(2012/01) Jan 2012


xuan_mom, brink: hope your kids are better now..

cereal: my boy still refuse to eat leh. I bought Healthy Times, maybe should try Happy Bellies. My #1 has no prob with starting with cereals I used Happy Bellies then.

flipping: my boy kept flipping while sleeping in playpen at nite. So worried he will sleep face down..i didnt adjust him if i can see his nose or hear him breathing. But he still doesnt know how to flip back yet so will fuss when he wants to move...end up i can't sleep well. How har? any solution? dont have such prob with #1 leh..

confinement: i purposely engaged a CL this time cos i want to "bu" back. Hmm...think better ba..at least my back dont ache compared to #1 time..but still not in tip-top health..haha..

medishield: mine is from prudential. Think for shield plans, it's more or less the same for all insurance. But other kinds of plans, worth exploring diff co. Going to get an endowment plan for bb. Already bought for #1 last yr. Didnt get hospitalisation cos still well covered by my co.
dont know shld get life insurance or not...but siong leh..so many expenses..

moscato, actually is there any diff in taste for the diff brands? I was thinking of trying healthy times next coz easier to buy. mabbe u can try sleep positioner or place ur boy btw 2 pillows or let him sleep on sarong to prevent him from flipping during sleep? my parents prefer to let my boy sleep on sarong so they dont have to keep checking on him. if he sleeps on mattress, he'll be sleeping on his tummy & crawling all over.
i dont know if any difference in taste or not..think texture different..but healthy times & happy bellies looks about the same to me. Btw for healthy times, abit "messy" cos it's flaky so tends to "fly" when u scoop out.

Dont want him to sleep in sarong cos he will be sleeping in that whole day and my sarong is in living room..too tall to move in & out. worry abt SIDS if use pillow..and small pillow usually quite light..think will move right?
jac: re: porridge - no la, just checking out porridge recipes. only starting puree next month. maybe cereal in august ( 6mth) then see how my bb likes or not. porridge - yes i think 8th mth ba.. my bb salivates a lot now. especially when she is sitting up position. she can wet 3 bibs in a day!
jean, mabbe ur gal teething liao? PD says my boy not teething yet, juz notti, keep biting his fingers & hands. normally so fussy liao, teething will be worse! scary

moscato, I read b4 ppl roll & tie-up 2 blankets/ swaddle cloths & use like sleep positioner. probably can use sarong cloth so more breathable?
jac: hmm..ok ok...i will explore the diff methods with my mum, see if she wants to use or not. I'm just worried she will be tired to keep waking up.

my boy still refused to eat cereal. cried..after refused to drink milk too...throw tantrums..LOL..think will stop for now and wait til he is 6 mths old.
jac: teething? donno leh, when I wash her mouth during bath time, I didn't feel any hard parts. But wouldn't it be super cute to see baby's two front teeth? hee.. she loves to bite on the teethers thou, especially the bee which has vibrating feelers when bitten.. zzzzzngggg..
My gal when look into her mouth can see whitish like growing teeth... So she can be quite grumpy at times when the teeth is irritating the gums.. So I will give her teether.. I put my teether in the freezer so when she put in her mouth she super like it cos its cold... Then after awhile she's ok... If not I will use gripe water to brush on her gums.. That also ease the teething discomfort...

I just started her on a apple purée from Gerber and her reaction is the sour face.. Super funny! But when I tried it it's a hit sour like eating green apple... However heinz's banana mango is yummy.. It's sweeter.. She's ok with it...

Mommies why are u all using sleep positioned for?
jean & xuan mom, what teethers r u all using? my boy doesn't seem to like his teethers, always throw away after awhile. he also don't dare to bite if it's cold (tried biting once & don't dare bite again. hahah.). I'm still at cereal, haven't move on to purée yet, maybe this wkend ba.

xuan mom, sleep positioner helps keep bb in place while he/she is sleeping, prevent them from flipping I think. never try b4 so dunno effective anot.
jac: ok I take pic show u on whatsapp tonight. it's a cute little bee!

xuan mommy: few days ago i tried to give my girl a cold teether - donno issit cuz i gave her immediately after i removed from fridge - she jumped and stare at me with a shocked face! haha so funny! i think she's not crazy about cold stuff, maybe i try again this weekend on a cold-but-not-so-cold teether..
HI Mummies,
My gal is coming 5 months, but ive not introduced anything another than milk. May i know are we supposed to start with cereal, then puree, then porridge? Is frisocream also like cereal? What is the first food that you introduce to your child? Please also advise brand and how much qty do u feed. Thanks
jean, thanks! what's the brand & where to buy ah? I was told avent is good, but I can't find it in Kiddy Palace or taka, so still looking ard. same. I also gave my boy the cooling teether (those liquid kind) immed when I took out from the fridge. he shivered & gave a shocked look when he bite it. so funny. now he don't dare to bite it when its cold liao, will use his fingers & play with it until not cold then chew on it for awhile.

mknwt, most ppl start with cereal coz less likely to get allergic reaction, but u can start with purée too. my grandma says porridge abt 8mths ba. can read here for more info -> http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/babyfirstfoods.htm. I'm giving happy bellies brown rice cereal (recommended by moscato), ~1 teaspoon once a day.
Hi all,

My daughter is 5 months too. She was borned a month earlier as I had pre-eclumpsia. I noticed that she is abit on the lean side. She was 6kg when she was 4 months. Now she tends to drool alot and I tried to give her apple puree but she doesn't seems to know how to swallow. Any advice pls?
Hi mommies
My gal look the coldness.. Especially when it's straight out from the freezer.. She put in the mouth and suck like its ice cream pop stick... And once not so cold she will throw it aside...
Hi mummies, I have been busy with office lately and then baby at home. Thanks my gal is fine now although still having cough, resting at home for the past two days after discharge from hospital. I'm so sleepy only able to sleep 3 or 4 hours later. But Kkh medicine really works for my gal, cheaper than going specialist with all the nasty medicine and still not recovering.

My gal is 5 months 1 week now. Another 2 weeks to go before starting her on solids . Not sure what to prepare for her also. Haven't gave her any teethErs too. Seems like many have started giving bb cereals. I haven't got any at home. Where to but those cereals you all mention?
Glad to hear ur gal is getting better...

U can get the cereal from the SMH bulk purchase.. Quite a few seller sells that... There's a few brand also...

But I don't intend to start her on cereal.. Will slow cook brown rice and then mix with EBM and feed her once she is 6mths,. What I giving her now is just purée but it's gift from my friends.. So once finish I will make my own purée for her. ;)
hello mommies
sometime since I log in here...so many happenings at home and at work

kekekek buai song with ur mil ah..i also having some issues now. But sometimes in life i have to suck thumb and LL lo...cos now she is the main caregiver for bb now...so watever pattern badminton i have to lun..talking abt being a wei da mommy

i am using pigeon teethers..so far..right now her fav toy is the jumperoo...more keen to jump at anything.

currently i am using both cerelac and bellamy. cerelac you can purchase anywhere, think bellamy you can get in cold storage..ntuc v hard to find.

most prob will be giving puree to baby this weekend...by way how do you all grind your bb's food?
Yesterday my Fil ask me why i insist not getting a maid. I told him not required at this moment because we can still manage if each of us help to do a little and beside we do not have a conducive environment for the maid in this 4 room flat. Maid needs a room for her own privacy to be happy working and have enough rest, we cannot expect a maid to do household and manage baby at the same time. If having a maid means she does all from diaper changing to bathing her, I would rather not as I won't like my gal to be brought up by a maid. Then my Fil says likely they themselves will bath and change baby diaper most of the time with a maid around ----- how can I believe that when my mil have not even once bath or change my baby diaper from birth to now. And my Fil says they can stay at home a few days to look after baby instead of going work everyday, they can hired a employee- but how come they only say this after my mum decided to take care of my baby. Well, doesn't sound too convincing and I question myself if I'm being too sensitive, think too much, 小人之心....

Haiz... Can mummy who is living with in laws shares your 相处之道? i hope my mind can stop thinking about negative things of my in law but I cant help. Every single thing they do I also 看不瞬眼。 Things were fine when we were stayinh tog before I got pregnant .

Jac: last minute I decide not to have maid ... Still can't get myself over the issue of maid staying with us .
jingles..is the cerelac sweet? got to try other brands. see if my boy willing to take. He refused Healthy Times.
ya, told my mum to try bolster or pillows. Not sure if she tries or not.
hello everyone...

was super busy yesterday airing my bb as he had nanny rash, luckily went to see doc or else blisters would have form...3 med and cost me $99
super exp but at least he is better now...
By the way, are your babies sleeping alot now? my boy can just wake up f his feed, urine and sleep again...is it normal? My second boy is so different fr my first. My first boy fr 4 mths on, seldom sleep and drink milk..super super underweight...
And for those on formula milk...when will u start to switch to 6 mths milk formula..as in once baby turns 6 mths or 5 mths plus you start to switch?
going to start my boy on solids when he is six mths old...which collide w the change of milk...so most likely will start him on solids later:p
xuan Mom, mil always double standards..that is why I also dont like it sometimes but sometimes really need help from them so have to suck it in lor. I intended to go back to the workforce once I feel well but mil say can find short term job and she may not be able to cope etc to me And not in front of my hubby lor...guess what she trying to do..pissed pissed pissed lor
by the way is your mom staying near u? if not can cause problems too as it will be rush rush rush in the morning...
since u have pil staying w u, might as well get a maid cause it be easier as someone is there..teach and treat the maid well and she be nice ba...most important she must love your kid...does not matter if your pil or maid change nappy as long as someone is caring f her while u at work...sometimes really cannot think so much if u need to work...I have been through and I know how it feels...
Stay with in laws is like tat de.. Myself is also facing this issue.. My in laws when I preggie she told me she dunno how to care for bb and cannot stand bb cry. So I ask my mom to help look after and my mon resign from her teaching job. After I give birth she ask my hub she look after lo cos easy... I was piss cos my mom had already resign and ready to look after my gal. Then the other day my mil choke while drinking water my gal started giggling.. My FIL saw it see my gal laugh when one cough he purposely fake cough to make my gal laugh... My face was black until... To me it's the wrong concept instill to her... Haiz... I seriously cannot wait for my BTO flat to be ready but now it's only building 3rd Storey.. Zzzz

Anyway back to in laws I told quite a few of my gf's and those stay with in laws all say just bear with it cos it's really like that.. Under one roof just give and take.
brink: my girl is on formula milk now. Intend to switch to stage 2 only when she's about 7 months. I understood that Stage 1 milk can last up to 12 months as it's the most nutritious milk for babies. so, you can take your time to switch la..
Brink: ya wat jean says is right... Some babies switch to stage two bod can't get used to it. If you want to switch need to gradual switch when by she will be takin both formula and then slowly move away from stage 1.
jingles, wha u also got the jumperoo!
I got the avent steamer & blender to make purée. more convenient, no need steam & grind separately.

xuan mom, it's like that one la. most prob ur ILs worry abt troubling ur parents then offer to help. 面子问题. my ILs keep saying they got to work so can't look after my boy, machiam my parents no need work. sigh. 算了! the more u think, the more unhappy u get. so don't think too much la, don't make urself so miserable.

brink, I'm using enfalac stage 1, can last till 12mths, so by right no need switch to stage 2, can go stage 3 directly. will probably switch to stage 2 at ~8mths ba. but see how.
yes xuan mom
alot of probs when we become mommies *sob* no longer where we lead life and we just do what she wants..most of the time 委屈 is due to our babes now. Haiz...bo bian lo just hang on there, when baby becomes bigger, things will get better. Alot of parents told me that also..most prob by then, you will already 看开

yes i bot from toysrus not bp...v expensive close to 300..but its worth the money la..since bb likes and enjoys jumping in it
xuan_mom: cant advise much abt staying with in-laws. I stayed with them until i gave birth to #1. It was like you, things were fine before preggy. Guess very different now cos u have to take care of your kids' well being now. Sometimes i also upset with them, even though not staying with them. They never afford to come over to help out when the 2 kids are at home with me. I have to ask my hb to ask my MIL to come over. If she is here, she only helped to rock the sarong and look out for #1 while i attended to #2.
last time when i went back for meals with #1, they also never take care of her. I have to take turns to eat with my hb and usually i have to gobble down my food. Now #2, they will carry...cos grandson (i think).

Few weeks ago upset re #2 1st birthday party. My hb and I wanted to get an aircon function room but they insisted of going chalet. Initially my hb said followed their wish but i was quite upset abt it. Then finally my hb told them no chalet but they kept rejecting our selection and wanted to go to their chosen restuarant which all of us quite tired of the food there (which is my wedding venue too..chosen by my FIL). So i also gave up now...go restuarant is better than going chalet.

re stage 2 FM: i intend to switch gradually after bb hits 6 mths.
jingles, actually quite used to it and expected that. Since from wedding planning is already like that. Too bad my hb is the eldest son and my kids are the 1st grandkids, i just give in. last year #1's 2nd birthday also they decided the venue even though just family. But i was heavily preggy with #2 and bz with #1 cos she just entered cc and was sick. No time to do research so i also cant be bothered. haha..

btw which cerelac are u using? Rice or Brown rice or Rice with milk? Sweet?
Thanks mummies for sharing your experiences . Ok now I feel better as I thought I was the only one feeling like this staying with in law.

Hey btw I went compass point sengkang and saw some kids fair , got pampers for 34.55 and baby cereal, milk powder. I was in a rush didn't see much so u all may like to go down cc look look. I went to buy Philip Avent soft tip spoon at kiddy palace , $7 plus , seems quite good for baby starting solid so t hurt their gum in case they struggle
xuan mom
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh k k think i will go down later!
it will be good if got Merries

mine same same. only son, first grandkids...but sometimes i hope they have feelings for us too. afterall we are the one who bore the child for them and even if we are young, we will also get tired..cos my mil still cant understand y as if i got so many things to do at home though she is the one who looks after my bb
brink: i think the fair is til this wkend. I was there yesterday too. But only checked the Mamil section cos they changed their packaging.

kiddy palace discount til end of jun.
Got merries too and some puree, juice selling 6 bottles at a lower price .

I b starting my gal solids in july. So excited .
moscato: got Mamil meh? i didn't see! ok, shall check them out again this weekend! pity didn't see any Mamypoko diapers, only saw Pampers!
Jean, got mamil. It's at the other end of the fair, opp Posb. Buy 2 900g tin get a thermal flask free. On sat 11am to 11.30am and Sun 2pm-2.30pm have games for kids. And get a $5 discount voucher for 2 900g or 1 1.7kg purchase. Can use on the spot. You have reconfirm the timing in case i remember wrongly. Their packaging changed totally, maybe that's y u missed them.
moscato: I only saw the similac sign, so I didn't walk over, plus quite rushed. yes, going to get! I already bought the 1.7kg new packaging ready to use.. Thanks for the info!
Haiz... In law issues are never ending... My MIL when at home look after my gal, she will leave her used milk bottles and the EBM store bottles in the basin and wait until I am home to wash.. If run out of bottles, she will wash one bottle and still leave the rest for me to wash when I back from work.
I whine to my hub and nowadays she will rinse the bottles... But not wash... I am like *roll eyes* cos if u can rinse the bottles I am sure u can wash them... Haiz.. Speechless liao.. I just shut both eyes if not its tough to stay together..,
hmmm.. my mum doesn't wash the bottles until I nagged her to, but she'll only wash/sterilize on wkdays nia, wkends confirm i muz ownself wash/sterilize. she'll also leave the bottles ard after feeding, i got to clear them myself. she doesnt help wash/ fold bb clothes too. sometimes dirty pampers also leave on the floor for me to throw. then dinner also never wash the tingkat. when I'm home she'll juz go do her own things or sleep, even thou I haven't had dinner/bathe. sometimes very pek chek with her too. but boh bian, bb is our own responsibility, can't ask/depend too much on other ppl one. always tell myself as long as she help to pick up my son from ifc & look after on some nites good enuff liao. sigh. now I worry abt feeding my boy porridge. mum complaining so troublesome. how to cook when i get home, by the time I reach home & finish cooking will be supper liao. sigh.
i oso din come here for a while, quite busy d past one mth doing OT, plus my new workstation is not good, back face outside so pp can see wat i am doing. whahaha...yah loh...bei song still loh, but at least i stop "scolding" her everyday, got improvement liao. yah..at least she helps to look after yr bb...still consider nice lah so u can think of all her gd pts but not bad pts.

re: grind food
i buy a pigeon bowl wif a rough surface and juz rub the food(oredi soften) agt the surface, then can eat liao.
Jean: go request for sample dumex website. 400g tin..:p

Jac: cook the porridge overnite using slow cooker for your mum to feed the next day lor but veg have to add in before she wants to feed bb. I use thermal pot to cook for #1 in the morning then evening time ready to eat. Save electricity compared to slow cooker and safer cos nobody at home. But then not mashy enough for 7-8mths baby yet. If not u can use thermal pot to cook at nite, the next day your mum can boil it longer to make it mashier and add in the veg.

kayleigh: how many bottles are u using now? Going to stop sterilising? since your mil only rinse when running out of bottles?

jac: how about you?
