(2012/01) Jan 2012

moscato, u talking abt milk bottles? I've 7 milk bottles + 1 small bottle for water + 1 sippy cup. alot hor. hahah. my boy use abt 4 milk bottles at home on wkdays, so only got to wash/sterilize once a day. he has 1 milk bottle + 1 small bottle for water at IFC, the IFC will wash/sterilize after every feed. wkends got to wash/sterilize twice a day. I got the avent steamer cum blender liao. so wkend go buy the vege/meat & ikan billis (to grind into powder) & pre-prepare/portion & freeze lo, then b4 meal juz throw rice, vege/meat & ikan billis powder into the steamer cum blender lo. I know my mum pattern, got to make things fast & simple for her to do one. but she still complaining troublesome. sigh!

Moscato: previously I had 1 mag mag, one short and 2 tall bottles... Now I just put 1 mag mag and 1short and 1 tall bottle in the sterilizer. So when I come back I will wash then put into the sterilizer to sterilize lo... If not later want to feed her no bottles... When my MIL wash just one bottle she use bottle water to sterilize it.. She don't put into the sterilizer.

Jac: u can grind carrots, potato, apple, pear for baby to eat..
kayleigh mom, yeah. intend to prepare & freeze purée during wkends. then juz need warm it up using hot water / warmer b4 eating. juz worried abt preparing porridge.
Jingles: actually the food grinder is good for small portion where you want to make now and feed immediately. Cos if u do a mass batch will be quite tiring and troublesome. U got to cook it via steam then it's easy to mash... I go back home put a few receipe here ok...

Jac: for porridge right.. If u have thermal pot then good cos save electricity or u house got those old fashion cook via charcoal... This two is the best lo... If not will be slow cooker..
Hey how do u all introduce solids? Like starting off with once a week, once a day with cereal? Then increasing to twice a week? Can you all share your schedules?

Those mummy who is weaning off you baby , how is it like arh? Did baby become angry when you stop bf her or him? Can share how you all went through it?
kayleigh mom, my mum has a very big slow cooker, those use to cook soup for whole family kind, abit of an overkill leh. thermal pot different from slow cooker ah? confused. hahah. will see how when we get to that stage la. mabbe will get a smaller slow cooker/ thermal pot then.

xuan mom, I feeding cereal (~1 tablespoon) once a day, after my boy comes home from ifc, together with his 2nd last milk feed ard 7-8pm. he still has 1 milk feed at 10-11pm b4 sleeping.

mummies, its been a week & my boy still eating abt 1 tablespoon of cereal & quite watery kind. so far quite ok, will finish what we give him, he'll open his mouth, but end up sucking the cereal from the spoon instead (soot soot sound, very funny!). shld I be increasing the amt or make it less watery or start with other new food? how do u tell when he's ready ah? or juz trial an error? I scared waste my jar of bb food. hahah.
Jac: thermal pot right it's like a warmer. Wat u do is u take the pot put ur brown rice and water then in the stove cook till the rice start to soft a bit then transfer to the thermal pot and let it cook by itself. It maintains the heat..
Many mummies here have started their babies on semi solid? I'm oso a jan mummy, my younger son is turning 6mths old in a week.
I have been trying to feed him alittle bit of cereal since my son is 4.5mths old but till now he still haven master the swallowing skill n keeps spitting out. Any advise?
My #1 previously started eating semi solids with spoon only around 7mths old n it went well. #1 quite late in accepting grainy porridge too. It is bcos #2 not ready yet?
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Nov forum. Would like to ask if you have any good confinement lady to recommend?
Due to some issue, my mom is not able to help me. Need to look for one CL asap.
Please PM me.
( Expected EDD 28th Nov 2012)

morning mummies, disappeared for awhile. My gal got diarrhea, apparently stomach flu. Doc says be careful what she puts into her mouth. Let's be more vigilant, to save us the trouble, heartache and also "pocket-ache"
Christina, maybe can try some other food instead of cereal to see if the problem is coz he can't swallow or he doesn't like cereal?

googlez, yeah my boy also kana LS for 2 wks coz he keeps putting his dirty hands & basically anything he grabs hold of into his mouth. now we wipe his hands very often, also got to pin his hands down when changing diapers.
my boy juz started on apple purée (+ cereal + milk) last wkend & he loves it!! finish half a bowl sia. then don't want drink his milk.
Christina, my boy initially also keep pushing out the cereal and cried. Tried again last sunday..and showed him how to "eat"..getting better now but some cereal will still come out so i "pushed" back to his mouth.
Not sure if it helps or it may not be a good idea, eat in front of the baby and exaggerate the eating? My gal alwayz looks at us adults eating and she starts to smack her lips, open her mouth and drool. So when we introduce cereal, she din have much trouble.
googlez82, we always eat in front of my bb but he doesnt like to eat..haa...

now his fave is push his legs to stand up and of cos his hands in his mouth. while drinking milk, he will play with the teats by turning his head left & right to rub his gums against the teat. I checked but no teething symptoms.
Hi jac, we haven let him try other food yet cos previously we started #1 with apple puree, carrot puree as first food, end up we had trouble introducing porridge cos its not so flavourful... So we tot tis time start 'properly', let him try cereal first den slowly introduce other stuff

Hi moscato, i got try to push bk but he will start crying very loudly... Maybe like wat jac said, he dun like the milky taste. He have problems with milk feeds too, most of the time had to force feed or dream feed.

Hi googlez82, my elder son like yr girl, showed interest whe we eating n it went ok when we started him on semi solids. #2 seems to be much more problematic... Haiz~~~
googlez, so funny "exaggerate the eating".. hahah.. my boy also always see us eat see until eyes big big..

mummies, where/how do u sit ur bbs during feeding ah? can sit unsupported in high chair? typically when can bbs start to sit on their own? my boy's thunder thighs can't fit into the bumbo, using the bouncer now. thinking whether to get a high chair anot, but he can't sit yet leh..
christina, my boy also dont really like cereal. we only make a quarter bowl & he finish all, but he wasn't very excited abt it & eat quite slowly & didn't ask for more, unlike when we gave him the apple cereal. he cried/fussed when the apple cereal finish & refused the milk. sigh. confirm sweet tooth. now that u say, I'm worried that I'll have problem introducing porridge. sigh.
Hi Jac, our bb should be learning to sit now. My PD taught us to seat him in front of an adult, use both arms at bb's sides to assist (like form a triangle). Let him/her slowly learn to balance and support own strength.
My gal can sit in a high chair, but we need to stuff pillows/cushions into the space cos she's not steady yet, sway abit left and right. We even seat her in a walker liao. But we left the walker in stationary mode, never open up the wheels. Not sure if you understand cos I myself dinnoe of such a walker until my neighbour gave a pre-loved one to me.
googlez, yeah I got train him to sit. legs in diamond shape & hands in front of his legs to support. he'll sit awhile then topple to one-side. very funny. hahah. yeah I saw such walkers at kiddy palace b4. seems like alot of mummies using walkers ah.
Most walkers has stoppers. There is also piece of board that i can clip on the bottom so that bb wont touch the cold flooring and when their legs are still not long enough yet.
Jac, tts the problem with my elder son,oso sweet tooth. he only eat those strong flavour stuff like carrots, apples, banana etc... Milk cereal is a big no no. He only accepted porridge at around 10mths old. Before tt we had no choice but to feed him nestle cerealac. U can buy ikea high chair, cheap n good. Dun have to buy those $100+ type since will get dirty durig feedings. They got high chair support cushion for babies who still cant sit very well yet.

Wat age shld babies sit very well? My #1 only sat very stable at around 7-8mths
hi mummies, havent been up here for some time.

just to share, bought a hospital plan for my boy, from GE. Supremehealth + totalshield. Supremehealth to be deducted from medisave, $130 a year. Totalshield to be paid with cash, $300 a year. Cover private hosp bill and overseas medical. Can get $75 cash allowance per day of hospitalisation. Also bought a Junior Protector plan to cover accidents, $170 a year.

i feed my boy those heinz puree, pear, mango, apple, banana, pumpkin, carrots, he tried all. so far ok.my favourite is the heinz banana custard. i think it's his favourite too. can also feed with a bottle, no need to use bowl and spoon. ya, he also doesnt like the baby rice, too plain. feed him in a walker too, but have to stuff a towel in front of him to support.

mummies, your babies can sleep throughout the nite now? my boy will cry 3-4 times throughout the nite, but what i do is to give him his pacifier, and this will do, he will get back to sleep. it is normal for babies to wake up a few times during the nite? im not sure if i should feed him when he cries, actually im quite reluctant,cos i want to wean him off the nite feeds. and i think if he's really hungry, he will cry non stop, but no, once i give him the pacifier, he will sleep back. any advice?
Hi my_mousepad, my #2 sleep thru the nite with the help of pacifier too. He sleeps around 11pm, about 5am onward will wake up now n then but i just give him pacifier he will either fall bk asleep or just guai guai lie there until his first morning feed at around 7.30-8.00am. As long as nv cry badly i tink dun have to feed, since yr son already gotten used to the routine, if u start giving nite feeds again u will have to start all over.

We trained #1 to sleep thru the nite the same way. As he gets older, he almost nv disturb as during the nite anymore cos he will pop his pacifier bk in himself. Unless he nitemare, or raining got loud thunder.
thanks christina, then when should we stop giving our babies pacifier? i also dont want him to overly rely on that, worried next time he cannot sleep without the pacifier. i also heard my colleagues say babies use pacifier, in future their teeth would be protruding?
Hi all,
Anyone feeding breast milk and formula milk together to your baby? My boy seems to reject breastmilk, if formula milk can drink 180ml, if breastmilk drink only 20-30ml. Tried to mix inside the formula, the whole bottle wasted. Anyone same as me can share..by the way, f formula milk that is not finished, do u throw away or reheat within an hr to feed your baby?
I tink many babies only wean off pacifiers around 2-3yrs old, i even heard some only wean off at 4-5yrs old. Unless u are those anti-pacifier mummy, if not i tink its ok to rely on pacifier for naps n night time.
For my #1, when he younger very reliant on pacifier, nw hw is 18mths old we try not to keep letting him suck pacifier when its nt sleep time. When he is fussy or he ask for pacifier i will still give it to him cos i taking care of my kids alone, canot afford to have them keep crying. Nw #1 suck pacifier pacifier self soothe to sleep, he wont wake up if pacifier drops out.
#2 i still carry him to sleep at nite, when he is bigger will slowly learn to sleep by himself. Dun need rush actually, i mean hw much longer can we still carry n hug them like tt? My #1 nw bigger seldom wan to let us hug already.

As for the protruding teeth problem, my #1 门牙is a little 歪向里面. My mum says its ok since the baby teeth will drop n change adult teeth... Lolz~ so i quite optimistic bout tis, if adult teeth oso crooked den put braces? Mi n my 2 sisters oso use pacifier when we were babies, but only my front teeth crooked, my sisters didnt have the problem.
Jac, yesterday evening i tried to give fruit cereal, he still push most of it out but seems to be better den when i give him plain cereal. It will be a big hassle if baby have probpem accepting porridge, may have to prepare soup stock to cook the porridge to be flavourful... No salt somemore~
Brink, i tink yr baby prefer the taste of fm? Cos its sweeter, some babies will reject bm after tasting fm. I used to mix when i still breastfeeding, my kids were ok n drank as normal.

If the fm not drank finished, i will put in a bowl of hot water to keep it warm den try to feed again within an hour. If still leftover den i throw.
sigh... my boy still waking up every 3-4hrs a night. feed at ~1030pm, sleep at ~11pm, feed at ~2am & ~5am, wake up at 730am. think he naps too much in the day at IFC. wonder when then he'll sleep thro the nite. sigh.
Jac, u got tried give pacifier to delay the night feed? I start delaying with pacifier, slowly prolong the interval frm 3hrs to 5-6hrs.

Ifc is 1 teacher to 5babies rite? They have to feed the babies turn by turn every 3hrs, confirm got no time entertain them so end up the babies so bored keep sleeping...
christina: usually i will leave the milk at room temperature and warm it only when my boy wans to drink within the hr.
Jac:It is a passing phase..my boy sleeps alot in the day too and wake up at 12am and 4am f his feed. but for the 4am feed he only drink 80ml not his usual 150ml..so am trying to not give him any milk until next day:0)
christina, my boy doesn't like pacifier leh. I give him water instead. but after I started work I din try to delay feed coz since I'm up then might as well give him his milk so he'll go back to sleep after his feed, else I'll still have to wake up again & feed him in an hr or so, very tiring lo. last time when I was on ML I train him to wake up once nia (~4am), but now timing all haywire liao. sigh. infant care got aircon & teacher to rock him on the rocker, so very good to sleep. I can't possibly rock him whole nite. how I wish he can sleep thro the nite automatically.

brink, my boy will finish all the 120ml for his nite feeds leh. growth spurt?
Jac, usually how much your child will drink? Sometimes it may be growth Spurt or it may just be that at that moment they super hungry... I remembered once my boy drank 250 ml at one feeding and then go back to his normal feed Amt after that...no matter what as long as they gain weight, I be happy
Jac, try train him again, no choice... Although have to keep waking up to give pacifier/water, but after successful u can get more sleep. Esp if u are a working mum... For my boys, they always dun sleep after their nite feeds so i die die have to train them to tahan thru the nite. Wake up give pacifier better den wake up feed them den i have to rock them at least half an hr. Maybe u can ask the ifc teachers dun rock yr boy, let him play with the toy bar or put him on playmat? When he really tired dun need rock oso will sleep anyway?
brink, my boy drinking 150ml at IFC & 120ml at home every 3 hrly. he was drinking 150ml then drop to 120ml or less then now 150ml again. 250ml is ALOT leh!

christina, yah. muz find the strength & determination to do it. hahah. when i'm looking after my boy at nite, I'll feed my him water & try see if he can go back to sleep & only make milk when he can't get back to sleep without feeding. but my parents will juz feed him whenever he wakes up, sometimes even when he not hungry (coz never finish his milk). so machiam undo everything. so unless I wanna look after him by myself till he starts to sleep thro. sigh.... can't it be automatic??
Jac, ya i know..I was shocked too that he drank 250ml at one feeding..ahahaha
Jac: u buy things from overseas site...how is it like as in posting etc...wanted to buy California Baby, Calendula Cream f my boys, overseas spree selling $27 SGD here...was wondering if cheaper if can buy myself and ship in...how come u have overseas address?
Jac, yr parents helping u with night feeds? U have to tell them to follow yr routine even if they may be unhappy u teaching them wat to do... No choice...if not all yr training wasted leh. But yr case not so bad, my ex colleague's MIL still wake up the boy to feed every 3hourly at nite even though he is already 18mths old!!! Drop jaw rite~
I oso got another fren's daughter now around 22mths old still got wake up for feed 1-2times every nite.
christina, ya agree, if i dont use the pac now, i also dont know how to pacify him. but usually i will take the pac out once he's asleep, until the next time he fuss again, then i put back.

jac, last time your boy didnt like to drink milk rite? is things getting better now? do you think u could feed him more to last him longer? my boy now takes 180ml 4 times a day - ard 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 10pm. then will sleep thru out the nite. for sleeping, maybe reduce the rocking, try giving your boy a towel/his blanket and a pac when he's sleepy? i trained my boy like this too, he will suck the pac and cuddle and rub his mao mao, slowly he will fall asleep by himself.
mummies with babies who like to turn to one side, are things improving? my boy is gg for his next therapy session tomorrw. hope he could be discharged this time. will update.
My mousepad,
My boy only knows how to turn to one side and head shape still one side flatter than the other.. Will check w pd if he need to go f therapy... So far he seems ok, looking to both right and left...
brink: 250 ml so much ah! My girl at most drink 180ml for 12pm feed, and usually 150ml at other times of the day. midnight feeds 120ml only. nowadays she seems to be wanting to drink less, so I stopped the 180ml and reverted back to 150ml only. Kind of wasting milk when it's not finished..

pacifier: My girl is also on pacifier. She will suck it before sleep and spit it out later by herself when she's sound asleep..

brink: 250ml?!...i only give my #1 190ml each feed, according to the recommendation on the tin.

i increase my boy's feed to 150ml..these few days my mum dropped it back to 120ml..said cannot finish 150ml. He was down with fever since Tues evening and my mum said he is more phlegmy now. Brought him see GP last nite. said maybe caught the virus from #1 (she was down with fever on Sun-Mon). Both of them just together over wkend and hardly play together also caught the virus. GP prescribed him antiviral med for him to fight the virus cos said throat abit red and like coming down with flu.

Was suspecting his phelgm was due to the FM cos Mamil just changed their "formula". But GP said not due to that. can continue with the FM cos i told him i was considering of changing.
hi moscato,
ya lor, 250ml too much liao..but that time think is growth spurt ba...
tried giving my boy cereal today, he seems to like it but think he still donno how to eat and is hungry so very impatient and crying..I gave him milk immediately and he seems to be still hungry as reduce his feed from 180ml to 150ml since he taking cereal...
usually how much cereal would u give? my boy just turn 5 mths
brink, u can register for a US address (somethin like a PO Box addr) from vpost, comgateway, borderlinx, etc. vpost is slightly cheaper, but the service damn jialat, no tracking & delivery only during office hrs, etc. borderlinx most ex, but is the fastest. both borderlinx & comgateway uses DHL so service is good!

christina, yeah my parents helping with nite feeds on some nites. they boh chap me one la. follow all their own mtds, use yaolan, give water, use powder, etc thou I tell them not to. now I also give up liao. ask ppl to help is like that one. my boy sleeping/feeding habits like more or less fixed liao leh. juz wondering how long will his nite feeding gonna last. sigh. how are ur colleague/friend coping/handling ah?
