wat to do lor. Sigh.
Lush, u have to Kick yr daughter off the sucking thumb habit by hook or by crook! When one day need to wean off pacifier easier, at least can keep it away dun give her. But if she addicted to thumb how, u cant keep her thumb away frm her rite...suck for prolong period will have develop callus...
My #2 oso likes to suck thumb. Whenever i see him suck i will beat his hand, pull it out and give him pacifier. If he spit out, i will beat again. Now got abit improvement already.
Did u bring yr girl to PD for the ezcema? My #2 has minor ezcema, will have red itchy patch when his face is dirty. PD advise say use cetaphil or physiogel to cleanse his face. We oso clean his mouth with wet wipes after his milk feed
anyone let bb take organic food only?

no leh...no one ever asked me to quickly try. even my mum who was the caretaker supported me, so it was easy. yah, havent tried cereal yet oso.
hi lush,
my boy also have ezcema, bring him see pd and gp..gp gave steriod cream and normal cream which help for those stubborn redness all over his face and body...also know that too much steriod cream will thin the skin but just cannot stand lor...my elder boy, I also apply extensively.
now w no.2, i try to only apply for those very stubborn redness that would not go away. at the same time, that time my boy got nappy rash so the cream can be used for all purpose. he had since recover from his nappy rash

just bought california baby calendula cream to try to moisture his body...still on trial period..but have read some bad comments on it though...hopefully it works....
And have to consistently wipe his face w a wet clean towel to keep him clean and once his clothes is wet or soiled by milk will change immediately...a lot of work but it helps...wear less also..or thinner...

my boy he so fun lor, ask him not to eat his pillow or bolster,he eat his fingers, ask him dont eat his hands he eat his legs...have to stop him and gave him pacifer until he dont split out..

totally agree w christina..eating hand is no good cause like what christina say, how to wean off the hand? my confinement nanny also say the same thing...

Anyone bought California baby calendula cream for your baby to apply recently? just read from the website they change ingredients and not as effective and smell awful...any comments?
Jkids, my mum oso nv rush mi... Its those 'other pple'...
My mum say its my child so i decide myself wat i wan to do, if not wait aniting happen i blame her say she kpo... Lolz~

Oh ya, my PD oso got give cream for my boy's ezcema. I only apply when the red patches on his face seems to be itchy (when he keep scratching his face). The cream works wonders! The redness subside quite fast. But the cre quite strong cant keep using. My PD oso got prescribe those not so strong cream for bad nappy rash, heat rash etc

Brink, my boy oso puts everyting he can get hold on into his mouth. His hands alwAys wet with his saliva. Then he rub on his face, den his ezcema will come -__-"
i wipe left hand, he eAt right hand. I wipe right hand, he rat left hand. Vomit blood ~~~
morn mummies! so happy to see so many ppl back here.

juz back to work from 2 days MC. whole family sick sia. my boy down with running/blocked nose & phelgm, can't sleep well at nite coz can't breathe properly, super cranky, so poor thing. me & hb down with flu. I had fever somemore. sigh. lucky I had my parents to help take care of my boy at nite so me & hb can have some proper rest.

my boy also like chewing his hand. tell him not to chew his hand then he bite my hand. hahah.
Christina, so far the last rounds of jabs, bb came down with fever. 1st one 6-in-1 with rotarix, i monitor cos my #1 never had fever for vaccinations. Then he came down with fever so the 2nd one is 5-in-1 plus rotarix plus pneumococcal, i fed him paracetamol after the jabs but still fever, in the middle of the nite became high fever somemore, quickly change him out of his pyjamas and sponged.

Jac, hope you & your family is feeling much better now. It's difficult when bb has flu. Cant breath properly = cant sleep/ drink milk well.
Jac: hope your whole family is getting better.
Christina: how do u cope w 2 on your own??? If my elder is at home, my hubby have to take leave or I need to get help from others cause my elder wans ppl to play w him... W another baby how to? And is quite stressful when I am attending to my young boy and my elder in order to get my attention do something silly....it is the second time I am a sahm..more experience and inexperience since bb2 is so different f bb1. Trying to find more activities f my bb turning 6 mths soon... More hard working in making purée and buying clothes f the kids..lol also stress over the stupid 150 extra which I have to pay cc if I am not workin.... Was thinking maybe I do part time but is it worth it to spend time away f bb...
Hi Christina, my baby also the same as yours... Everything also put into his mouth, and then saliva everywhere and yes, ezcema is likely to follow next. Can i ask what cream are you using? Has it a lot of steriods in it? My pd issued those very mild steriod cream but not much use. Only using my elder daughter's cream would the ezcema be better, but that has stronger steriod so not too keen to use.
Hello all, I took leave to exclusively bf my LS-ing gal. Oso giving her porridge water. Stopped all solids. Today so far so good.. Fingers crossed tight tight...
hi mummies ,

what steriod cream are u using for your child ezcema? intially i was using hydrocortisone and ceradan presribe pd...not effective.
then now using potassium permanatage to wash, miconazole cream and elomet ointment to apply and daktarin powder...
Jac, my family oso. Initially only my elder son sick. Den pass on to my #2, den to mi n my hubby. My boys oso runny/blocked nose plus phlegm den at nite keep crying n waking up cos cant breathe properly.
My son will cry loud loud when i pull him hand out frm his mouth... Lolz~.

Moscato, the polyclinic nurse got advise us to take the pcv separate frm other jabs. She say scared to many vaccine the child might develop high fever. But we still went ahead n let my son took both together, lucky nv high fever

Pamela, i'm using elomet cream from PD for his face, same as brink. I oso have another one named dermasone i use on his body. Both works well. I'm not sure gt any steroid ingredient anot, frm wat i read on the box i tink dun have.
Christina, i also rather take the jabs together or else have to keep going back. Long queue plus have to take more leave. Already exhausted my childcare leave for this year.
Brink, i'm usig only elomet cream on my Boy's face. Works well just by itself, but might be bcos his condition is mild.
With 2kids at home, i have almost 0 time for myself. But still can cope although sometimes no time eat. My hubby will take leave for cases when my son is sick or wat, my mum will dropby in the morning whenever she can to help mi bath the boys. After tt she go home den i'm on my own.
My elder son oso same, keep wanting my attention. I try to play with him when my younger son is taking his nap. But most times i just let him play on his own or watch tv. No choice, cos #2 will cry when i'm not around him. We intend to put him in CC but have to wait until year end den got vacancy.i tink work part time for the extra $150 subsidy is definitely not worth it. Got a certain hours to hit to quality for the subsidy, means u have to find a caretaker for yr #2. even if its yr own mum help out when u go work part time, oso have to give her abit of $ as appreciation? The pay u take home after deduct cpf (if exceed $500) only left how much...still got transport $ etc.
So the difference is more or less just the extra $150 subsidy. If u still can afford the $150 i tink ownself take care better

Googlez82, y u dun pump out Let yr girl drink? She prefers latch on?
Moscato, i understand... We oso let our kids take the jabs 2gether so my hubby no need keep taking leave. U have how many days AL? My hubby has 18days or 21days if i'm not wrong, so not enuff childcare leave can use AL. But oso cant keep taking, his boss mouth say ok, but the face expression black black
Brink, how old are yr kids? Both boys? Mine is 18mths old n 6mths old. Maybe we can arrange for a play date for the boys! I brought my so to fidgets @ turf city (indoor play area) before, he loves it!
I have 20 days per year. still have quite a bit brought forward from last year. Like what you said, cannot keep taking leave, more for #1's cc closure & emergency like fever and of cos if my mum wants to go short getaway.
Christina, my pumping supply not enuff. With latching on, I'm there all the time as and when she wants. Your kids are 1 yr apart..omg..so shiong..
Moscato, other den cases like hfmd, any other cases CC will be closed? Yr boy's CC got provide dinner before go home?

Googlez82, my kids are exactly 1yr apart, 01/01/2011 and 01/01/2012. #1 my edd was 14/1/2012 so i tot wan a nice number go n induce on 1/1/2011. But after 18hrs only 1.5cm dilated so end up Csect. #2 edd was 15/1/2012, tt means they are conceived somewhere same date but a year apart! Csect is done around 38wks so #2 just nice can born on 1jan too...
wha Christina, pei fu!! ur 2 kids r so young & close in age. 18mths also not very independent. how u handle?? think I'll wait till my boy 3-4yrs old then consider #2. 1 already can't handle liao.
Jac, Ya 18mths old still small, although can walk on his own but still got many tings got to do for him. Bath, feed porridge, change diaper, blah blah blah... Oh ya, he is super lazy. Until now still dun wan to hold his own milk bottle. If we make him hold he rather dun drink.
Actually all along we only wanted one child, both mi n hubby family financial not gd. So we tot now we only just earning barely enuff to use, just have 1 child we can try to give him the best to our ability. End up 3mths after giving birth i got pregnant! Faintz~~~ we tot of aborting but end up cant bear to. Now our savings only left 3digit cos i'm not working.
Christina, other than HFMD, there will be a few days that the centre will be closed for teachers' workshop (think twice a year), Children's day, Teachers' day.

Nope, the sch doesn't provide dinner..the centre closed at 7pm.

btw you can apply for financial assistance if u need to send your kids to cc. The sch will help i think or you can check out mcys website. Raising a kid is not cheap!
Christina, my kids are 3+ and 5plus month...where do u stay? Me at sengkang area... Been to the fidgets w my boy school, nice and cosy place but super far f us.. Am a mountain turtle, seldom go out one unless really necessary..lol
You are right on the hrs, need to clock 56 hrs monthly to have the full working mother subsidy of $300..every month$150, 12 mths is more than $1500... W that amount of $$, can do lots of things... But like what u mention, not really worth it so am thinking of starting my business like selling baby clothes..trying to figure out how I can bring goods in f other countries without having to travel...
Christina, great lei the kids can celebrate birthday together...no need to have so many celebrations so many times... Waste too much $$$
Christina & brink, jiayou jiayou! really not easy raising a kid in SG. BTW I think My First Skool has some financial assistance scheme. can check their website.

I did think of quitting my job or take no pay leave to look after my boy. but my MIL strongly objected. she scared my hb can't cope financially. somemore in front of my boy say "then where got $$ buy toys for boy boy rite?". really -.-"
