(2012/01) Jan 2012

I'm currently giving my 5.5mth old gal Bellamy baby rice. It's organic and sold in Fairprice Finest. I took one mouthful, it's bland and I find it disgusting, so I'm sure it's good..LOL..

My mum has the habit of feeding my bb 2-3 oz milk in the day time for her to fall asleep, never mind what time her previous feed was and how much. Otherwise, she can take up to 6 oz for a full feed. My hb alwayz gives her a full feed at 12mn. She can last till 6-7am, when I wake her up to bring her to mum's place. I'll latch her just in case she fusses. But same problem as some of u, she stirs 2-3 times during the night, just toss and turn and kick out in her playpen, we gonna wake up to pet pet her, or give her pacifier. But these few nights she seemed to be rejecting her pacifier.
My gal's still having her mild diarrhea and this is the 8th day liao. PD gave pre- and pro-biotics and something for stomach wind. Dunno when I shld go back to PD to re-consult..

mousepad, envy u, ur boy like very easy to take care.. my boy taking 120-150ml 7 times a day. difficult to get him to drink more leh. usually for the first 60-90ml he'll drink very fast then after that start playing/chewing the teat & his fingers, got to "force" him to finish the milk. he's more interested in playing than feeding/sleeping.
googlez, did u change to soy milk? if mild diarrhea, soy milk will help. if not, do go back the PD. the other time my boy was given a stronger probiotics when we went back for 2nd visit & recovered after 3 days. now whenever he has mild diarrhea (more than 3 times a day coz his usual is 1-2 times a day), we'll give him soy milk.
Jac, I did. She continued to poo 5-7 times every 24h. Not alot, about a $2 note-size patch across the diaper. She doesn't exhibit any other discomfort.. just continue to put anything and everything into her mouth, and lick whoever picks her up..
googlez, ah same. my boy was also very active when he had diarrhoea. juz be careful abt the butt/ nappy area. my boy's butt got so red & painful that he cried whenever we clean him. we had to change to use cotton wool & water to clean his butt, put powder to keep the area dry & use nappy cloth to air the area instead. best to go back to see if PD can prescribe any stronger med. Diarrhoea too long no good.
Hi all,
My boy although drinking 180ml but always drag into 2 feed and pacifier must be there to trick him. Somehow he will refuse to drink milk and once given the Pacifer, he will go to his lala land and I will pull out his Pacifer and put in the teats... Wonder when he can drink all at one go. An also worried too as warm up after 40 min, milk don't know still ok anot.
Finally my boy nappy rash is gone but today like come back again
already change every 2-3 hrs... Wonder if he is suitable to wear Huggies ultra...
Does your baby do this? He was smiling while playing w something he hold and once drop will scream the house down and when given back will smile again, reminds me of the Mac advertisement long long time ago... Hahaha
My_mousepad, wah yr son can tahan 5hrs without milk! Tys very gd esp when go out no need keep finding plc to do feeding. Like jac said, ur boy sounds easy to take care! At least better den the few of us here

Jac, not really say ask pple help take care hard to ask them follow our method... My mum will follow wat i wan as much as she can. My sisters oso will follow when they are around to help, cos they know my temper, i will nag non stop. Haha~~~
But some stuff if my mum is reasonable or no big deal stuff i will oso try give in to her method lah. My ex colleague's son night feed all will be fed by her MIL, she totally got no say + dun dare to say, she no need wake up n feed. As for My fren's daughter, she will lan lan just wake up n give her milk, like u say, faster feed her n go bk sleep more practical.
Yr boy taking semi solids liao rite? Y still drinking 7times per day? My son haven really start semi solid but since he 4mths old drinking 150-180ml 5times per day. Lucky he nv drink so many times cos my son like yr boy oso, first 60ml guai guai drink den the first have to force n coax. A feed could eadily take up to 30-60mins
Brink, dun worry milk after 40mins is still ok. Sometimes i leave up to 1.5hrs vos my boy wont drink it n its such a waste to pour away. Actually its ok one, i have read online many angmoh parents even premake whole day FM put in fridge n let their babies drink cold milk! But chinese tinks tt milk put too long or cold milk will cause tummy wind.
Oh, by the way... about the pacifier... From what I gathered... their teeth will be crooked from the biting for prolonged period. As for alignment after they change teeth... I heard it wont happen. Because the gums are already affected and so the teeth roots wll follow suit in the previous alignments.
My baby is also taking pacifier but only when she wanna sleep... Saw one good example of how my friend weans off her daughter... She cuts a big hole. Once the pacifier lost the "feel", they will reject and slowly forget about them if you "make them disappear". =D
christina, my boy was drinking 150ml 6 times a day, then dunno y suddenly not interested in feeding so had to drop his feed to 120ml (sometimes only finish 60-90ml), but 120ml can only last him 3hrs so become like 120ml 7-8 times a day lo. he started semi-solid liao, once a day during dinner time. I usually pour some of his milk 20-30ml into the cereal then give him the remainder after he finishes the cereal. he's super cranky these few days, dunno if it'd growth spurt, teething or watever. arrh.

brink, 40mins is ok. from what I read online & instructions on the tin says ok to leave for 1-2hrs if bb has drank it (got in contact with bb's saliva) & as long as u want if bb hasnt touch it (no contact with saliva).
Jac, u are not alone! My pd says mamy babies are like tt when they reach 7kg for no reason... Duno true anot~
but my boy oso like tt when he around 4mths old, it just a phrase some babies go thru, it will pass soon. tings only start getting better for my boy this 1-2weeks. At least yr boy still drink 60-90ml den give u problem. My one totally dun wan to drink for every feed! I had to force feed every time. And after feeding for 1hour still canot finish! How much cereal yr so can eat nw?
My boy these few days duno y cry until no voice whenever he is awake but cant see mi. Feel so bad towards my elder son cos my attention all go to #2.
Thanks jac and Christina... Hearing u makes me feel better. Last time my first one, cannot finIsh all throw away super wasteful until my mum say can reheat. He was like drinking 60ml every time and I make 150 ml hoping he drink more as he super underweight... Does not sleep too...
I always remember the rule of the thump. My mum taught me
3 important things when u take care of bb, let him be clean, enough sleep and full and he be a happy and chubby bb
Just went for our therapy session. When my boy is on his front or back, his head is straight, but when he sits, still tilt slightly to the right. So continue with exercise, should be able to discharge at next session, the therapist said.

My boy just turned 5mths, 67cm, 6.7kg, I think he's quite light for his age? My frenz's baby, 4mths, already 7kg.
Christina: really? is it true about the 7kg thing? my baby is 7kg now and reducing her milk intake la.. maybe it's time to feed some semi solids le, she is so interested when she sees mummy n daddy eating dinner!

cereal or puree for first food? I bought cerelac that is the blandest of all - the rice flavour. just adding her formula milk to it will only improve the blandness by a little, I think. Should I introduce cereal first or puree first?
my girl just went for her 5th month vaccination. At 5 mths, she's 7kg. Like Jac's little boy's thunder thighs, I call my girl's power thighs!
Brink, i agree enuff sleep very important, if not bb very fussy loh. But my son need to rock den can sleep... Haiz... Now he so heavy i carry until hand going to break liao

My_mousepad, wats the weight percentile? Both my kids has always been 'overweight', their percentile most of the time at 95% or 97% ! My elder son was 7kg at 5mths old, my younger one was 8kg at 5mths old. Pd says my #2 look like 7-8mths old... Jumbo bb... Haha~

Jean, i duno leh tts wat the pd says... I quite skeptical bout it when she told mi...I tink its bcos at the 7kg mark many babies preparing to start semi solid so might start rejecting milk? At tt time she said my son wasnt teething yet, he is only 4mths old duno hw to swallow cereal oso. So there is nuting we can do.. My pd oso said maybey son dun like milk taste, but den there is nuting else for him too. Just try to feed as much as possible. Of cos the 'proper first taste' shld be plain cereal. Den slowly progress on to richer taste n texture. If not u might have problems introducing porride later on cos not so flavourful. My elder son is an example. We started him with apple puree, he only managed to accept porridge at 10mths old. Its up to parent's choice, some didnt have problems with introducing plainer taste later on.
My girl was 8.12kg when she was 4 months old. She looks ok but she has formidable thighs... we call them bongs!
Just to share how I started my girl on cereal... I tried and she refused. Then I gave her "heinz" "sweetcorn and pumkin". Also tried "sweet potato, parship and carrot". Per bottle $2. Can only last 48 hours after opening- 3 days feeds. I mixed it with her cereal and she is totally receptive... They are marshed up so easy for babies to swallow. At 4.5 months, she is given cereal twice per day and taking it well. =) But I will supplement with milk too cause they cant take too much cereal at one go too...
Back at mum's plc. My boy on milk n sleep strike today. No more fever but think he is still not feeling too well. Seem to have a bit blocked nose.
Christina & verley, my boy 8.9kg at 5+mths, 95 percentile I think, so got no issue that he's taking less feed, juz worried not enough nutrients. our bbs all 胖胖俱乐部. hahah.

Verley, 48hrs how to last 3 days feed ah? my boy also loves the heinz puree.I think Heinz sweeter that's y bbs more receptive. the heinz apple purée taste much sweeter & stronger than the one I made.

moscato, my boy also having blocked nose, cough/phlegm & diarrhoea (yes, again). super cranky. vomitted milk a few times. IFC teacher called me at my office, 大惊小怪, then me & hb had to take leave bring him back from IFC to go see doc. sigh. damn tiring when bb is sick.
my mum say in their time they never feed purée one leh. straight go to porridge at 8mths. she keep insisting my boy sick coz of the apple purée (too liang). I give once a day with cereal & milk for the past 1 week. Is that a lot? she ask me to stop feeding my boy food other than milk till he 8 mths. his IFC also haven't start him on cereal yet coz his teacher say he's still not ready (coz still having diarrhea & vomiting milk on & off). any advice?
Jac, wow yr bb more jumbo than mine! Pd oso says since bb fat, drink abit lesser milk nvm since stock up alot already... Lolz~
I tink u are giving yr boy too much apple puree. Everyting must eat in moderation. Maybe u can alternate days mix in vegetables puree instead? My mum oso say before in her time nv feed puree, no salt no msg. She said when we were babies, around 10mths old know how to eat porridge she just buy frm outside feed us. If the ifc teachers advise u to hold on with semi solids first, i tink better take their advise n take it slower. Afterall they had much more experience with babies than us. If dun stop too long shld be alrite, my elder son only started eating with spoon at 7mths old, n eating grainy porridge at 1yr old. Now he is 18mths old n eats everyting. How bout see a pd n ask for professional advise. These 2 days my elder son stomach flu keep vomitting, the doc says its ok to just give him milk until he is well. So i believe its the same case for yr son, already here n there not well better just drink milk first. U can still feed him alittle cereal/puree everyday just to let him get the hang of eating
My gal oso having diarrhea for the 8th day. PD oso mentioned stomach flu. Although he din advise stopping solids for the moment, my fren's mum who is a nurse advised so. And oso advised to drink the water boiled from rice/porridge. Supposedly can stop diarrhea. I intend to try later (later since its already 1+am Saturday.)
Googlez82, i oso heard before if bb unwell un give porridge, but can give porridge water... Abit funny... I tink its to let the stomach rest, easier to digest liquid than solids ba...
verley, thanks for the advice! i mixed carrots puree with baby rice for my boy just now, baby rice i mixed with 90ml of milk..that's how much he took..a lot ya?! no throw up, and he's happily watching tv now..im happy..

christina, 25%, but he doesnt look slim at all, got double chin and fat thighs. dont know if i need to do anything or not. moscato, r u concerned abt your baby's wt too?
mummies u know, when i was pregnant, i knew i couldnt do sewing, so my hubby had to do the sewing, but when he sewed, i was next to him. one time my mum saw and told me even when ppl sew, i cannot be ard. when my boy was born, he has a needle-like hole on his ear, my mum said that's the result of wat me and hubby had done. luckily not very obvious.. any similar pandang thing happened to any of you?
My_mousepad, no need do aniting lah, unless is doc instruction. As long bb well n active its ok. R u and yr hubby average size pple? Mi n my hubby belong to bigger size group, although not those super big size, so our kids definitely wont be small size type. Anyway feed until so fat so no use, my elder son slim down alot since he started crawling n walking... Now he only looks like average size for his age but taller.
I dun blive all those pantang tings at all, but i try to avoid if i can if not my mum keep nagging... Haha... I still dye my hair for both pregnancies (old folks say dye hair bb will have big birthmark), i still move furniture all these. My younger son no birthmark at all, my elder son had 3 small birthmarks on him, my mum says its bcos i dyed my hair. I told her some pple nv dye hair during pregnancy oso have birthmarks on their bb den how to explain? Sometimes is no choice, if i dun help n do some chores den hubby alone very tired to do all alone. Boths my kids were born fine n healthy. Those angmoh mummies where got all these taboo stuff... But their kids oso turn out fine
Googlez, I saw a GP instead coz impossible to see PD last min. GP say boy's stomach alot of wind thats y keep vomitting & loose stools, gave some probiotics & syrup (same one for colic) & advised to stop all solids & change to isomil for 3 days. so far so good. today poo once so far, but letting out a lot of wind.
Move & fix furnitures suppose to be what thing happen ah? My dad also had a whole list of not to-dos, but heng not staying with my parents at that time. my boy has a small birthmark at the back of his neck thou I din dye hair or paint the hse.
Christina, I pre-prepare & freeze 1 whole wk of apple purée over the wkend, thats y my boy end up eating apple cereal for the whole wk. hahah. Tot "an apple a day keeps the doc away" mah. Obviously not true! Hahah. Maybe I'll try incl more variety or juz give plain cereal ba.

Does any mummy pre-prepare & freeze purée? Do u all prepare different types of purée or? How many days of food do u all prepare at one go?
Jac, its good he fart alot, let out all the wind... As bb gets bigger, i tink its ok to just see gp for common problems like fever, flu, cough etc... Only problems tt may meed more professional advice den i see pd.
I heard tt move furnitures will 动胎气. i shifted alot of furniture during pregnancy cos must rearrange to put the cot, drawer etc... Only tai-tai den can really follow all the not-to-dos n guai guai sit/lie down 养胎.
I pre prepare n freeze porridge ingredients for my elder son. I freeze carrots, pumpkins, potato, sweet potato, pork, chicken. Veggie n fish i will cook fresh. Normally i dun prepare too much of a type at one go. Like carrots i will freeze 2 only, but already can last for 2-3weeks cos not everyday cook carrot in the porridge. I will try not to leave the frozen items beyond 1mth. When he just started semi solids, i all buy jar puree. Although sometimes cant finish got to throw, but bb get to eat more variety. Normally we make ourselves is only apple, pear, banana, pumpkin, carrots etc, but gerber n heinz got alot of other veggies n fruits tt we will not make.
Hi mummies, Anyone know where I can get the medicine to stop supply? GP, poly clinic? Any side effect to take the pills? I am going back to work next week, and there is no fridge in my office
Help!!! I have been trying to feed my son fruit cereal these 2days but all not successful. He wont open his mouth n after i push the cereal in he didnt swallow, push all out with his tongue. He still dun understand the instruction to open mouth n seems like dunno hw to swallow yet. If i try to keep feeding he will start to cry loudly. Could it be he is not ready yet? He didnt display interest when we were eating...
Going crazy soon~~~
Christina, no need to rush into solids if bb is not ready ba.. Websites n the GP I saw for my gal's diarrhea say so. Milk is still the most impt source of nutrients till a yr old..
Googlez82, but sometimes very stress when seeiNg other same age babies progressing much faster...i even seen online before a mummy said her 8mths old daughter likes to eat rice! Duno real anot, cos normally 8mths old just started to eat porridge, eat rice wont indigestion meh....
My elder son was oso slower in progress with semi solids... Some babies at 6mths old already eating porridge, mine haven even 'conquer' cereal... So depressing always trying to feed n end up not successful =(
Plus my cousin's son is around the same age as my #2 (6wks older), relatives tend to keep commenting stuffs like her son can already do tis n tat, her son can eat how much blah blah blah~
i realise my boy is sleeping less. can zzz for less than an hr then wake up. does it happen to yours too?

i only started my kids on solid when they hit 7 mths old. so its ok lah..some bbies are not ready. let them take a break and retry. maybe some bb dun like the taste? try with rice cereal 1st. if bb can eat them, then progress to puree and d rest of the food. be patient

my bb oso has a needle-like hole on his ear. bb doc calls this "dimple", lol. i ever saw my hub sew the sofa...but i would neber believe there is a relation. no logic at all.
christina, think no hurry for bb to start solids leh. better slow & steady than risk bb falling sick. anyway their main diet shld be milk until 1 yrs old, solids is only supplementary feeding nia. i'll be more worried if my boy doesn't want to drink his milk after starting solids. also food/solid intake is not a measure of bb's progress/growth rite? tot bb milestone will be more like flipping, sitting, crawling, etc, & not amt of solid intake?

my boy is now having constipation after having 1 day of soy milk. sigh. diarrhea ok then now constipation. his digestive system quite weak woh.
anyone manage to buy "heinz - rice cereal"? they are changing packaging and said new padkaging out on May...but still now...i have not see them on the shelve. anyone oredi saw them selling?

jac..samesame, lol. we panda eyes liao.
sorry mommies MIA for awhile.. Was super busy with work and bb have her 2nd jab for the 5 in 1 and fever.. haiz..

@ 6mths, her weigth is 7.2kg... And she has started on her brown rice porridge with carrots/sweet potate.
mousepad, not very worried about my boy's weight. My #1 is abt there at his age too but was hoping he will be heavier since his birth weight is heavier than jie jie. Just 2 days of milk strike due to stuffy nose, his face smaller and not as chubby...now only taking 120ml at most per feed..
and he is still not eating cereal..so can't boost up his weight.

as long he is active and happy, i'm not so worried.
Hello mummies,
Usually howuch cereal do u give your babies? I tried giving two teaspoon today, my boy finish it and only drink 60ml milk after wards... Nowadays , his feeding amount had been reduced from 189 ml, 150 ml and now 60 ml... Kind of worried if it is normal
. Just this mOrning, he just drink 20 ml breastmilk, 20 ml formula milk and can tahan until 11 plus even then he only drink 60 ml...
Hi Brink,

4 spoonful of rice bran for my boy once per day. Very quickly gobble down and very soon he down milk milk 150ml-_-

Hi Kayleigh,

my buba 5mths 2 weeks weighting 9kg-_- mil and myself had a tough time carrying him for long especially now that he wants to be carry all the time...siong arr...
Jac, jkids, my boy also sleeping less.. Just yesterday me and hubby sleep f an hr and he was talking and playing f that one hour...
These days when he wan to sleep need to walk and carry
don't know when he got this habit since I never do it at home

He is drinking less and less milk now w every feeding at 100ml per 3 hrly... Don't know what is wrong...tends to cry a lot too... Yesterday night cry and cry until vomit all his milk out

Cyy, wow that is a lot lei since cereal suppose to be more full...
anyway as long as don't over eat should be ok ba
I prefer this way lor, my no. 1, don't drink milk, and don't sleep... Super super thin then... So my no. 2 can eat and drink and sleep I do happy
but he also super loud when cry. My no. 1 very quiet, seldom cry at all...
brink, my boy also drinking lesser now and tends to cry suddenly in his sleep. Suspect it's onset of teething process cos my #1 used to cry out suddenly in her sleep too and after 1-2 mths, 4 teeth popped out.
Hi mummies, it's been quite a while since I come in. My bb has been drinking lesser since he is 4 mths plus.. When I asked mrs wong bb, she told me to feed bb more reg from 160 every 4 hrs to 100 evey 3 hrs.. So far it helps.. But his growth rate has slowed down..he is 5 n a half mths n I m gg to start him on porridge today instead of waiting for him to b 6 mths..

In the past he can fall asleep by himself but these 2 weeks he needs to b rock to sleep.. He will give out a few loud cries b4 falling asleep.. Dunno wan to cry or laugh

Anyone feeding baby frisolac? My baby allergic to lactose and im left with 1 full carton now. Baby can only tale soy milk now. Sign! Dont understand why suddenly cannot drink milk lor.. My elder son has no problem with it. Any of you had the same problem here? My baby is 5 months now. Anyone interested? I brought in Malaysia but product in Netherlands. It's very safe, i normally buy at malaysia, singapore one too expensive. It's frisolac gold 1 for 0 to 12 months. Willing to let go cheap cheap...
